- Request / Response
- Performance
- Validator
- Forms
- Exception
- Logs 57
- Events
- Routing
- Cache
- Translation 354
- Security
- Twig
- HTTP Client
- Doctrine
- Debug
- E-mails
- Configuration
Configuration Settings
Default theme. It switches between Light and Dark automatically to match the operating system theme.
Provides greatest readability, but requires a well-lit environment.
Reduces eye fatigue. Ideal for low light environments.
Page Width
Fixed page width. Improves readability.
Dynamic page width. As wide as the browser window.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | App\Entity\Client {#489 #id: null #codeCarte: null #site: null #magasin: null #civilite: null #titre: null #nom: null #prenom: null #codepostal: null #voie: null #lieuDit: null #batiment: null #escalier: null #numero: null #ville: null #dateNaissance: null #npai: null #npaiEmail: null #npaiSms: null #telephoneFixe: null #telephoneMobile: null #indicatifFixe: null #indicatifMobile: null #email: null #situationFamiliale: null #csp: null #nbreEnfants: null #nbrePoints: null #montantCart: null #nbrePtsRestantCheque: null #dateDernierAchat: null #montantDernierAchat: null #dateDernierCheque: null #montantDernierCheque: null #noDernierCheque: null #dateFinValiditeDernierCheque: null #dateEncaisDernierCheque: null #dateDernierChequeAnniv: null #montantDernierChequeAnniv: null #pourcentageDernierChequeAnniv: null #noDernierChequeAnniv: null #dateFinValiditeDernierChequeAn: null #dateEncasDernierChequeAnniv: null #dateCreation: null #dateMaj: null #dateSuppression: null #nomPays: null #codePaysClient: "FRA" #envoieSmsInterne: null #envoieSmsExterne: null #envoieEmailInterne: null #envoieEmailExterne: null #envoiCourrierInterne: null #envoiCourrierExterne: null #magasinId: null #codeVendeur: null #rowNumber: null #countDown: null #enfants: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#490 …} #centreInteretBienEtres: null #journalPoints: null #operationMarketings: null #codeLangue: null #dernierChequeFidelites: null #hasMagasin: null #facebookId: null #googleId: null #twitterId: null #facebookInformations: null #googleInformations: null #twitterInformations: null #facebookUsername: null #googleUsername: null #twitterUsername: null #magasinLibelle: null #codeCivilite: null #langueClient: null #paysLibelle: null #montantDernierChq: null #dateEncaissementDernierChq: null #dateDernierChqAnniv: null #montantDernierChqAnniv: null #NumDernierChqAnniv: null #dateEncaissementDernierChqAnniv: null #journalPoint: null #chqFid: null #dateDernierChequeBvnu: null #montantDernierChequeBvnu: null #pourcentageDernierChequeBvnu: null #noDernierChequeBvnu: null #dateFinValiditeDernierChequeBvnu: null #dateDebutValiditeDernierChequeBvnu: null #dateEncasDernierChequeBvnu: null #pourcentageDernierChqAnniv: null #pourcentageDernierChq: null #fidelite: null #montantCarte: null #noDernierChqAnniv: null #montantAnniversaire: null #urlWallet: null #confirmation: null #cgv: null #x: null #y: null #centreInterets: [] #centreInteretAutres: [] #mouvementPoints: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#491 …} } |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Submitted Data
This form was not submitted.
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
data | App\Entity\Client {#489 #id: null #codeCarte: null #site: null #magasin: null #civilite: null #titre: null #nom: null #prenom: null #codepostal: null #voie: null #lieuDit: null #batiment: null #escalier: null #numero: null #ville: null #dateNaissance: null #npai: null #npaiEmail: null #npaiSms: null #telephoneFixe: null #telephoneMobile: null #indicatifFixe: null #indicatifMobile: null #email: null #situationFamiliale: null #csp: null #nbreEnfants: null #nbrePoints: null #montantCart: null #nbrePtsRestantCheque: null #dateDernierAchat: null #montantDernierAchat: null #dateDernierCheque: null #montantDernierCheque: null #noDernierCheque: null #dateFinValiditeDernierCheque: null #dateEncaisDernierCheque: null #dateDernierChequeAnniv: null #montantDernierChequeAnniv: null #pourcentageDernierChequeAnniv: null #noDernierChequeAnniv: null #dateFinValiditeDernierChequeAn: null #dateEncasDernierChequeAnniv: null #dateCreation: null #dateMaj: null #dateSuppression: null #nomPays: null #codePaysClient: "FRA" #envoieSmsInterne: null #envoieSmsExterne: null #envoieEmailInterne: null #envoieEmailExterne: null #envoiCourrierInterne: null #envoiCourrierExterne: null #magasinId: null #codeVendeur: null #rowNumber: null #countDown: null #enfants: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#490 …} #centreInteretBienEtres: null #journalPoints: null #operationMarketings: null #codeLangue: null #dernierChequeFidelites: null #hasMagasin: null #facebookId: null #googleId: null #twitterId: null #facebookInformations: null #googleInformations: null #twitterInformations: null #facebookUsername: null #googleUsername: null #twitterUsername: null #magasinLibelle: null #codeCivilite: null #langueClient: null #paysLibelle: null #montantDernierChq: null #dateEncaissementDernierChq: null #dateDernierChqAnniv: null #montantDernierChqAnniv: null #NumDernierChqAnniv: null #dateEncaissementDernierChqAnniv: null #journalPoint: null #chqFid: null #dateDernierChequeBvnu: null #montantDernierChequeBvnu: null #pourcentageDernierChequeBvnu: null #noDernierChequeBvnu: null #dateFinValiditeDernierChequeBvnu: null #dateDebutValiditeDernierChequeBvnu: null #dateEncasDernierChequeBvnu: null #pourcentageDernierChqAnniv: null #pourcentageDernierChq: null #fidelite: null #montantCarte: null #noDernierChqAnniv: null #montantAnniversaire: null #urlWallet: null #confirmation: null #cgv: null #x: null #y: null #centreInterets: [] #centreInteretAutres: [] #mouvementPoints: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#491 …} } |
same as passed value |
globalDefinitions | App\Entity\GlobalDefinitions {#497 -id: null -accompagnantsParentes: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#498 …} -genres: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#499 …} -civilites: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#500 …} -clientsTypesGroupes: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#501 …} -clientsTypes: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#502 …} -paysClients: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#503 …} -situationsFamiliales: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#504 …} -categoriesSocioPros: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#505 …} -csps: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#507 …} -actions: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#508 …} -modeDeVies: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#509 …} -topMarques: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#510 …} -centreInteretBienEtre: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#511 …} -params: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#506 …} #magasins: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#512 …} #centreInterets: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#513 …} } |
same as passed value |
validation_groups | [
] |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | true |
constraints | [] |
create | false |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#1417 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#1418 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#1419 …} -namespace: Closure() {#1421 …} } |
data | App\Entity\Client {#489 #id: null #codeCarte: null #site: null #magasin: null #civilite: null #titre: null #nom: null #prenom: null #codepostal: null #voie: null #lieuDit: null #batiment: null #escalier: null #numero: null #ville: null #dateNaissance: null #npai: null #npaiEmail: null #npaiSms: null #telephoneFixe: null #telephoneMobile: null #indicatifFixe: null #indicatifMobile: null #email: null #situationFamiliale: null #csp: null #nbreEnfants: null #nbrePoints: null #montantCart: null #nbrePtsRestantCheque: null #dateDernierAchat: null #montantDernierAchat: null #dateDernierCheque: null #montantDernierCheque: null #noDernierCheque: null #dateFinValiditeDernierCheque: null #dateEncaisDernierCheque: null #dateDernierChequeAnniv: null #montantDernierChequeAnniv: null #pourcentageDernierChequeAnniv: null #noDernierChequeAnniv: null #dateFinValiditeDernierChequeAn: null #dateEncasDernierChequeAnniv: null #dateCreation: null #dateMaj: null #dateSuppression: null #nomPays: null #codePaysClient: "FRA" #envoieSmsInterne: null #envoieSmsExterne: null #envoieEmailInterne: null #envoieEmailExterne: null #envoiCourrierInterne: null #envoiCourrierExterne: null #magasinId: null #codeVendeur: null #rowNumber: null #countDown: null #enfants: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#490 …} #centreInteretBienEtres: null #journalPoints: null #operationMarketings: null #codeLangue: null #dernierChequeFidelites: null #hasMagasin: null #facebookId: null #googleId: null #twitterId: null #facebookInformations: null #googleInformations: null #twitterInformations: null #facebookUsername: null #googleUsername: null #twitterUsername: null #magasinLibelle: null #codeCivilite: null #langueClient: null #paysLibelle: null #montantDernierChq: null #dateEncaissementDernierChq: null #dateDernierChqAnniv: null #montantDernierChqAnniv: null #NumDernierChqAnniv: null #dateEncaissementDernierChqAnniv: null #journalPoint: null #chqFid: null #dateDernierChequeBvnu: null #montantDernierChequeBvnu: null #pourcentageDernierChequeBvnu: null #noDernierChequeBvnu: null #dateFinValiditeDernierChequeBvnu: null #dateDebutValiditeDernierChequeBvnu: null #dateEncasDernierChequeBvnu: null #pourcentageDernierChqAnniv: null #pourcentageDernierChq: null #fidelite: null #montantCarte: null #noDernierChqAnniv: null #montantAnniversaire: null #urlWallet: null #confirmation: null #cgv: null #x: null #y: null #centreInterets: [] #centreInteretAutres: [] #mouvementPoints: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#491 …} } |
data_class | "App\Entity\Client" |
disabled | false |
dontNeed2Points | false |
dontNeedAsterisque | false |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form) {#1441 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" this: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType {#1302 …} use: { $class: "App\Entity\Client" } } |
error_bubbling | true |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
form_attr | false |
fullForm | true |
getter | null |
globalDefinitions | App\Entity\GlobalDefinitions {#497 -id: null -accompagnantsParentes: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#498 …} -genres: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#499 …} -civilites: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#500 …} -clientsTypesGroupes: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#501 …} -clientsTypes: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#502 …} -paysClients: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#503 …} -situationsFamiliales: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#504 …} -categoriesSocioPros: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#505 …} -csps: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#507 …} -actions: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#508 …} -modeDeVies: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#509 …} -topMarques: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#510 …} -centreInteretBienEtre: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#511 …} -params: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#506 …} #magasins: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#512 …} #centreInterets: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#513 …} } |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "This value is not valid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | null |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
legacy_error_messages | true |
mapped | true |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | true |
row_attr | [] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#1443 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" this: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension {#1423 …} use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#209 …} $translationDomain: "validators" $message: Closure() {#1442 …} } } |
validation_groups | [
] |
View Variables
Variable | Value |
action | "" |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
block_prefixes | [ "form" "client" "_client" ] |
cache_key | "_client_client" |
compound | true |
data | App\Entity\Client {#489 #id: null #codeCarte: null #site: null #magasin: null #civilite: null #titre: null #nom: null #prenom: null #codepostal: null #voie: null #lieuDit: null #batiment: null #escalier: null #numero: null #ville: null #dateNaissance: null #npai: null #npaiEmail: null #npaiSms: null #telephoneFixe: null #telephoneMobile: null #indicatifFixe: null #indicatifMobile: null #email: null #situationFamiliale: null #csp: null #nbreEnfants: null #nbrePoints: null #montantCart: null #nbrePtsRestantCheque: null #dateDernierAchat: null #montantDernierAchat: null #dateDernierCheque: null #montantDernierCheque: null #noDernierCheque: null #dateFinValiditeDernierCheque: null #dateEncaisDernierCheque: null #dateDernierChequeAnniv: null #montantDernierChequeAnniv: null #pourcentageDernierChequeAnniv: null #noDernierChequeAnniv: null #dateFinValiditeDernierChequeAn: null #dateEncasDernierChequeAnniv: null #dateCreation: null #dateMaj: null #dateSuppression: null #nomPays: null #codePaysClient: "FRA" #envoieSmsInterne: null #envoieSmsExterne: null #envoieEmailInterne: null #envoieEmailExterne: null #envoiCourrierInterne: null #envoiCourrierExterne: null #magasinId: null #codeVendeur: null #rowNumber: null #countDown: null #enfants: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#490 …} #centreInteretBienEtres: null #journalPoints: null #operationMarketings: null #codeLangue: null #dernierChequeFidelites: null #hasMagasin: null #facebookId: null #googleId: null #twitterId: null #facebookInformations: null #googleInformations: null #twitterInformations: null #facebookUsername: null #googleUsername: null #twitterUsername: null #magasinLibelle: null #codeCivilite: null #langueClient: null #paysLibelle: null #montantDernierChq: null #dateEncaissementDernierChq: null #dateDernierChqAnniv: null #montantDernierChqAnniv: null #NumDernierChqAnniv: null #dateEncaissementDernierChqAnniv: null #journalPoint: null #chqFid: null #dateDernierChequeBvnu: null #montantDernierChequeBvnu: null #pourcentageDernierChequeBvnu: null #noDernierChequeBvnu: null #dateFinValiditeDernierChequeBvnu: null #dateDebutValiditeDernierChequeBvnu: null #dateEncasDernierChequeBvnu: null #pourcentageDernierChqAnniv: null #pourcentageDernierChq: null #fidelite: null #montantCarte: null #noDernierChqAnniv: null #montantAnniversaire: null #urlWallet: null #confirmation: null #cgv: null #x: null #y: null #centreInterets: [] #centreInteretAutres: [] #mouvementPoints: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#491 …} } |
disabled | false |
dontNeed2Points | false |
dontNeedAsterisque | false |
errors | Symfony\Component\Form\FormErrorIterator {#1641 -form: Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#1646 …} -errors: [] } |
form | Symfony\Component\Form\FormView {#1444 …5} |
full_name | "client" |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
id | "client" |
label | null |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
method | "POST" |
multipart | false |
name | "client" |
priority | 0 |
required | true |
row_attr | [] |
size | null |
submitted | false |
translation_domain | null |
unique_block_prefix | "_client" |
valid | true |
value | App\Entity\Client {#489 #id: null #codeCarte: null #site: null #magasin: null #civilite: null #titre: null #nom: null #prenom: null #codepostal: null #voie: null #lieuDit: null #batiment: null #escalier: null #numero: null #ville: null #dateNaissance: null #npai: null #npaiEmail: null #npaiSms: null #telephoneFixe: null #telephoneMobile: null #indicatifFixe: null #indicatifMobile: null #email: null #situationFamiliale: null #csp: null #nbreEnfants: null #nbrePoints: null #montantCart: null #nbrePtsRestantCheque: null #dateDernierAchat: null #montantDernierAchat: null #dateDernierCheque: null #montantDernierCheque: null #noDernierCheque: null #dateFinValiditeDernierCheque: null #dateEncaisDernierCheque: null #dateDernierChequeAnniv: null #montantDernierChequeAnniv: null #pourcentageDernierChequeAnniv: null #noDernierChequeAnniv: null #dateFinValiditeDernierChequeAn: null #dateEncasDernierChequeAnniv: null #dateCreation: null #dateMaj: null #dateSuppression: null #nomPays: null #codePaysClient: "FRA" #envoieSmsInterne: null #envoieSmsExterne: null #envoieEmailInterne: null #envoieEmailExterne: null #envoiCourrierInterne: null #envoiCourrierExterne: null #magasinId: null #codeVendeur: null #rowNumber: null #countDown: null #enfants: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#490 …} #centreInteretBienEtres: null #journalPoints: null #operationMarketings: null #codeLangue: null #dernierChequeFidelites: null #hasMagasin: null #facebookId: null #googleId: null #twitterId: null #facebookInformations: null #googleInformations: null #twitterInformations: null #facebookUsername: null #googleUsername: null #twitterUsername: null #magasinLibelle: null #codeCivilite: null #langueClient: null #paysLibelle: null #montantDernierChq: null #dateEncaissementDernierChq: null #dateDernierChqAnniv: null #montantDernierChqAnniv: null #NumDernierChqAnniv: null #dateEncaissementDernierChqAnniv: null #journalPoint: null #chqFid: null #dateDernierChequeBvnu: null #montantDernierChequeBvnu: null #pourcentageDernierChequeBvnu: null #noDernierChequeBvnu: null #dateFinValiditeDernierChequeBvnu: null #dateDebutValiditeDernierChequeBvnu: null #dateEncasDernierChequeBvnu: null #pourcentageDernierChqAnniv: null #pourcentageDernierChq: null #fidelite: null #montantCarte: null #noDernierChqAnniv: null #montantAnniversaire: null #urlWallet: null #confirmation: null #cgv: null #x: null #y: null #centreInterets: [] #centreInteretAutres: [] #mouvementPoints: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#491 …} } |
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | null |
View Format |
[ "year" => "" "month" => "" "day" => "" ] |
Submitted Data
This form was not submitted.
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
placeholder | [ "year" => "Annee" "month" => "Mois" "day" => "Jour" ] |
[ "year" => "Annee" "month" => "Mois" "day" => "Jour" ] |
required | true |
same as passed value |
years | [ 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 1979 1978 1977 1976 1975 1974 1973 1972 1971 1970 1969 1968 1967 1966 1965 1964 1963 1962 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 1949 1948 1947 1946 1945 1944 1943 1942 1941 1940 1939 1938 1937 1936 1935 1934 1933 1932 1931 1930 1929 1928 1927 1926 1925 1924 1923 1922 1921 1920 1919 1918 1917 1916 1915 1914 ] |
[ 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 1979 1978 1977 1976 1975 1974 1973 1972 1971 1970 1969 1968 1967 1966 1965 1964 1963 1962 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 1949 1948 1947 1946 1945 1944 1943 1942 1941 1940 1939 1938 1937 1936 1935 1934 1933 1932 1931 1930 1929 1928 1927 1926 1925 1924 1923 1922 1921 1920 1919 1918 1917 1916 1915 1914 ] |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | false |
choice_translation_domain | [ "year" => false "month" => false "day" => false ] |
compound | true |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#1417 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#1418 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#1419 …} -namespace: Closure() {#1421 …} } |
data_class | null |
days | [ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 ] |
disabled | false |
dontNeed2Points | false |
dontNeedAsterisque | false |
empty_data | [] |
error_bubbling | false |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
form_attr | false |
format | 2 |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
html5 | true |
inherit_data | false |
input | "datetime" |
input_format | "Y-m-d" |
invalid_message | "This value is not valid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | null |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
legacy_error_messages | true |
mapped | true |
method | "POST" |
model_timezone | null |
months | [ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ] |
placeholder | [ "year" => "Annee" "month" => "Mois" "day" => "Jour" ] |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | true |
row_attr | [] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#1468 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" this: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension {#1423 …} use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#209 …} $translationDomain: "validators" $message: Closure() {#1469 …} } } |
validation_groups | null |
view_timezone | null |
widget | "choice" |
years | [ 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 1979 1978 1977 1976 1975 1974 1973 1972 1971 1970 1969 1968 1967 1966 1965 1964 1963 1962 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 1949 1948 1947 1946 1945 1944 1943 1942 1941 1940 1939 1938 1937 1936 1935 1934 1933 1932 1931 1930 1929 1928 1927 1926 1925 1924 1923 1922 1921 1920 1919 1918 1917 1916 1915 1914 ] |
View Variables
Variable | Value |
action | "" |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
block_prefixes | [ "form" "date" "birthday" "_client_dateNaissance" ] |
cache_key | "_client_dateNaissance_birthday" |
compound | true |
data | null |
date_pattern | "{{ day }}{{ month }}{{ year }}" |
disabled | false |
dontNeed2Points | false |
dontNeedAsterisque | false |
errors | Symfony\Component\Form\FormErrorIterator {#1603 -form: Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#1682 …} -errors: [] } |
form | Symfony\Component\Form\FormView {#1612 …5} |
full_name | "client[dateNaissance]" |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
id | "client_dateNaissance" |
label | "client.dateNaissance" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
method | "POST" |
multipart | false |
name | "dateNaissance" |
priority | 0 |
required | true |
row_attr | [] |
size | null |
submitted | false |
translation_domain | null |
unique_block_prefix | "_client_dateNaissance" |
valid | true |
value | [ "year" => "" "month" => "" "day" => "" ] |
widget | "choice" |
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | "" |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Submitted Data
This form was not submitted.
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
choice_translation_domain | false |
choices | [ 2024 => 2024 2023 => 2023 2022 => 2022 2021 => 2021 2020 => 2020 2019 => 2019 2018 => 2018 2017 => 2017 2016 => 2016 2015 => 2015 2014 => 2014 2013 => 2013 2012 => 2012 2011 => 2011 2010 => 2010 2009 => 2009 2008 => 2008 2007 => 2007 2006 => 2006 2005 => 2005 2004 => 2004 2003 => 2003 2002 => 2002 2001 => 2001 2000 => 2000 1999 => 1999 1998 => 1998 1997 => 1997 1996 => 1996 1995 => 1995 1994 => 1994 1993 => 1993 1992 => 1992 1991 => 1991 1990 => 1990 1989 => 1989 1988 => 1988 1987 => 1987 1986 => 1986 1985 => 1985 1984 => 1984 1983 => 1983 1982 => 1982 1981 => 1981 1980 => 1980 1979 => 1979 1978 => 1978 1977 => 1977 1976 => 1976 1975 => 1975 1974 => 1974 1973 => 1973 1972 => 1972 1971 => 1971 1970 => 1970 1969 => 1969 1968 => 1968 1967 => 1967 1966 => 1966 1965 => 1965 1964 => 1964 1963 => 1963 1962 => 1962 1961 => 1961 1960 => 1960 1959 => 1959 1958 => 1958 1957 => 1957 1956 => 1956 1955 => 1955 1954 => 1954 1953 => 1953 1952 => 1952 1951 => 1951 1950 => 1950 1949 => 1949 1948 => 1948 1947 => 1947 1946 => 1946 1945 => 1945 1944 => 1944 1943 => 1943 1942 => 1942 1941 => 1941 1940 => 1940 1939 => 1939 1938 => 1938 1937 => 1937 1936 => 1936 1935 => 1935 1934 => 1934 1933 => 1933 1932 => 1932 1931 => 1931 1930 => 1930 1929 => 1929 1928 => 1928 1927 => 1927 1926 => 1926 1925 => 1925 1924 => 1924 1923 => 1923 1922 => 1922 1921 => 1921 1920 => 1920 1919 => 1919 1918 => 1918 1917 => 1917 1916 => 1916 1915 => 1915 1914 => 1914 ] |
[ 2024 => 2024 2023 => 2023 2022 => 2022 2021 => 2021 2020 => 2020 2019 => 2019 2018 => 2018 2017 => 2017 2016 => 2016 2015 => 2015 2014 => 2014 2013 => 2013 2012 => 2012 2011 => 2011 2010 => 2010 2009 => 2009 2008 => 2008 2007 => 2007 2006 => 2006 2005 => 2005 2004 => 2004 2003 => 2003 2002 => 2002 2001 => 2001 2000 => 2000 1999 => 1999 1998 => 1998 1997 => 1997 1996 => 1996 1995 => 1995 1994 => 1994 1993 => 1993 1992 => 1992 1991 => 1991 1990 => 1990 1989 => 1989 1988 => 1988 1987 => 1987 1986 => 1986 1985 => 1985 1984 => 1984 1983 => 1983 1982 => 1982 1981 => 1981 1980 => 1980 1979 => 1979 1978 => 1978 1977 => 1977 1976 => 1976 1975 => 1975 1974 => 1974 1973 => 1973 1972 => 1972 1971 => 1971 1970 => 1970 1969 => 1969 1968 => 1968 1967 => 1967 1966 => 1966 1965 => 1965 1964 => 1964 1963 => 1963 1962 => 1962 1961 => 1961 1960 => 1960 1959 => 1959 1958 => 1958 1957 => 1957 1956 => 1956 1955 => 1955 1954 => 1954 1953 => 1953 1952 => 1952 1951 => 1951 1950 => 1950 1949 => 1949 1948 => 1948 1947 => 1947 1946 => 1946 1945 => 1945 1944 => 1944 1943 => 1943 1942 => 1942 1941 => 1941 1940 => 1940 1939 => 1939 1938 => 1938 1937 => 1937 1936 => 1936 1935 => 1935 1934 => 1934 1933 => 1933 1932 => 1932 1931 => 1931 1930 => 1930 1929 => 1929 1928 => 1928 1927 => 1927 1926 => 1926 1925 => 1925 1924 => 1924 1923 => 1923 1922 => 1922 1921 => 1921 1920 => 1920 1919 => 1919 1918 => 1918 1917 => 1917 1916 => 1916 1915 => 1915 1914 => 1914 ] |
empty_data | "" |
same as passed value |
error_bubbling | true |
same as passed value |
invalid_message | "This value is not valid." |
same as passed value |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
[] |
placeholder | "Annee" |
same as passed value |
required | true |
same as passed value |
translation_domain | null |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
choice_attr | null |
choice_filter | null |
choice_label | null |
choice_loader | null |
choice_name | null |
choice_translation_domain | false |
choice_translation_parameters | [] |
choice_value | null |
choices | [ 2024 => 2024 2023 => 2023 2022 => 2022 2021 => 2021 2020 => 2020 2019 => 2019 2018 => 2018 2017 => 2017 2016 => 2016 2015 => 2015 2014 => 2014 2013 => 2013 2012 => 2012 2011 => 2011 2010 => 2010 2009 => 2009 2008 => 2008 2007 => 2007 2006 => 2006 2005 => 2005 2004 => 2004 2003 => 2003 2002 => 2002 2001 => 2001 2000 => 2000 1999 => 1999 1998 => 1998 1997 => 1997 1996 => 1996 1995 => 1995 1994 => 1994 1993 => 1993 1992 => 1992 1991 => 1991 1990 => 1990 1989 => 1989 1988 => 1988 1987 => 1987 1986 => 1986 1985 => 1985 1984 => 1984 1983 => 1983 1982 => 1982 1981 => 1981 1980 => 1980 1979 => 1979 1978 => 1978 1977 => 1977 1976 => 1976 1975 => 1975 1974 => 1974 1973 => 1973 1972 => 1972 1971 => 1971 1970 => 1970 1969 => 1969 1968 => 1968 1967 => 1967 1966 => 1966 1965 => 1965 1964 => 1964 1963 => 1963 1962 => 1962 1961 => 1961 1960 => 1960 1959 => 1959 1958 => 1958 1957 => 1957 1956 => 1956 1955 => 1955 1954 => 1954 1953 => 1953 1952 => 1952 1951 => 1951 1950 => 1950 1949 => 1949 1948 => 1948 1947 => 1947 1946 => 1946 1945 => 1945 1944 => 1944 1943 => 1943 1942 => 1942 1941 => 1941 1940 => 1940 1939 => 1939 1938 => 1938 1937 => 1937 1936 => 1936 1935 => 1935 1934 => 1934 1933 => 1933 1932 => 1932 1931 => 1931 1930 => 1930 1929 => 1929 1928 => 1928 1927 => 1927 1926 => 1926 1925 => 1925 1924 => 1924 1923 => 1923 1922 => 1922 1921 => 1921 1920 => 1920 1919 => 1919 1918 => 1918 1917 => 1917 1916 => 1916 1915 => 1915 1914 => 1914 ] |
compound | false |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#1417 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#1418 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#1419 …} -namespace: Closure() {#1421 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
dontNeed2Points | false |
dontNeedAsterisque | false |
empty_data | "" |
error_bubbling | true |
error_mapping | [] |
expanded | false |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
group_by | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "This value is not valid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | null |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
legacy_error_messages | true |
mapped | true |
method | "POST" |
multiple | false |
placeholder | "Annee" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
preferred_choices | [] |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | true |
row_attr | [] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | null |
trim | false |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#1651 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" this: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension {#1423 …} use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#209 …} $translationDomain: "validators" $message: Closure() {#1650 …} } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Variables
Variable | Value |
action | "" |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
block_prefixes | [ "form" "choice" "_client_dateNaissance_year" ] |
cache_key | "_client_dateNaissance_year_choice" |
choice_translation_domain | false |
choice_translation_parameters | [] |
choices | [ Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1548 +label: "2024" +value: "2024" +data: 2024 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1539 +label: "2023" +value: "2023" +data: 2023 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1522 +label: "2022" +value: "2022" +data: 2022 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1717 +label: "2021" +value: "2021" +data: 2021 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1708 +label: "2020" +value: "2020" +data: 2020 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1501 +label: "2019" +value: "2019" +data: 2019 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1492 +label: "2018" +value: "2018" +data: 2018 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1471 +label: "2017" +value: "2017" +data: 2017 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1674 +label: "2016" +value: "2016" +data: 2016 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1663 +label: "2015" +value: "2015" +data: 2015 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1652 +label: "2014" +value: "2014" +data: 2014 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1765 +label: "2013" +value: "2013" +data: 2013 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1767 +label: "2012" +value: "2012" +data: 2012 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1768 +label: "2011" +value: "2011" +data: 2011 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1769 +label: "2010" +value: "2010" +data: 2010 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1770 +label: "2009" +value: "2009" +data: 2009 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1839 +label: "2008" +value: "2008" +data: 2008 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1841 +label: "2007" +value: "2007" +data: 2007 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1842 +label: "2006" +value: "2006" +data: 2006 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1843 +label: "2005" +value: "2005" +data: 2005 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1844 +label: "2004" +value: "2004" +data: 2004 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1845 +label: "2003" +value: "2003" +data: 2003 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1846 +label: "2002" +value: "2002" +data: 2002 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1847 +label: "2001" +value: "2001" +data: 2001 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1848 +label: "2000" +value: "2000" +data: 2000 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1849 +label: "1999" +value: "1999" +data: 1999 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1850 +label: "1998" +value: "1998" +data: 1998 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1851 +label: "1997" +value: "1997" +data: 1997 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1852 +label: "1996" +value: "1996" +data: 1996 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1853 +label: "1995" +value: "1995" +data: 1995 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1854 +label: "1994" +value: "1994" +data: 1994 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1855 +label: "1993" +value: "1993" +data: 1993 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1856 +label: "1992" +value: "1992" +data: 1992 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1857 +label: "1991" +value: "1991" +data: 1991 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1858 +label: "1990" +value: "1990" +data: 1990 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1859 +label: "1989" +value: "1989" +data: 1989 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1860 +label: "1988" +value: "1988" +data: 1988 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1861 +label: "1987" +value: "1987" +data: 1987 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1862 +label: "1986" +value: "1986" +data: 1986 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1863 +label: "1985" +value: "1985" +data: 1985 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1864 +label: "1984" +value: "1984" +data: 1984 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1865 +label: "1983" +value: "1983" +data: 1983 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1866 +label: "1982" +value: "1982" +data: 1982 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1867 +label: "1981" +value: "1981" +data: 1981 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1868 +label: "1980" +value: "1980" +data: 1980 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1869 +label: "1979" +value: "1979" +data: 1979 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1870 +label: "1978" +value: "1978" +data: 1978 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1871 +label: "1977" +value: "1977" +data: 1977 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1872 +label: "1976" +value: "1976" +data: 1976 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1873 +label: "1975" +value: "1975" +data: 1975 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1874 +label: "1974" +value: "1974" +data: 1974 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1875 +label: "1973" +value: "1973" +data: 1973 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1876 +label: "1972" +value: "1972" +data: 1972 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1877 +label: "1971" +value: "1971" +data: 1971 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1878 +label: "1970" +value: "1970" +data: 1970 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1879 +label: "1969" +value: "1969" +data: 1969 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1880 +label: "1968" +value: "1968" +data: 1968 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1881 +label: "1967" +value: "1967" +data: 1967 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1882 +label: "1966" +value: "1966" +data: 1966 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1883 +label: "1965" +value: "1965" +data: 1965 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1884 +label: "1964" +value: "1964" +data: 1964 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1885 +label: "1963" +value: "1963" +data: 1963 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1886 +label: "1962" +value: "1962" +data: 1962 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1887 +label: "1961" +value: "1961" +data: 1961 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1888 +label: "1960" +value: "1960" +data: 1960 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1889 +label: "1959" +value: "1959" +data: 1959 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1890 +label: "1958" +value: "1958" +data: 1958 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1891 +label: "1957" +value: "1957" +data: 1957 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1892 +label: "1956" +value: "1956" +data: 1956 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1893 +label: "1955" +value: "1955" +data: 1955 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1894 +label: "1954" +value: "1954" +data: 1954 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1895 +label: "1953" +value: "1953" +data: 1953 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1896 +label: "1952" +value: "1952" +data: 1952 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1897 +label: "1951" +value: "1951" +data: 1951 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1898 +label: "1950" +value: "1950" +data: 1950 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1899 +label: "1949" +value: "1949" +data: 1949 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1900 +label: "1948" +value: "1948" +data: 1948 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1901 +label: "1947" +value: "1947" +data: 1947 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1902 +label: "1946" +value: "1946" +data: 1946 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1903 +label: "1945" +value: "1945" +data: 1945 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1904 +label: "1944" +value: "1944" +data: 1944 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1905 +label: "1943" +value: "1943" +data: 1943 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1906 +label: "1942" +value: "1942" +data: 1942 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1907 +label: "1941" +value: "1941" +data: 1941 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1908 +label: "1940" +value: "1940" +data: 1940 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1909 +label: "1939" +value: "1939" +data: 1939 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1910 +label: "1938" +value: "1938" +data: 1938 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1911 +label: "1937" +value: "1937" +data: 1937 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1912 +label: "1936" +value: "1936" +data: 1936 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1913 +label: "1935" +value: "1935" +data: 1935 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1914 +label: "1934" +value: "1934" +data: 1934 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1915 +label: "1933" +value: "1933" +data: 1933 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1916 +label: "1932" +value: "1932" +data: 1932 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1917 +label: "1931" +value: "1931" +data: 1931 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1918 +label: "1930" +value: "1930" +data: 1930 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1919 +label: "1929" +value: "1929" +data: 1929 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1920 +label: "1928" +value: "1928" +data: 1928 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1921 +label: "1927" +value: "1927" +data: 1927 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1922 +label: "1926" +value: "1926" +data: 1926 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1923 +label: "1925" +value: "1925" +data: 1925 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1924 +label: "1924" +value: "1924" +data: 1924 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1925 +label: "1923" +value: "1923" +data: 1923 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1926 +label: "1922" +value: "1922" +data: 1922 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1927 +label: "1921" +value: "1921" +data: 1921 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1928 +label: "1920" +value: "1920" +data: 1920 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1929 +label: "1919" +value: "1919" +data: 1919 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1930 +label: "1918" +value: "1918" +data: 1918 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1931 +label: "1917" +value: "1917" +data: 1917 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1932 +label: "1916" +value: "1916" +data: 1916 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1933 +label: "1915" +value: "1915" +data: 1915 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1934 +label: "1914" +value: "1914" +data: 1914 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } ] |
compound | false |
data | "" |
disabled | false |
dontNeed2Points | false |
dontNeedAsterisque | false |
errors | Symfony\Component\Form\FormErrorIterator {#1556 -form: Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#1685 …} -errors: [] } |
expanded | false |
form | Symfony\Component\Form\FormView {#1570 …5} |
full_name | "client[dateNaissance][year]" |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
id | "client_dateNaissance_year" |
is_selected | Closure($choice, $value) {#1936 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\ChoiceType" this: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\ChoiceType {#1506 …} } |
label | null |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
method | "POST" |
multipart | false |
multiple | false |
name | "year" |
placeholder | "Annee" |
placeholder_in_choices | false |
preferred_choices | [] |
priority | 0 |
required | true |
row_attr | [] |
separator | "-------------------" |
size | null |
submitted | false |
translation_domain | null |
unique_block_prefix | "_client_dateNaissance_year" |
valid | true |
value | "" |
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | "" |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Submitted Data
This form was not submitted.
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
choice_translation_domain | false |
choices | [ "janv." => 1 "févr." => 2 "mars" => 3 "avr." => 4 "mai" => 5 "juin" => 6 "juil." => 7 "août" => 8 "sept." => 9 "oct." => 10 "nov." => 11 "déc." => 12 ] |
[ "janv." => 1 "févr." => 2 "mars" => 3 "avr." => 4 "mai" => 5 "juin" => 6 "juil." => 7 "août" => 8 "sept." => 9 "oct." => 10 "nov." => 11 "déc." => 12 ] |
empty_data | "" |
same as passed value |
error_bubbling | true |
same as passed value |
invalid_message | "This value is not valid." |
same as passed value |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
[] |
placeholder | "Mois" |
same as passed value |
required | true |
same as passed value |
translation_domain | null |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
choice_attr | null |
choice_filter | null |
choice_label | null |
choice_loader | null |
choice_name | null |
choice_translation_domain | false |
choice_translation_parameters | [] |
choice_value | null |
choices | [ "janv." => 1 "févr." => 2 "mars" => 3 "avr." => 4 "mai" => 5 "juin" => 6 "juil." => 7 "août" => 8 "sept." => 9 "oct." => 10 "nov." => 11 "déc." => 12 ] |
compound | false |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#1417 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#1418 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#1419 …} -namespace: Closure() {#1421 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
dontNeed2Points | false |
dontNeedAsterisque | false |
empty_data | "" |
error_bubbling | true |
error_mapping | [] |
expanded | false |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
group_by | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "This value is not valid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | null |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
legacy_error_messages | true |
mapped | true |
method | "POST" |
multiple | false |
placeholder | "Mois" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
preferred_choices | [] |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | true |
row_attr | [] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | null |
trim | false |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#1662 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" this: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension {#1423 …} use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#209 …} $translationDomain: "validators" $message: Closure() {#1661 …} } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Variables
Variable | Value |
action | "" |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
block_prefixes | [ "form" "choice" "_client_dateNaissance_month" ] |
cache_key | "_client_dateNaissance_month_choice" |
choice_translation_domain | false |
choice_translation_parameters | [] |
choices | [ Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1939 +label: "janv." +value: "1" +data: 1 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1940 +label: "févr." +value: "2" +data: 2 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1941 +label: "mars" +value: "3" +data: 3 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1942 +label: "avr." +value: "4" +data: 4 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1943 +label: "mai" +value: "5" +data: 5 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1944 +label: "juin" +value: "6" +data: 6 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1945 +label: "juil." +value: "7" +data: 7 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1946 +label: "août" +value: "8" +data: 8 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1947 +label: "sept." +value: "9" +data: 9 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1948 +label: "oct." +value: "10" +data: 10 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1949 +label: "nov." +value: "11" +data: 11 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1950 +label: "déc." +value: "12" +data: 12 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } ] |
compound | false |
data | "" |
disabled | false |
dontNeed2Points | false |
dontNeedAsterisque | false |
errors | Symfony\Component\Form\FormErrorIterator {#1937 -form: Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#1688 …} -errors: [] } |
expanded | false |
form | Symfony\Component\Form\FormView {#1938 …5} |
full_name | "client[dateNaissance][month]" |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
id | "client_dateNaissance_month" |
is_selected | Closure($choice, $value) {#1952 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\ChoiceType" this: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\ChoiceType {#1506 …} } |
label | null |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
method | "POST" |
multipart | false |
multiple | false |
name | "month" |
placeholder | "Mois" |
placeholder_in_choices | false |
preferred_choices | [] |
priority | 0 |
required | true |
row_attr | [] |
separator | "-------------------" |
size | null |
submitted | false |
translation_domain | null |
unique_block_prefix | "_client_dateNaissance_month" |
valid | true |
value | "" |
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | "" |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Submitted Data
This form was not submitted.
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
choice_translation_domain | false |
choices | [ 1 => 1 2 => 2 3 => 3 4 => 4 5 => 5 6 => 6 7 => 7 8 => 8 9 => 9 10 => 10 11 => 11 12 => 12 13 => 13 14 => 14 15 => 15 16 => 16 17 => 17 18 => 18 19 => 19 20 => 20 21 => 21 22 => 22 23 => 23 24 => 24 25 => 25 26 => 26 27 => 27 28 => 28 29 => 29 30 => 30 31 => 31 ] |
[ 1 => 1 2 => 2 3 => 3 4 => 4 5 => 5 6 => 6 7 => 7 8 => 8 9 => 9 10 => 10 11 => 11 12 => 12 13 => 13 14 => 14 15 => 15 16 => 16 17 => 17 18 => 18 19 => 19 20 => 20 21 => 21 22 => 22 23 => 23 24 => 24 25 => 25 26 => 26 27 => 27 28 => 28 29 => 29 30 => 30 31 => 31 ] |
empty_data | "" |
same as passed value |
error_bubbling | true |
same as passed value |
invalid_message | "This value is not valid." |
same as passed value |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
[] |
placeholder | "Jour" |
same as passed value |
required | true |
same as passed value |
translation_domain | null |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
choice_attr | null |
choice_filter | null |
choice_label | null |
choice_loader | null |
choice_name | null |
choice_translation_domain | false |
choice_translation_parameters | [] |
choice_value | null |
choices | [ 1 => 1 2 => 2 3 => 3 4 => 4 5 => 5 6 => 6 7 => 7 8 => 8 9 => 9 10 => 10 11 => 11 12 => 12 13 => 13 14 => 14 15 => 15 16 => 16 17 => 17 18 => 18 19 => 19 20 => 20 21 => 21 22 => 22 23 => 23 24 => 24 25 => 25 26 => 26 27 => 27 28 => 28 29 => 29 30 => 30 31 => 31 ] |
compound | false |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#1417 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#1418 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#1419 …} -namespace: Closure() {#1421 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
dontNeed2Points | false |
dontNeedAsterisque | false |
empty_data | "" |
error_bubbling | true |
error_mapping | [] |
expanded | false |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
group_by | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "This value is not valid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | null |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
legacy_error_messages | true |
mapped | true |
method | "POST" |
multiple | false |
placeholder | "Jour" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
preferred_choices | [] |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | true |
row_attr | [] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | null |
trim | false |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#1673 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" this: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension {#1423 …} use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#209 …} $translationDomain: "validators" $message: Closure() {#1672 …} } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Variables
Variable | Value |
action | "" |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
block_prefixes | [ "form" "choice" "_client_dateNaissance_day" ] |
cache_key | "_client_dateNaissance_day_choice" |
choice_translation_domain | false |
choice_translation_parameters | [] |
choices | [ Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1955 +label: "1" +value: "1" +data: 1 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1956 +label: "2" +value: "2" +data: 2 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1957 +label: "3" +value: "3" +data: 3 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1958 +label: "4" +value: "4" +data: 4 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1959 +label: "5" +value: "5" +data: 5 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1960 +label: "6" +value: "6" +data: 6 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1961 +label: "7" +value: "7" +data: 7 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1962 +label: "8" +value: "8" +data: 8 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1963 +label: "9" +value: "9" +data: 9 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1964 +label: "10" +value: "10" +data: 10 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1965 +label: "11" +value: "11" +data: 11 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1966 +label: "12" +value: "12" +data: 12 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1967 +label: "13" +value: "13" +data: 13 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1968 +label: "14" +value: "14" +data: 14 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1969 +label: "15" +value: "15" +data: 15 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1970 +label: "16" +value: "16" +data: 16 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1971 +label: "17" +value: "17" +data: 17 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1972 +label: "18" +value: "18" +data: 18 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1973 +label: "19" +value: "19" +data: 19 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1974 +label: "20" +value: "20" +data: 20 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1975 +label: "21" +value: "21" +data: 21 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1976 +label: "22" +value: "22" +data: 22 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1977 +label: "23" +value: "23" +data: 23 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1978 +label: "24" +value: "24" +data: 24 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1979 +label: "25" +value: "25" +data: 25 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1980 +label: "26" +value: "26" +data: 26 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1981 +label: "27" +value: "27" +data: 27 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1982 +label: "28" +value: "28" +data: 28 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1983 +label: "29" +value: "29" +data: 29 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1984 +label: "30" +value: "30" +data: 30 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1985 +label: "31" +value: "31" +data: 31 +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } ] |
compound | false |
data | "" |
disabled | false |
dontNeed2Points | false |
dontNeedAsterisque | false |
errors | Symfony\Component\Form\FormErrorIterator {#1953 -form: Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#1691 …} -errors: [] } |
expanded | false |
form | Symfony\Component\Form\FormView {#1954 …5} |
full_name | "client[dateNaissance][day]" |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
id | "client_dateNaissance_day" |
is_selected | Closure($choice, $value) {#1987 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\ChoiceType" this: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\ChoiceType {#1506 …} } |
label | null |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
method | "POST" |
multipart | false |
multiple | false |
name | "day" |
placeholder | "Jour" |
placeholder_in_choices | false |
preferred_choices | [] |
priority | 0 |
required | true |
row_attr | [] |
separator | "-------------------" |
size | null |
submitted | false |
translation_domain | null |
unique_block_prefix | "_client_dateNaissance_day" |
valid | true |
value | "" |
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | null |
View Format |
"" |
Submitted Data
This form was not submitted.
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
attr | [ "maxlength" => 90 ] |
[ "maxlength" => 90 ] |
label | "client.email" |
same as passed value |
required | true |
same as passed value |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [ "maxlength" => 90 ] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | false |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#1417 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#1418 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#1419 …} -namespace: Closure() {#1421 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
dontNeed2Points | false |
dontNeedAsterisque | false |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form) {#1489 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" this: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType {#1302 …} } |
error_bubbling | false |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "This value is not valid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | "client.email" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
legacy_error_messages | true |
mapped | true |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | true |
row_attr | [] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#1491 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" this: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension {#1423 …} use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#209 …} $translationDomain: "validators" $message: Closure() {#1488 …} } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Variables
Variable | Value |
action | "" |
attr | [ "maxlength" => 90 ] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
block_prefixes | [ "form" "text" "email" "_client_email" ] |
cache_key | "_client_email_email" |
compound | false |
data | null |
disabled | false |
dontNeed2Points | false |
dontNeedAsterisque | false |
errors | Symfony\Component\Form\FormErrorIterator {#1598 -form: Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#1694 …} -errors: [] } |
form | Symfony\Component\Form\FormView {#1582 …5} |
full_name | "client[email]" |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
id | "client_email" |
label | "client.email" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
method | "POST" |
multipart | false |
name | "email" |
priority | 0 |
required | true |
row_attr | [] |
size | null |
submitted | false |
translation_domain | null |
unique_block_prefix | "_client_email" |
valid | true |
value | "" |
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | null |
View Format |
"" |
Submitted Data
This form was not submitted.
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
attr | [ "maxlength" => 15 ] |
[ "maxlength" => 15 ] |
label | "client.telephoneMobile" |
same as passed value |
required | true |
same as passed value |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [ "maxlength" => 15 ] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | false |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#1417 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#1418 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#1419 …} -namespace: Closure() {#1421 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
dontNeed2Points | false |
dontNeedAsterisque | false |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form) {#1498 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" this: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType {#1302 …} } |
error_bubbling | false |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "This value is not valid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | "client.telephoneMobile" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
legacy_error_messages | true |
mapped | true |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | true |
row_attr | [] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#1500 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" this: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension {#1423 …} use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#209 …} $translationDomain: "validators" $message: Closure() {#1499 …} } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Variables
Variable | Value |
action | "" |
attr | [ "maxlength" => 15 ] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
block_prefixes | [ "form" "text" "_client_telephoneMobile" ] |
cache_key | "_client_telephoneMobile_text" |
compound | false |
data | null |
disabled | false |
dontNeed2Points | false |
dontNeedAsterisque | false |
errors | Symfony\Component\Form\FormErrorIterator {#1989 -form: Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#1697 …} -errors: [] } |
form | Symfony\Component\Form\FormView {#1988 …5} |
full_name | "client[telephoneMobile]" |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
id | "client_telephoneMobile" |
label | "client.telephoneMobile" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
method | "POST" |
multipart | false |
name | "telephoneMobile" |
priority | 0 |
required | true |
row_attr | [] |
size | null |
submitted | false |
translation_domain | null |
unique_block_prefix | "_client_telephoneMobile" |
valid | true |
value | "" |
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | null |
View Format |
"" |
Submitted Data
This form was not submitted.
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
choices | [ "MADAME" => "MME" "MONSIEUR" => "M." ] |
[ "MADAME" => "MME" "MONSIEUR" => "M." ] |
expanded | true |
same as passed value |
required | true |
same as passed value |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
choice_attr | null |
choice_filter | null |
choice_label | null |
choice_loader | null |
choice_name | null |
choice_translation_domain | null |
choice_translation_parameters | [] |
choice_value | null |
choices | [ "MADAME" => "MME" "MONSIEUR" => "M." ] |
compound | true |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#1417 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#1418 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#1419 …} -namespace: Closure() {#1421 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
dontNeed2Points | false |
dontNeedAsterisque | false |
empty_data | null |
error_bubbling | false |
error_mapping | [] |
expanded | true |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
group_by | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "This value is not valid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | null |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
legacy_error_messages | true |
mapped | true |
method | "POST" |
multiple | false |
placeholder | null |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
preferred_choices | [] |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | true |
row_attr | [] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | null |
trim | false |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#1520 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" this: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension {#1423 …} use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#209 …} $translationDomain: "validators" $message: Closure() {#1519 …} } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Variables
Variable | Value |
action | "" |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
block_prefixes | [ "form" "choice" "_client_civilite" ] |
cache_key | "_client_civilite_choice" |
choice_translation_domain | null |
choice_translation_parameters | [] |
choices | [ Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1529 +label: "MADAME" +value: "MME" +data: "MME" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#1530 +label: "MONSIEUR" +value: "M." +data: "M." +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } ] |
compound | true |
data | null |
disabled | false |
dontNeed2Points | false |
dontNeedAsterisque | false |
errors | Symfony\Component\Form\FormErrorIterator {#1990 -form: Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#1723 …} -errors: [] } |
expanded | true |
form | Symfony\Component\Form\FormView {#1991 …5} |
full_name | "client[civilite]" |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
id | "client_civilite" |
is_selected | Closure($choice, $value) {#1992 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\ChoiceType" this: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\ChoiceType {#1506 …} } |
label | "client.civilite" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
method | "POST" |
multipart | false |
multiple | false |
name | "civilite" |
placeholder | null |
placeholder_in_choices | false |
preferred_choices | [] |
priority | 0 |
required | true |
row_attr | [] |
separator | "-------------------" |
size | null |
submitted | false |
translation_domain | null |
unique_block_prefix | "_client_civilite" |
valid | true |
value | "" |
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | false |
View Format |
Submitted Data
This form was not submitted.
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
attr | [] |
[] |
block_name | "entry" |
same as passed value |
label | "MADAME" |
same as passed value |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
[] |
translation_domain | null |
value | "MME" |
same as passed value |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | "entry" |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | false |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#1417 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#1418 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#1419 …} -namespace: Closure() {#1421 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
dontNeed2Points | false |
dontNeedAsterisque | false |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form, $viewData) {#1567 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\CheckboxType" this: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\CheckboxType {#1563 …} } |
error_bubbling | false |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
false_values | [
] |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "This value is not valid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | Closure($modelData): bool {#1569 returnType: "bool" class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\CheckboxType" } |
label | "MADAME" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
legacy_error_messages | true |
mapped | true |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | true |
row_attr | [] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#1705 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" this: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension {#1423 …} use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#209 …} $translationDomain: "validators" $message: Closure() {#1706 …} } } |
validation_groups | null |
value | "MME" |
View Variables
Variable | Value |
action | "" |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
block_prefixes | [ "form" "checkbox" "radio" "_client_civilite_entry" ] |
cache_key | "_client_civilite_entry_radio" |
checked | false |
compound | false |
data | false |
disabled | false |
dontNeed2Points | false |
dontNeedAsterisque | false |
errors | Symfony\Component\Form\FormErrorIterator {#1996 -form: Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#1726 …} -errors: [] } |
form | Symfony\Component\Form\FormView {#1995 …5} |
full_name | "client[civilite]" |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
id | "client_civilite_0" |
label | "MADAME" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
method | "POST" |
multipart | false |
name | "0" |
priority | 0 |
required | true |
row_attr | [] |
size | null |
submitted | false |
translation_domain | null |
unique_block_prefix | "_client_civilite_entry" |
valid | true |
value | "MME" |
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | false |
View Format |
Submitted Data
This form was not submitted.
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
attr | [] |
[] |
block_name | "entry" |
same as passed value |
label | "MONSIEUR" |
same as passed value |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
[] |
translation_domain | null |
value | "M." |
same as passed value |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | "entry" |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | false |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#1417 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#1418 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#1419 …} -namespace: Closure() {#1421 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
dontNeed2Points | false |
dontNeedAsterisque | false |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form, $viewData) {#1567 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\CheckboxType" this: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\CheckboxType {#1563 …} } |
error_bubbling | false |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
false_values | [
] |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "This value is not valid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | Closure($modelData): bool {#1569 returnType: "bool" class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\CheckboxType" } |
label | "MONSIEUR" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
legacy_error_messages | true |
mapped | true |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | true |
row_attr | [] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#1716 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" this: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension {#1423 …} use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#209 …} $translationDomain: "validators" $message: Closure() {#1715 …} } } |
validation_groups | null |
value | "M." |
View Variables
Variable | Value |
action | "" |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
block_prefixes | [ "form" "checkbox" "radio" "_client_civilite_entry" ] |
cache_key | "_client_civilite_entry_radio" |
checked | false |
compound | false |
data | false |
disabled | false |
dontNeed2Points | false |
dontNeedAsterisque | false |
errors | Symfony\Component\Form\FormErrorIterator {#1997 -form: Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#1729 …} -errors: [] } |
form | Symfony\Component\Form\FormView {#1998 …5} |
full_name | "client[civilite]" |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
id | "client_civilite_1" |
label | "MONSIEUR" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
method | "POST" |
multipart | false |
name | "1" |
priority | 0 |
required | true |
row_attr | [] |
size | null |
submitted | false |
translation_domain | null |
unique_block_prefix | "_client_civilite_entry" |
valid | true |
value | "M." |
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | null |
View Format |
"" |
Submitted Data
This form was not submitted.
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
attr | [ "maxlength" => 32 ] |
[ "maxlength" => 32 ] |
required | true |
same as passed value |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [ "maxlength" => 32 ] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | false |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#1417 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#1418 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#1419 …} -namespace: Closure() {#1421 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
dontNeed2Points | false |
dontNeedAsterisque | false |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form) {#1536 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" this: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType {#1302 …} } |
error_bubbling | false |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "This value is not valid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | null |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
legacy_error_messages | true |
mapped | true |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | true |
row_attr | [] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#1538 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" this: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension {#1423 …} use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#209 …} $translationDomain: "validators" $message: Closure() {#1537 …} } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Variables
Variable | Value |
action | "" |
attr | [ "maxlength" => 32 ] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
block_prefixes | [ "form" "text" "_client_nom" ] |
cache_key | "_client_nom_text" |
compound | false |
data | null |
disabled | false |
dontNeed2Points | false |
dontNeedAsterisque | false |
errors | Symfony\Component\Form\FormErrorIterator {#1994 -form: Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#1732 …} -errors: [] } |
form | Symfony\Component\Form\FormView {#1993 …5} |
full_name | "client[nom]" |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
id | "client_nom" |
label | "client.nom" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
method | "POST" |
multipart | false |
name | "nom" |
priority | 0 |
required | true |
row_attr | [] |
size | null |
submitted | false |
translation_domain | null |
unique_block_prefix | "_client_nom" |
valid | true |
value | "" |
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | null |
View Format |
"" |
Submitted Data
This form was not submitted.
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
attr | [ "maxlength" => 20 ] |
[ "maxlength" => 20 ] |
required | true |
same as passed value |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [ "maxlength" => 20 ] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | false |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#1417 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#1418 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#1419 …} -namespace: Closure() {#1421 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
dontNeed2Points | false |
dontNeedAsterisque | false |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form) {#1545 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" this: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType {#1302 …} } |
error_bubbling | false |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "This value is not valid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | null |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
legacy_error_messages | true |
mapped | true |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | true |
row_attr | [] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#1547 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" this: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension {#1423 …} use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#209 …} $translationDomain: "validators" $message: Closure() {#1546 …} } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Variables
Variable | Value |
action | "" |
attr | [ "maxlength" => 20 ] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
block_prefixes | [ "form" "text" "_client_prenom" ] |
cache_key | "_client_prenom_text" |
compound | false |
data | null |
disabled | false |
dontNeed2Points | false |
dontNeedAsterisque | false |
errors | Symfony\Component\Form\FormErrorIterator {#2000 -form: Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#1735 …} -errors: [] } |
form | Symfony\Component\Form\FormView {#1999 …5} |
full_name | "client[prenom]" |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
id | "client_prenom" |
label | "client.prenom" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
method | "POST" |
multipart | false |
name | "prenom" |
priority | 0 |
required | true |
row_attr | [] |
size | null |
submitted | false |
translation_domain | null |
unique_block_prefix | "_client_prenom" |
valid | true |
value | "" |
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | null |
View Format |
"" |
Submitted Data
This form was not submitted.
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
choice_label | Closure($magasin, $key, $index) {#1450 class: "App\Form\ClientType" this: App\Form\ClientType {#1301 …} } |
same as passed value |
choice_value | Closure($magasin) {#1449 class: "App\Form\ClientType" this: App\Form\ClientType {#1301 …} } |
same as passed value |
choices | [ App\Entity\Magasin {#914 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "AQUITEM PHARMA" -adresse1: "375 AVENUE DE TIVOLI" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "33110" -ville: "LE BOUSCAT" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "j.lepaux-crochet@aquitem.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "123456789" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#515 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "EURL PHARMACIE LA LAITA" -adresse1: "PLACE DE LA POSTE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "56520" -ville: "GUIDEL" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 97 65 01 41" #email: "jacquelineroos@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIELALAITA.COM" #code: "562004655" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#915 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "GRANDE PHARMACIE DU CENTRE" -adresse1: "10 PLACE GAMBETTA" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "81200" -ville: "MAZAMET" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 63 61 08 80" #email: "pharmacie.leriche@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "MAPHARMACIEREFERENCE-MAZAMET.COM" #code: "812004133" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#916 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "LA GRANDE PHARMACIE" -adresse1: "AV DU PRESIDENT FRANKLIN ROOSEVE" -adresse2: "LES JARDINS D EDEN" -codepostal: "73100" -ville: "AIX LES BAINS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 79 35 05 37" #email: "alexa73@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "732003637" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#917 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "NOUVELLE PHARMACIE BEL AIR" -adresse1: "66 AVENUE CHARLES DE GAULLE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "36100" -ville: "ISSOUDUN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 54 21 21 44" #email: "moyon.magali@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "362004749" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#918 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "NOUVELLE PHARMACIE NORMALE" -adresse1: "23 PLACE MIREMONT" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "38200" -ville: "VIENNE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 74 85 01 60" #email: "nouvellepharmacienormale1@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "382024412" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#919 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU PONTREAU-" -adresse1: "40 -42 RUE BREMAUDIERE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "79000" -ville: "NIORT" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "549240408" #email: "contact@pharmaciedupontreau.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-NIORT.NET" #code: "792028821" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#920 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE ABAZA" -adresse1: "40 RUE SOEUR ANGELE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "95210" -ville: "ST GRATIEN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "01 39 89 37 33" #email: "pharma.abaza@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "ABAZA.PHARMACIEREFERENCE.COM" #code: "952700409" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#921 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE ALAIN FOURNIER" -adresse1: "6 RUE HENRI ALAIN FOURNIER" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "69800" -ville: "ST PRIEST" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmaciealainfournier@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "692035900" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#922 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE ARNAUD" -adresse1: "19 RUE BETEILLE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "12000" -ville: "RODEZ" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 65 68 08 56" #email: "pharmacie.arnaud@perso.alliadis.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-RODEZ.COM" #code: "122000656" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#923 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE AURORE" -adresse1: "PLACE DU COMMERCE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "20600" -ville: "BASTIA" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "" #email: "pharmacie-aurore@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "202041414" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#924 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE BARBOTIN SARL" -adresse1: "24 RUE PRINCIPALE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "17120" -ville: "MEURSAC" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0546916712" #email: "pharmacie.barbotin17120@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "172031924" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#925 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE BARRET" -adresse1: "ZAC DE LA GRANDE PIECE" -adresse2: "CENTRE COMMERCIAL SUPER U" -codepostal: "37390" -ville: "CHANCEAUX SUR CHOISILLE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 47 55 19 59" #email: "pharmacie.barret@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "372005249" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#926 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE BC PHARMA" -adresse1: "38 AVENUE DE VERDUN" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "26000" -ville: "VALENCE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmacie.polygone@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "262071087" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#927 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE BELTRAN" -adresse1: "RUE ROQUEPIN" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "13800" -ville: "ISTRES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmacie.beltran@perso.alliadis.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "132029836" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#928 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE BESVEL" -adresse1: "18 TRAIT D UNION" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "77127" -ville: "LIEU-SAINT" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "01 64 88 65 80" #email: "besvel@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "WWW.PHARMACIE-POLEMEDICAL-SENART.COM" #code: "772006888" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#929 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE BETUING" -adresse1: "54 AVENUE MARECHAL FOCH" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "47600" -ville: "NERAC" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 53 65 07 23" #email: "pharmacie.betuing@outlook.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "472006725" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#930 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE BIBOCO" -adresse1: "10, PLACE VICTOR HUGO" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "72400" -ville: "LA FERTE BERNARD" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 43 93 00 28" #email: "pharmacie.bisi@yahoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "722004736" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#931 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE BOEDEC" -adresse1: "3 RUE PEN PAVE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "29370" -ville: "CORAY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 98 59 12 16" #email: "pharmacie.boedec@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-CORAY.COM" #code: "292023355" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#932 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE BONNAFY" -adresse1: "2 PLACE BERTY BOUYER" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "44560" -ville: "CORSEPT" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0240276868" #email: "pharmcorsept@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-CORSEPT.COM" #code: "442060430" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#933 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE BONNETERRE" -adresse1: "146 B COURS TOLSTOI" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "69100" -ville: "VILLEURBANNE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0478849165" #email: "ehpad3@pharmaciebonneterre.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "692030760" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#934 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE BOUQUET" -adresse1: "12 RUE DE LA REPUBLIQUE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "19350" -ville: "JUILLAC" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 55 25 60 10" #email: "pharmaciedejuillac@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "192005692" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#935 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE BOUST" -adresse1: "84, RUE BERNARD ISKE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "92350" -ville: "PLESSIS ROBINSON" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "01 46 30 45 51" #email: "pharmacie.boust@free.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "922010541" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#936 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE BRAISE" -adresse1: "129 AVENUE DE LA GARE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "74440" -ville: "TANINGES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 50 34 20 51" #email: "pharmaciebraise@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "742000615" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#937 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE BRANDAO COURTOIS" -adresse1: "25 29 RUE D ARRAS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "62140" -ville: "HESDIN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 21 86 87 28" #email: "phiedelaforet@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIEDELAFORET-HESDIN.COM" #code: "622032548" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#938 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE BROUILLET LUMINEAU" -adresse1: "AV CHARLES DE GAULLE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "85340" -ville: "OLONNE SUR MER" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 51 32 79 13" #email: "brouilletlumineau@perso.alliadis.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "852005701" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#939 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE CAMBIER" -adresse1: "136 RUE DU GENERAL LECLERC" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "59118" -ville: "WAMBRECHIES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0320788170" #email: "pharmacambier@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "592057525" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#940 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE CAP ATLANTIQUE" -adresse1: "7 AVENUE DE STRASBOURG" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "17340" -ville: "CHATELAILLON PLAGE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmaciecapatlantique@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "172031528" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#941 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE CARTON" -adresse1: "987 AVENUE RAYMOND POINCARE" -adresse2: "CENTRE COMMERCIAL INTERMARCHE" -codepostal: "60280" -ville: "MARGNY LES COMPIEGNE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 44 09 69 25" #email: "pharmaciecartonfrederic@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIECARTONMARGNY.FR" #code: "602013773" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#942 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE CASALONGA" -adresse1: "23 RUE CUSTINE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "75018" -ville: "PARIS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0146062478" #email: "jfcasalonga@yahoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "752037507" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#943 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE CENTRALE" -adresse1: "31 ROUTE DE TERNAY" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "69360" -ville: "COMMUNAY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 72 24 61 26" #email: "mariele-raffin@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-COMMUNAY.COM" #code: "692031149" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#944 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE CENTRALE" -adresse1: "12 14 PLACE DES COMBATTANTS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "42600" -ville: "MONTBRISSON" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "catherine.peyrard42@hotmail.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "422024943" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#945 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE CENTRALE" -adresse1: "LA CROIX D ORSAL" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "46300" -ville: "GOURDON" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 65 41 12 83" #email: "pharmaciecentralegourdon@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "462001967" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#946 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE CENTRALE" -adresse1: "1 RUE ROGER SALENGRO" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "62710" -ville: "COURRIERES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0321202869" #email: "phie-centrale@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHIE-CENTRALE.COM" #code: "622088888" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#947 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE CENTRALE" -adresse1: "9 QUAI DES ESCOUCIERES" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "81800" -ville: "RABASTENS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmaciecentrale81@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "812090074" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#948 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE CENTRALE" -adresse1: "12 PLACE DU GENERAL DE GAULLE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "27260" -ville: "CORMEILLES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "" #email: "pharmcentrale@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "270019391" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#949 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE CENTRALE" -adresse1: "9 PLACE PEYRAMALE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "65100" -ville: "LOURDES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmacentrale65@yahoo.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "652003021" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#950 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE CENTRALE" -adresse1: "4 PLACE DU BREUIL" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "42700" -ville: "FIRMINY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmaciecentrale42@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "422027888" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#951 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE CENTRALE" -adresse1: "1 RUE CARNOT" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "59150" -ville: "WATTRELOS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 20 75 73 19" #email: "phcentrale@perso.alliadis.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "592073092" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#952 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE CENTRALE DE PLEUVEN" -adresse1: "2 ROUTE DE QUIMPER" -adresse2: "LE BOURG" -codepostal: "29170" -ville: "PLEUVEN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 98 54 80 79" #email: "pharmacie.lecup@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-PLEUVEN.COM" #code: "292015617" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#953 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE CHABLAIS GARE" -adresse1: "53 AVENUE DE LA GARE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "74100" -ville: "ANNEMASSE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 50 92 53 25" #email: "edouard.degeorges@outlook.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "742006315" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#954 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE CHAMPERRET" -adresse1: "12 AVENUE STEPHANE MALLARME" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "75017" -ville: "PARIS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0143805800" #email: "pharmacie.champerret@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "752020271" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#955 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE CHARNAY" -adresse1: "5 RUE DU CHENE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "23400" -ville: "ST DIZIER LEYRENNE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 55 64 40 24" #email: "pharmacie.charnay@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "232002188" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#956 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE CHAZOT" -adresse1: "3 5 PLACE DU GENERAL ESPAGNE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "23200" -ville: "AUBUSSON" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 55 66 11 73" #email: "m-chazot-sandrine@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "232002345" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#957 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE CONDOM PYRENEES" -adresse1: "31 B AVENUE DES PYRENEES" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "32100" -ville: "CONDOM" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmacondom32@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "322003682" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#958 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE COTTIN" -adresse1: "127 AVENUE JEAN JAURES" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "69150" -ville: "DECINES CHARPIEU" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "478490256" #email: "gaelle-cottin@hotmail.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "692039589" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#959 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE CREMERS" -adresse1: "416 BIS, AVENUE DE DUNKERQUE " -adresse2: null -codepostal: "59130" -ville: "LAMBERSART" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 20 92 26 74" #email: "phiefc@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-LAMBERSART.COM" #code: "592058812" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#960 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE D AGONAC" -adresse1: "RUE DALBY DE FAYARD" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "24460" -ville: "AGONAC" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0553063513" #email: "juliecorre@pharmaciegrubercorre.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "242005007" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#961 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE D ANDELOT BLANCHEVILLE" -adresse1: "88 R DE LA DIV DU GENERAL LECLER" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "52700" -ville: "ANDELOT BLANCHEVILLE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0325019206" #email: "ph.mathilde.demange@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "522710169" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#962 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE D ARAMON" -adresse1: "1 AVENUE DE LA GARE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "30390" -ville: "ARAMON" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 66 57 06 03" #email: "pharmaciearamon@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-ARAMON.COM" #code: "302007414" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#963 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE D ARMORIQUE" -adresse1: "AVENUE DE LA RESISTANCE" -adresse2: "CENTRE COMMERCIAL KERZOLES" -codepostal: "22300" -ville: "LANNION" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0296485013" #email: "pharmaciedarmorique@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-LANNION.COM" #code: "222005753" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#964 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE D ARVEYRES" -adresse1: "18 RUE DE L EGLISE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "33500" -ville: "ARVEYRES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 57 24 80 41" #email: "pharmacie.arveyres@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIEARVEYRES.COM" #code: "332022722" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#965 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE D ASCAIN" -adresse1: "RUE ERNEST FOURNEAU" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "64310" -ville: "ASCAIN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 59 54 00 42" #email: "pharmacie.ascain@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "642013809" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#966 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE D IZEAUX" -adresse1: "5 RUE ALBERT REYNIER" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "38140" -ville: "IZEAUX" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 76 93 80 20" #email: "pharmacie.izeaux@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "382017747" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#967 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE D URAC" -adresse1: "56 RUE D URAC" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "65000" -ville: "TARBES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 62 93 02 37" #email: "begue/alexandre@yahoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "652004839" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#968 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE D'HASTINGS" -adresse1: "24 RUE LANFRANC" -adresse2: "CTRE CIAL LECLERC" -codepostal: "14000" -ville: "CAEN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 31 74 75 24" #email: "contact@pharmaciedhastings.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIEDHASTINGS.COM" #code: "142007236" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#969 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DACQUET" -adresse1: "346 B RUE DE L IMPERATRICE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "62600" -ville: "BERCK" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 21 09 05 83" #email: "j.marlierepro@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "622033538" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#970 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DAUPHIN" -adresse1: "38 RUE SAINT GERMAIN" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "64190" -ville: "NAVARRENX" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0559665027" #email: "pharmacie-dauphin1@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-DAUPHIN.COM" #code: "642023014" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#971 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE BELLEVUE" -adresse1: "4 PLACE NAPOLEON III" -adresse2: "CENTRE COMMERCIAL BELLEVUE" -codepostal: "29200" -ville: "BREST" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 98 03 29 00" #email: "pharmaciebellevue@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "HTTP://WWW.PHARMACIEBELLEVUE.COM/" #code: "292013794" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#972 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE BOULOIRE" -adresse1: "PLACE DU PETIT MARCHE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "72440" -ville: "BOULOIRE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "243354020" #email: "pharmacie.bouloire@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-BOULOIRE.COM" #code: "722004942" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#973 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE CHANZY" -adresse1: "195, AVENUE CHANZY" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "53000" -ville: "LAVAL" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 43 53 77 57" #email: "gwengalou@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "532007119" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#974 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE CHATEAUNEUF" -adresse1: "19 CHEMIN DU CABANON" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "6740" -ville: "CHATEAUNEUF GRASSE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmaciedechateauneuf@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "062047980" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#975 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE CHATILLON SUR LOIRE" -adresse1: "30 RUE DU GLACIS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "45360" -ville: "CHATILLON SUR LOIRE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "titulaires@pharmaciedechatillon45.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "452009046" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#976 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE CHAUNY" -adresse1: "37 BOULEVARD D ANDENNE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "02300" -ville: "CHAUNY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 23 39 44 44" #email: "pharmaciedechauny@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-DE-CHAUNY.COM" #code: "022018345" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#977 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE CHENY" -adresse1: "5 RUE DU PONT" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "89400" -ville: "CHENY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 86 80 22 22" #email: "pharmaciecheny@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "892004243" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#978 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE CONSTANTINE" -adresse1: "186 RUE DE CONSTANTINE" -adresse2: "CENTRE COMMERCIAL INTERMARCHE" -codepostal: "76000" -ville: "ROUEN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0235713340" #email: "pharmacie.popot@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-CONSTANTINE-ROUEN.FR" #code: "762040731" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#979 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE FLANDRE" -adresse1: "54 AVENUE CHARLES BOUTET" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "08000" -ville: "CHARLEVILLE MEZIERES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 24 33 36 88" #email: "pharmadeflandre@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-DE-FLANDRE.FR" #code: "082002932" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#980 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE GASCOGNE" -adresse1: "62 AVENUE DE GASCOGNE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "31490" -ville: "LEGUEVIN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 61 86 60 47" #email: "pharmaciedegascogne@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-DE-GASCOGNE.COM" #code: "312008410" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#981 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE JARCIEU" -adresse1: "72 ROUTE DES METIERS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "38270" -ville: "JARCIEU" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 74 84 85 20" #email: "pharmacie.jarcieu@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "382023281" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#982 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE KERVEN" -adresse1: "47 AVENUE VICTOR HUGO" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "29270" -ville: "CARHAIX PLOUGUER" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "298930929" #email: "pharmaciedekerven@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-CARHAIX.COM" #code: "292017746" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#983 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE L AMPHORE" -adresse1: "43 RUE ATHENA" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "38490" -ville: "AOSTE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "contact@pharmacie-aoste.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "382017028" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#984 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE L AUXOIS" -adresse1: "5 PLACE DE LA LIBERATION" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "21320" -ville: "POUILLY EN AUXOIS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 80 90 80 77" #email: "pharmacieauxois@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "212004360" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#985 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE L EPINETTE" -adresse1: "264 RUE JEAN JAURES" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "59161" -ville: "ESCAUDOEUVRES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 27 83 84 62" #email: "pharmaciedelepinette@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-ESCAUDOEUVRES.NET" #code: "592099337" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#986 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE L EUROPE" -adresse1: "7 AVENUE JEAN MERMOZ" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "64000" -ville: "PAU" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 59 32 41 96" #email: "phiedeleurope64@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-EUROPE-PAU.FR" #code: "642023600" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#987 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE L EUROPE" -adresse1: "2A AVENUE JEAN MONNET" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "27500" -ville: "PONT AUDEMER" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmeurope.ponto@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "272021072" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#988 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE L HORLOGE" -adresse1: "51 RUE JULES GUESDE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "63100" -ville: "CLERMONT FERRAND" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "phie.juillard@perso.alliadis.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "632009916" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#989 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE L HOTEL DE VILLE" -adresse1: "34 RUE LUCIEN VOILIN" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "92800" -ville: "PUTEAUX" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "01 47 75 16 59" #email: "pharmacie.keulen@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "922016480" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#990 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE L HOTEL DE VILLE" -adresse1: "16 PLACE CHARLES DE GAULLE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "64120" -ville: "ST PALAIS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0559659527" #email: "phiehdville@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-HOTEL-DE-VILLE.FR" #code: "642012173" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#991 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE L HOTEL DE VILLE" -adresse1: "46 48 AV DU GENERAL DE GAULLE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "47230" -ville: "LAVARDAC" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 53 65 50 20" #email: "pharmacie-de-l-hotel-de-ville4@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "472000124" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#992 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE L YSER" -adresse1: "11 QUAI DE L YSER" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "29100" -ville: "DOUARNENEZ" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 98 74 22 59" #email: "lindaporoli@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "292024536" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#993 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE L'HOTEL DE VILLE" -adresse1: "19 PLACE GEORGES CLEMENCEAU" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "41800" -ville: "MONTOIRE-SUR-LE-LOIR" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 54 85 08 12" #email: "phiehoteldeville@yahoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "412003964" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#994 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA BAIE" -adresse1: "2 E RUE DU DOMAINE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "22120" -ville: "HILLION" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 96 72 64 27" #email: "pharma.baie@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-SAINTRENE.COM" #code: "222006264" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#995 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA BASCULE" -adresse1: "515 B AVENUE DE TOULOUSE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "82600" -ville: "AUCAMVILLE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmaciedelabasculeaucamville@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "822002432" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#996 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA BASTIDE" -adresse1: "RUE DES TILLEULS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "48250" -ville: "LA BASTIDE PUYLAURENT" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 66 46 01 42" #email: "pharmaciedelabastide@hotmail.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "482000882" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#997 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA BRASSERIE" -adresse1: "19 RUE GAMBETTA" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "58600" -ville: "NEVERS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 86 90 79 60" #email: "pharmaciedelabrasserie@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "582002275" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#998 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA BRIZOTTE" -adresse1: "11 RUE DU COLONEL REDOUTEY" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "21130" -ville: "AUXONNE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 80 37 30 42" #email: "oussama.abarkane@icloud.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "212004816" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#999 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA CAVALERIE" -adresse1: "CHEMIN DE ROQUES" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "09100" -ville: "PAMIERS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmaciedelacavalerie@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "092001775" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1000 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA CERE" -adresse1: "7 B AVENUE DU GENERAL MILHAUD" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "15130" -ville: "ARPAJON SUR CERE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 71 63 72 02" #email: "pharmaciedelacere@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-ARPAJON.COM" #code: "152002051" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1001 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA CITE" -adresse1: "9 AVENUE CHARLES DE GAULLE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "92350" -ville: "LE PLESSIS ROBINSON" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "146301306" #email: "pharmaciedelacite92@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "922021506" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1002 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA COMMANDERIE" -adresse1: "110, AVENUE DU MARQUISAT" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "31170" -ville: "TOURNEFEUILLE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 61 06 88 78" #email: "phiecommanderie@yahoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-COMMANDERIE-TOURNEFEUILLE.COM" #code: "312003791" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1003 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA COUTURE" -adresse1: "95 AVENUE DU COLONEL BENTO ROMA" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "62136" -ville: "LA COUTURE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "321021964" #email: "pharmaciedelacouture@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "622089290" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1004 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA COUZE" -adresse1: "2 RUE DU COMMERCE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "63420" -ville: "ARDES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 73 71 80 16" #email: "pharmaciedelacouze@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "632012050" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1005 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA CROIX BLANCHE" -adresse1: "21 COURS MARC NOUAUX" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "33000" -ville: "BORDEAUX" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharm.croix.blanche@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "332020593" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1006 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA CROIX VERTE" -adresse1: "AVENUE CHARLES DE GAULLE" -adresse2: "ROND POINT DES 4 CHEMINS" -codepostal: "64800" -ville: "NAY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0559610689" #email: "pharmacie.de.la.croix.verte@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "642024467" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1007 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA FAUCONNIERE" -adresse1: "31 RUE DE LORRAINE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "50100" -ville: "CHERBOURG-OCTEVILLE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "233200865" #email: "pharmaciedelafauconniere@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIEDELAFAUCONNIERE.COM" #code: "502001118" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1008 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA FERRIERE" -adresse1: "RUE DE LA FERTE MACE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "61450" -ville: "LA FERRIERE AUX ETANGS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmaciedelaferriere@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "612004911" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1009 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA FONTAINE" -adresse1: "1 ALLEE DE LA FONTAINE" -adresse2: "CTRE CIAL LA CASCADE LOT 20" -codepostal: "54520" -ville: "LAXOU" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0383986340" #email: "phiedelafontaine@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "542026273" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1010 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA FONTAINE" -adresse1: "RUE DE LA FONTAINE SAINT PIERRE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "56460" -ville: "SERENT" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 97 75 94 90" #email: "pharmaciedelafontaine56@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-SERENT.COM" #code: "562008813" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1011 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA FRETTE" -adresse1: "100 ROUTE DE GRENOBLE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "38260" -ville: "LA FRETTE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 74 54 61 88" #email: "pharmaciedelafrette@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "382023026" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1012 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA GARE" -adresse1: "5 LA GARE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "07460" -ville: "ST PAUL LE JEUNE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 75 39 80 12" #email: "gourdon-chapon@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMA-ARDECHE.COM" #code: "072021603" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1013 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA GRANDE CHAMPAGNE" -adresse1: "RUE DU COLLINAUD" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "16130" -ville: "LIGNIERES SONNEVILLE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 45 80 50 17" #email: "officine.gdechampagne@yahoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "162007868" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1014 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA HALLE AUX GRAINS" -adresse1: "10 AVENUE DU MARECHAL MAUNOURY" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "41000" -ville: "BLOIS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0254780772" #email: "pharmaciedelahalleauxgrains41@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "HTTP://WWW.PHARMACIE-BLOIS-HALLEAUXGRAINS.COM/" #code: "412003857" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1015 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA LOIRE" -adresse1: "14 RUE ROGER SALENGRO" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "42300" -ville: "ROANNE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0477712085" #email: "pharmaciedelaloire9@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "422011577" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1016 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA MAIRIE" -adresse1: "35 RUE DE LA MAIRIE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "74460" -ville: "MARNAZ" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 50 96 47 23" #email: "pharmairie@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "HTTP://PHARMACIEMARNAZ.COM" #code: "742006281" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1017 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA MAIRIE" -adresse1: "15 RUE AMEDEE DUFOURG" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "64603" -ville: "ANGLET" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 59 63 89 09" #email: "pharmacie.anglet@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIEMAIRIEANGLET.FR" #code: "642013882" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1018 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA MAIRIE" -adresse1: "15 AVENUE DU GENERAL DE GAULLE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "95230" -ville: "SOISY SOUS MONTMORENCY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "01 39 89 36 23" #email: "lapharmaciedelamairie@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-SOISY-95.COM" #code: "952010619" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1019 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA MAIRIE" -adresse1: "8, PLACE ALBERT 1ER" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "30700" -ville: "UZES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "466221120" #email: "pharmadelamairie@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-UZES.NET" #code: "302006887" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1020 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA MANSE" -adresse1: "LES ROTES" -adresse2: "ZAC MARCHAUX CCIAL INTERMARCHE" -codepostal: "37800" -ville: "STE MAURE DE TOURAINE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 47 65 40 51" #email: "pharmacie.manse@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "372005181" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1021 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA PISCINE" -adresse1: "24 RUE POTTIER" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "78150" -ville: "LE CHESNAY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "01 39 55 34 14" #email: "pharmapiscine@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-LECHESNAY.COM" #code: "782012504" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1022 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA PLACE" -adresse1: "2 PLACE FRANCOIS MITTERRAND" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "08330" -ville: "VRIGNE AUX BOIS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 24 52 21 11" #email: "pharmacie.delaplace@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-VRIGNE-AUX-BOIS.COM" #code: "082002890" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1023 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA PLACE" -adresse1: "4 PLACE JULES FERRY" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "88320" -ville: "LAMARCHE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "329095021" #email: "pharmaciebouchard@outlook.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "882004146" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1024 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA PLACE" -adresse1: "57 RUE DE PARIS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "93380" -ville: "PIERREFITTE SUR SEINE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "01 48 26 51 07" #email: "pharmaciehbs@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-PIERREFITTE.COM" #code: "932018021" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1025 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA PLACE NATIONALE" -adresse1: "63 RUE DE LA REPUBLIQUE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "06600" -ville: "ANTIBES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 93 34 01 63" #email: "jean-luc.androvandi@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "062041421" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1026 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA PLAINE SMH" -adresse1: "17 RUE EDMOND ROSTAND" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "38400" -ville: "ST MARTIN D'HERES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "476250053" #email: "galicien.viard@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-ST-MARTIN-DHERES.COM" #code: "382023729" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1027 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA POSTE" -adresse1: "97 R DES MARTYRS DE LA RESISTANC" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "60110" -ville: "MERU" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0344523300" #email: "pharmaciedelapostemeru@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "602024093" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1028 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA POSTE" -adresse1: "2 AVENUE ALSACE LORRAINE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "19100" -ville: "BRIVE LA GAILLARDE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 55 24 06 73" #email: "pharmacie.laposte@perso.alliadis.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "192003515" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1029 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA PROMENADE" -adresse1: "17 PLACE DE LA REPUBLIQUE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "46800" -ville: "MONTCUQ" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 65 22 92 03" #email: "pharmaciedelapromenade@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "462001587" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1030 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA TOUR" -adresse1: "17 RUE CESAR LAVIROTTE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "21230" -ville: "ARNAY LE DUC" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 80 90 13 96" #email: "pharmaciedelatour21@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "212004766" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1031 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA TURDINE" -adresse1: "18 B RUE DE VERDUN" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "69490" -ville: "PONTCHARRA SUR TURDINE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 74 05 61 64" #email: "pharmacie.turdine@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-PONTCHARRA69.COM" #code: "692037377" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1032 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA VALLEE" -adresse1: "55 RUE PIERRE VERNIER" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "25290" -ville: "ORNANS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 81 62 24 79" #email: "pharmacie.tissot.maire@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIEORNANS.FR" #code: "252013750" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1033 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA VALLEE" -adresse1: "6 RUE TREY" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "64260" -ville: "ARUDY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 59 05 60 60" #email: "lu.triep@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "WWW.PHARMACIEDELAVALLEE.COM" #code: "642024343" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1034 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA VALLEE VERTE" -adresse1: "43 PLACE DES MARRONNIERS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "74420" -ville: "BOEGE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "450391008" #email: "pharmacie.viron@perso.alliadis.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "742001795" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1035 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LINARDS" -adresse1: "16 RUE HENRI LAGRANGE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "87130" -ville: "LINARDS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 55 75 51 02" #email: "pharmaciedelinards.87130@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "872005079" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1036 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LORETTE" -adresse1: "97 RUE JEAN BAPTISTE DEFERNEZ" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "62800" -ville: "LIEVIN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0321442248" #email: "anne.demarquilly@yahoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "622089001" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1037 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE MON IDEE" -adresse1: "19 RUE RAVIER" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "74100" -ville: "AMBILLY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 50 92 53 36" #email: "pharmacie.monidee@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-MONIDEE.COM" #code: "742003551" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1038 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE MONTOIRE" -adresse1: "25 PLACE CLEMENCEAU" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "41800" -ville: "MONTOIRE SUR LE LOIRE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 54 85 00 04" #email: "pharmaciedemontoire@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "412003972" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1039 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE NOYER" -adresse1: "388 AVENUE DE THONON" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "74200" -ville: "ALLINGES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "450705193" #email: "pharmaciedenoyer@perso.alliadis.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "742006182" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1040 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE PAYZAC" -adresse1: "2 PLACE DE LA POSTE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "24270" -ville: "PAYZAC" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 53 52 70 19" #email: "phiepayzac@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIEDEPAYZAC.FR" #code: "242007466" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1041 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE PEAUGRES" -adresse1: "54 ROUTE DE L EGALITE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "07340" -ville: "PEAUGRES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 75 67 32 91" #email: "pharmacie.peaugres@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "072021983" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1042 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE PORT SAINT PERE" -adresse1: "28 RUE DE PORNIC" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "44710" -ville: "PORT SAINT PERE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 40 31 50 20" #email: "pharmacie.rabreaucecile@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-PORT-SAINT-PERE.FR" #code: "442060349" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1043 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE PRADINES" -adresse1: "1 ROUTE DU GYMNASE" -adresse2: "ZAC LES ESCALES CENTRE CIAL" -codepostal: "46090" -ville: "PRADINES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 65 35 61 24" #email: "contact@pharmaciedepradines.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "462001868" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1044 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE PUYBRUN" -adresse1: "RUE NATIONALE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "46130" -ville: "PUYBRUN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmaciepuybrun@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "462001850" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1045 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE RIEUMES" -adresse1: "1 ALLEE DE LA LIBERATION" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "31370" -ville: "RIEUMES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 34 49 02 08" #email: "pharmacie-rieumes@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-RIEUMES.FR" #code: "312006174" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1046 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE SAINT CYR" -adresse1: "7 RUE DE BROCELIANDE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "56380" -ville: "GUER" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 97 75 71 44" #email: "pharmaciedesaintcyr@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "562007708" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1047 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE SAINT PIERRE" -adresse1: "ROUTE NATIONALE 86" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "42520" -ville: "ST PIERRE DE BOEUF" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 74 87 11 20" #email: "pharmacie.saint.pierre@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-CLAVEL.COM" #code: "422024125" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1048 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE SAINT YORRE" -adresse1: "1 RUE DE LA REPUBLIQUE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "03270" -ville: "ST YORRE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 70 59 20 19" #email: "pharmaciedestyorre@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-DE-SAINT-YORRE.COM" #code: "032005605" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1049 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE SEISSAN" -adresse1: "28, PLACE CARNOT" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "32260" -ville: "SEISSAN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 62 66 20 09" #email: "sevdompharm32@yahoo.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-SEISSAN.COM" #code: "322003658" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1050 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE TRACY LE MONT" -adresse1: "207 RUE DE BAILLY" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "60170" -ville: "TRACY LE MONT" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 44 75 20 37" #email: "pharmaciedenervaise@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "602023954" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1051 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE VESONE" -adresse1: "81 R.CLAUDE BERNARD" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "24000" -ville: "PERIGUEUX" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 53 08 60 14" #email: "pharmacie.vesone@yahoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-PERIGUEUX.COM" #code: "242001493" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1052 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE VILLEMENT" -adresse1: "1905 ROUTE DU GOND PONTOUVRE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "16600" -ville: "RUELLE SUR TOUVRE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 45 68 32 89" #email: "pharmaciens@pharmavillement.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMAVILLEMENT.COM" #code: "162006746" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1053 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE VILLENEUVE" -adresse1: "1 RUE ALPHONSE BAUDIN" -adresse2: "RESIDENCE TAMARIS" -codepostal: "17000" -ville: "LA ROCHELLE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 46 44 74 43" #email: "pharmaciedevilleneuve@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIEDEVILLENEUVE-LAROCHELLE.FR" #code: "172031478" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1054 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE VIVIER AU COURT" -adresse1: "32 RUE ALPHONSE PANIER" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "08440" -ville: "VIVIER AU COURT" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 24 52 10 89" #email: "pharmadevivier@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-VIVIER-AU-COURT.COM" #code: "082003237" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1055 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DENIS DUSSOUBS" -adresse1: "30 RUE ADRIEN DUBOUCHE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "87000" -ville: "LIMOGES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 55 77 44 94" #email: "pharmaciedenisdussoubs@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIEDENISDUSSOUBS.COM" #code: "872004692" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1056 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DEROCHE" -adresse1: "20 ROUTE DE BESNE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "72210" -ville: "ROEZE SUR SARTHE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 43 77 39 99" #email: "pharmacie.deroche@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-ROEZE.COM" #code: "722004660" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1057 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DERONNE" -adresse1: "6 RUE DU GENERAL DE GAULLE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "62840" -ville: "LAVENTIE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 21 66 19 66" #email: "helene.deronne@free.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "622085579" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1058 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES 6 CHEMINS" -adresse1: "RUE MATHIEU DURET" -adresse2: "CENTRE COMMERCIAL LES 6 CHEMINS" -codepostal: "07100" -ville: "ANNONAY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 75 33 51 02" #email: "pharma6chemins@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-ANNONAY.NET" #code: "072011208" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1059 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES ALPILLES" -adresse1: "50 AV DU DOCTEUR GEORGES PERRIER" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "13160" -ville: "CHATEAURENARD" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmaciealpilles13160@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "132046293" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1060 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES ARCADES" -adresse1: "CENTRE COMMERCIAL" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "32810" -ville: "PREIGNAN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 62 65 50 66" #email: "pharmaciericau@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-PREIGNAN-RICAU.FR" #code: "322002957" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1061 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES ARCADES" -adresse1: "1 PLACE DE BEURRERIE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "44170" -ville: "NOZAY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 40 79 44 18" #email: "phie.nozay44@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-NOZAY44.COM" #code: "442005088" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1062 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES AROMES" -adresse1: "1 PLACE DU MARCHIX" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "56230" -ville: "QUESTEMBERT" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0297261034" #email: "pharmaciedesaromes@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "562008573" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1063 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES AYERS" -adresse1: "RUE HENRI MARC" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "21800" -ville: "CHEVIGNY ST SAUVEUR" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "380461246" #email: "stephane.jouan2@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "212003396" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1064 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES BORDS DE L'ORNE SELAR" -adresse1: null -adresse2: null -codepostal: null -ville: null -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: null #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "612000430" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1065 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES BORDS DE VIRE" -adresse1: "66 RUE SAINT PIERRE ET MIQUELON" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "50420" -ville: "TESSY S/VIRE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 33 56 30 07" #email: "pharmaciedesbordsdevire@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "502000243" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1066 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES CITES" -adresse1: "147 RUE ALBERT THOMAS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "03100" -ville: "MONTLUCON" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 70 02 24 00" #email: "aline.maure.pharmacie@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "032005068" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1067 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES CRENEAUX" -adresse1: "1059 AVENUE ROGER SALENGRO " -adresse2: null -codepostal: "92370" -ville: "CHAVILLE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "01 47 50 50 38" #email: "phie.descreneaux92@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIEDESCRENEAUX-CHAVILLE.COM" #code: "922018031" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1068 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES DEUX LIONS" -adresse1: "41 ALLEE FERDINAND DE LESSEPS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "37200" -ville: "TOURS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "247386805" #email: "pharmaciedesdeuxlions@outlook.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-TOURS.FR" #code: "372006569" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1069 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES FEUGRAIS" -adresse1: "3 RUE DES FEUGRAIS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "76410" -ville: "ST AUBIN LES ELBEUF" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "235772198" #email: "pharmaciedesfeugrais@perso.dataconseil.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIEDESFEUGRAIS.COM" #code: "762001774" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1070 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES FONTAINES" -adresse1: "179 AVENUE GABRIEL PERI" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "83470" -ville: "ST MAXIMIN LA STE BAUME" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 94 59 73 57" #email: "pharmaciedesfontainesstmax@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "832006308" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1071 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES GRANDES VIGNES" -adresse1: "13, PLACE DE LA LIBERTE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "33210" -ville: "PREIGNAC" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 56 63 27 42" #email: "pharmaciedepreignac@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-PREIGNAC.COM" #code: "332015692" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1072 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES HALLES" -adresse1: "6 PLACE DES HALLES" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "16360" -ville: "BAIGNES STE RADEGONDE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 45 78 40 71" #email: "phie.deshalles@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "162006084" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1073 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES HARAS DE GELOS" -adresse1: "68 RUE LOUIS BARTHOU" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "64110" -ville: "GELOS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 59 06 56 40" #email: "pharmaciedesharas@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "642023964" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1074 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES HAUTES ROCHES" -adresse1: "114, AVENUE DU GAL DE GAULLE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "37230" -ville: "FONDETTES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "" #email: "carine.mandron@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "372006460" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1075 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES HAUTS DE GIEN" -adresse1: "20 RUE JULES CESAR" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "45500" -ville: "GIEN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 38 67 22 40" #email: "pharmaciepret@aol.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-GIEN.COM" #code: "452007743" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1076 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES JACOBINS" -adresse1: "10 RUE DU BELLOCQ" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "40500" -ville: "ST SEVER" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmadesjacobins@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "402091375" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1077 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES JASMINS" -adresse1: "322 AVENUE ALBERT CAMUS" -adresse2: "LOTISSEMENT JASMIN" -codepostal: "47240" -ville: "BON ENCONTRE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 53 96 07 12" #email: "pharmaciedesjasmins@outlook.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-BONENCONTRE.COM" #code: "472006543" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1078 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES LACS" -adresse1: "60, GRANDE RUE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "39130" -ville: "CLAIRVAUX LES LACS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 84 25 81 93" #email: "pharmaciedeslacs39@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "392002424" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1079 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES LAVAUX" -adresse1: "2 RUE DES LAVAUX" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "25300" -ville: "PONTARLIER" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 81 39 05 48" #email: "phiedeslavaux@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-LAVAUX.COM" #code: "252013594" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1080 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES LIONDARDS" -adresse1: "30 RUE DES LIONDARDS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "63000" -ville: "CLERMONT FERRAND" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 73 26 70 71" #email: "luis/brande@yahoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "632012423" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1081 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES MAHONIAS" -adresse1: "12 RUE DE GRENOBLE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "72100" -ville: "LE MANS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmacie.geslin@perso.dataconseil.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "722004017" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1082 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES MARDELLES" -adresse1: "7 PLACE DE LA HALLE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "58700" -ville: "PREMERY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmaciedesmardelles@perso.alliadis.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "582002713" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1083 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES MECHES" -adresse1: "2 AVENUE PIERRE BROSSOLETTE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "94000" -ville: "CRETEIL" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0142072089" #email: "sig602@yahoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIECRETEIL.FR" #code: "942016882" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1084 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES MENHIRS" -adresse1: "14 RUE DES MENHIRS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "56410" -ville: "ERDEVEN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 97 55 63 49" #email: "pharmacie-des-menhirs@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "562008961" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1085 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES MOLLES" -adresse1: "20 RUE BIRON" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "34190" -ville: "GANGES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "467738415" #email: "pharmaciedelolivette@outlook.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "342029147" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1086 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES PRES" -adresse1: "14 RUE DES PRES" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "60680" -ville: "GRANDFRESNOY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 44 41 47 17" #email: "pharmaciedespres60680@outlook.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-GRANDFRESNOY.FR" #code: "602023277" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1087 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES QUATRE ROUTES" -adresse1: "121 T AVENUE JOSEPH CLAUSSAT" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "63400" -ville: "CHAMALIERES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "473376987" #email: "pharmaciedes4routes@hotmail.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "632010856" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1088 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES REMPARTS" -adresse1: "2 RUE DE LA BORDERIE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "35500" -ville: "VITRE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 23 55 11 60" #email: "pharmaciedesremparts.vitre@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "352010730" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1089 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES THERMES" -adresse1: "8 AVENUE DE LA REINE NATHALIE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "64200" -ville: "BIARRITZ" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 59 24 14 33" #email: "phdesthermes648@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "642013866" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1090 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES TROIS GARES" -adresse1: "8 BOULEVARD DE LA LIBERATION" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "78220" -ville: "VIROFLAY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "01 30 24 40 20" #email: "pharmaciedes3gares@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-VIROFLAY.COM" #code: "782712541" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1091 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES TROIS MOULINS" -adresse1: "92 RUE ARISTIDE BRIAND" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "44400" -ville: "REZE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0240756310" #email: "pharmacie3moulins@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-REZE.COM" #code: "442001640" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1092 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES VALLEES" -adresse1: "1 B PLACE DU GENERAL VERDIER" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "65370" -ville: "LOURES BAROUSSE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0562992029" #email: "pharmacie-des-vallees@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "652005208" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1093 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES VILLES MOISAN" -adresse1: "1 RUE DES VILLES MOISAN" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "22440" -ville: "PLOUFRAGAN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "phcievillesmoisan@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "222007411" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1094 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES VOLONTAIRES" -adresse1: "1 AVENUE DES VOLONTAIRES" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "15000" -ville: "AURILLAC" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "" #email: "cecile.ghyspharmacie@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "152001673" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1095 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DESBUISSON" -adresse1: "5 B RUE CHOBOURDIN" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "59134" -ville: "HERLIES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmacie-desbuisson@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "592057178" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1096 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DESCARTES" -adresse1: "7 AVENUE ANDRE MARIE AMPERE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "77420" -ville: "CHAMPS SUR MARNE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "01 64 68 96 22" #email: "pharmacie-descartes@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-CHAMPS-SUR-MARNE.COM" #code: "772006755" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1097 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DESJOBERT" -adresse1: "7-9 RUE THIERS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "53200" -ville: "CHATEAU GONTIER" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "243072183" #email: "pharmacie.desjobert@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIEDESJOBERT.COM" #code: "532005535" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1098 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DIONYSIENNE" -adresse1: "1 PLACE DE LA BROCHE A ROTIR" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "76310" -ville: "SAINTE ADRESSE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 35 46 38 45" #email: "lapharmaciedionysienne@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "762031359" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1099 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DORVAL-SATRE" -adresse1: "4 RUE DE PORT MANECH" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "29920" -ville: "NEVEZ" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 98 06 81 02" #email: "pharmacie.nevez@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "292016870" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1100 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DRIGHES" -adresse1: "126, AV. D'ARGENTEUIL" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "92600" -ville: "ASNIERES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "147930168" #email: "catherinedrighes@voila.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "WWW.PHARMACIE-ASNIERES.COM" #code: "922010442" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1101 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DROUOT PABISIAK" -adresse1: "4 RUE DES HAUTES ALPES" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "54460" -ville: "LIVERDUN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0383244850" #email: "ap.pharli@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "542026232" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1102 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU 8EME" -adresse1: "74, RUE MARIUS BERLIET" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "69008" -ville: "LYON" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 78 77 50 45" #email: "pharmaciesebag@perso.alliadis.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIELYON.FR" #code: "692033848" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1103 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU BANLAY" -adresse1: "2 RUE BLAISE PASCAL" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "58000" -ville: "NEVERS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 86 57 41 05" #email: "pharmacie.dubanlay@perso.alliadis.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "582002176" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1104 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU BEILLET" -adresse1: "11 RUE CHARLES BARTALOT" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "40000" -ville: "MONT DE MARSAN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 58 46 53 88" #email: "pharmacie-du-beillet@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "MONTDEMARSAN.PHARMACIEREFERENCE.COM" #code: "402090633" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1105 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU BELINOIS" -adresse1: "10 RUE DU 8 MAI" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "72220" -ville: "TELOCHE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "martin-do@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "722003522" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1106 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU BOCAGE" -adresse1: "1025 AV 7E RGT TIRAILLEURS ALGER" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "13190" -ville: "ALLAUCH" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0491053330" #email: "pharmaciebocage13@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "132020264" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1107 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU BOIS D AMOUR" -adresse1: "8 RUE EMILE BERNARD" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "29930" -ville: "PONT AVEN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmapontaven@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "292015518" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1108 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU BOULEVARD" -adresse1: "BOULEVARD DU NORD" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "32200" -ville: "GIMONT" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 62 67 70 26" #email: "pharmacieduboulevard32@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-BOULEVARD.FR" #code: "322004052" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1109 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU BOURG" -adresse1: "31 RUE DU BOURGNEUF" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "71370" -ville: "OUROUX SUR SAONE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 85 96 02 94" #email: "herbaux.pharmacie@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "712007145" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1110 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU BOURG" -adresse1: "7 ROUTE DE LYON" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "73160" -ville: "COGNIN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0479694873" #email: "pharmaciedubourg-cognin@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "732003033" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1111 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU CADRAN" -adresse1: "39 PLACE DU 18 OCTOBRE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "28200" -ville: "CHATEAUDUN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 37 45 93 00" #email: "phieducadran@perso.alliadis.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "282002443" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1112 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU CAP DE GASCOGNE" -adresse1: "LOUSTALOT" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "40500" -ville: "SAINT SEVER" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 58 76 01 29" #email: "pharmacieducap@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "402091201" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1113 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU CENTRE" -adresse1: "43 RUE DU GENERAL LECLERC" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "62114" -ville: "SAINS EN GOHELLE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 21 29 16 56" #email: "pharmacie.du.centre-62@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-SAINSENGOHELLE.COM" #code: "622085264" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1114 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU CENTRE" -adresse1: "26 RUE EDOUARD PLACHEZ" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "62220" -ville: "CARVIN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 21 37 14 19" #email: "pharmaciehober@perso.alliadis.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "622088755" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1115 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU CENTRE" -adresse1: "15 RUE LAMARTINE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "62580" -ville: "VIMY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 21 73 71 86" #email: "contact@pharmacievimy.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-VIMY.COM" #code: "622087104" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1116 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU CENTRE" -adresse1: "48 RUE BERTHELOT" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "62670" -ville: "MAZINGARBE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0321291416" #email: "pharmacie.grabarz@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIEDUCENTRE-MAZINGARBE.COM" #code: "622085454" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1117 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU CENTRE BOURG" -adresse1: "1, PLACE JEAN RAMEAU" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "40390" -ville: "SAINT MARTIN DE SEIGNANX" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "559561901" #email: "kplumat@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "402090948" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1118 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU CENTRE COMMERCIAL" -adresse1: "BOULEVARD DU 8 MAI 1945" -adresse2: "GALERIE MARCHANDE LECLERC" -codepostal: "59540" -ville: "CAUDRY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 27 85 26 76" #email: "pharmacieduccdecaudry@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIEDUCENTRECOMMERCIALDECAUDRY.FR" #code: "592090435" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1119 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU CHAMPSAUR" -adresse1: "5 A AVENUE DU 11 NOVEMBRE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "05500" -ville: "ST BONNET EN CHAMPSAUR" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 92 50 53 53" #email: "phieduchampsaur@perso.alliadis.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "052702305" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1120 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU CHATEAU" -adresse1: "16 RUE DU CHATEAU" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "50500" -ville: "CARENTAN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0233420255" #email: "raultph2@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-CARENTAN-RAULT.FR" #code: "502006216" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1121 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU CHATEAU D EAU" -adresse1: "5 PLACE JOSEPH NOUGUIN" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "31140" -ville: "AUCAMVILLE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0562752635" #email: "pharmaciechateau31@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIEAUCAMVILLE.COM" #code: "312007842" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1122 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU CHEMIN VERT" -adresse1: "935 RUE DU CHEMIN VERT" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "49400" -ville: "SAUMUR" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 41 50 11 02" #email: "p.cheminvert@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "492017058" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1123 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU CLOCHER" -adresse1: "99 RUE GABRIEL PERI" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "91300" -ville: "MASSY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0169200422" #email: "lapharmacieduclocher@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "912014701" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1124 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU COUREAU" -adresse1: "10 RUE GEORGES CLEMENCEAU" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "17480" -ville: "LE CHATEAU D OLERON" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "coureau.phr@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "172030579" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1125 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU DOLMEN" -adresse1: "44 RUE DU VIEUX BAGNEUX" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "49400" -ville: "BAGNEUX" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmaciedudolmen@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "492015615" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1126 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU DONJON" -adresse1: "46 48 RUE NATIONALE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "41400" -ville: "MONTRICHARD" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 54 32 04 18" #email: "selarldudonjon@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "412003436" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1127 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU GRAND STADE" -adresse1: "32 RUE GAMBETTA" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "59260" -ville: "LEZENNES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmaciedugrandstade@outlook.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "592056634" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1128 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU IV SEPTEMBRE" -adresse1: "4 B RUE DU 4 SEPTEMBRE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "65000" -ville: "TARBES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmaciedu4septembre@outlook.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "652005042" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1129 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU JOURDAIN" -adresse1: "52 PLACE DU JOURDAIN" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "81300" -ville: "GRAULHET" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 63 60 21 40" #email: "pharma-jourdain@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-GRAULHET.FR" #code: "812004307" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1130 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU LIVRADOIS" -adresse1: "28 RUE DE L INDUSTRIE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "63600" -ville: "AMBERT" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0473820021" #email: "pharmaciedulivradois63600@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "632013256" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1131 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU LYCEE" -adresse1: "72 BIS RUE DE VERSAILLES" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "91300" -ville: "MASSY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "01 69 20 29 21" #email: "seta.hacin@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "912010691" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1132 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU MARCHE" -adresse1: "2 RUE DU DOCTEUR KOHARIAN" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "26000" -ville: "VALENCE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 75 43 60 79" #email: "pharmaciedumarche26@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-VALENCE.NET" #code: "262070956" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1133 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU MARCHE" -adresse1: "10 PLACE DU MARCHE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "81200" -ville: "AUSSILLON" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmacie.du.marche81200@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "812004620" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1134 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU MONT CHARVIN" -adresse1: "387 AVENUE DE LA LIBERATION" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "73400" -ville: "UGINE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0479373245" #email: "pharmaciedumontcharvin@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "732003512" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1135 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU MORTIER D'OR" -adresse1: "146 RUE DE LA REPUBLIQUE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "76320" -ville: "CAUDEBEC LES ELBEUF" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "235770357" #email: "philippe.nguyen4@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIEDUMORTIERDOR.COM" #code: "762000131" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1136 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU MOULIN" -adresse1: "9 PLACE VION TRESMES" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "77515" -ville: "POMMEUSE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmaciedumoulin77515@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "772011490" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1137 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU NOROIT" -adresse1: "72 AV A. BRIAND" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "14450" -ville: "GRANDCAMP MAISY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 31 22 60 50" #email: "pharmaciedunoroit@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "142006584" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1138 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU PARC" -adresse1: "26 RUE DU PRESIDENT WILSON" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "03200" -ville: "VICHY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "470982176" #email: "bruno.barse@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "032004467" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1139 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU PARC" -adresse1: "PLACE DU 8 MAI 1945" -adresse2: "CENTRE COMMERCIAL" -codepostal: "63540" -ville: "ROMAGNAT" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 73 62 66 37" #email: "pharmacie.du.parc63@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "632009585" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1140 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU PARC" -adresse1: "54 BOULEVARD HENRI IV" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "63600" -ville: "AMBERT" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 73 82 04 96" #email: "pharmacieduparc63600@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "632012837" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1141 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU PETIT VERSAILLES" -adresse1: "RUE DU PETIT VERSAILLES" -adresse2: "CENTRE COMMERCIAL INTERMARCHE" -codepostal: "37110" -ville: "CHATEAU RENAULT" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "247295358" #email: "phiepetitversailles@yahoo.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "372006783" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1142 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU POLLET" -adresse1: "34 GRANDE RUE DU POLLET" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "76200" -ville: "DIEPPE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 35 84 18 85" #email: "pharmaciedupollet@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "762001931" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1143 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU PONANT" -adresse1: "164 RUE ALEXANDRE DUMAS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "17400" -ville: "ST JEAN D ANGELY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 46 32 01 61" #email: "ponant.fc@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "172031304" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1144 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU PONT CARDINAL" -adresse1: "75 AVENUE DE PARIS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "19100" -ville: "BRIVE LA GAILLARDE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 55 24 09 45" #email: "phiedupontcardinal@perso.alliadis.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIEDUPONTCARDINALBRIVE.FR" #code: "192001329" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1145 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU PONT MICHELET" -adresse1: "63 AVENUE MICHELET" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "59400" -ville: "CAMBRAI" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "327813752" #email: "pharmaciedupontmichelet@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "592091334" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1146 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU PONT ROYAL" -adresse1: "212 AVENUE ARISTIDE BRIAND" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "92220" -ville: "BAGNEUX" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "01 46 65 12 57" #email: "vavapharma@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "922003983" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1147 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU PORT FLUVIAL" -adresse1: "56 RUE BONTE POLLET" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "59000" -ville: "LILLE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 20 93 13 85" #email: "pharmacieduportfluvial@hotmail.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "592056337" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1148 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU PORZAY" -adresse1: "1 ALLEE DU STADE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "29550" -ville: "PLONEVEZ PORZAY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 98 92 50 34" #email: "pharmacie.porzay@yahoo.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-PORZAY.COM" #code: "292017720" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1149 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU PRIEURE" -adresse1: "3 PLACE DE L'EUROPE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "37520" -ville: "LA RICHE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 47 39 09 42" #email: "pharmacieprieure@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "372005454" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1150 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU ROND POINT" -adresse1: "2 CHEMIN DES AUTRICHIENS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "06600" -ville: "ANTIBES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 93 34 13 40" #email: "phrrondpoint06@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIEDURONDPOINT-ANTIBES.COM" #code: "062047204" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1151 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU STADE" -adresse1: "292 RUE DE VERDUN" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "76600" -ville: "LE HAVRE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 35 47 17 38" #email: "contact@pharmaciedustade.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-LEHAVRE.NET" #code: "762039287" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1152 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU STADE" -adresse1: "10 RUE DE BISSEOUS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "81100" -ville: "CASTRES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "contact@pharmaciedustade81.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "812004216" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1153 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU TEINCHURIER" -adresse1: "RUE LOUIS TAURISSON" -adresse2: "CCIAL CARREFOUR ZI TEINCHURIER" -codepostal: "19100" -ville: "BRIVE LA GAILLARDE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 55 17 51 36" #email: "pharmacie.teinchurier@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "192003176" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1154 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU TILLEUL" -adresse1: "16 ALLEE LEONARD DE VINCI" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "59150" -ville: "WATTRELOS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0320265074" #email: "pharma.tilleul59150@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "592074728" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1155 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU TREBUCHET" -adresse1: "1 AVENUE LOUIS BESSIERES" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "82240" -ville: "PUYLAROQUE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 63 64 90 53" #email: "georges.niek@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "822001889" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1156 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU VAL FLEURI" -adresse1: "63 RUE DE LA CONCORDE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "73490" -ville: "LA RAVOIRE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 79 72 52 22" #email: "pharmacie.valfleuri@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "732000294" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1157 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU VALOIS" -adresse1: "56 AVENUE DU PRESIDENT KENNEDY" -adresse2: "CENTRE COMMERCIAL KENNEDY" -codepostal: "60800" -ville: "CREPY EN VALOIS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 44 87 04 69" #email: "pharmacie.duvalois@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIEDUVALOIS.COM" #code: "602023699" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1158 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU VERDERET" -adresse1: "13 PLACE DU 11 NOVEMBRE 1918" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "38320" -ville: "EYBENS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 76 25 52 14" #email: "ph.verderet@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "382023919" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1159 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU VERT BOIS" -adresse1: "49 AVENUE EDGAR PISANI" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "52100" -ville: "ST DIZIER" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0325050825" #email: "pharmacie.vert.bois@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "522101062" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1160 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU VIGUIER" -adresse1: "2 RUE ALAIN FOURNIER" -adresse2: "CENTRE COMMERCIAL LE VIGUIER" -codepostal: "11000" -ville: "CARCASSONNE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 68 25 05 58" #email: "pharmacieduviguier@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-CARCASSONNE.NET" #code: "112002746" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1161 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU VILLAGE" -adresse1: "101 IMPASSE DE VERDUN" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "69480" -ville: "ANSE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 74 67 16 21" #email: "elisabeth.minget@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "692021561" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1162 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DUNOIS" -adresse1: "1 PLACE DUNOIS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "45000" -ville: "ORLEANS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 38 62 66 33" #email: "spdunois@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-DUNOIS.COM" #code: "452002066" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1163 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DURAND" -adresse1: "33 AV DU MAL DE LATTRE DE TASSIGNY" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "33620" -ville: "CEZAC" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0557321964" #email: "pharmaciedecezac@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "332022300" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1164 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE ELSY GAULTIER" -adresse1: "21 PLACE CHARLES DE GAULLE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "35420" -ville: "LOUVIGNE DU DESERT" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 99 98 01 12" #email: "pharmagaultier@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "HTTP://WWW.PHARMACIE-LOUVIGNE-DU-DESERT.COM/" #code: "352010649" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1165 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE ESCALE SANTE 77" -adresse1: "22 RUE DU GENERAL DE GAULLE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "77181" -ville: "COURTRY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "01 60 20 23 67" #email: "pharmaciedecourtry@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "772012373" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1166 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE ESPACE BERAIRE" -adresse1: "22 RUE NATIONALE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "45380" -ville: "LA CHAPELLE ST MESMIN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 38 43 39 90" #email: "pharmacie-espace-beraire@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-ESPACEBERAIRE.COM" #code: "452006299" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1167 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE EULOGE" -adresse1: "82 RUE DE LAXOU" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "54000" -ville: "NANCY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0383403148" #email: "pharmacie.euloge@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "542024757" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1168 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE FAGES" -adresse1: "7 ROUTE DES GLYCINES" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "16310" -ville: "MASSIGNAC" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 45 65 01 19" #email: "pharmacie.fage@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-MASSIGNAC.COM" #code: "162007074" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1169 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE FLOREAL" -adresse1: "131 AVENUE JEAN JAURES" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "47000" -ville: "AGEN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "contact@pharmaciedufloreal.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "472004688" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1170 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE FLOURIOT" -adresse1: "4 RUE DE L EGLISE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "21800" -ville: "NEUILLY LES DIJON" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 80 47 35 03" #email: "pharmaneuilly@laposte.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "212004063" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1171 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE GARDAN" -adresse1: "1 AVENUE DE L ETANG" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "49123" -ville: "INGRANDES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 41 39 20 12" #email: "pharmaciedesbateliers@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "492017132" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1172 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE GAUTHERON BOCHARD" -adresse1: "22 AVENUE DU LAURAGUAIS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "11290" -ville: "MONTREAL" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 68 76 20 24" #email: "gautheron3@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "112002134" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1173 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE GAUTIER" -adresse1: "4 ROUTE DE POITIERS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "86170" -ville: "CISSE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 49 51 79 37" #email: "pharmaciegautier@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "862022217" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1174 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE GENERALE" -adresse1: "188 AV DU 24 AVRIL 1915" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "13012" -ville: "MARSEILLE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 91 93 41 66" #email: "appaybandon@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIEGENERALE-MARSEILLE.COM" #code: "132040593" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1175 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE GERARD" -adresse1: "50 B ROUTE NATIONALE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "54960" -ville: "MERCY LE BAS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 82 89 62 76" #email: "clemence.gerard1@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "HTTP://PHARMACIE-MERCYLEBAS.COM/" #code: "542026604" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1176 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE GOMES BUI" -adresse1: "54, ALLEE DES BOIS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "95220" -ville: "HERBLAY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "01 39 97 45 30" #email: "pharmaciegomes.bui@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-GOMES-BUI.FR" #code: "952010312" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1177 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE GORE GOGER" -adresse1: "9 RUE SAINT JULIEN" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "61700" -ville: "DOMFRONT" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 33 30 83 51" #email: "pharmacie.gore@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-DOMFRONT.FR" #code: "612006650" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1178 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE GRIFFON" -adresse1: "16, RUE BAPTISTE MARCET VALFLEURY" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "07200" -ville: "AUBENAS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 75 93 64 04" #email: "pharmacie.griffon@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "072021678" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1179 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE GUENIN" -adresse1: "21 COURS DES QUAIS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "56470" -ville: "LA TRINITE SUR MER" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 97 55 72 38" #email: "contact@pharmaciedelatrinitesurmer.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "562007088" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1180 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE GUILHEN" -adresse1: "3 RUE MERCIERE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "63390" -ville: "ST GERVAIS D’AUVERGNE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 73 85 70 77" #email: "laurence.guilhen@perso.alliadis.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "632013140" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1181 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE GUINCHARD LEFEBVRE" -adresse1: "5 PLACE DE L EGLISE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "35330" -ville: "MAURE DE BRETAGNE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 99 34 89 15" #email: "aurelie.lefebvre@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-MAURE-DE-BRETAGNE.FR" #code: "352010086" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1182 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE GUIOT" -adresse1: "37, RUE ARISTIDE BRIAND" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "95520" -ville: "OSNY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "01 30 30 15 48" #email: "philippe.guiot2@free.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-GUIOT.COM" #code: "952010700" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1183 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE GUITTIN" -adresse1: "2 RUE DE VERDUN" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "54800" -ville: "MARS LA TOUR" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "382339211" #email: "guittinb@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "542011374" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1184 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE HARDEL" -adresse1: "4 RUE GAMBETTA" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "50800" -ville: "VILLEDIEU LES POELES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0233610051" #email: "pharmacie.hardel@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "502001407" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1185 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE HAY MOIRE" -adresse1: "23 RUE ANATOLE FRANCE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "37210" -ville: "VERNOU SUR BRENNE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 47 52 10 05" #email: "pharmaciehaymoire@perso.alliadis.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "372005074" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1186 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE HEUZE" -adresse1: "182 AVENUE OLIVIER HEUZE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "72000" -ville: "LE MANS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 43 28 36 21" #email: "pharmacie.heuze@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "722005279" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1187 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE HIBERT" -adresse1: "3 R DES ANCIENS COMBATTANTS AFN" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "11170" -ville: "MONTOLIEU" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0468248421" #email: "pharmacie.hibert@hotmail.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "112003595" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1188 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE HUYGHE" -adresse1: "22 RUE DE LIHONS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "80131" -ville: "HARBONNIERES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "322858020" #email: "pharmacie.huyghe@perso.alliadis.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "802003905" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1189 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE JACQUES PREVERT" -adresse1: "AVENUE JACQUES PREVERT" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "13730" -ville: "ST VICTORET" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmacieprevert@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "132082744" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1190 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE JAMON" -adresse1: "IMPASSE DES OLLIERES" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "43260" -ville: "LANTRIAC" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "471051893" #email: "pharmaciejamon@perso.alliadis.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "432001352" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1191 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE JAN" -adresse1: "2 RUE HENT COZ" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "29120" -ville: "PONT L ABBE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 98 87 00 27" #email: "pharmaciejan@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-PONTLABBE.COM" #code: "292024320" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1192 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE JAUTARD" -adresse1: "RUE RAYMOND PEYDECASTAING" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "47180" -ville: "MEILHAN SUR GARONNE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 53 94 30 16" #email: "jautard.marc@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "472004720" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1193 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE KENNEDY" -adresse1: "5 PLACE ROGER BASTIDE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "30900" -ville: "NIMES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 66 28 84 40" #email: "pharmacie.kennedy@orange-business.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "302004908" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1194 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE KERVEVAN" -adresse1: "19 AVENUE DES COMTES DE CERDAGNE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "66800" -ville: "SAILLAGOUSE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 68 04 72 80" #email: "pharmacie.kervevan@hotmail.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "662002260" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1195 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE KETELS" -adresse1: "9 AVENUE DE L EUROPE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "80200" -ville: "PERONNE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 22 84 03 11" #email: "pharmacieketels@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-KETELS.COM" #code: "802004697" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1196 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE L OCEANE" -adresse1: "LE PETIT BONNEVEAUX" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "17220" -ville: "SALLES SUR MER" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmacieloceane17@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "172031536" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1197 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE LABARRE" -adresse1: "44 B ROUTE DE LA MEYZE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "87800" -ville: "NEXON" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 55 58 10 29" #email: "pharmacienexon@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIENEXON.COM" #code: "872002944" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1198 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE LACAUSSE" -adresse1: "7 ROUTE DE TERCIS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "40100" -ville: "DAX" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "karine.lacausse@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "402090484" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1199 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE LAGACHERIE" -adresse1: "RUE THIERS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "47160" -ville: "DAMAZAN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "553794147" #email: "pharmacie.lagacherie@perso.dataconseil.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-DAMAZAN.COM" #code: "472004746" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1200 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE LAMBERT" -adresse1: "5 PLACE JEAN JAURES" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "13550" -ville: "NOVES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 90 92 97 23" #email: "alain.lambert603@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "132029968" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1201 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE LANIC LACROUTS" -adresse1: "89 ROUTE DE MONT DE MARSAN" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "40420" -ville: "LABRIT" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 58 51 01 79" #email: "andrelanic@hotmail.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "402015325" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1202 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE LATROMPETTE" -adresse1: "8 RUE CHARLES DE GAULLE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "08210" -ville: "MOUZON" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 24 26 10 92" #email: "pharmacie.mouzon@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-MOUZON.COM" #code: "082002213" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1203 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE LE COENT" -adresse1: "ROUTE DE SAINT BRIEUX" -adresse2: "ROND POINT LANNOGE" -codepostal: "22110" -ville: "ROSTRENEN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 96 29 01 53" #email: "pharmacielecoent@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-LE-COENT-ROSTRENEN.FR" #code: "222008187" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1204 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE LE POTIER" -adresse1: "4 6 RUE MICHELLE LE BRUN" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "22530" -ville: "MUR DE BRETAGNE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 96 28 59 49" #email: "pharmacielepotier@hotmail.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-MURDEBRETAGNE.COM" #code: "222007155" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1205 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE LEBRET" -adresse1: "51, RUE KENNEDY" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "50720" -ville: "BARENTON" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "233595471" #email: "pharmacielebret@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIELEBRET.COM" #code: "502007370" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1206 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE LEDOYER" -adresse1: "17 RUE CLEMENCEAU" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "22430" -ville: "ERQUY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "296723073" #email: "pharmacie.ledoyer@perso.smart-rx.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "222007627" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1207 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE LEFEUVRE GARRIOT" -adresse1: "34 AVENUE DE SENLIS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "60800" -ville: "CREPY EN VALOIS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 44 87 02 13" #email: "pharmacielefeuvre@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-CREPYENVALOIS.COM" #code: "602023053" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1208 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE LEFEVRE MALASSAGNE" -adresse1: "14 PLACE GERARD TENQUE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "13500" -ville: "MARTIGUES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmacie.lefevre.malassagne@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "132041054" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1209 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE LEFRANCOIS" -adresse1: "27 ROUTE DE SAINT JOUVIN" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "50700" -ville: "BRIX" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0233210923" #email: "pharmaciedebrix@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "HTTP://WWW.PHARMACIE-BRIX.FR" #code: "502000789" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1210 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE LEMARE" -adresse1: "667 AVENUE ROGER SALENGRO" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "92370" -ville: "CHAVILLE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "01 47 50 48 98" #email: "pharmaciechaville@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "WWW.PHARMACIEDESECOLESCHAVILLE.COM" #code: "922020490" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1211 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE LERICHE" -adresse1: "174 AVENUE DE QUAKENBRUCK" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "61000" -ville: "ALENCON" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmacieleriche@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "612017624" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1212 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE LES LILAS" -adresse1: "44 BOULEVARD DE LA LIBERTE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "93260" -ville: "LES LILAS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "143639139" #email: "pharmacieleslilas@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-LESLILAS.COM" #code: "932012040" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1213 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE LOISEAU" -adresse1: "4, RUE PIERRE MARCHAND" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "35530" -ville: "NOYAL SUR VILAINE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "299006690" #email: "pharmacie-loiseau@hotmail.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-NOYALSURVILAINE.COM" #code: "352007447" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1214 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE LORRAINE" -adresse1: "1 RUE DES CAPUCINS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "55200" -ville: "COMMERCY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 29 91 01 32" #email: "pharmacielorraine@hotmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "NAVEL.PHARMACIEREFERENCE.COM" #code: "552002073" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1215 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE LOUBET" -adresse1: "7 PLACE DE CASTILLE" -adresse2: "LE PENON" -codepostal: "40510" -ville: "SEIGNOSSE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 58 43 31 77" #email: "pharmacieseignosseocean@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "HTTP://PHARMACIESEIGNOSSEOCEAN.COM/" #code: "402091136" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1216 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE LOUEDEC" -adresse1: "12 PLACE EUGENE FOREST" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "29830" -ville: "PLOUGUIN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmacie.louedec@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "292017068" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1217 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE MARCHAND" -adresse1: "29 AV DU GENERAL CHARLES DE GAULLE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "25460" -ville: "ETUPES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 81 94 26 98" #email: "pharmacie-marchand.etupes@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "252021738" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1218 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE MARCHANDISE" -adresse1: "124 RUE LOUIS DAVID" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "62100" -ville: "CALAIS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 21 96 93 33" #email: "pharmacie.marchandise@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "622032415" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1219 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE MARQUET" -adresse1: "ROND POINT DE LA METAIRIE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "56500" -ville: "NAIZIN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 97 27 42 49" #email: "pharma.marquet@perso.alliadis.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "562004531" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1220 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE MASSILIA" -adresse1: "11 AVENUE ROGER SALENGRO" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "13003" -ville: "MARSEILLE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharma.clary@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "132042243" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1221 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE MONDIALE" -adresse1: "4 PLACE PIERRE VICTOR LEGER" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "03200" -ville: "VICHY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "mondiale-pharma@hotmail.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "032004699" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1222 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE MONIER LEBOUCHER" -adresse1: "6 RUE DU GENERAL FOUCHER" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "53360" -ville: "QUELAINES ST GAULT" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 43 98 56 13" #email: "murielle.monier04@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "532006178" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1223 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE MONTEBELLO" -adresse1: "37 RUE D ESQUERMES" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "59000" -ville: "LILLE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 20 93 09 00" #email: "pharmaciemontebello@perso.alliadis.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "592058424" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1224 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE MORAVSKA" -adresse1: "2 PLACE DES TAPIS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "69004" -ville: "LYON" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 78 28 03 12" #email: "pharmacie-marche@outlook.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "692038136" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1225 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE MOREL" -adresse1: "368 AVENUE JEAN JAURES" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "59790" -ville: "RONCHIN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "320532157" #email: "pharmaciemorel@yahoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-RONCHIN.COM" #code: "592055412" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1226 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE MORRIS" -adresse1: "83 RUE DE LA REPUBLIQUE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "13002" -ville: "MARSEILLE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0491905952" #email: "morris.bruno@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-MARSEILLE.INFO" #code: "132062423" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1227 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE MOUGIN" -adresse1: "705 GRANDE RUE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "01580" -ville: "IZERNORE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 74 76 50 00" #email: "mougin.c@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "012004586" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1228 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE NAVELOT" -adresse1: "6 ALLEE DU TILLEUL" -adresse2: "ZAC DU FRIER" -codepostal: "60590" -ville: "SERIFONTAINE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 44 84 91 07" #email: "isabelle.navelot@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-SERIFONTAINE.COM" #code: "602013161" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1229 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE NICOULAUD" -adresse1: "15 AVENUE DU BERRY" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "23230" -ville: "GOUZON" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 55 62 20 19" #email: "nicoulaud.pharm@perso.alliadis.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "GOUZON.NICOULAUD.PHARMACIEREFERENCE.COM" #code: "232001958" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1230 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE NOUVELLE" -adresse1: "34 RUE EMILE ZOLA" -adresse2: "CENTRE COMMERCIAL INTERMARCHE" -codepostal: "62970" -ville: "COURCELLES LES LENS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 21 77 04 69" #email: "mpr@pharmacourcelles.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-COURCELLES.COM" #code: "622087781" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1231 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE OCEANE (EAUL)" -adresse1: "1 RUE JEAN CHARCOT" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "29950" -ville: "BENODET" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 98 57 00 19" #email: "phar.oceane@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "292015682" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1232 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE PAMPOUNEAU" -adresse1: "31 RUE OLYMPE DE GOUGES" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "33240" -ville: "ST GERVAIS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "phiesaintgervais@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "332018340" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1233 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE PAQUEREAU" -adresse1: "62 RUE DE LAVAL" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "53240" -ville: "LA BACONNIERE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 43 02 63 10" #email: "phie.labaconniere@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "532006525" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1234 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE PARMENTIER" -adresse1: "31 RUE SAINT CORNEILLE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "60200" -ville: "COMPIEGNE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 44 23 01 42" #email: "pharmacieparmentier@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "602012692" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1235 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE PATTON" -adresse1: "94 AVENUE DU GENERAL PATTON" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "49000" -ville: "ANGERS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "contact@pharmaciepattonangers.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "492016290" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1236 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE PEYROUX" -adresse1: "1 BOULEVARD MARX DORMOY" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "36100" -ville: "ISSOUDUN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 54 21 00 37" #email: "sabinepeyroux@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-ISSOUDUN.COM" #code: "362002008" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1237 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE PHARMABLIS" -adresse1: "2 PLACE DES FETES" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "78660" -ville: "ABLIS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "01 30 46 00 17" #email: "pharmablis@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "782713432" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1238 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE PHARMAGE" -adresse1: "20 RUE CARNOT" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "08200" -ville: "SEDAN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 24 29 10 44" #email: "marinejeancentre@outlook.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "082003450" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1239 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE PIGNON" -adresse1: "2 AVENUE MANEOU" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "13790" -ville: "ROUSSET" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 42 29 01 50" #email: "pharmaciepignon@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-PIGNON.COM" #code: "132027178" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1240 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE PIRON" -adresse1: "3 PLACE JB MOREAU" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "37380" -ville: "MONNAIE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 47 56 10 36" #email: "pharmacie.piron37@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-MONNAIE.FR" #code: "372005660" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1241 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE POGET" -adresse1: "136 AVENUE DES GUINEBERTS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "03100" -ville: "MONTLUCON" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "470290336" #email: "pharmaciepoget@perso.alliadis.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "032002982" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1242 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE PORTAIL SELARL" -adresse1: "10 RUE ALEXANDRE DUMAS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "76380" -ville: "CANTELEU" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "235363060" #email: "pharmacie-portail@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "762041424" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1243 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE PRIEUR" -adresse1: "4T RUE JOSEPH CHAUMETTE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "16470" -ville: "ST MICHEL" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 45 91 46 02" #email: "beatrice.prieur@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-SAINT-MICHEL.NET" #code: "162005433" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1244 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE PRISIAISE" -adresse1: "4 PLACE LECLERC" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "50190" -ville: "PERIERS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 33 76 58 58" #email: "pharmacie.prisiaise@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-PERIERS.COM" #code: "502001985" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1245 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE PRUVOST PARISEL" -adresse1: "1 RUE JOURNE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "51490" -ville: "PONTFAVERGER MORONVILLIERS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 26 48 72 14" #email: "phparisel@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-PONTFAVERGER.FR" #code: "512005000" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1246 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE REGINA" -adresse1: "1 A, PLACE DE L’EGLISE " -adresse2: null -codepostal: "37420" -ville: "AVOINE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "247584035" #email: "pharmacie.avoine@perso.alliadis.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-AVOINE.COM" #code: "372005629" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1247 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE REGIONALE" -adresse1: "43 RUE ANTOINE MASSON" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "21130" -ville: "AUXONNE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 80 37 30 27" #email: "phvernizeau@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "212002737" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1248 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE REPUBLIQUE" -adresse1: "3 RUE DE LA REPUBLIQUE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "42500" -ville: "LE CHAMBON FEUGEROLLES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0477610412" #email: "pharmacie.republique42@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "422025668" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1249 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE RICCI" -adresse1: "19 PLACE SAINT NICOLAS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "20200" -ville: "BASTIA" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 95 31 46 19" #email: "pharmaciericci@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "202040226" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1250 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE ROLLIN" -adresse1: "2 RUE DU GENERAL LECLERC" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "35260" -ville: "CANCALE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0299896154" #email: "pharmacierollin@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-CANCALE.FR" #code: "352008767" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1251 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE ROUTIER DE LESTANG" -adresse1: "139 RUE JEAN CATELAS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "80480" -ville: "SALEUX" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmacieroutierdelestang@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "802006676" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1252 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE RUCHE - SELARL" -adresse1: "48 AVENUE DE LA REPUBLIQUE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "50200" -ville: "COUTANCES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 33 45 18 76" #email: "ma.lemoigne@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "RUCHE.PHARMACIEREFERENCE.COM" #code: "502001787" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1253 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE RULLIER (RULLIER ERIC)" -adresse1: "34 RUE DE LA LIBERTE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "14730" -ville: "GIBERVILLE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "231723739" #email: "e-rullier@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-GIBERVILLE.FR" #code: "142003789" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1254 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE SAINT ARE" -adresse1: "12 ROUTE DE MOULINS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "58300" -ville: "DECIZE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0386771326" #email: "pharmacie.saintare@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "582002739" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1255 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE SAINT CHRISTOL" -adresse1: "71 AVENUE BOUTONNET" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "34400" -ville: "ST CHRISTOL" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "467860149" #email: "damien.orazi@yahoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "342026838" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1256 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE SAINT CHRISTOPHE" -adresse1: "21 AVENUE MARECHAL JOFFRE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "66000" -ville: "PERPIGNAN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0468611043" #email: "pharmaciestchristophe@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "662003540" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1257 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE SAINT COME" -adresse1: "8 PLACE DU PRESIDENT WILSON" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "41110" -ville: "ST AIGNAN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 54 75 22 64" #email: "phie.sefrioui@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "412004038" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1258 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE SAINT JAUMES" -adresse1: "33 RUE DU FAUBOURG SAINT JAUMES" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "34000" -ville: "MONTPELLIER" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "" #email: "phar.stjaumes@perso.alliadis.net?" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "342023678" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1259 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE SAINT JEAN" -adresse1: "45 47 RUE GUYNEMER" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "76500" -ville: "ELBEUF" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 35 77 09 97" #email: "pharmacie.saintjean-elbeuf@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "762002467" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1260 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE SAINT MARTIN" -adresse1: "29 RUE SAINT MARTIN" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "28100" -ville: "DREUX" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0237500059" #email: "stmartin.pharmacie@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-DREUX.COM" #code: "282003185" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1261 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE SAINT MARTIN" -adresse1: "39 41 RUE LEO MERIGOT" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "18100" -ville: "VIERZON" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 48 75 37 07" #email: "pharmacie.saint.martin@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-VIERZON.NET" #code: "182003152" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1262 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE SAINT PIERRE" -adresse1: "2 AV GEORGES CLEMENCEAU" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "40100" -ville: "DAX" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 58 74 05 88" #email: "pharmacie-saint-pierre@orange.fr " #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "402090690" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1263 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE SAINT PIERRE" -adresse1: "58 RUE DE LA LIBERATION" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "35720" -ville: "ST PIERRE DE PLESGUEN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 99 73 90 27" #email: "pharmacie.stpierre@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "352010920" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1264 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE SAINT SAUVEUR" -adresse1: "6 RUE BUFFON" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "21800" -ville: "CHEVIGNY ST SAUVEUR" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "ph.st.sauveur@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "212004659" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1265 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE SAINT SAUVEUR D AUNIS" -adresse1: "1 RUE DE SAINTONGE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "17540" -ville: "ST SAUVEUR D AUNIS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0546019810" #email: "pharmacie.saintsauveur@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-SAINT-SAUVEUR-DAUNIS.FR" #code: "172032237" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1266 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE SAINT-JUST" -adresse1: "29 PLACE DE LA LIBERATION" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "34400" -ville: "SAINT-JUST" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "467832315" #email: "pharmacie-saint-just@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "340795418" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1267 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE SANTE BIEN ETRE" -adresse1: "40 RUE DU POTEAU" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "75018" -ville: "PARIS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "01 46 06 50 10" #email: "pharmacie.manaud@free.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "752041103" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1268 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE SIMONIN" -adresse1: "7 PLACE DE L HOTEL DE VILLE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "60350" -ville: "PIERREFONDS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 44 42 80 15" #email: "pharmaciedepierrefonds@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "602023681" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1269 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE SYOEN" -adresse1: "10 GRANDE RUE NOTRE DAME" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "60130" -ville: "BULLES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 44 78 91 48" #email: "pharmacie.syoen@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "602013021" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1270 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE TERRAIL" -adresse1: "53 GRANDE RUE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "26340" -ville: "SAILLANS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 75 21 52 02" #email: "pharmaciedesaillans@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-SAILLANS.COM" #code: "262003015" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1271 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE THAUMIAUX" -adresse1: "1 AVENUE JULES TUFFERY" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "23100" -ville: "LA COURTINE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 55 66 76 41" #email: "pharmacie-thaumiau@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIELACOURTINE.COM" #code: "232002204" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1272 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE THEVENOT" -adresse1: "11 RUE D AUXERRE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "89480" -ville: "COULANGES SUR YONNE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0386817085" #email: "thevenot.michel@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "892001371" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1273 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE THORIUM" -adresse1: "9 11 RUE PASTEUR" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "59870" -ville: "MARCHIENNES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 27 90 40 17" #email: "phcie.pasteur@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-MARCHIENNES.COM" #code: "592032429" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1274 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE TRUONG" -adresse1: "167 RUE SAINT-LAURENT" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "50460" -ville: "LA HAGUE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 33 03 93 07" #email: "truongvivan@yahoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "502001829" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1275 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE VALLEE DU SOR" -adresse1: "67 RUE DU THERON" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "81570" -ville: "SEMALENS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 63 71 70 80" #email: "pharmacievalleedusor@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-SEMALENS.FR" #code: "812004083" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1276 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE VALLET" -adresse1: "2 B ROUTE DE PITHIVIERS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "45300" -ville: "ASCOUX" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 38 33 01 24" #email: "pharmacie.vallet@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-ASCOUX.COM" #code: "452009202" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1277 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE VANDEPUTTE" -adresse1: "1 RUE DU GENERAL DE GAULLE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "60400" -ville: "NOYON" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 44 44 00 98" #email: "pharmacie.vandeputte@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-VANDEPUTTE.COM" #code: "602011918" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1278 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE VANYSACKER" -adresse1: "16 B AVENUE ARISTIDE BRIAND" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "80320" -ville: "CHAULNES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 22 85 40 32" #email: "framvany@hotmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-CHAULNES.COM" #code: "802005462" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1279 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE VASSEUR (VASSEUR JUSTINE)" -adresse1: "34 ROUTE DES LACS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "40140" -ville: "PISSOS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "558089001" #email: "lapharmaciedepissos@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "402091284" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1280 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE VERLEY" -adresse1: "15 PLACE ANDRE GASNIER" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "36300" -ville: "LE BLANC" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "phieverley@perso.alliadis.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "362002917" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1281 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE VIADYS" -adresse1: "3 B RUE DU LIEVRE D OR" -adresse2: "PLATEAU SUD" -codepostal: "28100" -ville: "DREUX" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0237422197" #email: "pharmacieplateausud@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIEDUPLATEAUSUD.COM" #code: "282002468" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1282 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE VIDEMENT" -adresse1: "7 RUE CHAMPLAIN" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "22000" -ville: "ST BRIEUC" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0296330992" #email: "pharmacie-videment@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "222006017" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1283 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE VIRTUELLE" -adresse1: "2 RUE GALIEN" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "93587" -ville: "SAINT OUEN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "j.lepaux-crochet@aquitem.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "999999999" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1284 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE VITTU" -adresse1: "21 25 RUE FLORENT EVRARD" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "62420" -ville: "BILLY MONTIGNY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmacie.vittu@perso.alliadis.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "622086221" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1285 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE ZENITH" -adresse1: "21 RUE DES SARLIEVE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "63800" -ville: "COURNON D AUVERGNE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "473698456" #email: "cg.pharma@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "632012035" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1286 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACONFIANCE DU MARCHE" -adresse1: "9 11 RUE SAINTE CATHERINE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "24100" -ville: "BERGERAC" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 53 57 04 13" #email: "ph.saintecatherine@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "242007342" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1287 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMAICE DU CENTRE" -adresse1: "16 PLACE DU GENERAL DE GAULLE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "37500" -ville: "CHINON" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 47 93 02 14" #email: "pharmaciedechinon@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "372006429" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1288 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHIE CENTRALE DE L'UNION" -adresse1: "59 AVENUE DE TOULOUSE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "31240" -ville: "L UNION" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0561743250" #email: "pharmaciecentrale31240@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "312009392" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1289 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHIE CENTRE COMMERCIAL COTENTIN" -adresse1: "RUE PIERRE ET MARIE CURIE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "50470" -ville: "LA GLACERIE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmaciecccotentin@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "502002207" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1290 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "SELARL PHARMACIE HOURMAN" -adresse1: "1 BELLEVUE DE LA MADELEINE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "29600" -ville: "MORLAIX" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 98 88 46 77" #email: "phiedelamadelaine29600@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-MORLAIX.COM" #code: "292016573" #longitude: null #latitude: null } ] |
[ App\Entity\Magasin {#914 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "AQUITEM PHARMA" -adresse1: "375 AVENUE DE TIVOLI" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "33110" -ville: "LE BOUSCAT" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "j.lepaux-crochet@aquitem.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "123456789" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#515 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "EURL PHARMACIE LA LAITA" -adresse1: "PLACE DE LA POSTE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "56520" -ville: "GUIDEL" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 97 65 01 41" #email: "jacquelineroos@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIELALAITA.COM" #code: "562004655" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#915 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "GRANDE PHARMACIE DU CENTRE" -adresse1: "10 PLACE GAMBETTA" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "81200" -ville: "MAZAMET" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 63 61 08 80" #email: "pharmacie.leriche@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "MAPHARMACIEREFERENCE-MAZAMET.COM" #code: "812004133" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#916 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "LA GRANDE PHARMACIE" -adresse1: "AV DU PRESIDENT FRANKLIN ROOSEVE" -adresse2: "LES JARDINS D EDEN" -codepostal: "73100" -ville: "AIX LES BAINS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 79 35 05 37" #email: "alexa73@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "732003637" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#917 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "NOUVELLE PHARMACIE BEL AIR" -adresse1: "66 AVENUE CHARLES DE GAULLE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "36100" -ville: "ISSOUDUN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 54 21 21 44" #email: "moyon.magali@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "362004749" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#918 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "NOUVELLE PHARMACIE NORMALE" -adresse1: "23 PLACE MIREMONT" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "38200" -ville: "VIENNE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 74 85 01 60" #email: "nouvellepharmacienormale1@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "382024412" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#919 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU PONTREAU-" -adresse1: "40 -42 RUE BREMAUDIERE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "79000" -ville: "NIORT" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "549240408" #email: "contact@pharmaciedupontreau.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-NIORT.NET" #code: "792028821" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#920 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE ABAZA" -adresse1: "40 RUE SOEUR ANGELE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "95210" -ville: "ST GRATIEN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "01 39 89 37 33" #email: "pharma.abaza@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "ABAZA.PHARMACIEREFERENCE.COM" #code: "952700409" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#921 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE ALAIN FOURNIER" -adresse1: "6 RUE HENRI ALAIN FOURNIER" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "69800" -ville: "ST PRIEST" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmaciealainfournier@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "692035900" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#922 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE ARNAUD" -adresse1: "19 RUE BETEILLE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "12000" -ville: "RODEZ" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 65 68 08 56" #email: "pharmacie.arnaud@perso.alliadis.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-RODEZ.COM" #code: "122000656" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#923 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE AURORE" -adresse1: "PLACE DU COMMERCE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "20600" -ville: "BASTIA" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "" #email: "pharmacie-aurore@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "202041414" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#924 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE BARBOTIN SARL" -adresse1: "24 RUE PRINCIPALE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "17120" -ville: "MEURSAC" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0546916712" #email: "pharmacie.barbotin17120@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "172031924" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#925 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE BARRET" -adresse1: "ZAC DE LA GRANDE PIECE" -adresse2: "CENTRE COMMERCIAL SUPER U" -codepostal: "37390" -ville: "CHANCEAUX SUR CHOISILLE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 47 55 19 59" #email: "pharmacie.barret@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "372005249" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#926 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE BC PHARMA" -adresse1: "38 AVENUE DE VERDUN" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "26000" -ville: "VALENCE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmacie.polygone@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "262071087" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#927 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE BELTRAN" -adresse1: "RUE ROQUEPIN" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "13800" -ville: "ISTRES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmacie.beltran@perso.alliadis.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "132029836" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#928 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE BESVEL" -adresse1: "18 TRAIT D UNION" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "77127" -ville: "LIEU-SAINT" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "01 64 88 65 80" #email: "besvel@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "WWW.PHARMACIE-POLEMEDICAL-SENART.COM" #code: "772006888" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#929 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE BETUING" -adresse1: "54 AVENUE MARECHAL FOCH" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "47600" -ville: "NERAC" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 53 65 07 23" #email: "pharmacie.betuing@outlook.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "472006725" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#930 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE BIBOCO" -adresse1: "10, PLACE VICTOR HUGO" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "72400" -ville: "LA FERTE BERNARD" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 43 93 00 28" #email: "pharmacie.bisi@yahoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "722004736" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#931 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE BOEDEC" -adresse1: "3 RUE PEN PAVE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "29370" -ville: "CORAY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 98 59 12 16" #email: "pharmacie.boedec@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-CORAY.COM" #code: "292023355" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#932 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE BONNAFY" -adresse1: "2 PLACE BERTY BOUYER" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "44560" -ville: "CORSEPT" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0240276868" #email: "pharmcorsept@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-CORSEPT.COM" #code: "442060430" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#933 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE BONNETERRE" -adresse1: "146 B COURS TOLSTOI" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "69100" -ville: "VILLEURBANNE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0478849165" #email: "ehpad3@pharmaciebonneterre.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "692030760" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#934 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE BOUQUET" -adresse1: "12 RUE DE LA REPUBLIQUE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "19350" -ville: "JUILLAC" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 55 25 60 10" #email: "pharmaciedejuillac@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "192005692" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#935 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE BOUST" -adresse1: "84, RUE BERNARD ISKE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "92350" -ville: "PLESSIS ROBINSON" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "01 46 30 45 51" #email: "pharmacie.boust@free.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "922010541" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#936 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE BRAISE" -adresse1: "129 AVENUE DE LA GARE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "74440" -ville: "TANINGES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 50 34 20 51" #email: "pharmaciebraise@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "742000615" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#937 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE BRANDAO COURTOIS" -adresse1: "25 29 RUE D ARRAS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "62140" -ville: "HESDIN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 21 86 87 28" #email: "phiedelaforet@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIEDELAFORET-HESDIN.COM" #code: "622032548" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#938 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE BROUILLET LUMINEAU" -adresse1: "AV CHARLES DE GAULLE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "85340" -ville: "OLONNE SUR MER" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 51 32 79 13" #email: "brouilletlumineau@perso.alliadis.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "852005701" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#939 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE CAMBIER" -adresse1: "136 RUE DU GENERAL LECLERC" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "59118" -ville: "WAMBRECHIES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0320788170" #email: "pharmacambier@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "592057525" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#940 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE CAP ATLANTIQUE" -adresse1: "7 AVENUE DE STRASBOURG" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "17340" -ville: "CHATELAILLON PLAGE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmaciecapatlantique@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "172031528" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#941 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE CARTON" -adresse1: "987 AVENUE RAYMOND POINCARE" -adresse2: "CENTRE COMMERCIAL INTERMARCHE" -codepostal: "60280" -ville: "MARGNY LES COMPIEGNE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 44 09 69 25" #email: "pharmaciecartonfrederic@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIECARTONMARGNY.FR" #code: "602013773" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#942 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE CASALONGA" -adresse1: "23 RUE CUSTINE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "75018" -ville: "PARIS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0146062478" #email: "jfcasalonga@yahoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "752037507" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#943 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE CENTRALE" -adresse1: "31 ROUTE DE TERNAY" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "69360" -ville: "COMMUNAY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 72 24 61 26" #email: "mariele-raffin@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-COMMUNAY.COM" #code: "692031149" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#944 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE CENTRALE" -adresse1: "12 14 PLACE DES COMBATTANTS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "42600" -ville: "MONTBRISSON" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "catherine.peyrard42@hotmail.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "422024943" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#945 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE CENTRALE" -adresse1: "LA CROIX D ORSAL" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "46300" -ville: "GOURDON" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 65 41 12 83" #email: "pharmaciecentralegourdon@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "462001967" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#946 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE CENTRALE" -adresse1: "1 RUE ROGER SALENGRO" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "62710" -ville: "COURRIERES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0321202869" #email: "phie-centrale@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHIE-CENTRALE.COM" #code: "622088888" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#947 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE CENTRALE" -adresse1: "9 QUAI DES ESCOUCIERES" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "81800" -ville: "RABASTENS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmaciecentrale81@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "812090074" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#948 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE CENTRALE" -adresse1: "12 PLACE DU GENERAL DE GAULLE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "27260" -ville: "CORMEILLES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "" #email: "pharmcentrale@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "270019391" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#949 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE CENTRALE" -adresse1: "9 PLACE PEYRAMALE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "65100" -ville: "LOURDES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmacentrale65@yahoo.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "652003021" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#950 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE CENTRALE" -adresse1: "4 PLACE DU BREUIL" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "42700" -ville: "FIRMINY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmaciecentrale42@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "422027888" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#951 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE CENTRALE" -adresse1: "1 RUE CARNOT" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "59150" -ville: "WATTRELOS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 20 75 73 19" #email: "phcentrale@perso.alliadis.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "592073092" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#952 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE CENTRALE DE PLEUVEN" -adresse1: "2 ROUTE DE QUIMPER" -adresse2: "LE BOURG" -codepostal: "29170" -ville: "PLEUVEN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 98 54 80 79" #email: "pharmacie.lecup@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-PLEUVEN.COM" #code: "292015617" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#953 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE CHABLAIS GARE" -adresse1: "53 AVENUE DE LA GARE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "74100" -ville: "ANNEMASSE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 50 92 53 25" #email: "edouard.degeorges@outlook.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "742006315" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#954 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE CHAMPERRET" -adresse1: "12 AVENUE STEPHANE MALLARME" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "75017" -ville: "PARIS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0143805800" #email: "pharmacie.champerret@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "752020271" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#955 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE CHARNAY" -adresse1: "5 RUE DU CHENE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "23400" -ville: "ST DIZIER LEYRENNE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 55 64 40 24" #email: "pharmacie.charnay@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "232002188" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#956 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE CHAZOT" -adresse1: "3 5 PLACE DU GENERAL ESPAGNE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "23200" -ville: "AUBUSSON" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 55 66 11 73" #email: "m-chazot-sandrine@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "232002345" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#957 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE CONDOM PYRENEES" -adresse1: "31 B AVENUE DES PYRENEES" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "32100" -ville: "CONDOM" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmacondom32@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "322003682" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#958 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE COTTIN" -adresse1: "127 AVENUE JEAN JAURES" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "69150" -ville: "DECINES CHARPIEU" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "478490256" #email: "gaelle-cottin@hotmail.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "692039589" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#959 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE CREMERS" -adresse1: "416 BIS, AVENUE DE DUNKERQUE " -adresse2: null -codepostal: "59130" -ville: "LAMBERSART" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 20 92 26 74" #email: "phiefc@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-LAMBERSART.COM" #code: "592058812" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#960 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE D AGONAC" -adresse1: "RUE DALBY DE FAYARD" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "24460" -ville: "AGONAC" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0553063513" #email: "juliecorre@pharmaciegrubercorre.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "242005007" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#961 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE D ANDELOT BLANCHEVILLE" -adresse1: "88 R DE LA DIV DU GENERAL LECLER" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "52700" -ville: "ANDELOT BLANCHEVILLE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0325019206" #email: "ph.mathilde.demange@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "522710169" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#962 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE D ARAMON" -adresse1: "1 AVENUE DE LA GARE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "30390" -ville: "ARAMON" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 66 57 06 03" #email: "pharmaciearamon@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-ARAMON.COM" #code: "302007414" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#963 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE D ARMORIQUE" -adresse1: "AVENUE DE LA RESISTANCE" -adresse2: "CENTRE COMMERCIAL KERZOLES" -codepostal: "22300" -ville: "LANNION" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0296485013" #email: "pharmaciedarmorique@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-LANNION.COM" #code: "222005753" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#964 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE D ARVEYRES" -adresse1: "18 RUE DE L EGLISE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "33500" -ville: "ARVEYRES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 57 24 80 41" #email: "pharmacie.arveyres@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIEARVEYRES.COM" #code: "332022722" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#965 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE D ASCAIN" -adresse1: "RUE ERNEST FOURNEAU" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "64310" -ville: "ASCAIN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 59 54 00 42" #email: "pharmacie.ascain@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "642013809" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#966 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE D IZEAUX" -adresse1: "5 RUE ALBERT REYNIER" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "38140" -ville: "IZEAUX" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 76 93 80 20" #email: "pharmacie.izeaux@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "382017747" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#967 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE D URAC" -adresse1: "56 RUE D URAC" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "65000" -ville: "TARBES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 62 93 02 37" #email: "begue/alexandre@yahoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "652004839" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#968 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE D'HASTINGS" -adresse1: "24 RUE LANFRANC" -adresse2: "CTRE CIAL LECLERC" -codepostal: "14000" -ville: "CAEN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 31 74 75 24" #email: "contact@pharmaciedhastings.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIEDHASTINGS.COM" #code: "142007236" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#969 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DACQUET" -adresse1: "346 B RUE DE L IMPERATRICE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "62600" -ville: "BERCK" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 21 09 05 83" #email: "j.marlierepro@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "622033538" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#970 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DAUPHIN" -adresse1: "38 RUE SAINT GERMAIN" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "64190" -ville: "NAVARRENX" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0559665027" #email: "pharmacie-dauphin1@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-DAUPHIN.COM" #code: "642023014" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#971 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE BELLEVUE" -adresse1: "4 PLACE NAPOLEON III" -adresse2: "CENTRE COMMERCIAL BELLEVUE" -codepostal: "29200" -ville: "BREST" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 98 03 29 00" #email: "pharmaciebellevue@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "HTTP://WWW.PHARMACIEBELLEVUE.COM/" #code: "292013794" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#972 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE BOULOIRE" -adresse1: "PLACE DU PETIT MARCHE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "72440" -ville: "BOULOIRE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "243354020" #email: "pharmacie.bouloire@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-BOULOIRE.COM" #code: "722004942" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#973 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE CHANZY" -adresse1: "195, AVENUE CHANZY" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "53000" -ville: "LAVAL" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 43 53 77 57" #email: "gwengalou@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "532007119" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#974 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE CHATEAUNEUF" -adresse1: "19 CHEMIN DU CABANON" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "6740" -ville: "CHATEAUNEUF GRASSE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmaciedechateauneuf@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "062047980" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#975 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE CHATILLON SUR LOIRE" -adresse1: "30 RUE DU GLACIS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "45360" -ville: "CHATILLON SUR LOIRE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "titulaires@pharmaciedechatillon45.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "452009046" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#976 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE CHAUNY" -adresse1: "37 BOULEVARD D ANDENNE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "02300" -ville: "CHAUNY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 23 39 44 44" #email: "pharmaciedechauny@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-DE-CHAUNY.COM" #code: "022018345" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#977 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE CHENY" -adresse1: "5 RUE DU PONT" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "89400" -ville: "CHENY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 86 80 22 22" #email: "pharmaciecheny@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "892004243" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#978 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE CONSTANTINE" -adresse1: "186 RUE DE CONSTANTINE" -adresse2: "CENTRE COMMERCIAL INTERMARCHE" -codepostal: "76000" -ville: "ROUEN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0235713340" #email: "pharmacie.popot@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-CONSTANTINE-ROUEN.FR" #code: "762040731" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#979 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE FLANDRE" -adresse1: "54 AVENUE CHARLES BOUTET" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "08000" -ville: "CHARLEVILLE MEZIERES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 24 33 36 88" #email: "pharmadeflandre@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-DE-FLANDRE.FR" #code: "082002932" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#980 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE GASCOGNE" -adresse1: "62 AVENUE DE GASCOGNE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "31490" -ville: "LEGUEVIN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 61 86 60 47" #email: "pharmaciedegascogne@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-DE-GASCOGNE.COM" #code: "312008410" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#981 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE JARCIEU" -adresse1: "72 ROUTE DES METIERS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "38270" -ville: "JARCIEU" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 74 84 85 20" #email: "pharmacie.jarcieu@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "382023281" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#982 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE KERVEN" -adresse1: "47 AVENUE VICTOR HUGO" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "29270" -ville: "CARHAIX PLOUGUER" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "298930929" #email: "pharmaciedekerven@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-CARHAIX.COM" #code: "292017746" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#983 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE L AMPHORE" -adresse1: "43 RUE ATHENA" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "38490" -ville: "AOSTE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "contact@pharmacie-aoste.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "382017028" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#984 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE L AUXOIS" -adresse1: "5 PLACE DE LA LIBERATION" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "21320" -ville: "POUILLY EN AUXOIS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 80 90 80 77" #email: "pharmacieauxois@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "212004360" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#985 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE L EPINETTE" -adresse1: "264 RUE JEAN JAURES" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "59161" -ville: "ESCAUDOEUVRES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 27 83 84 62" #email: "pharmaciedelepinette@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-ESCAUDOEUVRES.NET" #code: "592099337" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#986 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE L EUROPE" -adresse1: "7 AVENUE JEAN MERMOZ" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "64000" -ville: "PAU" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 59 32 41 96" #email: "phiedeleurope64@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-EUROPE-PAU.FR" #code: "642023600" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#987 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE L EUROPE" -adresse1: "2A AVENUE JEAN MONNET" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "27500" -ville: "PONT AUDEMER" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmeurope.ponto@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "272021072" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#988 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE L HORLOGE" -adresse1: "51 RUE JULES GUESDE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "63100" -ville: "CLERMONT FERRAND" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "phie.juillard@perso.alliadis.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "632009916" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#989 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE L HOTEL DE VILLE" -adresse1: "34 RUE LUCIEN VOILIN" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "92800" -ville: "PUTEAUX" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "01 47 75 16 59" #email: "pharmacie.keulen@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "922016480" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#990 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE L HOTEL DE VILLE" -adresse1: "16 PLACE CHARLES DE GAULLE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "64120" -ville: "ST PALAIS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0559659527" #email: "phiehdville@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-HOTEL-DE-VILLE.FR" #code: "642012173" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#991 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE L HOTEL DE VILLE" -adresse1: "46 48 AV DU GENERAL DE GAULLE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "47230" -ville: "LAVARDAC" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 53 65 50 20" #email: "pharmacie-de-l-hotel-de-ville4@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "472000124" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#992 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE L YSER" -adresse1: "11 QUAI DE L YSER" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "29100" -ville: "DOUARNENEZ" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 98 74 22 59" #email: "lindaporoli@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "292024536" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#993 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE L'HOTEL DE VILLE" -adresse1: "19 PLACE GEORGES CLEMENCEAU" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "41800" -ville: "MONTOIRE-SUR-LE-LOIR" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 54 85 08 12" #email: "phiehoteldeville@yahoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "412003964" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#994 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA BAIE" -adresse1: "2 E RUE DU DOMAINE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "22120" -ville: "HILLION" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 96 72 64 27" #email: "pharma.baie@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-SAINTRENE.COM" #code: "222006264" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#995 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA BASCULE" -adresse1: "515 B AVENUE DE TOULOUSE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "82600" -ville: "AUCAMVILLE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmaciedelabasculeaucamville@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "822002432" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#996 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA BASTIDE" -adresse1: "RUE DES TILLEULS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "48250" -ville: "LA BASTIDE PUYLAURENT" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 66 46 01 42" #email: "pharmaciedelabastide@hotmail.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "482000882" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#997 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA BRASSERIE" -adresse1: "19 RUE GAMBETTA" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "58600" -ville: "NEVERS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 86 90 79 60" #email: "pharmaciedelabrasserie@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "582002275" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#998 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA BRIZOTTE" -adresse1: "11 RUE DU COLONEL REDOUTEY" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "21130" -ville: "AUXONNE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 80 37 30 42" #email: "oussama.abarkane@icloud.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "212004816" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#999 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA CAVALERIE" -adresse1: "CHEMIN DE ROQUES" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "09100" -ville: "PAMIERS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmaciedelacavalerie@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "092001775" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1000 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA CERE" -adresse1: "7 B AVENUE DU GENERAL MILHAUD" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "15130" -ville: "ARPAJON SUR CERE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 71 63 72 02" #email: "pharmaciedelacere@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-ARPAJON.COM" #code: "152002051" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1001 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA CITE" -adresse1: "9 AVENUE CHARLES DE GAULLE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "92350" -ville: "LE PLESSIS ROBINSON" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "146301306" #email: "pharmaciedelacite92@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "922021506" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1002 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA COMMANDERIE" -adresse1: "110, AVENUE DU MARQUISAT" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "31170" -ville: "TOURNEFEUILLE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 61 06 88 78" #email: "phiecommanderie@yahoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-COMMANDERIE-TOURNEFEUILLE.COM" #code: "312003791" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1003 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA COUTURE" -adresse1: "95 AVENUE DU COLONEL BENTO ROMA" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "62136" -ville: "LA COUTURE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "321021964" #email: "pharmaciedelacouture@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "622089290" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1004 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA COUZE" -adresse1: "2 RUE DU COMMERCE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "63420" -ville: "ARDES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 73 71 80 16" #email: "pharmaciedelacouze@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "632012050" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1005 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA CROIX BLANCHE" -adresse1: "21 COURS MARC NOUAUX" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "33000" -ville: "BORDEAUX" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharm.croix.blanche@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "332020593" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1006 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA CROIX VERTE" -adresse1: "AVENUE CHARLES DE GAULLE" -adresse2: "ROND POINT DES 4 CHEMINS" -codepostal: "64800" -ville: "NAY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0559610689" #email: "pharmacie.de.la.croix.verte@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "642024467" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1007 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA FAUCONNIERE" -adresse1: "31 RUE DE LORRAINE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "50100" -ville: "CHERBOURG-OCTEVILLE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "233200865" #email: "pharmaciedelafauconniere@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIEDELAFAUCONNIERE.COM" #code: "502001118" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1008 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA FERRIERE" -adresse1: "RUE DE LA FERTE MACE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "61450" -ville: "LA FERRIERE AUX ETANGS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmaciedelaferriere@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "612004911" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1009 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA FONTAINE" -adresse1: "1 ALLEE DE LA FONTAINE" -adresse2: "CTRE CIAL LA CASCADE LOT 20" -codepostal: "54520" -ville: "LAXOU" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0383986340" #email: "phiedelafontaine@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "542026273" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1010 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA FONTAINE" -adresse1: "RUE DE LA FONTAINE SAINT PIERRE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "56460" -ville: "SERENT" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 97 75 94 90" #email: "pharmaciedelafontaine56@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-SERENT.COM" #code: "562008813" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1011 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA FRETTE" -adresse1: "100 ROUTE DE GRENOBLE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "38260" -ville: "LA FRETTE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 74 54 61 88" #email: "pharmaciedelafrette@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "382023026" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1012 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA GARE" -adresse1: "5 LA GARE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "07460" -ville: "ST PAUL LE JEUNE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 75 39 80 12" #email: "gourdon-chapon@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMA-ARDECHE.COM" #code: "072021603" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1013 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA GRANDE CHAMPAGNE" -adresse1: "RUE DU COLLINAUD" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "16130" -ville: "LIGNIERES SONNEVILLE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 45 80 50 17" #email: "officine.gdechampagne@yahoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "162007868" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1014 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA HALLE AUX GRAINS" -adresse1: "10 AVENUE DU MARECHAL MAUNOURY" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "41000" -ville: "BLOIS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0254780772" #email: "pharmaciedelahalleauxgrains41@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "HTTP://WWW.PHARMACIE-BLOIS-HALLEAUXGRAINS.COM/" #code: "412003857" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1015 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA LOIRE" -adresse1: "14 RUE ROGER SALENGRO" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "42300" -ville: "ROANNE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0477712085" #email: "pharmaciedelaloire9@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "422011577" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1016 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA MAIRIE" -adresse1: "35 RUE DE LA MAIRIE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "74460" -ville: "MARNAZ" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 50 96 47 23" #email: "pharmairie@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "HTTP://PHARMACIEMARNAZ.COM" #code: "742006281" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1017 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA MAIRIE" -adresse1: "15 RUE AMEDEE DUFOURG" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "64603" -ville: "ANGLET" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 59 63 89 09" #email: "pharmacie.anglet@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIEMAIRIEANGLET.FR" #code: "642013882" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1018 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA MAIRIE" -adresse1: "15 AVENUE DU GENERAL DE GAULLE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "95230" -ville: "SOISY SOUS MONTMORENCY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "01 39 89 36 23" #email: "lapharmaciedelamairie@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-SOISY-95.COM" #code: "952010619" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1019 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA MAIRIE" -adresse1: "8, PLACE ALBERT 1ER" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "30700" -ville: "UZES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "466221120" #email: "pharmadelamairie@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-UZES.NET" #code: "302006887" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1020 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA MANSE" -adresse1: "LES ROTES" -adresse2: "ZAC MARCHAUX CCIAL INTERMARCHE" -codepostal: "37800" -ville: "STE MAURE DE TOURAINE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 47 65 40 51" #email: "pharmacie.manse@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "372005181" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1021 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA PISCINE" -adresse1: "24 RUE POTTIER" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "78150" -ville: "LE CHESNAY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "01 39 55 34 14" #email: "pharmapiscine@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-LECHESNAY.COM" #code: "782012504" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1022 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA PLACE" -adresse1: "2 PLACE FRANCOIS MITTERRAND" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "08330" -ville: "VRIGNE AUX BOIS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 24 52 21 11" #email: "pharmacie.delaplace@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-VRIGNE-AUX-BOIS.COM" #code: "082002890" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1023 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA PLACE" -adresse1: "4 PLACE JULES FERRY" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "88320" -ville: "LAMARCHE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "329095021" #email: "pharmaciebouchard@outlook.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "882004146" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1024 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA PLACE" -adresse1: "57 RUE DE PARIS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "93380" -ville: "PIERREFITTE SUR SEINE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "01 48 26 51 07" #email: "pharmaciehbs@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-PIERREFITTE.COM" #code: "932018021" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1025 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA PLACE NATIONALE" -adresse1: "63 RUE DE LA REPUBLIQUE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "06600" -ville: "ANTIBES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 93 34 01 63" #email: "jean-luc.androvandi@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "062041421" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1026 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA PLAINE SMH" -adresse1: "17 RUE EDMOND ROSTAND" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "38400" -ville: "ST MARTIN D'HERES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "476250053" #email: "galicien.viard@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-ST-MARTIN-DHERES.COM" #code: "382023729" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1027 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA POSTE" -adresse1: "97 R DES MARTYRS DE LA RESISTANC" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "60110" -ville: "MERU" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0344523300" #email: "pharmaciedelapostemeru@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "602024093" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1028 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA POSTE" -adresse1: "2 AVENUE ALSACE LORRAINE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "19100" -ville: "BRIVE LA GAILLARDE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 55 24 06 73" #email: "pharmacie.laposte@perso.alliadis.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "192003515" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1029 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA PROMENADE" -adresse1: "17 PLACE DE LA REPUBLIQUE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "46800" -ville: "MONTCUQ" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 65 22 92 03" #email: "pharmaciedelapromenade@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "462001587" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1030 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA TOUR" -adresse1: "17 RUE CESAR LAVIROTTE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "21230" -ville: "ARNAY LE DUC" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 80 90 13 96" #email: "pharmaciedelatour21@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "212004766" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1031 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA TURDINE" -adresse1: "18 B RUE DE VERDUN" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "69490" -ville: "PONTCHARRA SUR TURDINE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 74 05 61 64" #email: "pharmacie.turdine@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-PONTCHARRA69.COM" #code: "692037377" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1032 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA VALLEE" -adresse1: "55 RUE PIERRE VERNIER" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "25290" -ville: "ORNANS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 81 62 24 79" #email: "pharmacie.tissot.maire@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIEORNANS.FR" #code: "252013750" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1033 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA VALLEE" -adresse1: "6 RUE TREY" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "64260" -ville: "ARUDY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 59 05 60 60" #email: "lu.triep@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "WWW.PHARMACIEDELAVALLEE.COM" #code: "642024343" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1034 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA VALLEE VERTE" -adresse1: "43 PLACE DES MARRONNIERS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "74420" -ville: "BOEGE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "450391008" #email: "pharmacie.viron@perso.alliadis.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "742001795" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1035 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LINARDS" -adresse1: "16 RUE HENRI LAGRANGE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "87130" -ville: "LINARDS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 55 75 51 02" #email: "pharmaciedelinards.87130@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "872005079" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1036 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LORETTE" -adresse1: "97 RUE JEAN BAPTISTE DEFERNEZ" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "62800" -ville: "LIEVIN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0321442248" #email: "anne.demarquilly@yahoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "622089001" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1037 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE MON IDEE" -adresse1: "19 RUE RAVIER" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "74100" -ville: "AMBILLY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 50 92 53 36" #email: "pharmacie.monidee@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-MONIDEE.COM" #code: "742003551" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1038 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE MONTOIRE" -adresse1: "25 PLACE CLEMENCEAU" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "41800" -ville: "MONTOIRE SUR LE LOIRE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 54 85 00 04" #email: "pharmaciedemontoire@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "412003972" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1039 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE NOYER" -adresse1: "388 AVENUE DE THONON" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "74200" -ville: "ALLINGES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "450705193" #email: "pharmaciedenoyer@perso.alliadis.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "742006182" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1040 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE PAYZAC" -adresse1: "2 PLACE DE LA POSTE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "24270" -ville: "PAYZAC" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 53 52 70 19" #email: "phiepayzac@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIEDEPAYZAC.FR" #code: "242007466" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1041 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE PEAUGRES" -adresse1: "54 ROUTE DE L EGALITE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "07340" -ville: "PEAUGRES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 75 67 32 91" #email: "pharmacie.peaugres@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "072021983" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1042 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE PORT SAINT PERE" -adresse1: "28 RUE DE PORNIC" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "44710" -ville: "PORT SAINT PERE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 40 31 50 20" #email: "pharmacie.rabreaucecile@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-PORT-SAINT-PERE.FR" #code: "442060349" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1043 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE PRADINES" -adresse1: "1 ROUTE DU GYMNASE" -adresse2: "ZAC LES ESCALES CENTRE CIAL" -codepostal: "46090" -ville: "PRADINES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 65 35 61 24" #email: "contact@pharmaciedepradines.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "462001868" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1044 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE PUYBRUN" -adresse1: "RUE NATIONALE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "46130" -ville: "PUYBRUN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmaciepuybrun@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "462001850" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1045 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE RIEUMES" -adresse1: "1 ALLEE DE LA LIBERATION" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "31370" -ville: "RIEUMES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 34 49 02 08" #email: "pharmacie-rieumes@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-RIEUMES.FR" #code: "312006174" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1046 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE SAINT CYR" -adresse1: "7 RUE DE BROCELIANDE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "56380" -ville: "GUER" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 97 75 71 44" #email: "pharmaciedesaintcyr@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "562007708" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1047 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE SAINT PIERRE" -adresse1: "ROUTE NATIONALE 86" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "42520" -ville: "ST PIERRE DE BOEUF" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 74 87 11 20" #email: "pharmacie.saint.pierre@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-CLAVEL.COM" #code: "422024125" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1048 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE SAINT YORRE" -adresse1: "1 RUE DE LA REPUBLIQUE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "03270" -ville: "ST YORRE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 70 59 20 19" #email: "pharmaciedestyorre@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-DE-SAINT-YORRE.COM" #code: "032005605" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1049 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE SEISSAN" -adresse1: "28, PLACE CARNOT" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "32260" -ville: "SEISSAN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 62 66 20 09" #email: "sevdompharm32@yahoo.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-SEISSAN.COM" #code: "322003658" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1050 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE TRACY LE MONT" -adresse1: "207 RUE DE BAILLY" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "60170" -ville: "TRACY LE MONT" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 44 75 20 37" #email: "pharmaciedenervaise@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "602023954" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1051 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE VESONE" -adresse1: "81 R.CLAUDE BERNARD" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "24000" -ville: "PERIGUEUX" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 53 08 60 14" #email: "pharmacie.vesone@yahoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-PERIGUEUX.COM" #code: "242001493" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1052 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE VILLEMENT" -adresse1: "1905 ROUTE DU GOND PONTOUVRE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "16600" -ville: "RUELLE SUR TOUVRE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 45 68 32 89" #email: "pharmaciens@pharmavillement.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMAVILLEMENT.COM" #code: "162006746" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1053 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE VILLENEUVE" -adresse1: "1 RUE ALPHONSE BAUDIN" -adresse2: "RESIDENCE TAMARIS" -codepostal: "17000" -ville: "LA ROCHELLE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 46 44 74 43" #email: "pharmaciedevilleneuve@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIEDEVILLENEUVE-LAROCHELLE.FR" #code: "172031478" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1054 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE VIVIER AU COURT" -adresse1: "32 RUE ALPHONSE PANIER" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "08440" -ville: "VIVIER AU COURT" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 24 52 10 89" #email: "pharmadevivier@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-VIVIER-AU-COURT.COM" #code: "082003237" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1055 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DENIS DUSSOUBS" -adresse1: "30 RUE ADRIEN DUBOUCHE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "87000" -ville: "LIMOGES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 55 77 44 94" #email: "pharmaciedenisdussoubs@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIEDENISDUSSOUBS.COM" #code: "872004692" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1056 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DEROCHE" -adresse1: "20 ROUTE DE BESNE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "72210" -ville: "ROEZE SUR SARTHE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 43 77 39 99" #email: "pharmacie.deroche@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-ROEZE.COM" #code: "722004660" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1057 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DERONNE" -adresse1: "6 RUE DU GENERAL DE GAULLE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "62840" -ville: "LAVENTIE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 21 66 19 66" #email: "helene.deronne@free.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "622085579" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1058 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES 6 CHEMINS" -adresse1: "RUE MATHIEU DURET" -adresse2: "CENTRE COMMERCIAL LES 6 CHEMINS" -codepostal: "07100" -ville: "ANNONAY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 75 33 51 02" #email: "pharma6chemins@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-ANNONAY.NET" #code: "072011208" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1059 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES ALPILLES" -adresse1: "50 AV DU DOCTEUR GEORGES PERRIER" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "13160" -ville: "CHATEAURENARD" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmaciealpilles13160@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "132046293" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1060 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES ARCADES" -adresse1: "CENTRE COMMERCIAL" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "32810" -ville: "PREIGNAN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 62 65 50 66" #email: "pharmaciericau@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-PREIGNAN-RICAU.FR" #code: "322002957" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1061 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES ARCADES" -adresse1: "1 PLACE DE BEURRERIE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "44170" -ville: "NOZAY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 40 79 44 18" #email: "phie.nozay44@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-NOZAY44.COM" #code: "442005088" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1062 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES AROMES" -adresse1: "1 PLACE DU MARCHIX" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "56230" -ville: "QUESTEMBERT" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0297261034" #email: "pharmaciedesaromes@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "562008573" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1063 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES AYERS" -adresse1: "RUE HENRI MARC" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "21800" -ville: "CHEVIGNY ST SAUVEUR" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "380461246" #email: "stephane.jouan2@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "212003396" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1064 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES BORDS DE L'ORNE SELAR" -adresse1: null -adresse2: null -codepostal: null -ville: null -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: null #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "612000430" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1065 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES BORDS DE VIRE" -adresse1: "66 RUE SAINT PIERRE ET MIQUELON" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "50420" -ville: "TESSY S/VIRE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 33 56 30 07" #email: "pharmaciedesbordsdevire@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "502000243" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1066 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES CITES" -adresse1: "147 RUE ALBERT THOMAS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "03100" -ville: "MONTLUCON" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 70 02 24 00" #email: "aline.maure.pharmacie@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "032005068" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1067 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES CRENEAUX" -adresse1: "1059 AVENUE ROGER SALENGRO " -adresse2: null -codepostal: "92370" -ville: "CHAVILLE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "01 47 50 50 38" #email: "phie.descreneaux92@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIEDESCRENEAUX-CHAVILLE.COM" #code: "922018031" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1068 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES DEUX LIONS" -adresse1: "41 ALLEE FERDINAND DE LESSEPS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "37200" -ville: "TOURS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "247386805" #email: "pharmaciedesdeuxlions@outlook.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-TOURS.FR" #code: "372006569" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1069 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES FEUGRAIS" -adresse1: "3 RUE DES FEUGRAIS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "76410" -ville: "ST AUBIN LES ELBEUF" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "235772198" #email: "pharmaciedesfeugrais@perso.dataconseil.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIEDESFEUGRAIS.COM" #code: "762001774" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1070 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES FONTAINES" -adresse1: "179 AVENUE GABRIEL PERI" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "83470" -ville: "ST MAXIMIN LA STE BAUME" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 94 59 73 57" #email: "pharmaciedesfontainesstmax@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "832006308" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1071 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES GRANDES VIGNES" -adresse1: "13, PLACE DE LA LIBERTE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "33210" -ville: "PREIGNAC" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 56 63 27 42" #email: "pharmaciedepreignac@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-PREIGNAC.COM" #code: "332015692" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1072 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES HALLES" -adresse1: "6 PLACE DES HALLES" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "16360" -ville: "BAIGNES STE RADEGONDE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 45 78 40 71" #email: "phie.deshalles@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "162006084" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1073 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES HARAS DE GELOS" -adresse1: "68 RUE LOUIS BARTHOU" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "64110" -ville: "GELOS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 59 06 56 40" #email: "pharmaciedesharas@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "642023964" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1074 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES HAUTES ROCHES" -adresse1: "114, AVENUE DU GAL DE GAULLE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "37230" -ville: "FONDETTES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "" #email: "carine.mandron@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "372006460" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1075 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES HAUTS DE GIEN" -adresse1: "20 RUE JULES CESAR" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "45500" -ville: "GIEN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 38 67 22 40" #email: "pharmaciepret@aol.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-GIEN.COM" #code: "452007743" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1076 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES JACOBINS" -adresse1: "10 RUE DU BELLOCQ" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "40500" -ville: "ST SEVER" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmadesjacobins@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "402091375" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1077 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES JASMINS" -adresse1: "322 AVENUE ALBERT CAMUS" -adresse2: "LOTISSEMENT JASMIN" -codepostal: "47240" -ville: "BON ENCONTRE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 53 96 07 12" #email: "pharmaciedesjasmins@outlook.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-BONENCONTRE.COM" #code: "472006543" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1078 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES LACS" -adresse1: "60, GRANDE RUE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "39130" -ville: "CLAIRVAUX LES LACS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 84 25 81 93" #email: "pharmaciedeslacs39@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "392002424" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1079 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES LAVAUX" -adresse1: "2 RUE DES LAVAUX" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "25300" -ville: "PONTARLIER" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 81 39 05 48" #email: "phiedeslavaux@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-LAVAUX.COM" #code: "252013594" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1080 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES LIONDARDS" -adresse1: "30 RUE DES LIONDARDS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "63000" -ville: "CLERMONT FERRAND" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 73 26 70 71" #email: "luis/brande@yahoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "632012423" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1081 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES MAHONIAS" -adresse1: "12 RUE DE GRENOBLE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "72100" -ville: "LE MANS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmacie.geslin@perso.dataconseil.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "722004017" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1082 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES MARDELLES" -adresse1: "7 PLACE DE LA HALLE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "58700" -ville: "PREMERY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmaciedesmardelles@perso.alliadis.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "582002713" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1083 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES MECHES" -adresse1: "2 AVENUE PIERRE BROSSOLETTE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "94000" -ville: "CRETEIL" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0142072089" #email: "sig602@yahoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIECRETEIL.FR" #code: "942016882" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1084 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES MENHIRS" -adresse1: "14 RUE DES MENHIRS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "56410" -ville: "ERDEVEN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 97 55 63 49" #email: "pharmacie-des-menhirs@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "562008961" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1085 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES MOLLES" -adresse1: "20 RUE BIRON" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "34190" -ville: "GANGES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "467738415" #email: "pharmaciedelolivette@outlook.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "342029147" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1086 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES PRES" -adresse1: "14 RUE DES PRES" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "60680" -ville: "GRANDFRESNOY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 44 41 47 17" #email: "pharmaciedespres60680@outlook.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-GRANDFRESNOY.FR" #code: "602023277" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1087 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES QUATRE ROUTES" -adresse1: "121 T AVENUE JOSEPH CLAUSSAT" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "63400" -ville: "CHAMALIERES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "473376987" #email: "pharmaciedes4routes@hotmail.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "632010856" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1088 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES REMPARTS" -adresse1: "2 RUE DE LA BORDERIE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "35500" -ville: "VITRE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 23 55 11 60" #email: "pharmaciedesremparts.vitre@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "352010730" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1089 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES THERMES" -adresse1: "8 AVENUE DE LA REINE NATHALIE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "64200" -ville: "BIARRITZ" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 59 24 14 33" #email: "phdesthermes648@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "642013866" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1090 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES TROIS GARES" -adresse1: "8 BOULEVARD DE LA LIBERATION" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "78220" -ville: "VIROFLAY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "01 30 24 40 20" #email: "pharmaciedes3gares@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-VIROFLAY.COM" #code: "782712541" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1091 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES TROIS MOULINS" -adresse1: "92 RUE ARISTIDE BRIAND" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "44400" -ville: "REZE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0240756310" #email: "pharmacie3moulins@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-REZE.COM" #code: "442001640" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1092 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES VALLEES" -adresse1: "1 B PLACE DU GENERAL VERDIER" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "65370" -ville: "LOURES BAROUSSE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0562992029" #email: "pharmacie-des-vallees@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "652005208" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1093 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES VILLES MOISAN" -adresse1: "1 RUE DES VILLES MOISAN" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "22440" -ville: "PLOUFRAGAN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "phcievillesmoisan@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "222007411" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1094 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES VOLONTAIRES" -adresse1: "1 AVENUE DES VOLONTAIRES" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "15000" -ville: "AURILLAC" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "" #email: "cecile.ghyspharmacie@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "152001673" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1095 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DESBUISSON" -adresse1: "5 B RUE CHOBOURDIN" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "59134" -ville: "HERLIES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmacie-desbuisson@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "592057178" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1096 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DESCARTES" -adresse1: "7 AVENUE ANDRE MARIE AMPERE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "77420" -ville: "CHAMPS SUR MARNE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "01 64 68 96 22" #email: "pharmacie-descartes@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-CHAMPS-SUR-MARNE.COM" #code: "772006755" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1097 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DESJOBERT" -adresse1: "7-9 RUE THIERS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "53200" -ville: "CHATEAU GONTIER" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "243072183" #email: "pharmacie.desjobert@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIEDESJOBERT.COM" #code: "532005535" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1098 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DIONYSIENNE" -adresse1: "1 PLACE DE LA BROCHE A ROTIR" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "76310" -ville: "SAINTE ADRESSE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 35 46 38 45" #email: "lapharmaciedionysienne@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "762031359" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1099 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DORVAL-SATRE" -adresse1: "4 RUE DE PORT MANECH" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "29920" -ville: "NEVEZ" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 98 06 81 02" #email: "pharmacie.nevez@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "292016870" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1100 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DRIGHES" -adresse1: "126, AV. D'ARGENTEUIL" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "92600" -ville: "ASNIERES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "147930168" #email: "catherinedrighes@voila.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "WWW.PHARMACIE-ASNIERES.COM" #code: "922010442" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1101 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DROUOT PABISIAK" -adresse1: "4 RUE DES HAUTES ALPES" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "54460" -ville: "LIVERDUN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0383244850" #email: "ap.pharli@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "542026232" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1102 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU 8EME" -adresse1: "74, RUE MARIUS BERLIET" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "69008" -ville: "LYON" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 78 77 50 45" #email: "pharmaciesebag@perso.alliadis.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIELYON.FR" #code: "692033848" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1103 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU BANLAY" -adresse1: "2 RUE BLAISE PASCAL" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "58000" -ville: "NEVERS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 86 57 41 05" #email: "pharmacie.dubanlay@perso.alliadis.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "582002176" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1104 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU BEILLET" -adresse1: "11 RUE CHARLES BARTALOT" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "40000" -ville: "MONT DE MARSAN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 58 46 53 88" #email: "pharmacie-du-beillet@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "MONTDEMARSAN.PHARMACIEREFERENCE.COM" #code: "402090633" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1105 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU BELINOIS" -adresse1: "10 RUE DU 8 MAI" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "72220" -ville: "TELOCHE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "martin-do@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "722003522" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1106 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU BOCAGE" -adresse1: "1025 AV 7E RGT TIRAILLEURS ALGER" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "13190" -ville: "ALLAUCH" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0491053330" #email: "pharmaciebocage13@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "132020264" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1107 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU BOIS D AMOUR" -adresse1: "8 RUE EMILE BERNARD" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "29930" -ville: "PONT AVEN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmapontaven@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "292015518" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1108 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU BOULEVARD" -adresse1: "BOULEVARD DU NORD" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "32200" -ville: "GIMONT" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 62 67 70 26" #email: "pharmacieduboulevard32@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-BOULEVARD.FR" #code: "322004052" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1109 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU BOURG" -adresse1: "31 RUE DU BOURGNEUF" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "71370" -ville: "OUROUX SUR SAONE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 85 96 02 94" #email: "herbaux.pharmacie@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "712007145" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1110 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU BOURG" -adresse1: "7 ROUTE DE LYON" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "73160" -ville: "COGNIN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0479694873" #email: "pharmaciedubourg-cognin@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "732003033" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1111 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU CADRAN" -adresse1: "39 PLACE DU 18 OCTOBRE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "28200" -ville: "CHATEAUDUN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 37 45 93 00" #email: "phieducadran@perso.alliadis.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "282002443" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1112 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU CAP DE GASCOGNE" -adresse1: "LOUSTALOT" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "40500" -ville: "SAINT SEVER" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 58 76 01 29" #email: "pharmacieducap@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "402091201" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1113 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU CENTRE" -adresse1: "43 RUE DU GENERAL LECLERC" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "62114" -ville: "SAINS EN GOHELLE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 21 29 16 56" #email: "pharmacie.du.centre-62@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-SAINSENGOHELLE.COM" #code: "622085264" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1114 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU CENTRE" -adresse1: "26 RUE EDOUARD PLACHEZ" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "62220" -ville: "CARVIN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 21 37 14 19" #email: "pharmaciehober@perso.alliadis.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "622088755" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1115 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU CENTRE" -adresse1: "15 RUE LAMARTINE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "62580" -ville: "VIMY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 21 73 71 86" #email: "contact@pharmacievimy.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-VIMY.COM" #code: "622087104" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1116 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU CENTRE" -adresse1: "48 RUE BERTHELOT" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "62670" -ville: "MAZINGARBE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0321291416" #email: "pharmacie.grabarz@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIEDUCENTRE-MAZINGARBE.COM" #code: "622085454" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1117 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU CENTRE BOURG" -adresse1: "1, PLACE JEAN RAMEAU" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "40390" -ville: "SAINT MARTIN DE SEIGNANX" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "559561901" #email: "kplumat@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "402090948" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1118 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU CENTRE COMMERCIAL" -adresse1: "BOULEVARD DU 8 MAI 1945" -adresse2: "GALERIE MARCHANDE LECLERC" -codepostal: "59540" -ville: "CAUDRY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 27 85 26 76" #email: "pharmacieduccdecaudry@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIEDUCENTRECOMMERCIALDECAUDRY.FR" #code: "592090435" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1119 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU CHAMPSAUR" -adresse1: "5 A AVENUE DU 11 NOVEMBRE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "05500" -ville: "ST BONNET EN CHAMPSAUR" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 92 50 53 53" #email: "phieduchampsaur@perso.alliadis.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "052702305" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1120 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU CHATEAU" -adresse1: "16 RUE DU CHATEAU" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "50500" -ville: "CARENTAN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0233420255" #email: "raultph2@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-CARENTAN-RAULT.FR" #code: "502006216" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1121 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU CHATEAU D EAU" -adresse1: "5 PLACE JOSEPH NOUGUIN" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "31140" -ville: "AUCAMVILLE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0562752635" #email: "pharmaciechateau31@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIEAUCAMVILLE.COM" #code: "312007842" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1122 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU CHEMIN VERT" -adresse1: "935 RUE DU CHEMIN VERT" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "49400" -ville: "SAUMUR" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 41 50 11 02" #email: "p.cheminvert@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "492017058" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1123 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU CLOCHER" -adresse1: "99 RUE GABRIEL PERI" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "91300" -ville: "MASSY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0169200422" #email: "lapharmacieduclocher@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "912014701" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1124 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU COUREAU" -adresse1: "10 RUE GEORGES CLEMENCEAU" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "17480" -ville: "LE CHATEAU D OLERON" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "coureau.phr@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "172030579" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1125 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU DOLMEN" -adresse1: "44 RUE DU VIEUX BAGNEUX" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "49400" -ville: "BAGNEUX" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmaciedudolmen@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "492015615" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1126 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU DONJON" -adresse1: "46 48 RUE NATIONALE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "41400" -ville: "MONTRICHARD" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 54 32 04 18" #email: "selarldudonjon@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "412003436" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1127 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU GRAND STADE" -adresse1: "32 RUE GAMBETTA" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "59260" -ville: "LEZENNES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmaciedugrandstade@outlook.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "592056634" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1128 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU IV SEPTEMBRE" -adresse1: "4 B RUE DU 4 SEPTEMBRE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "65000" -ville: "TARBES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmaciedu4septembre@outlook.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "652005042" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1129 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU JOURDAIN" -adresse1: "52 PLACE DU JOURDAIN" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "81300" -ville: "GRAULHET" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 63 60 21 40" #email: "pharma-jourdain@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-GRAULHET.FR" #code: "812004307" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1130 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU LIVRADOIS" -adresse1: "28 RUE DE L INDUSTRIE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "63600" -ville: "AMBERT" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0473820021" #email: "pharmaciedulivradois63600@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "632013256" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1131 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU LYCEE" -adresse1: "72 BIS RUE DE VERSAILLES" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "91300" -ville: "MASSY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "01 69 20 29 21" #email: "seta.hacin@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "912010691" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1132 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU MARCHE" -adresse1: "2 RUE DU DOCTEUR KOHARIAN" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "26000" -ville: "VALENCE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 75 43 60 79" #email: "pharmaciedumarche26@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-VALENCE.NET" #code: "262070956" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1133 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU MARCHE" -adresse1: "10 PLACE DU MARCHE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "81200" -ville: "AUSSILLON" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmacie.du.marche81200@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "812004620" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1134 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU MONT CHARVIN" -adresse1: "387 AVENUE DE LA LIBERATION" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "73400" -ville: "UGINE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0479373245" #email: "pharmaciedumontcharvin@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "732003512" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1135 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU MORTIER D'OR" -adresse1: "146 RUE DE LA REPUBLIQUE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "76320" -ville: "CAUDEBEC LES ELBEUF" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "235770357" #email: "philippe.nguyen4@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIEDUMORTIERDOR.COM" #code: "762000131" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1136 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU MOULIN" -adresse1: "9 PLACE VION TRESMES" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "77515" -ville: "POMMEUSE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmaciedumoulin77515@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "772011490" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1137 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU NOROIT" -adresse1: "72 AV A. BRIAND" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "14450" -ville: "GRANDCAMP MAISY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 31 22 60 50" #email: "pharmaciedunoroit@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "142006584" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1138 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU PARC" -adresse1: "26 RUE DU PRESIDENT WILSON" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "03200" -ville: "VICHY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "470982176" #email: "bruno.barse@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "032004467" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1139 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU PARC" -adresse1: "PLACE DU 8 MAI 1945" -adresse2: "CENTRE COMMERCIAL" -codepostal: "63540" -ville: "ROMAGNAT" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 73 62 66 37" #email: "pharmacie.du.parc63@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "632009585" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1140 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU PARC" -adresse1: "54 BOULEVARD HENRI IV" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "63600" -ville: "AMBERT" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 73 82 04 96" #email: "pharmacieduparc63600@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "632012837" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1141 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU PETIT VERSAILLES" -adresse1: "RUE DU PETIT VERSAILLES" -adresse2: "CENTRE COMMERCIAL INTERMARCHE" -codepostal: "37110" -ville: "CHATEAU RENAULT" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "247295358" #email: "phiepetitversailles@yahoo.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "372006783" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1142 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU POLLET" -adresse1: "34 GRANDE RUE DU POLLET" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "76200" -ville: "DIEPPE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 35 84 18 85" #email: "pharmaciedupollet@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "762001931" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1143 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU PONANT" -adresse1: "164 RUE ALEXANDRE DUMAS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "17400" -ville: "ST JEAN D ANGELY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 46 32 01 61" #email: "ponant.fc@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "172031304" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1144 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU PONT CARDINAL" -adresse1: "75 AVENUE DE PARIS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "19100" -ville: "BRIVE LA GAILLARDE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 55 24 09 45" #email: "phiedupontcardinal@perso.alliadis.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIEDUPONTCARDINALBRIVE.FR" #code: "192001329" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1145 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU PONT MICHELET" -adresse1: "63 AVENUE MICHELET" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "59400" -ville: "CAMBRAI" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "327813752" #email: "pharmaciedupontmichelet@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "592091334" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1146 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU PONT ROYAL" -adresse1: "212 AVENUE ARISTIDE BRIAND" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "92220" -ville: "BAGNEUX" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "01 46 65 12 57" #email: "vavapharma@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "922003983" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1147 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU PORT FLUVIAL" -adresse1: "56 RUE BONTE POLLET" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "59000" -ville: "LILLE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 20 93 13 85" #email: "pharmacieduportfluvial@hotmail.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "592056337" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1148 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU PORZAY" -adresse1: "1 ALLEE DU STADE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "29550" -ville: "PLONEVEZ PORZAY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 98 92 50 34" #email: "pharmacie.porzay@yahoo.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-PORZAY.COM" #code: "292017720" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1149 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU PRIEURE" -adresse1: "3 PLACE DE L'EUROPE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "37520" -ville: "LA RICHE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 47 39 09 42" #email: "pharmacieprieure@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "372005454" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1150 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU ROND POINT" -adresse1: "2 CHEMIN DES AUTRICHIENS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "06600" -ville: "ANTIBES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 93 34 13 40" #email: "phrrondpoint06@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIEDURONDPOINT-ANTIBES.COM" #code: "062047204" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1151 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU STADE" -adresse1: "292 RUE DE VERDUN" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "76600" -ville: "LE HAVRE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 35 47 17 38" #email: "contact@pharmaciedustade.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-LEHAVRE.NET" #code: "762039287" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1152 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU STADE" -adresse1: "10 RUE DE BISSEOUS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "81100" -ville: "CASTRES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "contact@pharmaciedustade81.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "812004216" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1153 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU TEINCHURIER" -adresse1: "RUE LOUIS TAURISSON" -adresse2: "CCIAL CARREFOUR ZI TEINCHURIER" -codepostal: "19100" -ville: "BRIVE LA GAILLARDE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 55 17 51 36" #email: "pharmacie.teinchurier@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "192003176" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1154 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU TILLEUL" -adresse1: "16 ALLEE LEONARD DE VINCI" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "59150" -ville: "WATTRELOS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0320265074" #email: "pharma.tilleul59150@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "592074728" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1155 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU TREBUCHET" -adresse1: "1 AVENUE LOUIS BESSIERES" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "82240" -ville: "PUYLAROQUE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 63 64 90 53" #email: "georges.niek@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "822001889" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1156 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU VAL FLEURI" -adresse1: "63 RUE DE LA CONCORDE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "73490" -ville: "LA RAVOIRE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 79 72 52 22" #email: "pharmacie.valfleuri@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "732000294" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1157 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU VALOIS" -adresse1: "56 AVENUE DU PRESIDENT KENNEDY" -adresse2: "CENTRE COMMERCIAL KENNEDY" -codepostal: "60800" -ville: "CREPY EN VALOIS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 44 87 04 69" #email: "pharmacie.duvalois@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIEDUVALOIS.COM" #code: "602023699" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1158 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU VERDERET" -adresse1: "13 PLACE DU 11 NOVEMBRE 1918" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "38320" -ville: "EYBENS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 76 25 52 14" #email: "ph.verderet@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "382023919" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1159 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU VERT BOIS" -adresse1: "49 AVENUE EDGAR PISANI" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "52100" -ville: "ST DIZIER" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0325050825" #email: "pharmacie.vert.bois@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "522101062" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1160 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU VIGUIER" -adresse1: "2 RUE ALAIN FOURNIER" -adresse2: "CENTRE COMMERCIAL LE VIGUIER" -codepostal: "11000" -ville: "CARCASSONNE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 68 25 05 58" #email: "pharmacieduviguier@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-CARCASSONNE.NET" #code: "112002746" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1161 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU VILLAGE" -adresse1: "101 IMPASSE DE VERDUN" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "69480" -ville: "ANSE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 74 67 16 21" #email: "elisabeth.minget@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "692021561" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1162 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DUNOIS" -adresse1: "1 PLACE DUNOIS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "45000" -ville: "ORLEANS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 38 62 66 33" #email: "spdunois@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-DUNOIS.COM" #code: "452002066" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1163 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DURAND" -adresse1: "33 AV DU MAL DE LATTRE DE TASSIGNY" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "33620" -ville: "CEZAC" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0557321964" #email: "pharmaciedecezac@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "332022300" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1164 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE ELSY GAULTIER" -adresse1: "21 PLACE CHARLES DE GAULLE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "35420" -ville: "LOUVIGNE DU DESERT" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 99 98 01 12" #email: "pharmagaultier@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "HTTP://WWW.PHARMACIE-LOUVIGNE-DU-DESERT.COM/" #code: "352010649" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1165 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE ESCALE SANTE 77" -adresse1: "22 RUE DU GENERAL DE GAULLE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "77181" -ville: "COURTRY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "01 60 20 23 67" #email: "pharmaciedecourtry@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "772012373" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1166 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE ESPACE BERAIRE" -adresse1: "22 RUE NATIONALE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "45380" -ville: "LA CHAPELLE ST MESMIN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 38 43 39 90" #email: "pharmacie-espace-beraire@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-ESPACEBERAIRE.COM" #code: "452006299" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1167 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE EULOGE" -adresse1: "82 RUE DE LAXOU" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "54000" -ville: "NANCY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0383403148" #email: "pharmacie.euloge@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "542024757" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1168 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE FAGES" -adresse1: "7 ROUTE DES GLYCINES" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "16310" -ville: "MASSIGNAC" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 45 65 01 19" #email: "pharmacie.fage@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-MASSIGNAC.COM" #code: "162007074" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1169 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE FLOREAL" -adresse1: "131 AVENUE JEAN JAURES" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "47000" -ville: "AGEN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "contact@pharmaciedufloreal.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "472004688" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1170 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE FLOURIOT" -adresse1: "4 RUE DE L EGLISE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "21800" -ville: "NEUILLY LES DIJON" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 80 47 35 03" #email: "pharmaneuilly@laposte.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "212004063" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1171 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE GARDAN" -adresse1: "1 AVENUE DE L ETANG" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "49123" -ville: "INGRANDES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 41 39 20 12" #email: "pharmaciedesbateliers@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "492017132" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1172 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE GAUTHERON BOCHARD" -adresse1: "22 AVENUE DU LAURAGUAIS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "11290" -ville: "MONTREAL" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 68 76 20 24" #email: "gautheron3@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "112002134" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1173 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE GAUTIER" -adresse1: "4 ROUTE DE POITIERS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "86170" -ville: "CISSE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 49 51 79 37" #email: "pharmaciegautier@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "862022217" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1174 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE GENERALE" -adresse1: "188 AV DU 24 AVRIL 1915" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "13012" -ville: "MARSEILLE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 91 93 41 66" #email: "appaybandon@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIEGENERALE-MARSEILLE.COM" #code: "132040593" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1175 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE GERARD" -adresse1: "50 B ROUTE NATIONALE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "54960" -ville: "MERCY LE BAS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 82 89 62 76" #email: "clemence.gerard1@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "HTTP://PHARMACIE-MERCYLEBAS.COM/" #code: "542026604" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1176 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE GOMES BUI" -adresse1: "54, ALLEE DES BOIS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "95220" -ville: "HERBLAY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "01 39 97 45 30" #email: "pharmaciegomes.bui@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-GOMES-BUI.FR" #code: "952010312" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1177 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE GORE GOGER" -adresse1: "9 RUE SAINT JULIEN" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "61700" -ville: "DOMFRONT" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 33 30 83 51" #email: "pharmacie.gore@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-DOMFRONT.FR" #code: "612006650" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1178 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE GRIFFON" -adresse1: "16, RUE BAPTISTE MARCET VALFLEURY" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "07200" -ville: "AUBENAS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 75 93 64 04" #email: "pharmacie.griffon@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "072021678" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1179 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE GUENIN" -adresse1: "21 COURS DES QUAIS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "56470" -ville: "LA TRINITE SUR MER" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 97 55 72 38" #email: "contact@pharmaciedelatrinitesurmer.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "562007088" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1180 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE GUILHEN" -adresse1: "3 RUE MERCIERE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "63390" -ville: "ST GERVAIS D’AUVERGNE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 73 85 70 77" #email: "laurence.guilhen@perso.alliadis.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "632013140" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1181 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE GUINCHARD LEFEBVRE" -adresse1: "5 PLACE DE L EGLISE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "35330" -ville: "MAURE DE BRETAGNE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 99 34 89 15" #email: "aurelie.lefebvre@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-MAURE-DE-BRETAGNE.FR" #code: "352010086" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1182 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE GUIOT" -adresse1: "37, RUE ARISTIDE BRIAND" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "95520" -ville: "OSNY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "01 30 30 15 48" #email: "philippe.guiot2@free.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-GUIOT.COM" #code: "952010700" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1183 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE GUITTIN" -adresse1: "2 RUE DE VERDUN" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "54800" -ville: "MARS LA TOUR" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "382339211" #email: "guittinb@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "542011374" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1184 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE HARDEL" -adresse1: "4 RUE GAMBETTA" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "50800" -ville: "VILLEDIEU LES POELES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0233610051" #email: "pharmacie.hardel@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "502001407" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1185 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE HAY MOIRE" -adresse1: "23 RUE ANATOLE FRANCE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "37210" -ville: "VERNOU SUR BRENNE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 47 52 10 05" #email: "pharmaciehaymoire@perso.alliadis.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "372005074" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1186 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE HEUZE" -adresse1: "182 AVENUE OLIVIER HEUZE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "72000" -ville: "LE MANS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 43 28 36 21" #email: "pharmacie.heuze@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "722005279" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1187 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE HIBERT" -adresse1: "3 R DES ANCIENS COMBATTANTS AFN" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "11170" -ville: "MONTOLIEU" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0468248421" #email: "pharmacie.hibert@hotmail.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "112003595" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1188 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE HUYGHE" -adresse1: "22 RUE DE LIHONS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "80131" -ville: "HARBONNIERES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "322858020" #email: "pharmacie.huyghe@perso.alliadis.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "802003905" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1189 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE JACQUES PREVERT" -adresse1: "AVENUE JACQUES PREVERT" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "13730" -ville: "ST VICTORET" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmacieprevert@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "132082744" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1190 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE JAMON" -adresse1: "IMPASSE DES OLLIERES" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "43260" -ville: "LANTRIAC" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "471051893" #email: "pharmaciejamon@perso.alliadis.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "432001352" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1191 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE JAN" -adresse1: "2 RUE HENT COZ" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "29120" -ville: "PONT L ABBE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 98 87 00 27" #email: "pharmaciejan@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-PONTLABBE.COM" #code: "292024320" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1192 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE JAUTARD" -adresse1: "RUE RAYMOND PEYDECASTAING" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "47180" -ville: "MEILHAN SUR GARONNE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 53 94 30 16" #email: "jautard.marc@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "472004720" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1193 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE KENNEDY" -adresse1: "5 PLACE ROGER BASTIDE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "30900" -ville: "NIMES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 66 28 84 40" #email: "pharmacie.kennedy@orange-business.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "302004908" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1194 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE KERVEVAN" -adresse1: "19 AVENUE DES COMTES DE CERDAGNE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "66800" -ville: "SAILLAGOUSE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 68 04 72 80" #email: "pharmacie.kervevan@hotmail.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "662002260" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1195 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE KETELS" -adresse1: "9 AVENUE DE L EUROPE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "80200" -ville: "PERONNE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 22 84 03 11" #email: "pharmacieketels@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-KETELS.COM" #code: "802004697" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1196 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE L OCEANE" -adresse1: "LE PETIT BONNEVEAUX" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "17220" -ville: "SALLES SUR MER" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmacieloceane17@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "172031536" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1197 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE LABARRE" -adresse1: "44 B ROUTE DE LA MEYZE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "87800" -ville: "NEXON" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 55 58 10 29" #email: "pharmacienexon@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIENEXON.COM" #code: "872002944" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1198 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE LACAUSSE" -adresse1: "7 ROUTE DE TERCIS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "40100" -ville: "DAX" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "karine.lacausse@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "402090484" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1199 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE LAGACHERIE" -adresse1: "RUE THIERS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "47160" -ville: "DAMAZAN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "553794147" #email: "pharmacie.lagacherie@perso.dataconseil.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-DAMAZAN.COM" #code: "472004746" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1200 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE LAMBERT" -adresse1: "5 PLACE JEAN JAURES" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "13550" -ville: "NOVES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 90 92 97 23" #email: "alain.lambert603@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "132029968" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1201 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE LANIC LACROUTS" -adresse1: "89 ROUTE DE MONT DE MARSAN" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "40420" -ville: "LABRIT" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 58 51 01 79" #email: "andrelanic@hotmail.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "402015325" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1202 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE LATROMPETTE" -adresse1: "8 RUE CHARLES DE GAULLE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "08210" -ville: "MOUZON" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 24 26 10 92" #email: "pharmacie.mouzon@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-MOUZON.COM" #code: "082002213" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1203 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE LE COENT" -adresse1: "ROUTE DE SAINT BRIEUX" -adresse2: "ROND POINT LANNOGE" -codepostal: "22110" -ville: "ROSTRENEN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 96 29 01 53" #email: "pharmacielecoent@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-LE-COENT-ROSTRENEN.FR" #code: "222008187" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1204 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE LE POTIER" -adresse1: "4 6 RUE MICHELLE LE BRUN" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "22530" -ville: "MUR DE BRETAGNE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 96 28 59 49" #email: "pharmacielepotier@hotmail.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-MURDEBRETAGNE.COM" #code: "222007155" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1205 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE LEBRET" -adresse1: "51, RUE KENNEDY" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "50720" -ville: "BARENTON" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "233595471" #email: "pharmacielebret@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIELEBRET.COM" #code: "502007370" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1206 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE LEDOYER" -adresse1: "17 RUE CLEMENCEAU" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "22430" -ville: "ERQUY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "296723073" #email: "pharmacie.ledoyer@perso.smart-rx.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "222007627" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1207 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE LEFEUVRE GARRIOT" -adresse1: "34 AVENUE DE SENLIS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "60800" -ville: "CREPY EN VALOIS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 44 87 02 13" #email: "pharmacielefeuvre@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-CREPYENVALOIS.COM" #code: "602023053" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1208 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE LEFEVRE MALASSAGNE" -adresse1: "14 PLACE GERARD TENQUE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "13500" -ville: "MARTIGUES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmacie.lefevre.malassagne@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "132041054" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1209 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE LEFRANCOIS" -adresse1: "27 ROUTE DE SAINT JOUVIN" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "50700" -ville: "BRIX" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0233210923" #email: "pharmaciedebrix@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "HTTP://WWW.PHARMACIE-BRIX.FR" #code: "502000789" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1210 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE LEMARE" -adresse1: "667 AVENUE ROGER SALENGRO" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "92370" -ville: "CHAVILLE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "01 47 50 48 98" #email: "pharmaciechaville@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "WWW.PHARMACIEDESECOLESCHAVILLE.COM" #code: "922020490" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1211 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE LERICHE" -adresse1: "174 AVENUE DE QUAKENBRUCK" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "61000" -ville: "ALENCON" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmacieleriche@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "612017624" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1212 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE LES LILAS" -adresse1: "44 BOULEVARD DE LA LIBERTE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "93260" -ville: "LES LILAS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "143639139" #email: "pharmacieleslilas@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-LESLILAS.COM" #code: "932012040" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1213 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE LOISEAU" -adresse1: "4, RUE PIERRE MARCHAND" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "35530" -ville: "NOYAL SUR VILAINE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "299006690" #email: "pharmacie-loiseau@hotmail.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-NOYALSURVILAINE.COM" #code: "352007447" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1214 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE LORRAINE" -adresse1: "1 RUE DES CAPUCINS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "55200" -ville: "COMMERCY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 29 91 01 32" #email: "pharmacielorraine@hotmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "NAVEL.PHARMACIEREFERENCE.COM" #code: "552002073" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1215 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE LOUBET" -adresse1: "7 PLACE DE CASTILLE" -adresse2: "LE PENON" -codepostal: "40510" -ville: "SEIGNOSSE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 58 43 31 77" #email: "pharmacieseignosseocean@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "HTTP://PHARMACIESEIGNOSSEOCEAN.COM/" #code: "402091136" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1216 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE LOUEDEC" -adresse1: "12 PLACE EUGENE FOREST" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "29830" -ville: "PLOUGUIN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmacie.louedec@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "292017068" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1217 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE MARCHAND" -adresse1: "29 AV DU GENERAL CHARLES DE GAULLE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "25460" -ville: "ETUPES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 81 94 26 98" #email: "pharmacie-marchand.etupes@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "252021738" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1218 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE MARCHANDISE" -adresse1: "124 RUE LOUIS DAVID" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "62100" -ville: "CALAIS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 21 96 93 33" #email: "pharmacie.marchandise@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "622032415" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1219 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE MARQUET" -adresse1: "ROND POINT DE LA METAIRIE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "56500" -ville: "NAIZIN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 97 27 42 49" #email: "pharma.marquet@perso.alliadis.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "562004531" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1220 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE MASSILIA" -adresse1: "11 AVENUE ROGER SALENGRO" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "13003" -ville: "MARSEILLE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharma.clary@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "132042243" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1221 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE MONDIALE" -adresse1: "4 PLACE PIERRE VICTOR LEGER" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "03200" -ville: "VICHY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "mondiale-pharma@hotmail.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "032004699" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1222 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE MONIER LEBOUCHER" -adresse1: "6 RUE DU GENERAL FOUCHER" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "53360" -ville: "QUELAINES ST GAULT" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 43 98 56 13" #email: "murielle.monier04@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "532006178" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1223 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE MONTEBELLO" -adresse1: "37 RUE D ESQUERMES" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "59000" -ville: "LILLE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 20 93 09 00" #email: "pharmaciemontebello@perso.alliadis.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "592058424" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1224 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE MORAVSKA" -adresse1: "2 PLACE DES TAPIS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "69004" -ville: "LYON" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 78 28 03 12" #email: "pharmacie-marche@outlook.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "692038136" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1225 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE MOREL" -adresse1: "368 AVENUE JEAN JAURES" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "59790" -ville: "RONCHIN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "320532157" #email: "pharmaciemorel@yahoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-RONCHIN.COM" #code: "592055412" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1226 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE MORRIS" -adresse1: "83 RUE DE LA REPUBLIQUE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "13002" -ville: "MARSEILLE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0491905952" #email: "morris.bruno@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-MARSEILLE.INFO" #code: "132062423" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1227 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE MOUGIN" -adresse1: "705 GRANDE RUE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "01580" -ville: "IZERNORE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 74 76 50 00" #email: "mougin.c@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "012004586" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1228 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE NAVELOT" -adresse1: "6 ALLEE DU TILLEUL" -adresse2: "ZAC DU FRIER" -codepostal: "60590" -ville: "SERIFONTAINE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 44 84 91 07" #email: "isabelle.navelot@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-SERIFONTAINE.COM" #code: "602013161" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1229 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE NICOULAUD" -adresse1: "15 AVENUE DU BERRY" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "23230" -ville: "GOUZON" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 55 62 20 19" #email: "nicoulaud.pharm@perso.alliadis.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "GOUZON.NICOULAUD.PHARMACIEREFERENCE.COM" #code: "232001958" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1230 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE NOUVELLE" -adresse1: "34 RUE EMILE ZOLA" -adresse2: "CENTRE COMMERCIAL INTERMARCHE" -codepostal: "62970" -ville: "COURCELLES LES LENS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 21 77 04 69" #email: "mpr@pharmacourcelles.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-COURCELLES.COM" #code: "622087781" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1231 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE OCEANE (EAUL)" -adresse1: "1 RUE JEAN CHARCOT" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "29950" -ville: "BENODET" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 98 57 00 19" #email: "phar.oceane@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "292015682" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1232 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE PAMPOUNEAU" -adresse1: "31 RUE OLYMPE DE GOUGES" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "33240" -ville: "ST GERVAIS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "phiesaintgervais@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "332018340" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1233 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE PAQUEREAU" -adresse1: "62 RUE DE LAVAL" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "53240" -ville: "LA BACONNIERE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 43 02 63 10" #email: "phie.labaconniere@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "532006525" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1234 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE PARMENTIER" -adresse1: "31 RUE SAINT CORNEILLE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "60200" -ville: "COMPIEGNE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 44 23 01 42" #email: "pharmacieparmentier@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "602012692" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1235 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE PATTON" -adresse1: "94 AVENUE DU GENERAL PATTON" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "49000" -ville: "ANGERS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "contact@pharmaciepattonangers.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "492016290" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1236 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE PEYROUX" -adresse1: "1 BOULEVARD MARX DORMOY" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "36100" -ville: "ISSOUDUN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 54 21 00 37" #email: "sabinepeyroux@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-ISSOUDUN.COM" #code: "362002008" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1237 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE PHARMABLIS" -adresse1: "2 PLACE DES FETES" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "78660" -ville: "ABLIS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "01 30 46 00 17" #email: "pharmablis@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "782713432" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1238 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE PHARMAGE" -adresse1: "20 RUE CARNOT" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "08200" -ville: "SEDAN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 24 29 10 44" #email: "marinejeancentre@outlook.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "082003450" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1239 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE PIGNON" -adresse1: "2 AVENUE MANEOU" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "13790" -ville: "ROUSSET" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 42 29 01 50" #email: "pharmaciepignon@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-PIGNON.COM" #code: "132027178" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1240 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE PIRON" -adresse1: "3 PLACE JB MOREAU" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "37380" -ville: "MONNAIE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 47 56 10 36" #email: "pharmacie.piron37@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-MONNAIE.FR" #code: "372005660" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1241 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE POGET" -adresse1: "136 AVENUE DES GUINEBERTS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "03100" -ville: "MONTLUCON" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "470290336" #email: "pharmaciepoget@perso.alliadis.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "032002982" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1242 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE PORTAIL SELARL" -adresse1: "10 RUE ALEXANDRE DUMAS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "76380" -ville: "CANTELEU" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "235363060" #email: "pharmacie-portail@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "762041424" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1243 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE PRIEUR" -adresse1: "4T RUE JOSEPH CHAUMETTE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "16470" -ville: "ST MICHEL" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 45 91 46 02" #email: "beatrice.prieur@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-SAINT-MICHEL.NET" #code: "162005433" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1244 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE PRISIAISE" -adresse1: "4 PLACE LECLERC" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "50190" -ville: "PERIERS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 33 76 58 58" #email: "pharmacie.prisiaise@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-PERIERS.COM" #code: "502001985" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1245 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE PRUVOST PARISEL" -adresse1: "1 RUE JOURNE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "51490" -ville: "PONTFAVERGER MORONVILLIERS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 26 48 72 14" #email: "phparisel@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-PONTFAVERGER.FR" #code: "512005000" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1246 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE REGINA" -adresse1: "1 A, PLACE DE L’EGLISE " -adresse2: null -codepostal: "37420" -ville: "AVOINE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "247584035" #email: "pharmacie.avoine@perso.alliadis.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-AVOINE.COM" #code: "372005629" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1247 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE REGIONALE" -adresse1: "43 RUE ANTOINE MASSON" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "21130" -ville: "AUXONNE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 80 37 30 27" #email: "phvernizeau@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "212002737" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1248 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE REPUBLIQUE" -adresse1: "3 RUE DE LA REPUBLIQUE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "42500" -ville: "LE CHAMBON FEUGEROLLES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0477610412" #email: "pharmacie.republique42@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "422025668" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1249 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE RICCI" -adresse1: "19 PLACE SAINT NICOLAS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "20200" -ville: "BASTIA" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 95 31 46 19" #email: "pharmaciericci@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "202040226" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1250 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE ROLLIN" -adresse1: "2 RUE DU GENERAL LECLERC" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "35260" -ville: "CANCALE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0299896154" #email: "pharmacierollin@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-CANCALE.FR" #code: "352008767" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1251 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE ROUTIER DE LESTANG" -adresse1: "139 RUE JEAN CATELAS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "80480" -ville: "SALEUX" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmacieroutierdelestang@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "802006676" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1252 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE RUCHE - SELARL" -adresse1: "48 AVENUE DE LA REPUBLIQUE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "50200" -ville: "COUTANCES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 33 45 18 76" #email: "ma.lemoigne@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "RUCHE.PHARMACIEREFERENCE.COM" #code: "502001787" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1253 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE RULLIER (RULLIER ERIC)" -adresse1: "34 RUE DE LA LIBERTE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "14730" -ville: "GIBERVILLE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "231723739" #email: "e-rullier@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-GIBERVILLE.FR" #code: "142003789" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1254 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE SAINT ARE" -adresse1: "12 ROUTE DE MOULINS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "58300" -ville: "DECIZE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0386771326" #email: "pharmacie.saintare@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "582002739" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1255 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE SAINT CHRISTOL" -adresse1: "71 AVENUE BOUTONNET" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "34400" -ville: "ST CHRISTOL" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "467860149" #email: "damien.orazi@yahoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "342026838" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1256 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE SAINT CHRISTOPHE" -adresse1: "21 AVENUE MARECHAL JOFFRE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "66000" -ville: "PERPIGNAN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0468611043" #email: "pharmaciestchristophe@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "662003540" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1257 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE SAINT COME" -adresse1: "8 PLACE DU PRESIDENT WILSON" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "41110" -ville: "ST AIGNAN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 54 75 22 64" #email: "phie.sefrioui@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "412004038" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1258 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE SAINT JAUMES" -adresse1: "33 RUE DU FAUBOURG SAINT JAUMES" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "34000" -ville: "MONTPELLIER" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "" #email: "phar.stjaumes@perso.alliadis.net?" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "342023678" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1259 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE SAINT JEAN" -adresse1: "45 47 RUE GUYNEMER" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "76500" -ville: "ELBEUF" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 35 77 09 97" #email: "pharmacie.saintjean-elbeuf@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "762002467" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1260 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE SAINT MARTIN" -adresse1: "29 RUE SAINT MARTIN" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "28100" -ville: "DREUX" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0237500059" #email: "stmartin.pharmacie@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-DREUX.COM" #code: "282003185" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1261 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE SAINT MARTIN" -adresse1: "39 41 RUE LEO MERIGOT" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "18100" -ville: "VIERZON" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 48 75 37 07" #email: "pharmacie.saint.martin@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-VIERZON.NET" #code: "182003152" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1262 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE SAINT PIERRE" -adresse1: "2 AV GEORGES CLEMENCEAU" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "40100" -ville: "DAX" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 58 74 05 88" #email: "pharmacie-saint-pierre@orange.fr " #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "402090690" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1263 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE SAINT PIERRE" -adresse1: "58 RUE DE LA LIBERATION" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "35720" -ville: "ST PIERRE DE PLESGUEN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 99 73 90 27" #email: "pharmacie.stpierre@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "352010920" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1264 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE SAINT SAUVEUR" -adresse1: "6 RUE BUFFON" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "21800" -ville: "CHEVIGNY ST SAUVEUR" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "ph.st.sauveur@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "212004659" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1265 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE SAINT SAUVEUR D AUNIS" -adresse1: "1 RUE DE SAINTONGE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "17540" -ville: "ST SAUVEUR D AUNIS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0546019810" #email: "pharmacie.saintsauveur@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-SAINT-SAUVEUR-DAUNIS.FR" #code: "172032237" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1266 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE SAINT-JUST" -adresse1: "29 PLACE DE LA LIBERATION" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "34400" -ville: "SAINT-JUST" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "467832315" #email: "pharmacie-saint-just@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "340795418" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1267 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE SANTE BIEN ETRE" -adresse1: "40 RUE DU POTEAU" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "75018" -ville: "PARIS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "01 46 06 50 10" #email: "pharmacie.manaud@free.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "752041103" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1268 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE SIMONIN" -adresse1: "7 PLACE DE L HOTEL DE VILLE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "60350" -ville: "PIERREFONDS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 44 42 80 15" #email: "pharmaciedepierrefonds@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "602023681" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1269 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE SYOEN" -adresse1: "10 GRANDE RUE NOTRE DAME" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "60130" -ville: "BULLES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 44 78 91 48" #email: "pharmacie.syoen@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "602013021" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1270 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE TERRAIL" -adresse1: "53 GRANDE RUE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "26340" -ville: "SAILLANS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 75 21 52 02" #email: "pharmaciedesaillans@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-SAILLANS.COM" #code: "262003015" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1271 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE THAUMIAUX" -adresse1: "1 AVENUE JULES TUFFERY" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "23100" -ville: "LA COURTINE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 55 66 76 41" #email: "pharmacie-thaumiau@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIELACOURTINE.COM" #code: "232002204" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1272 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE THEVENOT" -adresse1: "11 RUE D AUXERRE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "89480" -ville: "COULANGES SUR YONNE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0386817085" #email: "thevenot.michel@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "892001371" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1273 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE THORIUM" -adresse1: "9 11 RUE PASTEUR" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "59870" -ville: "MARCHIENNES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 27 90 40 17" #email: "phcie.pasteur@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-MARCHIENNES.COM" #code: "592032429" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1274 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE TRUONG" -adresse1: "167 RUE SAINT-LAURENT" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "50460" -ville: "LA HAGUE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 33 03 93 07" #email: "truongvivan@yahoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "502001829" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1275 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE VALLEE DU SOR" -adresse1: "67 RUE DU THERON" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "81570" -ville: "SEMALENS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 63 71 70 80" #email: "pharmacievalleedusor@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-SEMALENS.FR" #code: "812004083" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1276 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE VALLET" -adresse1: "2 B ROUTE DE PITHIVIERS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "45300" -ville: "ASCOUX" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 38 33 01 24" #email: "pharmacie.vallet@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-ASCOUX.COM" #code: "452009202" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1277 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE VANDEPUTTE" -adresse1: "1 RUE DU GENERAL DE GAULLE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "60400" -ville: "NOYON" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 44 44 00 98" #email: "pharmacie.vandeputte@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-VANDEPUTTE.COM" #code: "602011918" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1278 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE VANYSACKER" -adresse1: "16 B AVENUE ARISTIDE BRIAND" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "80320" -ville: "CHAULNES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 22 85 40 32" #email: "framvany@hotmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-CHAULNES.COM" #code: "802005462" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1279 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE VASSEUR (VASSEUR JUSTINE)" -adresse1: "34 ROUTE DES LACS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "40140" -ville: "PISSOS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "558089001" #email: "lapharmaciedepissos@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "402091284" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1280 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE VERLEY" -adresse1: "15 PLACE ANDRE GASNIER" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "36300" -ville: "LE BLANC" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "phieverley@perso.alliadis.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "362002917" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1281 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE VIADYS" -adresse1: "3 B RUE DU LIEVRE D OR" -adresse2: "PLATEAU SUD" -codepostal: "28100" -ville: "DREUX" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0237422197" #email: "pharmacieplateausud@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIEDUPLATEAUSUD.COM" #code: "282002468" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1282 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE VIDEMENT" -adresse1: "7 RUE CHAMPLAIN" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "22000" -ville: "ST BRIEUC" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0296330992" #email: "pharmacie-videment@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "222006017" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1283 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE VIRTUELLE" -adresse1: "2 RUE GALIEN" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "93587" -ville: "SAINT OUEN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "j.lepaux-crochet@aquitem.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "999999999" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1284 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE VITTU" -adresse1: "21 25 RUE FLORENT EVRARD" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "62420" -ville: "BILLY MONTIGNY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmacie.vittu@perso.alliadis.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "622086221" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1285 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE ZENITH" -adresse1: "21 RUE DES SARLIEVE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "63800" -ville: "COURNON D AUVERGNE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "473698456" #email: "cg.pharma@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "632012035" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1286 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACONFIANCE DU MARCHE" -adresse1: "9 11 RUE SAINTE CATHERINE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "24100" -ville: "BERGERAC" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 53 57 04 13" #email: "ph.saintecatherine@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "242007342" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1287 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMAICE DU CENTRE" -adresse1: "16 PLACE DU GENERAL DE GAULLE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "37500" -ville: "CHINON" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 47 93 02 14" #email: "pharmaciedechinon@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "372006429" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1288 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHIE CENTRALE DE L'UNION" -adresse1: "59 AVENUE DE TOULOUSE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "31240" -ville: "L UNION" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0561743250" #email: "pharmaciecentrale31240@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "312009392" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1289 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHIE CENTRE COMMERCIAL COTENTIN" -adresse1: "RUE PIERRE ET MARIE CURIE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "50470" -ville: "LA GLACERIE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmaciecccotentin@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "502002207" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1290 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "SELARL PHARMACIE HOURMAN" -adresse1: "1 BELLEVUE DE LA MADELEINE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "29600" -ville: "MORLAIX" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 98 88 46 77" #email: "phiedelamadelaine29600@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-MORLAIX.COM" #code: "292016573" #longitude: null #latitude: null } ] |
expanded | false |
multiple | false |
placeholder | "global.selectYourAnswer" |
same as passed value |
required | true |
same as passed value |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
choice_attr | null |
choice_filter | null |
choice_label | Closure($magasin, $key, $index) {#1450 class: "App\Form\ClientType" this: App\Form\ClientType {#1301 …} } |
choice_loader | null |
choice_name | null |
choice_translation_domain | null |
choice_translation_parameters | [] |
choice_value | Closure($magasin) {#1449 class: "App\Form\ClientType" this: App\Form\ClientType {#1301 …} } |
choices | [ App\Entity\Magasin {#914 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "AQUITEM PHARMA" -adresse1: "375 AVENUE DE TIVOLI" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "33110" -ville: "LE BOUSCAT" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "j.lepaux-crochet@aquitem.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "123456789" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#515 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "EURL PHARMACIE LA LAITA" -adresse1: "PLACE DE LA POSTE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "56520" -ville: "GUIDEL" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 97 65 01 41" #email: "jacquelineroos@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIELALAITA.COM" #code: "562004655" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#915 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "GRANDE PHARMACIE DU CENTRE" -adresse1: "10 PLACE GAMBETTA" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "81200" -ville: "MAZAMET" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 63 61 08 80" #email: "pharmacie.leriche@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "MAPHARMACIEREFERENCE-MAZAMET.COM" #code: "812004133" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#916 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "LA GRANDE PHARMACIE" -adresse1: "AV DU PRESIDENT FRANKLIN ROOSEVE" -adresse2: "LES JARDINS D EDEN" -codepostal: "73100" -ville: "AIX LES BAINS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 79 35 05 37" #email: "alexa73@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "732003637" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#917 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "NOUVELLE PHARMACIE BEL AIR" -adresse1: "66 AVENUE CHARLES DE GAULLE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "36100" -ville: "ISSOUDUN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 54 21 21 44" #email: "moyon.magali@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "362004749" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#918 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "NOUVELLE PHARMACIE NORMALE" -adresse1: "23 PLACE MIREMONT" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "38200" -ville: "VIENNE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 74 85 01 60" #email: "nouvellepharmacienormale1@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "382024412" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#919 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU PONTREAU-" -adresse1: "40 -42 RUE BREMAUDIERE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "79000" -ville: "NIORT" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "549240408" #email: "contact@pharmaciedupontreau.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-NIORT.NET" #code: "792028821" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#920 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE ABAZA" -adresse1: "40 RUE SOEUR ANGELE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "95210" -ville: "ST GRATIEN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "01 39 89 37 33" #email: "pharma.abaza@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "ABAZA.PHARMACIEREFERENCE.COM" #code: "952700409" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#921 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE ALAIN FOURNIER" -adresse1: "6 RUE HENRI ALAIN FOURNIER" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "69800" -ville: "ST PRIEST" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmaciealainfournier@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "692035900" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#922 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE ARNAUD" -adresse1: "19 RUE BETEILLE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "12000" -ville: "RODEZ" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 65 68 08 56" #email: "pharmacie.arnaud@perso.alliadis.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-RODEZ.COM" #code: "122000656" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#923 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE AURORE" -adresse1: "PLACE DU COMMERCE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "20600" -ville: "BASTIA" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "" #email: "pharmacie-aurore@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "202041414" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#924 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE BARBOTIN SARL" -adresse1: "24 RUE PRINCIPALE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "17120" -ville: "MEURSAC" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0546916712" #email: "pharmacie.barbotin17120@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "172031924" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#925 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE BARRET" -adresse1: "ZAC DE LA GRANDE PIECE" -adresse2: "CENTRE COMMERCIAL SUPER U" -codepostal: "37390" -ville: "CHANCEAUX SUR CHOISILLE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 47 55 19 59" #email: "pharmacie.barret@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "372005249" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#926 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE BC PHARMA" -adresse1: "38 AVENUE DE VERDUN" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "26000" -ville: "VALENCE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmacie.polygone@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "262071087" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#927 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE BELTRAN" -adresse1: "RUE ROQUEPIN" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "13800" -ville: "ISTRES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmacie.beltran@perso.alliadis.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "132029836" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#928 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE BESVEL" -adresse1: "18 TRAIT D UNION" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "77127" -ville: "LIEU-SAINT" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "01 64 88 65 80" #email: "besvel@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "WWW.PHARMACIE-POLEMEDICAL-SENART.COM" #code: "772006888" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#929 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE BETUING" -adresse1: "54 AVENUE MARECHAL FOCH" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "47600" -ville: "NERAC" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 53 65 07 23" #email: "pharmacie.betuing@outlook.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "472006725" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#930 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE BIBOCO" -adresse1: "10, PLACE VICTOR HUGO" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "72400" -ville: "LA FERTE BERNARD" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 43 93 00 28" #email: "pharmacie.bisi@yahoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "722004736" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#931 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE BOEDEC" -adresse1: "3 RUE PEN PAVE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "29370" -ville: "CORAY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 98 59 12 16" #email: "pharmacie.boedec@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-CORAY.COM" #code: "292023355" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#932 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE BONNAFY" -adresse1: "2 PLACE BERTY BOUYER" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "44560" -ville: "CORSEPT" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0240276868" #email: "pharmcorsept@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-CORSEPT.COM" #code: "442060430" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#933 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE BONNETERRE" -adresse1: "146 B COURS TOLSTOI" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "69100" -ville: "VILLEURBANNE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0478849165" #email: "ehpad3@pharmaciebonneterre.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "692030760" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#934 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE BOUQUET" -adresse1: "12 RUE DE LA REPUBLIQUE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "19350" -ville: "JUILLAC" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 55 25 60 10" #email: "pharmaciedejuillac@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "192005692" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#935 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE BOUST" -adresse1: "84, RUE BERNARD ISKE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "92350" -ville: "PLESSIS ROBINSON" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "01 46 30 45 51" #email: "pharmacie.boust@free.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "922010541" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#936 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE BRAISE" -adresse1: "129 AVENUE DE LA GARE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "74440" -ville: "TANINGES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 50 34 20 51" #email: "pharmaciebraise@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "742000615" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#937 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE BRANDAO COURTOIS" -adresse1: "25 29 RUE D ARRAS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "62140" -ville: "HESDIN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 21 86 87 28" #email: "phiedelaforet@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIEDELAFORET-HESDIN.COM" #code: "622032548" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#938 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE BROUILLET LUMINEAU" -adresse1: "AV CHARLES DE GAULLE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "85340" -ville: "OLONNE SUR MER" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 51 32 79 13" #email: "brouilletlumineau@perso.alliadis.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "852005701" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#939 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE CAMBIER" -adresse1: "136 RUE DU GENERAL LECLERC" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "59118" -ville: "WAMBRECHIES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0320788170" #email: "pharmacambier@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "592057525" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#940 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE CAP ATLANTIQUE" -adresse1: "7 AVENUE DE STRASBOURG" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "17340" -ville: "CHATELAILLON PLAGE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmaciecapatlantique@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "172031528" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#941 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE CARTON" -adresse1: "987 AVENUE RAYMOND POINCARE" -adresse2: "CENTRE COMMERCIAL INTERMARCHE" -codepostal: "60280" -ville: "MARGNY LES COMPIEGNE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 44 09 69 25" #email: "pharmaciecartonfrederic@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIECARTONMARGNY.FR" #code: "602013773" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#942 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE CASALONGA" -adresse1: "23 RUE CUSTINE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "75018" -ville: "PARIS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0146062478" #email: "jfcasalonga@yahoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "752037507" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#943 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE CENTRALE" -adresse1: "31 ROUTE DE TERNAY" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "69360" -ville: "COMMUNAY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 72 24 61 26" #email: "mariele-raffin@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-COMMUNAY.COM" #code: "692031149" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#944 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE CENTRALE" -adresse1: "12 14 PLACE DES COMBATTANTS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "42600" -ville: "MONTBRISSON" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "catherine.peyrard42@hotmail.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "422024943" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#945 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE CENTRALE" -adresse1: "LA CROIX D ORSAL" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "46300" -ville: "GOURDON" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 65 41 12 83" #email: "pharmaciecentralegourdon@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "462001967" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#946 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE CENTRALE" -adresse1: "1 RUE ROGER SALENGRO" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "62710" -ville: "COURRIERES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0321202869" #email: "phie-centrale@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHIE-CENTRALE.COM" #code: "622088888" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#947 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE CENTRALE" -adresse1: "9 QUAI DES ESCOUCIERES" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "81800" -ville: "RABASTENS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmaciecentrale81@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "812090074" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#948 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE CENTRALE" -adresse1: "12 PLACE DU GENERAL DE GAULLE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "27260" -ville: "CORMEILLES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "" #email: "pharmcentrale@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "270019391" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#949 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE CENTRALE" -adresse1: "9 PLACE PEYRAMALE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "65100" -ville: "LOURDES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmacentrale65@yahoo.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "652003021" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#950 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE CENTRALE" -adresse1: "4 PLACE DU BREUIL" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "42700" -ville: "FIRMINY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmaciecentrale42@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "422027888" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#951 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE CENTRALE" -adresse1: "1 RUE CARNOT" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "59150" -ville: "WATTRELOS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 20 75 73 19" #email: "phcentrale@perso.alliadis.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "592073092" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#952 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE CENTRALE DE PLEUVEN" -adresse1: "2 ROUTE DE QUIMPER" -adresse2: "LE BOURG" -codepostal: "29170" -ville: "PLEUVEN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 98 54 80 79" #email: "pharmacie.lecup@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-PLEUVEN.COM" #code: "292015617" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#953 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE CHABLAIS GARE" -adresse1: "53 AVENUE DE LA GARE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "74100" -ville: "ANNEMASSE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 50 92 53 25" #email: "edouard.degeorges@outlook.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "742006315" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#954 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE CHAMPERRET" -adresse1: "12 AVENUE STEPHANE MALLARME" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "75017" -ville: "PARIS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0143805800" #email: "pharmacie.champerret@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "752020271" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#955 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE CHARNAY" -adresse1: "5 RUE DU CHENE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "23400" -ville: "ST DIZIER LEYRENNE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 55 64 40 24" #email: "pharmacie.charnay@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "232002188" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#956 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE CHAZOT" -adresse1: "3 5 PLACE DU GENERAL ESPAGNE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "23200" -ville: "AUBUSSON" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 55 66 11 73" #email: "m-chazot-sandrine@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "232002345" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#957 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE CONDOM PYRENEES" -adresse1: "31 B AVENUE DES PYRENEES" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "32100" -ville: "CONDOM" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmacondom32@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "322003682" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#958 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE COTTIN" -adresse1: "127 AVENUE JEAN JAURES" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "69150" -ville: "DECINES CHARPIEU" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "478490256" #email: "gaelle-cottin@hotmail.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "692039589" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#959 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE CREMERS" -adresse1: "416 BIS, AVENUE DE DUNKERQUE " -adresse2: null -codepostal: "59130" -ville: "LAMBERSART" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 20 92 26 74" #email: "phiefc@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-LAMBERSART.COM" #code: "592058812" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#960 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE D AGONAC" -adresse1: "RUE DALBY DE FAYARD" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "24460" -ville: "AGONAC" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0553063513" #email: "juliecorre@pharmaciegrubercorre.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "242005007" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#961 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE D ANDELOT BLANCHEVILLE" -adresse1: "88 R DE LA DIV DU GENERAL LECLER" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "52700" -ville: "ANDELOT BLANCHEVILLE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0325019206" #email: "ph.mathilde.demange@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "522710169" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#962 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE D ARAMON" -adresse1: "1 AVENUE DE LA GARE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "30390" -ville: "ARAMON" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 66 57 06 03" #email: "pharmaciearamon@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-ARAMON.COM" #code: "302007414" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#963 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE D ARMORIQUE" -adresse1: "AVENUE DE LA RESISTANCE" -adresse2: "CENTRE COMMERCIAL KERZOLES" -codepostal: "22300" -ville: "LANNION" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0296485013" #email: "pharmaciedarmorique@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-LANNION.COM" #code: "222005753" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#964 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE D ARVEYRES" -adresse1: "18 RUE DE L EGLISE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "33500" -ville: "ARVEYRES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 57 24 80 41" #email: "pharmacie.arveyres@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIEARVEYRES.COM" #code: "332022722" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#965 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE D ASCAIN" -adresse1: "RUE ERNEST FOURNEAU" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "64310" -ville: "ASCAIN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 59 54 00 42" #email: "pharmacie.ascain@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "642013809" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#966 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE D IZEAUX" -adresse1: "5 RUE ALBERT REYNIER" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "38140" -ville: "IZEAUX" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 76 93 80 20" #email: "pharmacie.izeaux@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "382017747" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#967 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE D URAC" -adresse1: "56 RUE D URAC" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "65000" -ville: "TARBES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 62 93 02 37" #email: "begue/alexandre@yahoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "652004839" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#968 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE D'HASTINGS" -adresse1: "24 RUE LANFRANC" -adresse2: "CTRE CIAL LECLERC" -codepostal: "14000" -ville: "CAEN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 31 74 75 24" #email: "contact@pharmaciedhastings.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIEDHASTINGS.COM" #code: "142007236" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#969 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DACQUET" -adresse1: "346 B RUE DE L IMPERATRICE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "62600" -ville: "BERCK" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 21 09 05 83" #email: "j.marlierepro@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "622033538" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#970 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DAUPHIN" -adresse1: "38 RUE SAINT GERMAIN" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "64190" -ville: "NAVARRENX" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0559665027" #email: "pharmacie-dauphin1@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-DAUPHIN.COM" #code: "642023014" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#971 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE BELLEVUE" -adresse1: "4 PLACE NAPOLEON III" -adresse2: "CENTRE COMMERCIAL BELLEVUE" -codepostal: "29200" -ville: "BREST" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 98 03 29 00" #email: "pharmaciebellevue@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "HTTP://WWW.PHARMACIEBELLEVUE.COM/" #code: "292013794" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#972 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE BOULOIRE" -adresse1: "PLACE DU PETIT MARCHE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "72440" -ville: "BOULOIRE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "243354020" #email: "pharmacie.bouloire@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-BOULOIRE.COM" #code: "722004942" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#973 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE CHANZY" -adresse1: "195, AVENUE CHANZY" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "53000" -ville: "LAVAL" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 43 53 77 57" #email: "gwengalou@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "532007119" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#974 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE CHATEAUNEUF" -adresse1: "19 CHEMIN DU CABANON" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "6740" -ville: "CHATEAUNEUF GRASSE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmaciedechateauneuf@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "062047980" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#975 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE CHATILLON SUR LOIRE" -adresse1: "30 RUE DU GLACIS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "45360" -ville: "CHATILLON SUR LOIRE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "titulaires@pharmaciedechatillon45.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "452009046" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#976 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE CHAUNY" -adresse1: "37 BOULEVARD D ANDENNE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "02300" -ville: "CHAUNY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 23 39 44 44" #email: "pharmaciedechauny@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-DE-CHAUNY.COM" #code: "022018345" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#977 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE CHENY" -adresse1: "5 RUE DU PONT" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "89400" -ville: "CHENY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 86 80 22 22" #email: "pharmaciecheny@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "892004243" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#978 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE CONSTANTINE" -adresse1: "186 RUE DE CONSTANTINE" -adresse2: "CENTRE COMMERCIAL INTERMARCHE" -codepostal: "76000" -ville: "ROUEN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0235713340" #email: "pharmacie.popot@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-CONSTANTINE-ROUEN.FR" #code: "762040731" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#979 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE FLANDRE" -adresse1: "54 AVENUE CHARLES BOUTET" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "08000" -ville: "CHARLEVILLE MEZIERES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 24 33 36 88" #email: "pharmadeflandre@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-DE-FLANDRE.FR" #code: "082002932" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#980 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE GASCOGNE" -adresse1: "62 AVENUE DE GASCOGNE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "31490" -ville: "LEGUEVIN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 61 86 60 47" #email: "pharmaciedegascogne@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-DE-GASCOGNE.COM" #code: "312008410" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#981 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE JARCIEU" -adresse1: "72 ROUTE DES METIERS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "38270" -ville: "JARCIEU" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 74 84 85 20" #email: "pharmacie.jarcieu@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "382023281" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#982 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE KERVEN" -adresse1: "47 AVENUE VICTOR HUGO" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "29270" -ville: "CARHAIX PLOUGUER" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "298930929" #email: "pharmaciedekerven@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-CARHAIX.COM" #code: "292017746" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#983 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE L AMPHORE" -adresse1: "43 RUE ATHENA" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "38490" -ville: "AOSTE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "contact@pharmacie-aoste.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "382017028" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#984 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE L AUXOIS" -adresse1: "5 PLACE DE LA LIBERATION" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "21320" -ville: "POUILLY EN AUXOIS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 80 90 80 77" #email: "pharmacieauxois@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "212004360" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#985 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE L EPINETTE" -adresse1: "264 RUE JEAN JAURES" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "59161" -ville: "ESCAUDOEUVRES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 27 83 84 62" #email: "pharmaciedelepinette@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-ESCAUDOEUVRES.NET" #code: "592099337" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#986 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE L EUROPE" -adresse1: "7 AVENUE JEAN MERMOZ" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "64000" -ville: "PAU" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 59 32 41 96" #email: "phiedeleurope64@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-EUROPE-PAU.FR" #code: "642023600" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#987 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE L EUROPE" -adresse1: "2A AVENUE JEAN MONNET" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "27500" -ville: "PONT AUDEMER" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmeurope.ponto@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "272021072" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#988 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE L HORLOGE" -adresse1: "51 RUE JULES GUESDE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "63100" -ville: "CLERMONT FERRAND" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "phie.juillard@perso.alliadis.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "632009916" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#989 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE L HOTEL DE VILLE" -adresse1: "34 RUE LUCIEN VOILIN" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "92800" -ville: "PUTEAUX" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "01 47 75 16 59" #email: "pharmacie.keulen@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "922016480" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#990 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE L HOTEL DE VILLE" -adresse1: "16 PLACE CHARLES DE GAULLE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "64120" -ville: "ST PALAIS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0559659527" #email: "phiehdville@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-HOTEL-DE-VILLE.FR" #code: "642012173" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#991 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE L HOTEL DE VILLE" -adresse1: "46 48 AV DU GENERAL DE GAULLE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "47230" -ville: "LAVARDAC" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 53 65 50 20" #email: "pharmacie-de-l-hotel-de-ville4@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "472000124" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#992 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE L YSER" -adresse1: "11 QUAI DE L YSER" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "29100" -ville: "DOUARNENEZ" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 98 74 22 59" #email: "lindaporoli@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "292024536" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#993 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE L'HOTEL DE VILLE" -adresse1: "19 PLACE GEORGES CLEMENCEAU" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "41800" -ville: "MONTOIRE-SUR-LE-LOIR" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 54 85 08 12" #email: "phiehoteldeville@yahoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "412003964" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#994 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA BAIE" -adresse1: "2 E RUE DU DOMAINE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "22120" -ville: "HILLION" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 96 72 64 27" #email: "pharma.baie@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-SAINTRENE.COM" #code: "222006264" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#995 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA BASCULE" -adresse1: "515 B AVENUE DE TOULOUSE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "82600" -ville: "AUCAMVILLE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmaciedelabasculeaucamville@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "822002432" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#996 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA BASTIDE" -adresse1: "RUE DES TILLEULS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "48250" -ville: "LA BASTIDE PUYLAURENT" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 66 46 01 42" #email: "pharmaciedelabastide@hotmail.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "482000882" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#997 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA BRASSERIE" -adresse1: "19 RUE GAMBETTA" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "58600" -ville: "NEVERS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 86 90 79 60" #email: "pharmaciedelabrasserie@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "582002275" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#998 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA BRIZOTTE" -adresse1: "11 RUE DU COLONEL REDOUTEY" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "21130" -ville: "AUXONNE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 80 37 30 42" #email: "oussama.abarkane@icloud.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "212004816" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#999 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA CAVALERIE" -adresse1: "CHEMIN DE ROQUES" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "09100" -ville: "PAMIERS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmaciedelacavalerie@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "092001775" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1000 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA CERE" -adresse1: "7 B AVENUE DU GENERAL MILHAUD" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "15130" -ville: "ARPAJON SUR CERE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 71 63 72 02" #email: "pharmaciedelacere@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-ARPAJON.COM" #code: "152002051" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1001 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA CITE" -adresse1: "9 AVENUE CHARLES DE GAULLE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "92350" -ville: "LE PLESSIS ROBINSON" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "146301306" #email: "pharmaciedelacite92@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "922021506" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1002 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA COMMANDERIE" -adresse1: "110, AVENUE DU MARQUISAT" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "31170" -ville: "TOURNEFEUILLE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 61 06 88 78" #email: "phiecommanderie@yahoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-COMMANDERIE-TOURNEFEUILLE.COM" #code: "312003791" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1003 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA COUTURE" -adresse1: "95 AVENUE DU COLONEL BENTO ROMA" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "62136" -ville: "LA COUTURE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "321021964" #email: "pharmaciedelacouture@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "622089290" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1004 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA COUZE" -adresse1: "2 RUE DU COMMERCE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "63420" -ville: "ARDES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 73 71 80 16" #email: "pharmaciedelacouze@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "632012050" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1005 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA CROIX BLANCHE" -adresse1: "21 COURS MARC NOUAUX" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "33000" -ville: "BORDEAUX" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharm.croix.blanche@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "332020593" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1006 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA CROIX VERTE" -adresse1: "AVENUE CHARLES DE GAULLE" -adresse2: "ROND POINT DES 4 CHEMINS" -codepostal: "64800" -ville: "NAY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0559610689" #email: "pharmacie.de.la.croix.verte@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "642024467" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1007 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA FAUCONNIERE" -adresse1: "31 RUE DE LORRAINE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "50100" -ville: "CHERBOURG-OCTEVILLE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "233200865" #email: "pharmaciedelafauconniere@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIEDELAFAUCONNIERE.COM" #code: "502001118" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1008 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA FERRIERE" -adresse1: "RUE DE LA FERTE MACE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "61450" -ville: "LA FERRIERE AUX ETANGS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmaciedelaferriere@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "612004911" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1009 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA FONTAINE" -adresse1: "1 ALLEE DE LA FONTAINE" -adresse2: "CTRE CIAL LA CASCADE LOT 20" -codepostal: "54520" -ville: "LAXOU" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0383986340" #email: "phiedelafontaine@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "542026273" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1010 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA FONTAINE" -adresse1: "RUE DE LA FONTAINE SAINT PIERRE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "56460" -ville: "SERENT" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 97 75 94 90" #email: "pharmaciedelafontaine56@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-SERENT.COM" #code: "562008813" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1011 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA FRETTE" -adresse1: "100 ROUTE DE GRENOBLE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "38260" -ville: "LA FRETTE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 74 54 61 88" #email: "pharmaciedelafrette@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "382023026" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1012 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA GARE" -adresse1: "5 LA GARE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "07460" -ville: "ST PAUL LE JEUNE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 75 39 80 12" #email: "gourdon-chapon@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMA-ARDECHE.COM" #code: "072021603" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1013 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA GRANDE CHAMPAGNE" -adresse1: "RUE DU COLLINAUD" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "16130" -ville: "LIGNIERES SONNEVILLE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 45 80 50 17" #email: "officine.gdechampagne@yahoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "162007868" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1014 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA HALLE AUX GRAINS" -adresse1: "10 AVENUE DU MARECHAL MAUNOURY" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "41000" -ville: "BLOIS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0254780772" #email: "pharmaciedelahalleauxgrains41@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "HTTP://WWW.PHARMACIE-BLOIS-HALLEAUXGRAINS.COM/" #code: "412003857" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1015 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA LOIRE" -adresse1: "14 RUE ROGER SALENGRO" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "42300" -ville: "ROANNE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0477712085" #email: "pharmaciedelaloire9@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "422011577" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1016 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA MAIRIE" -adresse1: "35 RUE DE LA MAIRIE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "74460" -ville: "MARNAZ" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 50 96 47 23" #email: "pharmairie@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "HTTP://PHARMACIEMARNAZ.COM" #code: "742006281" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1017 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA MAIRIE" -adresse1: "15 RUE AMEDEE DUFOURG" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "64603" -ville: "ANGLET" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 59 63 89 09" #email: "pharmacie.anglet@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIEMAIRIEANGLET.FR" #code: "642013882" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1018 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA MAIRIE" -adresse1: "15 AVENUE DU GENERAL DE GAULLE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "95230" -ville: "SOISY SOUS MONTMORENCY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "01 39 89 36 23" #email: "lapharmaciedelamairie@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-SOISY-95.COM" #code: "952010619" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1019 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA MAIRIE" -adresse1: "8, PLACE ALBERT 1ER" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "30700" -ville: "UZES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "466221120" #email: "pharmadelamairie@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-UZES.NET" #code: "302006887" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1020 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA MANSE" -adresse1: "LES ROTES" -adresse2: "ZAC MARCHAUX CCIAL INTERMARCHE" -codepostal: "37800" -ville: "STE MAURE DE TOURAINE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 47 65 40 51" #email: "pharmacie.manse@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "372005181" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1021 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA PISCINE" -adresse1: "24 RUE POTTIER" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "78150" -ville: "LE CHESNAY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "01 39 55 34 14" #email: "pharmapiscine@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-LECHESNAY.COM" #code: "782012504" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1022 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA PLACE" -adresse1: "2 PLACE FRANCOIS MITTERRAND" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "08330" -ville: "VRIGNE AUX BOIS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 24 52 21 11" #email: "pharmacie.delaplace@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-VRIGNE-AUX-BOIS.COM" #code: "082002890" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1023 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA PLACE" -adresse1: "4 PLACE JULES FERRY" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "88320" -ville: "LAMARCHE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "329095021" #email: "pharmaciebouchard@outlook.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "882004146" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1024 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA PLACE" -adresse1: "57 RUE DE PARIS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "93380" -ville: "PIERREFITTE SUR SEINE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "01 48 26 51 07" #email: "pharmaciehbs@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-PIERREFITTE.COM" #code: "932018021" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1025 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA PLACE NATIONALE" -adresse1: "63 RUE DE LA REPUBLIQUE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "06600" -ville: "ANTIBES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 93 34 01 63" #email: "jean-luc.androvandi@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "062041421" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1026 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA PLAINE SMH" -adresse1: "17 RUE EDMOND ROSTAND" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "38400" -ville: "ST MARTIN D'HERES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "476250053" #email: "galicien.viard@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-ST-MARTIN-DHERES.COM" #code: "382023729" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1027 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA POSTE" -adresse1: "97 R DES MARTYRS DE LA RESISTANC" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "60110" -ville: "MERU" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0344523300" #email: "pharmaciedelapostemeru@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "602024093" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1028 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA POSTE" -adresse1: "2 AVENUE ALSACE LORRAINE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "19100" -ville: "BRIVE LA GAILLARDE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 55 24 06 73" #email: "pharmacie.laposte@perso.alliadis.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "192003515" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1029 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA PROMENADE" -adresse1: "17 PLACE DE LA REPUBLIQUE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "46800" -ville: "MONTCUQ" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 65 22 92 03" #email: "pharmaciedelapromenade@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "462001587" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1030 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA TOUR" -adresse1: "17 RUE CESAR LAVIROTTE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "21230" -ville: "ARNAY LE DUC" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 80 90 13 96" #email: "pharmaciedelatour21@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "212004766" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1031 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA TURDINE" -adresse1: "18 B RUE DE VERDUN" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "69490" -ville: "PONTCHARRA SUR TURDINE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 74 05 61 64" #email: "pharmacie.turdine@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-PONTCHARRA69.COM" #code: "692037377" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1032 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA VALLEE" -adresse1: "55 RUE PIERRE VERNIER" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "25290" -ville: "ORNANS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 81 62 24 79" #email: "pharmacie.tissot.maire@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIEORNANS.FR" #code: "252013750" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1033 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA VALLEE" -adresse1: "6 RUE TREY" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "64260" -ville: "ARUDY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 59 05 60 60" #email: "lu.triep@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "WWW.PHARMACIEDELAVALLEE.COM" #code: "642024343" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1034 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA VALLEE VERTE" -adresse1: "43 PLACE DES MARRONNIERS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "74420" -ville: "BOEGE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "450391008" #email: "pharmacie.viron@perso.alliadis.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "742001795" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1035 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LINARDS" -adresse1: "16 RUE HENRI LAGRANGE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "87130" -ville: "LINARDS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 55 75 51 02" #email: "pharmaciedelinards.87130@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "872005079" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1036 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LORETTE" -adresse1: "97 RUE JEAN BAPTISTE DEFERNEZ" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "62800" -ville: "LIEVIN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0321442248" #email: "anne.demarquilly@yahoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "622089001" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1037 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE MON IDEE" -adresse1: "19 RUE RAVIER" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "74100" -ville: "AMBILLY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 50 92 53 36" #email: "pharmacie.monidee@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-MONIDEE.COM" #code: "742003551" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1038 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE MONTOIRE" -adresse1: "25 PLACE CLEMENCEAU" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "41800" -ville: "MONTOIRE SUR LE LOIRE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 54 85 00 04" #email: "pharmaciedemontoire@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "412003972" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1039 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE NOYER" -adresse1: "388 AVENUE DE THONON" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "74200" -ville: "ALLINGES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "450705193" #email: "pharmaciedenoyer@perso.alliadis.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "742006182" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1040 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE PAYZAC" -adresse1: "2 PLACE DE LA POSTE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "24270" -ville: "PAYZAC" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 53 52 70 19" #email: "phiepayzac@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIEDEPAYZAC.FR" #code: "242007466" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1041 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE PEAUGRES" -adresse1: "54 ROUTE DE L EGALITE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "07340" -ville: "PEAUGRES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 75 67 32 91" #email: "pharmacie.peaugres@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "072021983" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1042 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE PORT SAINT PERE" -adresse1: "28 RUE DE PORNIC" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "44710" -ville: "PORT SAINT PERE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 40 31 50 20" #email: "pharmacie.rabreaucecile@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-PORT-SAINT-PERE.FR" #code: "442060349" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1043 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE PRADINES" -adresse1: "1 ROUTE DU GYMNASE" -adresse2: "ZAC LES ESCALES CENTRE CIAL" -codepostal: "46090" -ville: "PRADINES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 65 35 61 24" #email: "contact@pharmaciedepradines.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "462001868" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1044 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE PUYBRUN" -adresse1: "RUE NATIONALE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "46130" -ville: "PUYBRUN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmaciepuybrun@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "462001850" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1045 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE RIEUMES" -adresse1: "1 ALLEE DE LA LIBERATION" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "31370" -ville: "RIEUMES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 34 49 02 08" #email: "pharmacie-rieumes@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-RIEUMES.FR" #code: "312006174" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1046 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE SAINT CYR" -adresse1: "7 RUE DE BROCELIANDE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "56380" -ville: "GUER" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 97 75 71 44" #email: "pharmaciedesaintcyr@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "562007708" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1047 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE SAINT PIERRE" -adresse1: "ROUTE NATIONALE 86" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "42520" -ville: "ST PIERRE DE BOEUF" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 74 87 11 20" #email: "pharmacie.saint.pierre@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-CLAVEL.COM" #code: "422024125" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1048 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE SAINT YORRE" -adresse1: "1 RUE DE LA REPUBLIQUE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "03270" -ville: "ST YORRE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 70 59 20 19" #email: "pharmaciedestyorre@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-DE-SAINT-YORRE.COM" #code: "032005605" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1049 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE SEISSAN" -adresse1: "28, PLACE CARNOT" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "32260" -ville: "SEISSAN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 62 66 20 09" #email: "sevdompharm32@yahoo.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-SEISSAN.COM" #code: "322003658" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1050 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE TRACY LE MONT" -adresse1: "207 RUE DE BAILLY" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "60170" -ville: "TRACY LE MONT" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 44 75 20 37" #email: "pharmaciedenervaise@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "602023954" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1051 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE VESONE" -adresse1: "81 R.CLAUDE BERNARD" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "24000" -ville: "PERIGUEUX" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 53 08 60 14" #email: "pharmacie.vesone@yahoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-PERIGUEUX.COM" #code: "242001493" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1052 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE VILLEMENT" -adresse1: "1905 ROUTE DU GOND PONTOUVRE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "16600" -ville: "RUELLE SUR TOUVRE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 45 68 32 89" #email: "pharmaciens@pharmavillement.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMAVILLEMENT.COM" #code: "162006746" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1053 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE VILLENEUVE" -adresse1: "1 RUE ALPHONSE BAUDIN" -adresse2: "RESIDENCE TAMARIS" -codepostal: "17000" -ville: "LA ROCHELLE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 46 44 74 43" #email: "pharmaciedevilleneuve@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIEDEVILLENEUVE-LAROCHELLE.FR" #code: "172031478" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1054 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE VIVIER AU COURT" -adresse1: "32 RUE ALPHONSE PANIER" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "08440" -ville: "VIVIER AU COURT" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 24 52 10 89" #email: "pharmadevivier@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-VIVIER-AU-COURT.COM" #code: "082003237" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1055 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DENIS DUSSOUBS" -adresse1: "30 RUE ADRIEN DUBOUCHE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "87000" -ville: "LIMOGES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 55 77 44 94" #email: "pharmaciedenisdussoubs@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIEDENISDUSSOUBS.COM" #code: "872004692" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1056 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DEROCHE" -adresse1: "20 ROUTE DE BESNE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "72210" -ville: "ROEZE SUR SARTHE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 43 77 39 99" #email: "pharmacie.deroche@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-ROEZE.COM" #code: "722004660" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1057 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DERONNE" -adresse1: "6 RUE DU GENERAL DE GAULLE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "62840" -ville: "LAVENTIE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 21 66 19 66" #email: "helene.deronne@free.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "622085579" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1058 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES 6 CHEMINS" -adresse1: "RUE MATHIEU DURET" -adresse2: "CENTRE COMMERCIAL LES 6 CHEMINS" -codepostal: "07100" -ville: "ANNONAY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 75 33 51 02" #email: "pharma6chemins@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-ANNONAY.NET" #code: "072011208" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1059 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES ALPILLES" -adresse1: "50 AV DU DOCTEUR GEORGES PERRIER" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "13160" -ville: "CHATEAURENARD" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmaciealpilles13160@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "132046293" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1060 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES ARCADES" -adresse1: "CENTRE COMMERCIAL" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "32810" -ville: "PREIGNAN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 62 65 50 66" #email: "pharmaciericau@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-PREIGNAN-RICAU.FR" #code: "322002957" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1061 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES ARCADES" -adresse1: "1 PLACE DE BEURRERIE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "44170" -ville: "NOZAY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 40 79 44 18" #email: "phie.nozay44@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-NOZAY44.COM" #code: "442005088" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1062 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES AROMES" -adresse1: "1 PLACE DU MARCHIX" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "56230" -ville: "QUESTEMBERT" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0297261034" #email: "pharmaciedesaromes@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "562008573" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1063 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES AYERS" -adresse1: "RUE HENRI MARC" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "21800" -ville: "CHEVIGNY ST SAUVEUR" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "380461246" #email: "stephane.jouan2@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "212003396" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1064 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES BORDS DE L'ORNE SELAR" -adresse1: null -adresse2: null -codepostal: null -ville: null -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: null #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "612000430" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1065 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES BORDS DE VIRE" -adresse1: "66 RUE SAINT PIERRE ET MIQUELON" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "50420" -ville: "TESSY S/VIRE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 33 56 30 07" #email: "pharmaciedesbordsdevire@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "502000243" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1066 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES CITES" -adresse1: "147 RUE ALBERT THOMAS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "03100" -ville: "MONTLUCON" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 70 02 24 00" #email: "aline.maure.pharmacie@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "032005068" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1067 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES CRENEAUX" -adresse1: "1059 AVENUE ROGER SALENGRO " -adresse2: null -codepostal: "92370" -ville: "CHAVILLE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "01 47 50 50 38" #email: "phie.descreneaux92@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIEDESCRENEAUX-CHAVILLE.COM" #code: "922018031" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1068 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES DEUX LIONS" -adresse1: "41 ALLEE FERDINAND DE LESSEPS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "37200" -ville: "TOURS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "247386805" #email: "pharmaciedesdeuxlions@outlook.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-TOURS.FR" #code: "372006569" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1069 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES FEUGRAIS" -adresse1: "3 RUE DES FEUGRAIS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "76410" -ville: "ST AUBIN LES ELBEUF" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "235772198" #email: "pharmaciedesfeugrais@perso.dataconseil.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIEDESFEUGRAIS.COM" #code: "762001774" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1070 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES FONTAINES" -adresse1: "179 AVENUE GABRIEL PERI" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "83470" -ville: "ST MAXIMIN LA STE BAUME" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 94 59 73 57" #email: "pharmaciedesfontainesstmax@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "832006308" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1071 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES GRANDES VIGNES" -adresse1: "13, PLACE DE LA LIBERTE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "33210" -ville: "PREIGNAC" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 56 63 27 42" #email: "pharmaciedepreignac@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-PREIGNAC.COM" #code: "332015692" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1072 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES HALLES" -adresse1: "6 PLACE DES HALLES" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "16360" -ville: "BAIGNES STE RADEGONDE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 45 78 40 71" #email: "phie.deshalles@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "162006084" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1073 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES HARAS DE GELOS" -adresse1: "68 RUE LOUIS BARTHOU" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "64110" -ville: "GELOS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 59 06 56 40" #email: "pharmaciedesharas@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "642023964" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1074 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES HAUTES ROCHES" -adresse1: "114, AVENUE DU GAL DE GAULLE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "37230" -ville: "FONDETTES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "" #email: "carine.mandron@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "372006460" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1075 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES HAUTS DE GIEN" -adresse1: "20 RUE JULES CESAR" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "45500" -ville: "GIEN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 38 67 22 40" #email: "pharmaciepret@aol.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-GIEN.COM" #code: "452007743" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1076 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES JACOBINS" -adresse1: "10 RUE DU BELLOCQ" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "40500" -ville: "ST SEVER" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmadesjacobins@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "402091375" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1077 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES JASMINS" -adresse1: "322 AVENUE ALBERT CAMUS" -adresse2: "LOTISSEMENT JASMIN" -codepostal: "47240" -ville: "BON ENCONTRE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 53 96 07 12" #email: "pharmaciedesjasmins@outlook.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-BONENCONTRE.COM" #code: "472006543" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1078 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES LACS" -adresse1: "60, GRANDE RUE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "39130" -ville: "CLAIRVAUX LES LACS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 84 25 81 93" #email: "pharmaciedeslacs39@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "392002424" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1079 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES LAVAUX" -adresse1: "2 RUE DES LAVAUX" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "25300" -ville: "PONTARLIER" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 81 39 05 48" #email: "phiedeslavaux@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-LAVAUX.COM" #code: "252013594" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1080 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES LIONDARDS" -adresse1: "30 RUE DES LIONDARDS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "63000" -ville: "CLERMONT FERRAND" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 73 26 70 71" #email: "luis/brande@yahoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "632012423" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1081 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES MAHONIAS" -adresse1: "12 RUE DE GRENOBLE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "72100" -ville: "LE MANS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmacie.geslin@perso.dataconseil.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "722004017" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1082 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES MARDELLES" -adresse1: "7 PLACE DE LA HALLE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "58700" -ville: "PREMERY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmaciedesmardelles@perso.alliadis.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "582002713" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1083 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES MECHES" -adresse1: "2 AVENUE PIERRE BROSSOLETTE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "94000" -ville: "CRETEIL" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0142072089" #email: "sig602@yahoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIECRETEIL.FR" #code: "942016882" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1084 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES MENHIRS" -adresse1: "14 RUE DES MENHIRS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "56410" -ville: "ERDEVEN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 97 55 63 49" #email: "pharmacie-des-menhirs@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "562008961" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1085 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES MOLLES" -adresse1: "20 RUE BIRON" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "34190" -ville: "GANGES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "467738415" #email: "pharmaciedelolivette@outlook.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "342029147" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1086 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES PRES" -adresse1: "14 RUE DES PRES" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "60680" -ville: "GRANDFRESNOY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 44 41 47 17" #email: "pharmaciedespres60680@outlook.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-GRANDFRESNOY.FR" #code: "602023277" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1087 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES QUATRE ROUTES" -adresse1: "121 T AVENUE JOSEPH CLAUSSAT" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "63400" -ville: "CHAMALIERES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "473376987" #email: "pharmaciedes4routes@hotmail.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "632010856" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1088 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES REMPARTS" -adresse1: "2 RUE DE LA BORDERIE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "35500" -ville: "VITRE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 23 55 11 60" #email: "pharmaciedesremparts.vitre@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "352010730" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1089 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES THERMES" -adresse1: "8 AVENUE DE LA REINE NATHALIE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "64200" -ville: "BIARRITZ" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 59 24 14 33" #email: "phdesthermes648@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "642013866" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1090 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES TROIS GARES" -adresse1: "8 BOULEVARD DE LA LIBERATION" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "78220" -ville: "VIROFLAY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "01 30 24 40 20" #email: "pharmaciedes3gares@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-VIROFLAY.COM" #code: "782712541" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1091 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES TROIS MOULINS" -adresse1: "92 RUE ARISTIDE BRIAND" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "44400" -ville: "REZE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0240756310" #email: "pharmacie3moulins@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-REZE.COM" #code: "442001640" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1092 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES VALLEES" -adresse1: "1 B PLACE DU GENERAL VERDIER" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "65370" -ville: "LOURES BAROUSSE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0562992029" #email: "pharmacie-des-vallees@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "652005208" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1093 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES VILLES MOISAN" -adresse1: "1 RUE DES VILLES MOISAN" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "22440" -ville: "PLOUFRAGAN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "phcievillesmoisan@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "222007411" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1094 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES VOLONTAIRES" -adresse1: "1 AVENUE DES VOLONTAIRES" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "15000" -ville: "AURILLAC" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "" #email: "cecile.ghyspharmacie@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "152001673" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1095 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DESBUISSON" -adresse1: "5 B RUE CHOBOURDIN" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "59134" -ville: "HERLIES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmacie-desbuisson@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "592057178" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1096 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DESCARTES" -adresse1: "7 AVENUE ANDRE MARIE AMPERE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "77420" -ville: "CHAMPS SUR MARNE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "01 64 68 96 22" #email: "pharmacie-descartes@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-CHAMPS-SUR-MARNE.COM" #code: "772006755" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1097 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DESJOBERT" -adresse1: "7-9 RUE THIERS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "53200" -ville: "CHATEAU GONTIER" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "243072183" #email: "pharmacie.desjobert@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIEDESJOBERT.COM" #code: "532005535" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1098 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DIONYSIENNE" -adresse1: "1 PLACE DE LA BROCHE A ROTIR" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "76310" -ville: "SAINTE ADRESSE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 35 46 38 45" #email: "lapharmaciedionysienne@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "762031359" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1099 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DORVAL-SATRE" -adresse1: "4 RUE DE PORT MANECH" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "29920" -ville: "NEVEZ" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 98 06 81 02" #email: "pharmacie.nevez@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "292016870" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1100 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DRIGHES" -adresse1: "126, AV. D'ARGENTEUIL" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "92600" -ville: "ASNIERES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "147930168" #email: "catherinedrighes@voila.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "WWW.PHARMACIE-ASNIERES.COM" #code: "922010442" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1101 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DROUOT PABISIAK" -adresse1: "4 RUE DES HAUTES ALPES" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "54460" -ville: "LIVERDUN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0383244850" #email: "ap.pharli@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "542026232" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1102 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU 8EME" -adresse1: "74, RUE MARIUS BERLIET" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "69008" -ville: "LYON" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 78 77 50 45" #email: "pharmaciesebag@perso.alliadis.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIELYON.FR" #code: "692033848" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1103 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU BANLAY" -adresse1: "2 RUE BLAISE PASCAL" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "58000" -ville: "NEVERS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 86 57 41 05" #email: "pharmacie.dubanlay@perso.alliadis.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "582002176" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1104 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU BEILLET" -adresse1: "11 RUE CHARLES BARTALOT" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "40000" -ville: "MONT DE MARSAN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 58 46 53 88" #email: "pharmacie-du-beillet@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "MONTDEMARSAN.PHARMACIEREFERENCE.COM" #code: "402090633" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1105 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU BELINOIS" -adresse1: "10 RUE DU 8 MAI" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "72220" -ville: "TELOCHE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "martin-do@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "722003522" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1106 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU BOCAGE" -adresse1: "1025 AV 7E RGT TIRAILLEURS ALGER" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "13190" -ville: "ALLAUCH" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0491053330" #email: "pharmaciebocage13@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "132020264" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1107 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU BOIS D AMOUR" -adresse1: "8 RUE EMILE BERNARD" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "29930" -ville: "PONT AVEN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmapontaven@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "292015518" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1108 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU BOULEVARD" -adresse1: "BOULEVARD DU NORD" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "32200" -ville: "GIMONT" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 62 67 70 26" #email: "pharmacieduboulevard32@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-BOULEVARD.FR" #code: "322004052" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1109 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU BOURG" -adresse1: "31 RUE DU BOURGNEUF" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "71370" -ville: "OUROUX SUR SAONE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 85 96 02 94" #email: "herbaux.pharmacie@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "712007145" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1110 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU BOURG" -adresse1: "7 ROUTE DE LYON" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "73160" -ville: "COGNIN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0479694873" #email: "pharmaciedubourg-cognin@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "732003033" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1111 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU CADRAN" -adresse1: "39 PLACE DU 18 OCTOBRE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "28200" -ville: "CHATEAUDUN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 37 45 93 00" #email: "phieducadran@perso.alliadis.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "282002443" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1112 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU CAP DE GASCOGNE" -adresse1: "LOUSTALOT" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "40500" -ville: "SAINT SEVER" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 58 76 01 29" #email: "pharmacieducap@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "402091201" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1113 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU CENTRE" -adresse1: "43 RUE DU GENERAL LECLERC" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "62114" -ville: "SAINS EN GOHELLE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 21 29 16 56" #email: "pharmacie.du.centre-62@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-SAINSENGOHELLE.COM" #code: "622085264" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1114 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU CENTRE" -adresse1: "26 RUE EDOUARD PLACHEZ" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "62220" -ville: "CARVIN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 21 37 14 19" #email: "pharmaciehober@perso.alliadis.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "622088755" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1115 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU CENTRE" -adresse1: "15 RUE LAMARTINE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "62580" -ville: "VIMY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 21 73 71 86" #email: "contact@pharmacievimy.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-VIMY.COM" #code: "622087104" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1116 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU CENTRE" -adresse1: "48 RUE BERTHELOT" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "62670" -ville: "MAZINGARBE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0321291416" #email: "pharmacie.grabarz@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIEDUCENTRE-MAZINGARBE.COM" #code: "622085454" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1117 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU CENTRE BOURG" -adresse1: "1, PLACE JEAN RAMEAU" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "40390" -ville: "SAINT MARTIN DE SEIGNANX" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "559561901" #email: "kplumat@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "402090948" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1118 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU CENTRE COMMERCIAL" -adresse1: "BOULEVARD DU 8 MAI 1945" -adresse2: "GALERIE MARCHANDE LECLERC" -codepostal: "59540" -ville: "CAUDRY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 27 85 26 76" #email: "pharmacieduccdecaudry@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIEDUCENTRECOMMERCIALDECAUDRY.FR" #code: "592090435" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1119 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU CHAMPSAUR" -adresse1: "5 A AVENUE DU 11 NOVEMBRE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "05500" -ville: "ST BONNET EN CHAMPSAUR" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 92 50 53 53" #email: "phieduchampsaur@perso.alliadis.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "052702305" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1120 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU CHATEAU" -adresse1: "16 RUE DU CHATEAU" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "50500" -ville: "CARENTAN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0233420255" #email: "raultph2@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-CARENTAN-RAULT.FR" #code: "502006216" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1121 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU CHATEAU D EAU" -adresse1: "5 PLACE JOSEPH NOUGUIN" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "31140" -ville: "AUCAMVILLE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0562752635" #email: "pharmaciechateau31@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIEAUCAMVILLE.COM" #code: "312007842" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1122 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU CHEMIN VERT" -adresse1: "935 RUE DU CHEMIN VERT" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "49400" -ville: "SAUMUR" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 41 50 11 02" #email: "p.cheminvert@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "492017058" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1123 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU CLOCHER" -adresse1: "99 RUE GABRIEL PERI" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "91300" -ville: "MASSY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0169200422" #email: "lapharmacieduclocher@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "912014701" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1124 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU COUREAU" -adresse1: "10 RUE GEORGES CLEMENCEAU" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "17480" -ville: "LE CHATEAU D OLERON" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "coureau.phr@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "172030579" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1125 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU DOLMEN" -adresse1: "44 RUE DU VIEUX BAGNEUX" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "49400" -ville: "BAGNEUX" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmaciedudolmen@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "492015615" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1126 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU DONJON" -adresse1: "46 48 RUE NATIONALE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "41400" -ville: "MONTRICHARD" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 54 32 04 18" #email: "selarldudonjon@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "412003436" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1127 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU GRAND STADE" -adresse1: "32 RUE GAMBETTA" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "59260" -ville: "LEZENNES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmaciedugrandstade@outlook.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "592056634" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1128 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU IV SEPTEMBRE" -adresse1: "4 B RUE DU 4 SEPTEMBRE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "65000" -ville: "TARBES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmaciedu4septembre@outlook.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "652005042" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1129 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU JOURDAIN" -adresse1: "52 PLACE DU JOURDAIN" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "81300" -ville: "GRAULHET" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 63 60 21 40" #email: "pharma-jourdain@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-GRAULHET.FR" #code: "812004307" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1130 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU LIVRADOIS" -adresse1: "28 RUE DE L INDUSTRIE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "63600" -ville: "AMBERT" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0473820021" #email: "pharmaciedulivradois63600@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "632013256" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1131 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU LYCEE" -adresse1: "72 BIS RUE DE VERSAILLES" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "91300" -ville: "MASSY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "01 69 20 29 21" #email: "seta.hacin@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "912010691" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1132 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU MARCHE" -adresse1: "2 RUE DU DOCTEUR KOHARIAN" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "26000" -ville: "VALENCE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 75 43 60 79" #email: "pharmaciedumarche26@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-VALENCE.NET" #code: "262070956" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1133 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU MARCHE" -adresse1: "10 PLACE DU MARCHE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "81200" -ville: "AUSSILLON" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmacie.du.marche81200@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "812004620" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1134 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU MONT CHARVIN" -adresse1: "387 AVENUE DE LA LIBERATION" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "73400" -ville: "UGINE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0479373245" #email: "pharmaciedumontcharvin@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "732003512" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1135 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU MORTIER D'OR" -adresse1: "146 RUE DE LA REPUBLIQUE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "76320" -ville: "CAUDEBEC LES ELBEUF" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "235770357" #email: "philippe.nguyen4@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIEDUMORTIERDOR.COM" #code: "762000131" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1136 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU MOULIN" -adresse1: "9 PLACE VION TRESMES" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "77515" -ville: "POMMEUSE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmaciedumoulin77515@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "772011490" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1137 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU NOROIT" -adresse1: "72 AV A. BRIAND" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "14450" -ville: "GRANDCAMP MAISY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 31 22 60 50" #email: "pharmaciedunoroit@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "142006584" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1138 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU PARC" -adresse1: "26 RUE DU PRESIDENT WILSON" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "03200" -ville: "VICHY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "470982176" #email: "bruno.barse@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "032004467" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1139 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU PARC" -adresse1: "PLACE DU 8 MAI 1945" -adresse2: "CENTRE COMMERCIAL" -codepostal: "63540" -ville: "ROMAGNAT" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 73 62 66 37" #email: "pharmacie.du.parc63@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "632009585" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1140 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU PARC" -adresse1: "54 BOULEVARD HENRI IV" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "63600" -ville: "AMBERT" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 73 82 04 96" #email: "pharmacieduparc63600@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "632012837" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1141 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU PETIT VERSAILLES" -adresse1: "RUE DU PETIT VERSAILLES" -adresse2: "CENTRE COMMERCIAL INTERMARCHE" -codepostal: "37110" -ville: "CHATEAU RENAULT" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "247295358" #email: "phiepetitversailles@yahoo.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "372006783" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1142 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU POLLET" -adresse1: "34 GRANDE RUE DU POLLET" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "76200" -ville: "DIEPPE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 35 84 18 85" #email: "pharmaciedupollet@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "762001931" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1143 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU PONANT" -adresse1: "164 RUE ALEXANDRE DUMAS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "17400" -ville: "ST JEAN D ANGELY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 46 32 01 61" #email: "ponant.fc@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "172031304" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1144 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU PONT CARDINAL" -adresse1: "75 AVENUE DE PARIS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "19100" -ville: "BRIVE LA GAILLARDE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 55 24 09 45" #email: "phiedupontcardinal@perso.alliadis.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIEDUPONTCARDINALBRIVE.FR" #code: "192001329" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1145 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU PONT MICHELET" -adresse1: "63 AVENUE MICHELET" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "59400" -ville: "CAMBRAI" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "327813752" #email: "pharmaciedupontmichelet@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "592091334" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1146 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU PONT ROYAL" -adresse1: "212 AVENUE ARISTIDE BRIAND" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "92220" -ville: "BAGNEUX" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "01 46 65 12 57" #email: "vavapharma@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "922003983" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1147 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU PORT FLUVIAL" -adresse1: "56 RUE BONTE POLLET" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "59000" -ville: "LILLE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 20 93 13 85" #email: "pharmacieduportfluvial@hotmail.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "592056337" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1148 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU PORZAY" -adresse1: "1 ALLEE DU STADE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "29550" -ville: "PLONEVEZ PORZAY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 98 92 50 34" #email: "pharmacie.porzay@yahoo.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-PORZAY.COM" #code: "292017720" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1149 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU PRIEURE" -adresse1: "3 PLACE DE L'EUROPE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "37520" -ville: "LA RICHE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 47 39 09 42" #email: "pharmacieprieure@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "372005454" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1150 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU ROND POINT" -adresse1: "2 CHEMIN DES AUTRICHIENS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "06600" -ville: "ANTIBES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 93 34 13 40" #email: "phrrondpoint06@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIEDURONDPOINT-ANTIBES.COM" #code: "062047204" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1151 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU STADE" -adresse1: "292 RUE DE VERDUN" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "76600" -ville: "LE HAVRE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 35 47 17 38" #email: "contact@pharmaciedustade.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-LEHAVRE.NET" #code: "762039287" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1152 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU STADE" -adresse1: "10 RUE DE BISSEOUS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "81100" -ville: "CASTRES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "contact@pharmaciedustade81.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "812004216" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1153 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU TEINCHURIER" -adresse1: "RUE LOUIS TAURISSON" -adresse2: "CCIAL CARREFOUR ZI TEINCHURIER" -codepostal: "19100" -ville: "BRIVE LA GAILLARDE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 55 17 51 36" #email: "pharmacie.teinchurier@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "192003176" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1154 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU TILLEUL" -adresse1: "16 ALLEE LEONARD DE VINCI" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "59150" -ville: "WATTRELOS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0320265074" #email: "pharma.tilleul59150@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "592074728" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1155 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU TREBUCHET" -adresse1: "1 AVENUE LOUIS BESSIERES" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "82240" -ville: "PUYLAROQUE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 63 64 90 53" #email: "georges.niek@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "822001889" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1156 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU VAL FLEURI" -adresse1: "63 RUE DE LA CONCORDE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "73490" -ville: "LA RAVOIRE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 79 72 52 22" #email: "pharmacie.valfleuri@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "732000294" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1157 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU VALOIS" -adresse1: "56 AVENUE DU PRESIDENT KENNEDY" -adresse2: "CENTRE COMMERCIAL KENNEDY" -codepostal: "60800" -ville: "CREPY EN VALOIS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 44 87 04 69" #email: "pharmacie.duvalois@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIEDUVALOIS.COM" #code: "602023699" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1158 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU VERDERET" -adresse1: "13 PLACE DU 11 NOVEMBRE 1918" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "38320" -ville: "EYBENS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 76 25 52 14" #email: "ph.verderet@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "382023919" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1159 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU VERT BOIS" -adresse1: "49 AVENUE EDGAR PISANI" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "52100" -ville: "ST DIZIER" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0325050825" #email: "pharmacie.vert.bois@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "522101062" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1160 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU VIGUIER" -adresse1: "2 RUE ALAIN FOURNIER" -adresse2: "CENTRE COMMERCIAL LE VIGUIER" -codepostal: "11000" -ville: "CARCASSONNE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 68 25 05 58" #email: "pharmacieduviguier@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-CARCASSONNE.NET" #code: "112002746" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1161 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU VILLAGE" -adresse1: "101 IMPASSE DE VERDUN" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "69480" -ville: "ANSE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 74 67 16 21" #email: "elisabeth.minget@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "692021561" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1162 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DUNOIS" -adresse1: "1 PLACE DUNOIS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "45000" -ville: "ORLEANS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 38 62 66 33" #email: "spdunois@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-DUNOIS.COM" #code: "452002066" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1163 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DURAND" -adresse1: "33 AV DU MAL DE LATTRE DE TASSIGNY" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "33620" -ville: "CEZAC" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0557321964" #email: "pharmaciedecezac@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "332022300" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1164 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE ELSY GAULTIER" -adresse1: "21 PLACE CHARLES DE GAULLE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "35420" -ville: "LOUVIGNE DU DESERT" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 99 98 01 12" #email: "pharmagaultier@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "HTTP://WWW.PHARMACIE-LOUVIGNE-DU-DESERT.COM/" #code: "352010649" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1165 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE ESCALE SANTE 77" -adresse1: "22 RUE DU GENERAL DE GAULLE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "77181" -ville: "COURTRY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "01 60 20 23 67" #email: "pharmaciedecourtry@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "772012373" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1166 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE ESPACE BERAIRE" -adresse1: "22 RUE NATIONALE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "45380" -ville: "LA CHAPELLE ST MESMIN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 38 43 39 90" #email: "pharmacie-espace-beraire@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-ESPACEBERAIRE.COM" #code: "452006299" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1167 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE EULOGE" -adresse1: "82 RUE DE LAXOU" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "54000" -ville: "NANCY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0383403148" #email: "pharmacie.euloge@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "542024757" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1168 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE FAGES" -adresse1: "7 ROUTE DES GLYCINES" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "16310" -ville: "MASSIGNAC" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 45 65 01 19" #email: "pharmacie.fage@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-MASSIGNAC.COM" #code: "162007074" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1169 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE FLOREAL" -adresse1: "131 AVENUE JEAN JAURES" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "47000" -ville: "AGEN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "contact@pharmaciedufloreal.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "472004688" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1170 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE FLOURIOT" -adresse1: "4 RUE DE L EGLISE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "21800" -ville: "NEUILLY LES DIJON" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 80 47 35 03" #email: "pharmaneuilly@laposte.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "212004063" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1171 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE GARDAN" -adresse1: "1 AVENUE DE L ETANG" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "49123" -ville: "INGRANDES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 41 39 20 12" #email: "pharmaciedesbateliers@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "492017132" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1172 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE GAUTHERON BOCHARD" -adresse1: "22 AVENUE DU LAURAGUAIS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "11290" -ville: "MONTREAL" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 68 76 20 24" #email: "gautheron3@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "112002134" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1173 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE GAUTIER" -adresse1: "4 ROUTE DE POITIERS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "86170" -ville: "CISSE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 49 51 79 37" #email: "pharmaciegautier@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "862022217" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1174 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE GENERALE" -adresse1: "188 AV DU 24 AVRIL 1915" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "13012" -ville: "MARSEILLE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 91 93 41 66" #email: "appaybandon@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIEGENERALE-MARSEILLE.COM" #code: "132040593" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1175 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE GERARD" -adresse1: "50 B ROUTE NATIONALE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "54960" -ville: "MERCY LE BAS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 82 89 62 76" #email: "clemence.gerard1@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "HTTP://PHARMACIE-MERCYLEBAS.COM/" #code: "542026604" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1176 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE GOMES BUI" -adresse1: "54, ALLEE DES BOIS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "95220" -ville: "HERBLAY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "01 39 97 45 30" #email: "pharmaciegomes.bui@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-GOMES-BUI.FR" #code: "952010312" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1177 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE GORE GOGER" -adresse1: "9 RUE SAINT JULIEN" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "61700" -ville: "DOMFRONT" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 33 30 83 51" #email: "pharmacie.gore@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-DOMFRONT.FR" #code: "612006650" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1178 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE GRIFFON" -adresse1: "16, RUE BAPTISTE MARCET VALFLEURY" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "07200" -ville: "AUBENAS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 75 93 64 04" #email: "pharmacie.griffon@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "072021678" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1179 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE GUENIN" -adresse1: "21 COURS DES QUAIS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "56470" -ville: "LA TRINITE SUR MER" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 97 55 72 38" #email: "contact@pharmaciedelatrinitesurmer.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "562007088" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1180 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE GUILHEN" -adresse1: "3 RUE MERCIERE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "63390" -ville: "ST GERVAIS D’AUVERGNE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 73 85 70 77" #email: "laurence.guilhen@perso.alliadis.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "632013140" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1181 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE GUINCHARD LEFEBVRE" -adresse1: "5 PLACE DE L EGLISE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "35330" -ville: "MAURE DE BRETAGNE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 99 34 89 15" #email: "aurelie.lefebvre@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-MAURE-DE-BRETAGNE.FR" #code: "352010086" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1182 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE GUIOT" -adresse1: "37, RUE ARISTIDE BRIAND" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "95520" -ville: "OSNY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "01 30 30 15 48" #email: "philippe.guiot2@free.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-GUIOT.COM" #code: "952010700" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1183 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE GUITTIN" -adresse1: "2 RUE DE VERDUN" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "54800" -ville: "MARS LA TOUR" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "382339211" #email: "guittinb@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "542011374" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1184 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE HARDEL" -adresse1: "4 RUE GAMBETTA" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "50800" -ville: "VILLEDIEU LES POELES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0233610051" #email: "pharmacie.hardel@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "502001407" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1185 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE HAY MOIRE" -adresse1: "23 RUE ANATOLE FRANCE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "37210" -ville: "VERNOU SUR BRENNE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 47 52 10 05" #email: "pharmaciehaymoire@perso.alliadis.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "372005074" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1186 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE HEUZE" -adresse1: "182 AVENUE OLIVIER HEUZE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "72000" -ville: "LE MANS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 43 28 36 21" #email: "pharmacie.heuze@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "722005279" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1187 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE HIBERT" -adresse1: "3 R DES ANCIENS COMBATTANTS AFN" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "11170" -ville: "MONTOLIEU" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0468248421" #email: "pharmacie.hibert@hotmail.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "112003595" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1188 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE HUYGHE" -adresse1: "22 RUE DE LIHONS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "80131" -ville: "HARBONNIERES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "322858020" #email: "pharmacie.huyghe@perso.alliadis.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "802003905" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1189 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE JACQUES PREVERT" -adresse1: "AVENUE JACQUES PREVERT" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "13730" -ville: "ST VICTORET" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmacieprevert@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "132082744" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1190 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE JAMON" -adresse1: "IMPASSE DES OLLIERES" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "43260" -ville: "LANTRIAC" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "471051893" #email: "pharmaciejamon@perso.alliadis.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "432001352" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1191 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE JAN" -adresse1: "2 RUE HENT COZ" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "29120" -ville: "PONT L ABBE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 98 87 00 27" #email: "pharmaciejan@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-PONTLABBE.COM" #code: "292024320" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1192 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE JAUTARD" -adresse1: "RUE RAYMOND PEYDECASTAING" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "47180" -ville: "MEILHAN SUR GARONNE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 53 94 30 16" #email: "jautard.marc@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "472004720" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1193 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE KENNEDY" -adresse1: "5 PLACE ROGER BASTIDE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "30900" -ville: "NIMES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 66 28 84 40" #email: "pharmacie.kennedy@orange-business.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "302004908" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1194 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE KERVEVAN" -adresse1: "19 AVENUE DES COMTES DE CERDAGNE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "66800" -ville: "SAILLAGOUSE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 68 04 72 80" #email: "pharmacie.kervevan@hotmail.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "662002260" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1195 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE KETELS" -adresse1: "9 AVENUE DE L EUROPE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "80200" -ville: "PERONNE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 22 84 03 11" #email: "pharmacieketels@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-KETELS.COM" #code: "802004697" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1196 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE L OCEANE" -adresse1: "LE PETIT BONNEVEAUX" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "17220" -ville: "SALLES SUR MER" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmacieloceane17@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "172031536" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1197 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE LABARRE" -adresse1: "44 B ROUTE DE LA MEYZE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "87800" -ville: "NEXON" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 55 58 10 29" #email: "pharmacienexon@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIENEXON.COM" #code: "872002944" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1198 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE LACAUSSE" -adresse1: "7 ROUTE DE TERCIS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "40100" -ville: "DAX" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "karine.lacausse@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "402090484" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1199 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE LAGACHERIE" -adresse1: "RUE THIERS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "47160" -ville: "DAMAZAN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "553794147" #email: "pharmacie.lagacherie@perso.dataconseil.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-DAMAZAN.COM" #code: "472004746" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1200 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE LAMBERT" -adresse1: "5 PLACE JEAN JAURES" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "13550" -ville: "NOVES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 90 92 97 23" #email: "alain.lambert603@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "132029968" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1201 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE LANIC LACROUTS" -adresse1: "89 ROUTE DE MONT DE MARSAN" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "40420" -ville: "LABRIT" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 58 51 01 79" #email: "andrelanic@hotmail.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "402015325" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1202 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE LATROMPETTE" -adresse1: "8 RUE CHARLES DE GAULLE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "08210" -ville: "MOUZON" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 24 26 10 92" #email: "pharmacie.mouzon@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-MOUZON.COM" #code: "082002213" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1203 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE LE COENT" -adresse1: "ROUTE DE SAINT BRIEUX" -adresse2: "ROND POINT LANNOGE" -codepostal: "22110" -ville: "ROSTRENEN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 96 29 01 53" #email: "pharmacielecoent@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-LE-COENT-ROSTRENEN.FR" #code: "222008187" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1204 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE LE POTIER" -adresse1: "4 6 RUE MICHELLE LE BRUN" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "22530" -ville: "MUR DE BRETAGNE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 96 28 59 49" #email: "pharmacielepotier@hotmail.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-MURDEBRETAGNE.COM" #code: "222007155" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1205 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE LEBRET" -adresse1: "51, RUE KENNEDY" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "50720" -ville: "BARENTON" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "233595471" #email: "pharmacielebret@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIELEBRET.COM" #code: "502007370" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1206 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE LEDOYER" -adresse1: "17 RUE CLEMENCEAU" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "22430" -ville: "ERQUY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "296723073" #email: "pharmacie.ledoyer@perso.smart-rx.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "222007627" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1207 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE LEFEUVRE GARRIOT" -adresse1: "34 AVENUE DE SENLIS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "60800" -ville: "CREPY EN VALOIS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 44 87 02 13" #email: "pharmacielefeuvre@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-CREPYENVALOIS.COM" #code: "602023053" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1208 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE LEFEVRE MALASSAGNE" -adresse1: "14 PLACE GERARD TENQUE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "13500" -ville: "MARTIGUES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmacie.lefevre.malassagne@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "132041054" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1209 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE LEFRANCOIS" -adresse1: "27 ROUTE DE SAINT JOUVIN" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "50700" -ville: "BRIX" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0233210923" #email: "pharmaciedebrix@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "HTTP://WWW.PHARMACIE-BRIX.FR" #code: "502000789" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1210 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE LEMARE" -adresse1: "667 AVENUE ROGER SALENGRO" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "92370" -ville: "CHAVILLE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "01 47 50 48 98" #email: "pharmaciechaville@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "WWW.PHARMACIEDESECOLESCHAVILLE.COM" #code: "922020490" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1211 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE LERICHE" -adresse1: "174 AVENUE DE QUAKENBRUCK" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "61000" -ville: "ALENCON" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmacieleriche@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "612017624" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1212 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE LES LILAS" -adresse1: "44 BOULEVARD DE LA LIBERTE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "93260" -ville: "LES LILAS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "143639139" #email: "pharmacieleslilas@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-LESLILAS.COM" #code: "932012040" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1213 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE LOISEAU" -adresse1: "4, RUE PIERRE MARCHAND" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "35530" -ville: "NOYAL SUR VILAINE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "299006690" #email: "pharmacie-loiseau@hotmail.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-NOYALSURVILAINE.COM" #code: "352007447" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1214 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE LORRAINE" -adresse1: "1 RUE DES CAPUCINS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "55200" -ville: "COMMERCY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 29 91 01 32" #email: "pharmacielorraine@hotmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "NAVEL.PHARMACIEREFERENCE.COM" #code: "552002073" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1215 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE LOUBET" -adresse1: "7 PLACE DE CASTILLE" -adresse2: "LE PENON" -codepostal: "40510" -ville: "SEIGNOSSE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 58 43 31 77" #email: "pharmacieseignosseocean@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "HTTP://PHARMACIESEIGNOSSEOCEAN.COM/" #code: "402091136" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1216 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE LOUEDEC" -adresse1: "12 PLACE EUGENE FOREST" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "29830" -ville: "PLOUGUIN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmacie.louedec@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "292017068" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1217 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE MARCHAND" -adresse1: "29 AV DU GENERAL CHARLES DE GAULLE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "25460" -ville: "ETUPES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 81 94 26 98" #email: "pharmacie-marchand.etupes@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "252021738" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1218 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE MARCHANDISE" -adresse1: "124 RUE LOUIS DAVID" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "62100" -ville: "CALAIS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 21 96 93 33" #email: "pharmacie.marchandise@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "622032415" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1219 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE MARQUET" -adresse1: "ROND POINT DE LA METAIRIE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "56500" -ville: "NAIZIN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 97 27 42 49" #email: "pharma.marquet@perso.alliadis.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "562004531" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1220 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE MASSILIA" -adresse1: "11 AVENUE ROGER SALENGRO" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "13003" -ville: "MARSEILLE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharma.clary@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "132042243" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1221 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE MONDIALE" -adresse1: "4 PLACE PIERRE VICTOR LEGER" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "03200" -ville: "VICHY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "mondiale-pharma@hotmail.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "032004699" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1222 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE MONIER LEBOUCHER" -adresse1: "6 RUE DU GENERAL FOUCHER" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "53360" -ville: "QUELAINES ST GAULT" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 43 98 56 13" #email: "murielle.monier04@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "532006178" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1223 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE MONTEBELLO" -adresse1: "37 RUE D ESQUERMES" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "59000" -ville: "LILLE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 20 93 09 00" #email: "pharmaciemontebello@perso.alliadis.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "592058424" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1224 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE MORAVSKA" -adresse1: "2 PLACE DES TAPIS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "69004" -ville: "LYON" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 78 28 03 12" #email: "pharmacie-marche@outlook.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "692038136" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1225 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE MOREL" -adresse1: "368 AVENUE JEAN JAURES" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "59790" -ville: "RONCHIN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "320532157" #email: "pharmaciemorel@yahoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-RONCHIN.COM" #code: "592055412" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1226 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE MORRIS" -adresse1: "83 RUE DE LA REPUBLIQUE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "13002" -ville: "MARSEILLE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0491905952" #email: "morris.bruno@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-MARSEILLE.INFO" #code: "132062423" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1227 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE MOUGIN" -adresse1: "705 GRANDE RUE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "01580" -ville: "IZERNORE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 74 76 50 00" #email: "mougin.c@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "012004586" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1228 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE NAVELOT" -adresse1: "6 ALLEE DU TILLEUL" -adresse2: "ZAC DU FRIER" -codepostal: "60590" -ville: "SERIFONTAINE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 44 84 91 07" #email: "isabelle.navelot@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-SERIFONTAINE.COM" #code: "602013161" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1229 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE NICOULAUD" -adresse1: "15 AVENUE DU BERRY" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "23230" -ville: "GOUZON" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 55 62 20 19" #email: "nicoulaud.pharm@perso.alliadis.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "GOUZON.NICOULAUD.PHARMACIEREFERENCE.COM" #code: "232001958" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1230 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE NOUVELLE" -adresse1: "34 RUE EMILE ZOLA" -adresse2: "CENTRE COMMERCIAL INTERMARCHE" -codepostal: "62970" -ville: "COURCELLES LES LENS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 21 77 04 69" #email: "mpr@pharmacourcelles.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-COURCELLES.COM" #code: "622087781" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1231 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE OCEANE (EAUL)" -adresse1: "1 RUE JEAN CHARCOT" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "29950" -ville: "BENODET" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 98 57 00 19" #email: "phar.oceane@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "292015682" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1232 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE PAMPOUNEAU" -adresse1: "31 RUE OLYMPE DE GOUGES" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "33240" -ville: "ST GERVAIS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "phiesaintgervais@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "332018340" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1233 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE PAQUEREAU" -adresse1: "62 RUE DE LAVAL" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "53240" -ville: "LA BACONNIERE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 43 02 63 10" #email: "phie.labaconniere@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "532006525" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1234 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE PARMENTIER" -adresse1: "31 RUE SAINT CORNEILLE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "60200" -ville: "COMPIEGNE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 44 23 01 42" #email: "pharmacieparmentier@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "602012692" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1235 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE PATTON" -adresse1: "94 AVENUE DU GENERAL PATTON" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "49000" -ville: "ANGERS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "contact@pharmaciepattonangers.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "492016290" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1236 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE PEYROUX" -adresse1: "1 BOULEVARD MARX DORMOY" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "36100" -ville: "ISSOUDUN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 54 21 00 37" #email: "sabinepeyroux@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-ISSOUDUN.COM" #code: "362002008" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1237 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE PHARMABLIS" -adresse1: "2 PLACE DES FETES" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "78660" -ville: "ABLIS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "01 30 46 00 17" #email: "pharmablis@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "782713432" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1238 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE PHARMAGE" -adresse1: "20 RUE CARNOT" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "08200" -ville: "SEDAN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 24 29 10 44" #email: "marinejeancentre@outlook.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "082003450" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1239 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE PIGNON" -adresse1: "2 AVENUE MANEOU" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "13790" -ville: "ROUSSET" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 42 29 01 50" #email: "pharmaciepignon@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-PIGNON.COM" #code: "132027178" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1240 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE PIRON" -adresse1: "3 PLACE JB MOREAU" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "37380" -ville: "MONNAIE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 47 56 10 36" #email: "pharmacie.piron37@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-MONNAIE.FR" #code: "372005660" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1241 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE POGET" -adresse1: "136 AVENUE DES GUINEBERTS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "03100" -ville: "MONTLUCON" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "470290336" #email: "pharmaciepoget@perso.alliadis.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "032002982" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1242 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE PORTAIL SELARL" -adresse1: "10 RUE ALEXANDRE DUMAS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "76380" -ville: "CANTELEU" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "235363060" #email: "pharmacie-portail@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "762041424" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1243 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE PRIEUR" -adresse1: "4T RUE JOSEPH CHAUMETTE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "16470" -ville: "ST MICHEL" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 45 91 46 02" #email: "beatrice.prieur@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-SAINT-MICHEL.NET" #code: "162005433" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1244 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE PRISIAISE" -adresse1: "4 PLACE LECLERC" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "50190" -ville: "PERIERS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 33 76 58 58" #email: "pharmacie.prisiaise@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-PERIERS.COM" #code: "502001985" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1245 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE PRUVOST PARISEL" -adresse1: "1 RUE JOURNE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "51490" -ville: "PONTFAVERGER MORONVILLIERS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 26 48 72 14" #email: "phparisel@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-PONTFAVERGER.FR" #code: "512005000" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1246 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE REGINA" -adresse1: "1 A, PLACE DE L’EGLISE " -adresse2: null -codepostal: "37420" -ville: "AVOINE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "247584035" #email: "pharmacie.avoine@perso.alliadis.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-AVOINE.COM" #code: "372005629" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1247 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE REGIONALE" -adresse1: "43 RUE ANTOINE MASSON" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "21130" -ville: "AUXONNE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 80 37 30 27" #email: "phvernizeau@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "212002737" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1248 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE REPUBLIQUE" -adresse1: "3 RUE DE LA REPUBLIQUE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "42500" -ville: "LE CHAMBON FEUGEROLLES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0477610412" #email: "pharmacie.republique42@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "422025668" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1249 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE RICCI" -adresse1: "19 PLACE SAINT NICOLAS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "20200" -ville: "BASTIA" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 95 31 46 19" #email: "pharmaciericci@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "202040226" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1250 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE ROLLIN" -adresse1: "2 RUE DU GENERAL LECLERC" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "35260" -ville: "CANCALE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0299896154" #email: "pharmacierollin@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-CANCALE.FR" #code: "352008767" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1251 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE ROUTIER DE LESTANG" -adresse1: "139 RUE JEAN CATELAS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "80480" -ville: "SALEUX" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmacieroutierdelestang@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "802006676" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1252 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE RUCHE - SELARL" -adresse1: "48 AVENUE DE LA REPUBLIQUE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "50200" -ville: "COUTANCES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 33 45 18 76" #email: "ma.lemoigne@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "RUCHE.PHARMACIEREFERENCE.COM" #code: "502001787" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1253 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE RULLIER (RULLIER ERIC)" -adresse1: "34 RUE DE LA LIBERTE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "14730" -ville: "GIBERVILLE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "231723739" #email: "e-rullier@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-GIBERVILLE.FR" #code: "142003789" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1254 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE SAINT ARE" -adresse1: "12 ROUTE DE MOULINS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "58300" -ville: "DECIZE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0386771326" #email: "pharmacie.saintare@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "582002739" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1255 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE SAINT CHRISTOL" -adresse1: "71 AVENUE BOUTONNET" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "34400" -ville: "ST CHRISTOL" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "467860149" #email: "damien.orazi@yahoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "342026838" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1256 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE SAINT CHRISTOPHE" -adresse1: "21 AVENUE MARECHAL JOFFRE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "66000" -ville: "PERPIGNAN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0468611043" #email: "pharmaciestchristophe@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "662003540" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1257 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE SAINT COME" -adresse1: "8 PLACE DU PRESIDENT WILSON" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "41110" -ville: "ST AIGNAN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 54 75 22 64" #email: "phie.sefrioui@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "412004038" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1258 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE SAINT JAUMES" -adresse1: "33 RUE DU FAUBOURG SAINT JAUMES" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "34000" -ville: "MONTPELLIER" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "" #email: "phar.stjaumes@perso.alliadis.net?" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "342023678" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1259 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE SAINT JEAN" -adresse1: "45 47 RUE GUYNEMER" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "76500" -ville: "ELBEUF" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 35 77 09 97" #email: "pharmacie.saintjean-elbeuf@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "762002467" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1260 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE SAINT MARTIN" -adresse1: "29 RUE SAINT MARTIN" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "28100" -ville: "DREUX" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0237500059" #email: "stmartin.pharmacie@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-DREUX.COM" #code: "282003185" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1261 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE SAINT MARTIN" -adresse1: "39 41 RUE LEO MERIGOT" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "18100" -ville: "VIERZON" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 48 75 37 07" #email: "pharmacie.saint.martin@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-VIERZON.NET" #code: "182003152" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1262 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE SAINT PIERRE" -adresse1: "2 AV GEORGES CLEMENCEAU" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "40100" -ville: "DAX" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 58 74 05 88" #email: "pharmacie-saint-pierre@orange.fr " #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "402090690" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1263 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE SAINT PIERRE" -adresse1: "58 RUE DE LA LIBERATION" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "35720" -ville: "ST PIERRE DE PLESGUEN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 99 73 90 27" #email: "pharmacie.stpierre@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "352010920" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1264 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE SAINT SAUVEUR" -adresse1: "6 RUE BUFFON" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "21800" -ville: "CHEVIGNY ST SAUVEUR" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "ph.st.sauveur@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "212004659" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1265 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE SAINT SAUVEUR D AUNIS" -adresse1: "1 RUE DE SAINTONGE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "17540" -ville: "ST SAUVEUR D AUNIS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0546019810" #email: "pharmacie.saintsauveur@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-SAINT-SAUVEUR-DAUNIS.FR" #code: "172032237" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1266 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE SAINT-JUST" -adresse1: "29 PLACE DE LA LIBERATION" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "34400" -ville: "SAINT-JUST" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "467832315" #email: "pharmacie-saint-just@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "340795418" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1267 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE SANTE BIEN ETRE" -adresse1: "40 RUE DU POTEAU" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "75018" -ville: "PARIS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "01 46 06 50 10" #email: "pharmacie.manaud@free.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "752041103" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1268 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE SIMONIN" -adresse1: "7 PLACE DE L HOTEL DE VILLE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "60350" -ville: "PIERREFONDS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 44 42 80 15" #email: "pharmaciedepierrefonds@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "602023681" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1269 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE SYOEN" -adresse1: "10 GRANDE RUE NOTRE DAME" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "60130" -ville: "BULLES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 44 78 91 48" #email: "pharmacie.syoen@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "602013021" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1270 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE TERRAIL" -adresse1: "53 GRANDE RUE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "26340" -ville: "SAILLANS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 75 21 52 02" #email: "pharmaciedesaillans@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-SAILLANS.COM" #code: "262003015" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1271 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE THAUMIAUX" -adresse1: "1 AVENUE JULES TUFFERY" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "23100" -ville: "LA COURTINE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 55 66 76 41" #email: "pharmacie-thaumiau@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIELACOURTINE.COM" #code: "232002204" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1272 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE THEVENOT" -adresse1: "11 RUE D AUXERRE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "89480" -ville: "COULANGES SUR YONNE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0386817085" #email: "thevenot.michel@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "892001371" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1273 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE THORIUM" -adresse1: "9 11 RUE PASTEUR" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "59870" -ville: "MARCHIENNES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 27 90 40 17" #email: "phcie.pasteur@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-MARCHIENNES.COM" #code: "592032429" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1274 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE TRUONG" -adresse1: "167 RUE SAINT-LAURENT" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "50460" -ville: "LA HAGUE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 33 03 93 07" #email: "truongvivan@yahoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "502001829" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1275 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE VALLEE DU SOR" -adresse1: "67 RUE DU THERON" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "81570" -ville: "SEMALENS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 63 71 70 80" #email: "pharmacievalleedusor@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-SEMALENS.FR" #code: "812004083" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1276 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE VALLET" -adresse1: "2 B ROUTE DE PITHIVIERS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "45300" -ville: "ASCOUX" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 38 33 01 24" #email: "pharmacie.vallet@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-ASCOUX.COM" #code: "452009202" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1277 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE VANDEPUTTE" -adresse1: "1 RUE DU GENERAL DE GAULLE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "60400" -ville: "NOYON" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 44 44 00 98" #email: "pharmacie.vandeputte@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-VANDEPUTTE.COM" #code: "602011918" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1278 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE VANYSACKER" -adresse1: "16 B AVENUE ARISTIDE BRIAND" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "80320" -ville: "CHAULNES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 22 85 40 32" #email: "framvany@hotmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-CHAULNES.COM" #code: "802005462" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1279 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE VASSEUR (VASSEUR JUSTINE)" -adresse1: "34 ROUTE DES LACS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "40140" -ville: "PISSOS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "558089001" #email: "lapharmaciedepissos@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "402091284" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1280 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE VERLEY" -adresse1: "15 PLACE ANDRE GASNIER" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "36300" -ville: "LE BLANC" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "phieverley@perso.alliadis.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "362002917" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1281 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE VIADYS" -adresse1: "3 B RUE DU LIEVRE D OR" -adresse2: "PLATEAU SUD" -codepostal: "28100" -ville: "DREUX" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0237422197" #email: "pharmacieplateausud@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIEDUPLATEAUSUD.COM" #code: "282002468" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1282 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE VIDEMENT" -adresse1: "7 RUE CHAMPLAIN" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "22000" -ville: "ST BRIEUC" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0296330992" #email: "pharmacie-videment@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "222006017" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1283 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE VIRTUELLE" -adresse1: "2 RUE GALIEN" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "93587" -ville: "SAINT OUEN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "j.lepaux-crochet@aquitem.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "999999999" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1284 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE VITTU" -adresse1: "21 25 RUE FLORENT EVRARD" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "62420" -ville: "BILLY MONTIGNY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmacie.vittu@perso.alliadis.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "622086221" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1285 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE ZENITH" -adresse1: "21 RUE DES SARLIEVE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "63800" -ville: "COURNON D AUVERGNE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "473698456" #email: "cg.pharma@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "632012035" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1286 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACONFIANCE DU MARCHE" -adresse1: "9 11 RUE SAINTE CATHERINE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "24100" -ville: "BERGERAC" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 53 57 04 13" #email: "ph.saintecatherine@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "242007342" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1287 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMAICE DU CENTRE" -adresse1: "16 PLACE DU GENERAL DE GAULLE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "37500" -ville: "CHINON" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 47 93 02 14" #email: "pharmaciedechinon@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "372006429" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1288 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHIE CENTRALE DE L'UNION" -adresse1: "59 AVENUE DE TOULOUSE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "31240" -ville: "L UNION" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0561743250" #email: "pharmaciecentrale31240@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "312009392" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1289 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHIE CENTRE COMMERCIAL COTENTIN" -adresse1: "RUE PIERRE ET MARIE CURIE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "50470" -ville: "LA GLACERIE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmaciecccotentin@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "502002207" #longitude: null #latitude: null } App\Entity\Magasin {#1290 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "SELARL PHARMACIE HOURMAN" -adresse1: "1 BELLEVUE DE LA MADELEINE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "29600" -ville: "MORLAIX" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 98 88 46 77" #email: "phiedelamadelaine29600@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-MORLAIX.COM" #code: "292016573" #longitude: null #latitude: null } ] |
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choices | [ Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2003 +label: "AQUITEM PHARMA" +value: "0000000024-123456789-33110" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#914 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "AQUITEM PHARMA" -adresse1: "375 AVENUE DE TIVOLI" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "33110" -ville: "LE BOUSCAT" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "j.lepaux-crochet@aquitem.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "123456789" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2004 +label: "EURL PHARMACIE LA LAITA" +value: "0000000024-562004655-56520" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#515 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "EURL PHARMACIE LA LAITA" -adresse1: "PLACE DE LA POSTE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "56520" -ville: "GUIDEL" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 97 65 01 41" #email: "jacquelineroos@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIELALAITA.COM" #code: "562004655" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2005 +label: "GRANDE PHARMACIE DU CENTRE" +value: "0000000024-812004133-81200" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#915 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "GRANDE PHARMACIE DU CENTRE" -adresse1: "10 PLACE GAMBETTA" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "81200" -ville: "MAZAMET" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 63 61 08 80" #email: "pharmacie.leriche@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "MAPHARMACIEREFERENCE-MAZAMET.COM" #code: "812004133" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2006 +label: "LA GRANDE PHARMACIE" +value: "0000000024-732003637-73100" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#916 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "LA GRANDE PHARMACIE" -adresse1: "AV DU PRESIDENT FRANKLIN ROOSEVE" -adresse2: "LES JARDINS D EDEN" -codepostal: "73100" -ville: "AIX LES BAINS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 79 35 05 37" #email: "alexa73@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "732003637" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2007 +label: "NOUVELLE PHARMACIE BEL AIR" +value: "0000000024-362004749-36100" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#917 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "NOUVELLE PHARMACIE BEL AIR" -adresse1: "66 AVENUE CHARLES DE GAULLE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "36100" -ville: "ISSOUDUN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 54 21 21 44" #email: "moyon.magali@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "362004749" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2008 +label: "NOUVELLE PHARMACIE NORMALE" +value: "0000000024-382024412-38200" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#918 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "NOUVELLE PHARMACIE NORMALE" -adresse1: "23 PLACE MIREMONT" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "38200" -ville: "VIENNE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 74 85 01 60" #email: "nouvellepharmacienormale1@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "382024412" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2009 +label: "PHARMACIE DU PONTREAU-" +value: "0000000024-792028821-79000" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#919 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU PONTREAU-" -adresse1: "40 -42 RUE BREMAUDIERE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "79000" -ville: "NIORT" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "549240408" #email: "contact@pharmaciedupontreau.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-NIORT.NET" #code: "792028821" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2010 +label: "PHARMACIE ABAZA" +value: "0000000024-952700409-95210" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#920 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE ABAZA" -adresse1: "40 RUE SOEUR ANGELE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "95210" -ville: "ST GRATIEN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "01 39 89 37 33" #email: "pharma.abaza@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "ABAZA.PHARMACIEREFERENCE.COM" #code: "952700409" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2011 +label: "PHARMACIE ALAIN FOURNIER" +value: "0000000024-692035900-69800" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#921 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE ALAIN FOURNIER" -adresse1: "6 RUE HENRI ALAIN FOURNIER" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "69800" -ville: "ST PRIEST" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmaciealainfournier@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "692035900" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2012 +label: "PHARMACIE ARNAUD" +value: "0000000024-122000656-12000" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#922 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE ARNAUD" -adresse1: "19 RUE BETEILLE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "12000" -ville: "RODEZ" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 65 68 08 56" #email: "pharmacie.arnaud@perso.alliadis.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-RODEZ.COM" #code: "122000656" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2013 +label: "PHARMACIE AURORE" +value: "0000000024-202041414-20600" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#923 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE AURORE" -adresse1: "PLACE DU COMMERCE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "20600" -ville: "BASTIA" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "" #email: "pharmacie-aurore@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "202041414" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2014 +label: "PHARMACIE BARBOTIN SARL" +value: "0000000024-172031924-17120" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#924 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE BARBOTIN SARL" -adresse1: "24 RUE PRINCIPALE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "17120" -ville: "MEURSAC" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0546916712" #email: "pharmacie.barbotin17120@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "172031924" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2015 +label: "PHARMACIE BARRET" +value: "0000000024-372005249-37390" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#925 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE BARRET" -adresse1: "ZAC DE LA GRANDE PIECE" -adresse2: "CENTRE COMMERCIAL SUPER U" -codepostal: "37390" -ville: "CHANCEAUX SUR CHOISILLE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 47 55 19 59" #email: "pharmacie.barret@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "372005249" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2016 +label: "PHARMACIE BC PHARMA" +value: "0000000024-262071087-26000" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#926 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE BC PHARMA" -adresse1: "38 AVENUE DE VERDUN" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "26000" -ville: "VALENCE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmacie.polygone@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "262071087" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2017 +label: "PHARMACIE BELTRAN" +value: "0000000024-132029836-13800" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#927 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE BELTRAN" -adresse1: "RUE ROQUEPIN" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "13800" -ville: "ISTRES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmacie.beltran@perso.alliadis.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "132029836" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2018 +label: "PHARMACIE BESVEL" +value: "0000000024-772006888-77127" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#928 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE BESVEL" -adresse1: "18 TRAIT D UNION" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "77127" -ville: "LIEU-SAINT" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "01 64 88 65 80" #email: "besvel@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "WWW.PHARMACIE-POLEMEDICAL-SENART.COM" #code: "772006888" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2019 +label: "PHARMACIE BETUING" +value: "0000000024-472006725-47600" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#929 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE BETUING" -adresse1: "54 AVENUE MARECHAL FOCH" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "47600" -ville: "NERAC" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 53 65 07 23" #email: "pharmacie.betuing@outlook.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "472006725" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2020 +label: "PHARMACIE BIBOCO" +value: "0000000024-722004736-72400" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#930 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE BIBOCO" -adresse1: "10, PLACE VICTOR HUGO" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "72400" -ville: "LA FERTE BERNARD" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 43 93 00 28" #email: "pharmacie.bisi@yahoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "722004736" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2021 +label: "PHARMACIE BOEDEC" +value: "0000000024-292023355-29370" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#931 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE BOEDEC" -adresse1: "3 RUE PEN PAVE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "29370" -ville: "CORAY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 98 59 12 16" #email: "pharmacie.boedec@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-CORAY.COM" #code: "292023355" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2022 +label: "PHARMACIE BONNAFY" +value: "0000000024-442060430-44560" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#932 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE BONNAFY" -adresse1: "2 PLACE BERTY BOUYER" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "44560" -ville: "CORSEPT" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0240276868" #email: "pharmcorsept@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-CORSEPT.COM" #code: "442060430" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2023 +label: "PHARMACIE BONNETERRE" +value: "0000000024-692030760-69100" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#933 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE BONNETERRE" -adresse1: "146 B COURS TOLSTOI" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "69100" -ville: "VILLEURBANNE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0478849165" #email: "ehpad3@pharmaciebonneterre.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "692030760" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2024 +label: "PHARMACIE BOUQUET" +value: "0000000024-192005692-19350" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#934 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE BOUQUET" -adresse1: "12 RUE DE LA REPUBLIQUE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "19350" -ville: "JUILLAC" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 55 25 60 10" #email: "pharmaciedejuillac@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "192005692" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2025 +label: "PHARMACIE BOUST" +value: "0000000024-922010541-92350" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#935 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE BOUST" -adresse1: "84, RUE BERNARD ISKE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "92350" -ville: "PLESSIS ROBINSON" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "01 46 30 45 51" #email: "pharmacie.boust@free.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "922010541" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2026 +label: "PHARMACIE BRAISE" +value: "0000000024-742000615-74440" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#936 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE BRAISE" -adresse1: "129 AVENUE DE LA GARE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "74440" -ville: "TANINGES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 50 34 20 51" #email: "pharmaciebraise@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "742000615" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2027 +label: "PHARMACIE BRANDAO COURTOIS" +value: "0000000024-622032548-62140" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#937 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE BRANDAO COURTOIS" -adresse1: "25 29 RUE D ARRAS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "62140" -ville: "HESDIN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 21 86 87 28" #email: "phiedelaforet@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIEDELAFORET-HESDIN.COM" #code: "622032548" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2028 +label: "PHARMACIE BROUILLET LUMINEAU" +value: "0000000024-852005701-85340" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#938 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE BROUILLET LUMINEAU" -adresse1: "AV CHARLES DE GAULLE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "85340" -ville: "OLONNE SUR MER" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 51 32 79 13" #email: "brouilletlumineau@perso.alliadis.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "852005701" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2029 +label: "PHARMACIE CAMBIER" +value: "0000000024-592057525-59118" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#939 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE CAMBIER" -adresse1: "136 RUE DU GENERAL LECLERC" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "59118" -ville: "WAMBRECHIES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0320788170" #email: "pharmacambier@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "592057525" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2030 +label: "PHARMACIE CAP ATLANTIQUE" +value: "0000000024-172031528-17340" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#940 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE CAP ATLANTIQUE" -adresse1: "7 AVENUE DE STRASBOURG" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "17340" -ville: "CHATELAILLON PLAGE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmaciecapatlantique@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "172031528" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2031 +label: "PHARMACIE CARTON" +value: "0000000024-602013773-60280" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#941 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE CARTON" -adresse1: "987 AVENUE RAYMOND POINCARE" -adresse2: "CENTRE COMMERCIAL INTERMARCHE" -codepostal: "60280" -ville: "MARGNY LES COMPIEGNE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 44 09 69 25" #email: "pharmaciecartonfrederic@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIECARTONMARGNY.FR" #code: "602013773" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2032 +label: "PHARMACIE CASALONGA" +value: "0000000024-752037507-75018" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#942 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE CASALONGA" -adresse1: "23 RUE CUSTINE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "75018" -ville: "PARIS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0146062478" #email: "jfcasalonga@yahoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "752037507" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2033 +label: "PHARMACIE CENTRALE" +value: "0000000024-692031149-69360" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#943 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE CENTRALE" -adresse1: "31 ROUTE DE TERNAY" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "69360" -ville: "COMMUNAY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 72 24 61 26" #email: "mariele-raffin@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-COMMUNAY.COM" #code: "692031149" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2034 +label: "PHARMACIE CENTRALE" +value: "0000000024-422024943-42600" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#944 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE CENTRALE" -adresse1: "12 14 PLACE DES COMBATTANTS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "42600" -ville: "MONTBRISSON" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "catherine.peyrard42@hotmail.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "422024943" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2035 +label: "PHARMACIE CENTRALE" +value: "0000000024-462001967-46300" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#945 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE CENTRALE" -adresse1: "LA CROIX D ORSAL" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "46300" -ville: "GOURDON" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 65 41 12 83" #email: "pharmaciecentralegourdon@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "462001967" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2036 +label: "PHARMACIE CENTRALE" +value: "0000000024-622088888-62710" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#946 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE CENTRALE" -adresse1: "1 RUE ROGER SALENGRO" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "62710" -ville: "COURRIERES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0321202869" #email: "phie-centrale@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHIE-CENTRALE.COM" #code: "622088888" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2037 +label: "PHARMACIE CENTRALE" +value: "0000000024-812090074-81800" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#947 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE CENTRALE" -adresse1: "9 QUAI DES ESCOUCIERES" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "81800" -ville: "RABASTENS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmaciecentrale81@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "812090074" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2038 +label: "PHARMACIE CENTRALE" +value: "0000000024-270019391-27260" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#948 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE CENTRALE" -adresse1: "12 PLACE DU GENERAL DE GAULLE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "27260" -ville: "CORMEILLES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "" #email: "pharmcentrale@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "270019391" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2039 +label: "PHARMACIE CENTRALE" +value: "0000000024-652003021-65100" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#949 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE CENTRALE" -adresse1: "9 PLACE PEYRAMALE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "65100" -ville: "LOURDES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmacentrale65@yahoo.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "652003021" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2040 +label: "PHARMACIE CENTRALE" +value: "0000000024-422027888-42700" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#950 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE CENTRALE" -adresse1: "4 PLACE DU BREUIL" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "42700" -ville: "FIRMINY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmaciecentrale42@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "422027888" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2041 +label: "PHARMACIE CENTRALE" +value: "0000000024-592073092-59150" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#951 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE CENTRALE" -adresse1: "1 RUE CARNOT" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "59150" -ville: "WATTRELOS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 20 75 73 19" #email: "phcentrale@perso.alliadis.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "592073092" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2042 +label: "PHARMACIE CENTRALE DE PLEUVEN" +value: "0000000024-292015617-29170" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#952 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE CENTRALE DE PLEUVEN" -adresse1: "2 ROUTE DE QUIMPER" -adresse2: "LE BOURG" -codepostal: "29170" -ville: "PLEUVEN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 98 54 80 79" #email: "pharmacie.lecup@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-PLEUVEN.COM" #code: "292015617" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2043 +label: "PHARMACIE CHABLAIS GARE" +value: "0000000024-742006315-74100" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#953 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE CHABLAIS GARE" -adresse1: "53 AVENUE DE LA GARE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "74100" -ville: "ANNEMASSE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 50 92 53 25" #email: "edouard.degeorges@outlook.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "742006315" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2044 +label: "PHARMACIE CHAMPERRET" +value: "0000000024-752020271-75017" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#954 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE CHAMPERRET" -adresse1: "12 AVENUE STEPHANE MALLARME" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "75017" -ville: "PARIS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0143805800" #email: "pharmacie.champerret@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "752020271" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2045 +label: "PHARMACIE CHARNAY" +value: "0000000024-232002188-23400" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#955 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE CHARNAY" -adresse1: "5 RUE DU CHENE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "23400" -ville: "ST DIZIER LEYRENNE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 55 64 40 24" #email: "pharmacie.charnay@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "232002188" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2046 +label: "PHARMACIE CHAZOT" +value: "0000000024-232002345-23200" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#956 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE CHAZOT" -adresse1: "3 5 PLACE DU GENERAL ESPAGNE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "23200" -ville: "AUBUSSON" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 55 66 11 73" #email: "m-chazot-sandrine@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "232002345" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2047 +label: "PHARMACIE CONDOM PYRENEES" +value: "0000000024-322003682-32100" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#957 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE CONDOM PYRENEES" -adresse1: "31 B AVENUE DES PYRENEES" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "32100" -ville: "CONDOM" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmacondom32@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "322003682" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2048 +label: "PHARMACIE COTTIN" +value: "0000000024-692039589-69150" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#958 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE COTTIN" -adresse1: "127 AVENUE JEAN JAURES" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "69150" -ville: "DECINES CHARPIEU" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "478490256" #email: "gaelle-cottin@hotmail.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "692039589" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2049 +label: "PHARMACIE CREMERS" +value: "0000000024-592058812-59130" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#959 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE CREMERS" -adresse1: "416 BIS, AVENUE DE DUNKERQUE " -adresse2: null -codepostal: "59130" -ville: "LAMBERSART" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 20 92 26 74" #email: "phiefc@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-LAMBERSART.COM" #code: "592058812" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2050 +label: "PHARMACIE D AGONAC" +value: "0000000024-242005007-24460" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#960 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE D AGONAC" -adresse1: "RUE DALBY DE FAYARD" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "24460" -ville: "AGONAC" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0553063513" #email: "juliecorre@pharmaciegrubercorre.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "242005007" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2051 +label: "PHARMACIE D ANDELOT BLANCHEVILLE" +value: "0000000024-522710169-52700" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#961 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE D ANDELOT BLANCHEVILLE" -adresse1: "88 R DE LA DIV DU GENERAL LECLER" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "52700" -ville: "ANDELOT BLANCHEVILLE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0325019206" #email: "ph.mathilde.demange@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "522710169" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2052 +label: "PHARMACIE D ARAMON" +value: "0000000024-302007414-30390" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#962 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE D ARAMON" -adresse1: "1 AVENUE DE LA GARE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "30390" -ville: "ARAMON" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 66 57 06 03" #email: "pharmaciearamon@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-ARAMON.COM" #code: "302007414" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2053 +label: "PHARMACIE D ARMORIQUE" +value: "0000000024-222005753-22300" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#963 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE D ARMORIQUE" -adresse1: "AVENUE DE LA RESISTANCE" -adresse2: "CENTRE COMMERCIAL KERZOLES" -codepostal: "22300" -ville: "LANNION" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0296485013" #email: "pharmaciedarmorique@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-LANNION.COM" #code: "222005753" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2054 +label: "PHARMACIE D ARVEYRES" +value: "0000000024-332022722-33500" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#964 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE D ARVEYRES" -adresse1: "18 RUE DE L EGLISE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "33500" -ville: "ARVEYRES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 57 24 80 41" #email: "pharmacie.arveyres@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIEARVEYRES.COM" #code: "332022722" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2055 +label: "PHARMACIE D ASCAIN" +value: "0000000024-642013809-64310" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#965 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE D ASCAIN" -adresse1: "RUE ERNEST FOURNEAU" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "64310" -ville: "ASCAIN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 59 54 00 42" #email: "pharmacie.ascain@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "642013809" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2056 +label: "PHARMACIE D IZEAUX" +value: "0000000024-382017747-38140" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#966 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE D IZEAUX" -adresse1: "5 RUE ALBERT REYNIER" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "38140" -ville: "IZEAUX" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 76 93 80 20" #email: "pharmacie.izeaux@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "382017747" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2057 +label: "PHARMACIE D URAC" +value: "0000000024-652004839-65000" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#967 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE D URAC" -adresse1: "56 RUE D URAC" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "65000" -ville: "TARBES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 62 93 02 37" #email: "begue/alexandre@yahoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "652004839" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2058 +label: "PHARMACIE D'HASTINGS" +value: "0000000024-142007236-14000" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#968 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE D'HASTINGS" -adresse1: "24 RUE LANFRANC" -adresse2: "CTRE CIAL LECLERC" -codepostal: "14000" -ville: "CAEN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 31 74 75 24" #email: "contact@pharmaciedhastings.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIEDHASTINGS.COM" #code: "142007236" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2059 +label: "PHARMACIE DACQUET" +value: "0000000024-622033538-62600" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#969 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DACQUET" -adresse1: "346 B RUE DE L IMPERATRICE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "62600" -ville: "BERCK" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 21 09 05 83" #email: "j.marlierepro@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "622033538" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2060 +label: "PHARMACIE DAUPHIN" +value: "0000000024-642023014-64190" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#970 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DAUPHIN" -adresse1: "38 RUE SAINT GERMAIN" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "64190" -ville: "NAVARRENX" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0559665027" #email: "pharmacie-dauphin1@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-DAUPHIN.COM" #code: "642023014" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2061 +label: "PHARMACIE DE BELLEVUE" +value: "0000000024-292013794-29200" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#971 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE BELLEVUE" -adresse1: "4 PLACE NAPOLEON III" -adresse2: "CENTRE COMMERCIAL BELLEVUE" -codepostal: "29200" -ville: "BREST" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 98 03 29 00" #email: "pharmaciebellevue@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "HTTP://WWW.PHARMACIEBELLEVUE.COM/" #code: "292013794" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } 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null #code: "532007119" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2064 +label: "PHARMACIE DE CHATEAUNEUF" +value: "0000000024-062047980-6740" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#974 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE CHATEAUNEUF" -adresse1: "19 CHEMIN DU CABANON" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "6740" -ville: "CHATEAUNEUF GRASSE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmaciedechateauneuf@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "062047980" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2065 +label: "PHARMACIE DE CHATILLON SUR LOIRE" +value: "0000000024-452009046-45360" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#975 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE CHATILLON SUR LOIRE" -adresse1: "30 RUE DU GLACIS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "45360" -ville: "CHATILLON SUR LOIRE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "titulaires@pharmaciedechatillon45.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "452009046" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2066 +label: "PHARMACIE DE CHAUNY" +value: "0000000024-022018345-02300" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#976 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE CHAUNY" -adresse1: "37 BOULEVARD D ANDENNE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "02300" -ville: "CHAUNY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 23 39 44 44" #email: "pharmaciedechauny@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-DE-CHAUNY.COM" #code: "022018345" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2067 +label: "PHARMACIE DE CHENY" +value: "0000000024-892004243-89400" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#977 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE CHENY" -adresse1: "5 RUE DU PONT" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "89400" -ville: "CHENY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 86 80 22 22" #email: "pharmaciecheny@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "892004243" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2068 +label: "PHARMACIE DE CONSTANTINE" +value: "0000000024-762040731-76000" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#978 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE CONSTANTINE" -adresse1: "186 RUE DE CONSTANTINE" -adresse2: "CENTRE COMMERCIAL INTERMARCHE" -codepostal: "76000" -ville: "ROUEN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0235713340" #email: "pharmacie.popot@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-CONSTANTINE-ROUEN.FR" #code: "762040731" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2069 +label: "PHARMACIE DE FLANDRE" +value: "0000000024-082002932-08000" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#979 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE FLANDRE" -adresse1: "54 AVENUE CHARLES BOUTET" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "08000" -ville: "CHARLEVILLE MEZIERES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 24 33 36 88" #email: "pharmadeflandre@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-DE-FLANDRE.FR" #code: "082002932" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2070 +label: "PHARMACIE DE GASCOGNE" +value: "0000000024-312008410-31490" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#980 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE GASCOGNE" -adresse1: "62 AVENUE DE GASCOGNE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "31490" -ville: "LEGUEVIN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 61 86 60 47" #email: "pharmaciedegascogne@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-DE-GASCOGNE.COM" #code: "312008410" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2071 +label: "PHARMACIE DE JARCIEU" +value: "0000000024-382023281-38270" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#981 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE JARCIEU" -adresse1: "72 ROUTE DES METIERS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "38270" -ville: "JARCIEU" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 74 84 85 20" #email: "pharmacie.jarcieu@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "382023281" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2072 +label: "PHARMACIE DE KERVEN" +value: "0000000024-292017746-29270" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#982 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE KERVEN" -adresse1: "47 AVENUE VICTOR HUGO" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "29270" -ville: "CARHAIX PLOUGUER" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "298930929" #email: "pharmaciedekerven@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-CARHAIX.COM" #code: "292017746" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2073 +label: "PHARMACIE DE L AMPHORE" +value: "0000000024-382017028-38490" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#983 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE L AMPHORE" -adresse1: "43 RUE ATHENA" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "38490" -ville: "AOSTE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "contact@pharmacie-aoste.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "382017028" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2074 +label: "PHARMACIE DE L AUXOIS" +value: "0000000024-212004360-21320" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#984 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE L AUXOIS" -adresse1: "5 PLACE DE LA LIBERATION" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "21320" -ville: "POUILLY EN AUXOIS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 80 90 80 77" #email: "pharmacieauxois@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "212004360" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2075 +label: "PHARMACIE DE L EPINETTE" +value: "0000000024-592099337-59161" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#985 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE L EPINETTE" -adresse1: "264 RUE JEAN JAURES" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "59161" -ville: "ESCAUDOEUVRES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 27 83 84 62" #email: "pharmaciedelepinette@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-ESCAUDOEUVRES.NET" #code: "592099337" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2076 +label: "PHARMACIE DE L EUROPE" +value: "0000000024-642023600-64000" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#986 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE L EUROPE" -adresse1: "7 AVENUE JEAN MERMOZ" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "64000" -ville: "PAU" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 59 32 41 96" #email: "phiedeleurope64@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-EUROPE-PAU.FR" #code: "642023600" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2077 +label: "PHARMACIE DE L EUROPE" +value: "0000000024-272021072-27500" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#987 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE L EUROPE" -adresse1: "2A AVENUE JEAN MONNET" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "27500" -ville: "PONT AUDEMER" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmeurope.ponto@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "272021072" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2078 +label: "PHARMACIE DE L HORLOGE" +value: "0000000024-632009916-63100" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#988 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE L HORLOGE" -adresse1: "51 RUE JULES GUESDE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "63100" -ville: "CLERMONT FERRAND" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "phie.juillard@perso.alliadis.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "632009916" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2079 +label: "PHARMACIE DE L HOTEL DE VILLE" +value: "0000000024-922016480-92800" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#989 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE L HOTEL DE VILLE" -adresse1: "34 RUE LUCIEN VOILIN" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "92800" -ville: "PUTEAUX" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "01 47 75 16 59" #email: "pharmacie.keulen@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "922016480" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2080 +label: "PHARMACIE DE L HOTEL DE VILLE" +value: "0000000024-642012173-64120" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#990 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE L HOTEL DE VILLE" -adresse1: "16 PLACE CHARLES DE GAULLE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "64120" -ville: "ST PALAIS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0559659527" #email: "phiehdville@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-HOTEL-DE-VILLE.FR" #code: "642012173" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2081 +label: "PHARMACIE DE L HOTEL DE VILLE" +value: "0000000024-472000124-47230" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#991 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE L HOTEL DE VILLE" -adresse1: "46 48 AV DU GENERAL DE GAULLE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "47230" -ville: "LAVARDAC" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 53 65 50 20" #email: "pharmacie-de-l-hotel-de-ville4@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "472000124" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2082 +label: "PHARMACIE DE L YSER" +value: "0000000024-292024536-29100" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#992 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE L YSER" -adresse1: "11 QUAI DE L YSER" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "29100" -ville: "DOUARNENEZ" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 98 74 22 59" #email: "lindaporoli@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "292024536" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2083 +label: "PHARMACIE DE L'HOTEL DE VILLE" +value: "0000000024-412003964-41800" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#993 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE L'HOTEL DE VILLE" -adresse1: "19 PLACE GEORGES CLEMENCEAU" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "41800" -ville: "MONTOIRE-SUR-LE-LOIR" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 54 85 08 12" #email: "phiehoteldeville@yahoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "412003964" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2084 +label: "PHARMACIE DE LA BAIE" +value: "0000000024-222006264-22120" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#994 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA BAIE" -adresse1: "2 E RUE DU DOMAINE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "22120" -ville: "HILLION" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 96 72 64 27" #email: "pharma.baie@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-SAINTRENE.COM" #code: "222006264" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2085 +label: "PHARMACIE DE LA BASCULE" +value: "0000000024-822002432-82600" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#995 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA BASCULE" -adresse1: "515 B AVENUE DE TOULOUSE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "82600" -ville: "AUCAMVILLE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmaciedelabasculeaucamville@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "822002432" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2086 +label: "PHARMACIE DE LA BASTIDE" +value: "0000000024-482000882-48250" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#996 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA BASTIDE" -adresse1: "RUE DES TILLEULS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "48250" -ville: "LA BASTIDE PUYLAURENT" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 66 46 01 42" #email: "pharmaciedelabastide@hotmail.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "482000882" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2087 +label: "PHARMACIE DE LA BRASSERIE" +value: "0000000024-582002275-58600" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#997 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA BRASSERIE" -adresse1: "19 RUE GAMBETTA" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "58600" -ville: "NEVERS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 86 90 79 60" #email: "pharmaciedelabrasserie@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "582002275" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2088 +label: "PHARMACIE DE LA BRIZOTTE" +value: "0000000024-212004816-21130" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#998 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA BRIZOTTE" -adresse1: "11 RUE DU COLONEL REDOUTEY" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "21130" -ville: "AUXONNE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 80 37 30 42" #email: "oussama.abarkane@icloud.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "212004816" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2089 +label: "PHARMACIE DE LA CAVALERIE" +value: "0000000024-092001775-09100" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#999 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA CAVALERIE" -adresse1: "CHEMIN DE ROQUES" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "09100" -ville: "PAMIERS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmaciedelacavalerie@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "092001775" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2090 +label: "PHARMACIE DE LA CERE" +value: "0000000024-152002051-15130" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1000 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA CERE" -adresse1: "7 B AVENUE DU GENERAL MILHAUD" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "15130" -ville: "ARPAJON SUR CERE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 71 63 72 02" #email: "pharmaciedelacere@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-ARPAJON.COM" #code: "152002051" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2091 +label: "PHARMACIE DE LA CITE" +value: "0000000024-922021506-92350" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1001 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA CITE" -adresse1: "9 AVENUE CHARLES DE GAULLE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "92350" -ville: "LE PLESSIS ROBINSON" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "146301306" #email: "pharmaciedelacite92@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "922021506" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2092 +label: "PHARMACIE DE LA COMMANDERIE" +value: "0000000024-312003791-31170" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1002 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA COMMANDERIE" -adresse1: "110, AVENUE DU MARQUISAT" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "31170" -ville: "TOURNEFEUILLE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 61 06 88 78" #email: "phiecommanderie@yahoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-COMMANDERIE-TOURNEFEUILLE.COM" #code: "312003791" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2093 +label: "PHARMACIE DE LA COUTURE" +value: "0000000024-622089290-62136" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1003 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA COUTURE" -adresse1: "95 AVENUE DU COLONEL BENTO ROMA" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "62136" -ville: "LA COUTURE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "321021964" #email: "pharmaciedelacouture@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "622089290" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2094 +label: "PHARMACIE DE LA COUZE" +value: "0000000024-632012050-63420" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1004 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA COUZE" -adresse1: "2 RUE DU COMMERCE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "63420" -ville: "ARDES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 73 71 80 16" #email: "pharmaciedelacouze@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "632012050" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2095 +label: "PHARMACIE DE LA CROIX BLANCHE" +value: "0000000024-332020593-33000" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1005 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA CROIX BLANCHE" -adresse1: "21 COURS MARC NOUAUX" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "33000" -ville: "BORDEAUX" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharm.croix.blanche@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "332020593" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2096 +label: "PHARMACIE DE LA CROIX VERTE" +value: "0000000024-642024467-64800" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1006 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA CROIX VERTE" -adresse1: "AVENUE CHARLES DE GAULLE" -adresse2: "ROND POINT DES 4 CHEMINS" -codepostal: "64800" -ville: "NAY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0559610689" #email: "pharmacie.de.la.croix.verte@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "642024467" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2097 +label: "PHARMACIE DE LA FAUCONNIERE" +value: "0000000024-502001118-50100" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1007 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA FAUCONNIERE" -adresse1: "31 RUE DE LORRAINE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "50100" -ville: "CHERBOURG-OCTEVILLE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "233200865" #email: "pharmaciedelafauconniere@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIEDELAFAUCONNIERE.COM" #code: "502001118" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2098 +label: "PHARMACIE DE LA FERRIERE" +value: "0000000024-612004911-61450" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1008 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA FERRIERE" -adresse1: "RUE DE LA FERTE MACE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "61450" -ville: "LA FERRIERE AUX ETANGS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmaciedelaferriere@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "612004911" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2099 +label: "PHARMACIE DE LA FONTAINE" +value: "0000000024-542026273-54520" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1009 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA FONTAINE" -adresse1: "1 ALLEE DE LA FONTAINE" -adresse2: "CTRE CIAL LA CASCADE LOT 20" -codepostal: "54520" -ville: "LAXOU" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0383986340" #email: "phiedelafontaine@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "542026273" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2100 +label: "PHARMACIE DE LA FONTAINE" +value: "0000000024-562008813-56460" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1010 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA FONTAINE" -adresse1: "RUE DE LA FONTAINE SAINT PIERRE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "56460" -ville: "SERENT" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 97 75 94 90" #email: "pharmaciedelafontaine56@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-SERENT.COM" #code: "562008813" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2101 +label: "PHARMACIE DE LA FRETTE" +value: "0000000024-382023026-38260" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1011 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA FRETTE" -adresse1: "100 ROUTE DE GRENOBLE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "38260" -ville: "LA FRETTE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 74 54 61 88" #email: "pharmaciedelafrette@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "382023026" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2102 +label: "PHARMACIE DE LA GARE" +value: "0000000024-072021603-07460" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1012 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA GARE" -adresse1: "5 LA GARE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "07460" -ville: "ST PAUL LE JEUNE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 75 39 80 12" #email: "gourdon-chapon@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMA-ARDECHE.COM" #code: "072021603" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2103 +label: "PHARMACIE DE LA GRANDE CHAMPAGNE" +value: "0000000024-162007868-16130" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1013 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA GRANDE CHAMPAGNE" -adresse1: "RUE DU COLLINAUD" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "16130" -ville: "LIGNIERES SONNEVILLE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 45 80 50 17" #email: "officine.gdechampagne@yahoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "162007868" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2104 +label: "PHARMACIE DE LA HALLE AUX GRAINS" +value: "0000000024-412003857-41000" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1014 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA HALLE AUX GRAINS" -adresse1: "10 AVENUE DU MARECHAL MAUNOURY" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "41000" -ville: "BLOIS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0254780772" #email: "pharmaciedelahalleauxgrains41@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "HTTP://WWW.PHARMACIE-BLOIS-HALLEAUXGRAINS.COM/" #code: "412003857" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2105 +label: "PHARMACIE DE LA LOIRE" +value: "0000000024-422011577-42300" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1015 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA LOIRE" -adresse1: "14 RUE ROGER SALENGRO" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "42300" -ville: "ROANNE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0477712085" #email: "pharmaciedelaloire9@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "422011577" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2106 +label: "PHARMACIE DE LA MAIRIE" +value: "0000000024-742006281-74460" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1016 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA MAIRIE" -adresse1: "35 RUE DE LA MAIRIE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "74460" -ville: "MARNAZ" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 50 96 47 23" #email: "pharmairie@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "HTTP://PHARMACIEMARNAZ.COM" #code: "742006281" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2107 +label: "PHARMACIE DE LA MAIRIE" +value: "0000000024-642013882-64603" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1017 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA MAIRIE" -adresse1: "15 RUE AMEDEE DUFOURG" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "64603" -ville: "ANGLET" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 59 63 89 09" #email: "pharmacie.anglet@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIEMAIRIEANGLET.FR" #code: "642013882" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2108 +label: "PHARMACIE DE LA MAIRIE" +value: "0000000024-952010619-95230" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1018 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA MAIRIE" -adresse1: "15 AVENUE DU GENERAL DE GAULLE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "95230" -ville: "SOISY SOUS MONTMORENCY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "01 39 89 36 23" #email: "lapharmaciedelamairie@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-SOISY-95.COM" #code: "952010619" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2109 +label: "PHARMACIE DE LA MAIRIE" +value: "0000000024-302006887-30700" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1019 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA MAIRIE" -adresse1: "8, PLACE ALBERT 1ER" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "30700" -ville: "UZES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "466221120" #email: "pharmadelamairie@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-UZES.NET" #code: "302006887" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2110 +label: "PHARMACIE DE LA MANSE" +value: "0000000024-372005181-37800" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1020 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA MANSE" -adresse1: "LES ROTES" -adresse2: "ZAC MARCHAUX CCIAL INTERMARCHE" -codepostal: "37800" -ville: "STE MAURE DE TOURAINE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 47 65 40 51" #email: "pharmacie.manse@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "372005181" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2111 +label: "PHARMACIE DE LA PISCINE" +value: "0000000024-782012504-78150" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1021 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA PISCINE" -adresse1: "24 RUE POTTIER" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "78150" -ville: "LE CHESNAY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "01 39 55 34 14" #email: "pharmapiscine@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-LECHESNAY.COM" #code: "782012504" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2112 +label: "PHARMACIE DE LA PLACE" +value: "0000000024-082002890-08330" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1022 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA PLACE" -adresse1: "2 PLACE FRANCOIS MITTERRAND" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "08330" -ville: "VRIGNE AUX BOIS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 24 52 21 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-adresse2: null -codepostal: "93380" -ville: "PIERREFITTE SUR SEINE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "01 48 26 51 07" #email: "pharmaciehbs@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-PIERREFITTE.COM" #code: "932018021" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2115 +label: "PHARMACIE DE LA PLACE NATIONALE" +value: "0000000024-062041421-06600" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1025 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA PLACE NATIONALE" -adresse1: "63 RUE DE LA REPUBLIQUE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "06600" -ville: "ANTIBES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 93 34 01 63" #email: "jean-luc.androvandi@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "062041421" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2116 +label: "PHARMACIE DE LA PLAINE SMH" +value: "0000000024-382023729-38400" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1026 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA PLAINE SMH" -adresse1: "17 RUE EDMOND ROSTAND" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "38400" -ville: "ST MARTIN D'HERES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "476250053" #email: "galicien.viard@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-ST-MARTIN-DHERES.COM" #code: "382023729" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2117 +label: "PHARMACIE DE LA POSTE" +value: "0000000024-602024093-60110" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1027 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA POSTE" -adresse1: "97 R DES MARTYRS DE LA RESISTANC" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "60110" -ville: "MERU" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0344523300" #email: "pharmaciedelapostemeru@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "602024093" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2118 +label: "PHARMACIE DE LA POSTE" +value: "0000000024-192003515-19100" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1028 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA POSTE" -adresse1: "2 AVENUE ALSACE LORRAINE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "19100" -ville: "BRIVE LA GAILLARDE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 55 24 06 73" #email: "pharmacie.laposte@perso.alliadis.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "192003515" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2119 +label: "PHARMACIE DE LA PROMENADE" +value: "0000000024-462001587-46800" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1029 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA PROMENADE" -adresse1: "17 PLACE DE LA REPUBLIQUE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "46800" -ville: "MONTCUQ" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 65 22 92 03" #email: "pharmaciedelapromenade@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "462001587" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2120 +label: "PHARMACIE DE LA TOUR" +value: "0000000024-212004766-21230" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1030 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA TOUR" -adresse1: "17 RUE CESAR LAVIROTTE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "21230" -ville: "ARNAY LE DUC" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 80 90 13 96" #email: "pharmaciedelatour21@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "212004766" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2121 +label: "PHARMACIE DE LA TURDINE" +value: "0000000024-692037377-69490" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1031 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA TURDINE" -adresse1: "18 B RUE DE VERDUN" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "69490" -ville: "PONTCHARRA SUR TURDINE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 74 05 61 64" #email: "pharmacie.turdine@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-PONTCHARRA69.COM" #code: "692037377" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2122 +label: "PHARMACIE DE LA VALLEE" +value: "0000000024-252013750-25290" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1032 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA VALLEE" -adresse1: "55 RUE PIERRE VERNIER" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "25290" -ville: "ORNANS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 81 62 24 79" #email: "pharmacie.tissot.maire@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIEORNANS.FR" #code: "252013750" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2123 +label: "PHARMACIE DE LA VALLEE" +value: "0000000024-642024343-64260" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1033 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA VALLEE" -adresse1: "6 RUE TREY" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "64260" -ville: "ARUDY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 59 05 60 60" #email: "lu.triep@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "WWW.PHARMACIEDELAVALLEE.COM" #code: "642024343" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2124 +label: "PHARMACIE DE LA VALLEE VERTE" +value: "0000000024-742001795-74420" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1034 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LA VALLEE VERTE" -adresse1: "43 PLACE DES MARRONNIERS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "74420" -ville: "BOEGE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "450391008" #email: "pharmacie.viron@perso.alliadis.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "742001795" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2125 +label: "PHARMACIE DE LINARDS" +value: "0000000024-872005079-87130" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1035 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LINARDS" -adresse1: "16 RUE HENRI LAGRANGE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "87130" -ville: "LINARDS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 55 75 51 02" #email: "pharmaciedelinards.87130@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "872005079" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2126 +label: "PHARMACIE DE LORETTE" +value: "0000000024-622089001-62800" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1036 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE LORETTE" -adresse1: "97 RUE JEAN BAPTISTE DEFERNEZ" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "62800" -ville: "LIEVIN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0321442248" #email: "anne.demarquilly@yahoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "622089001" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2127 +label: "PHARMACIE DE MON IDEE" +value: "0000000024-742003551-74100" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1037 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE MON IDEE" -adresse1: "19 RUE RAVIER" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "74100" -ville: "AMBILLY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 50 92 53 36" #email: "pharmacie.monidee@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-MONIDEE.COM" #code: "742003551" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2128 +label: "PHARMACIE DE MONTOIRE" +value: "0000000024-412003972-41800" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1038 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE MONTOIRE" -adresse1: "25 PLACE CLEMENCEAU" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "41800" -ville: "MONTOIRE SUR LE LOIRE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 54 85 00 04" #email: "pharmaciedemontoire@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "412003972" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2129 +label: "PHARMACIE DE NOYER" +value: "0000000024-742006182-74200" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1039 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE NOYER" -adresse1: "388 AVENUE DE THONON" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "74200" -ville: "ALLINGES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "450705193" #email: "pharmaciedenoyer@perso.alliadis.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "742006182" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2130 +label: "PHARMACIE DE PAYZAC" +value: "0000000024-242007466-24270" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1040 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE PAYZAC" -adresse1: "2 PLACE DE LA POSTE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "24270" -ville: "PAYZAC" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 53 52 70 19" #email: "phiepayzac@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIEDEPAYZAC.FR" #code: "242007466" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2131 +label: "PHARMACIE DE PEAUGRES" +value: "0000000024-072021983-07340" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1041 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE PEAUGRES" -adresse1: "54 ROUTE DE L EGALITE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "07340" -ville: "PEAUGRES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 75 67 32 91" #email: "pharmacie.peaugres@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "072021983" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2132 +label: "PHARMACIE DE PORT SAINT PERE" +value: "0000000024-442060349-44710" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1042 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE PORT SAINT PERE" -adresse1: "28 RUE DE PORNIC" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "44710" -ville: "PORT SAINT PERE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 40 31 50 20" #email: "pharmacie.rabreaucecile@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-PORT-SAINT-PERE.FR" #code: "442060349" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2133 +label: "PHARMACIE DE PRADINES" +value: "0000000024-462001868-46090" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1043 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE PRADINES" -adresse1: "1 ROUTE DU GYMNASE" -adresse2: "ZAC LES ESCALES CENTRE CIAL" -codepostal: "46090" -ville: "PRADINES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 65 35 61 24" #email: "contact@pharmaciedepradines.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "462001868" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2134 +label: "PHARMACIE DE PUYBRUN" +value: "0000000024-462001850-46130" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1044 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE PUYBRUN" -adresse1: "RUE NATIONALE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "46130" -ville: "PUYBRUN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmaciepuybrun@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "462001850" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2135 +label: "PHARMACIE DE RIEUMES" +value: "0000000024-312006174-31370" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1045 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE RIEUMES" -adresse1: "1 ALLEE DE LA LIBERATION" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "31370" -ville: "RIEUMES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 34 49 02 08" #email: "pharmacie-rieumes@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-RIEUMES.FR" #code: "312006174" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2136 +label: "PHARMACIE DE SAINT CYR" +value: "0000000024-562007708-56380" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1046 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE SAINT CYR" -adresse1: "7 RUE DE BROCELIANDE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "56380" -ville: "GUER" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 97 75 71 44" #email: "pharmaciedesaintcyr@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "562007708" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2137 +label: "PHARMACIE DE SAINT PIERRE" +value: "0000000024-422024125-42520" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1047 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE SAINT PIERRE" -adresse1: "ROUTE NATIONALE 86" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "42520" -ville: "ST PIERRE DE BOEUF" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 74 87 11 20" #email: "pharmacie.saint.pierre@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-CLAVEL.COM" #code: "422024125" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2138 +label: "PHARMACIE DE SAINT YORRE" +value: "0000000024-032005605-03270" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1048 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE SAINT YORRE" -adresse1: "1 RUE DE LA REPUBLIQUE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "03270" -ville: "ST YORRE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 70 59 20 19" #email: "pharmaciedestyorre@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-DE-SAINT-YORRE.COM" #code: "032005605" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2139 +label: "PHARMACIE DE SEISSAN" +value: "0000000024-322003658-32260" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1049 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE SEISSAN" -adresse1: "28, PLACE CARNOT" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "32260" -ville: "SEISSAN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 62 66 20 09" #email: "sevdompharm32@yahoo.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-SEISSAN.COM" #code: "322003658" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2140 +label: "PHARMACIE DE TRACY LE MONT" +value: "0000000024-602023954-60170" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1050 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE TRACY LE MONT" -adresse1: "207 RUE DE BAILLY" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "60170" -ville: "TRACY LE MONT" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 44 75 20 37" #email: "pharmaciedenervaise@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "602023954" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2141 +label: "PHARMACIE DE VESONE" +value: "0000000024-242001493-24000" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1051 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE VESONE" -adresse1: "81 R.CLAUDE BERNARD" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "24000" -ville: "PERIGUEUX" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 53 08 60 14" #email: "pharmacie.vesone@yahoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-PERIGUEUX.COM" #code: "242001493" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2142 +label: "PHARMACIE DE VILLEMENT" +value: "0000000024-162006746-16600" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1052 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE VILLEMENT" -adresse1: "1905 ROUTE DU GOND PONTOUVRE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "16600" -ville: "RUELLE SUR TOUVRE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 45 68 32 89" #email: "pharmaciens@pharmavillement.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMAVILLEMENT.COM" #code: "162006746" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2143 +label: "PHARMACIE DE VILLENEUVE" +value: "0000000024-172031478-17000" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1053 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE VILLENEUVE" -adresse1: "1 RUE ALPHONSE BAUDIN" -adresse2: "RESIDENCE TAMARIS" -codepostal: "17000" -ville: "LA ROCHELLE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 46 44 74 43" #email: "pharmaciedevilleneuve@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIEDEVILLENEUVE-LAROCHELLE.FR" #code: "172031478" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2144 +label: "PHARMACIE DE VIVIER AU COURT" +value: "0000000024-082003237-08440" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1054 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DE VIVIER AU COURT" -adresse1: "32 RUE ALPHONSE PANIER" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "08440" -ville: "VIVIER AU COURT" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 24 52 10 89" #email: "pharmadevivier@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-VIVIER-AU-COURT.COM" #code: "082003237" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2145 +label: "PHARMACIE DENIS DUSSOUBS" +value: "0000000024-872004692-87000" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1055 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DENIS DUSSOUBS" -adresse1: "30 RUE ADRIEN DUBOUCHE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "87000" -ville: "LIMOGES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 55 77 44 94" #email: "pharmaciedenisdussoubs@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIEDENISDUSSOUBS.COM" #code: "872004692" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2146 +label: "PHARMACIE DEROCHE" +value: "0000000024-722004660-72210" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1056 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DEROCHE" -adresse1: "20 ROUTE DE BESNE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "72210" -ville: "ROEZE SUR SARTHE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 43 77 39 99" #email: "pharmacie.deroche@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-ROEZE.COM" #code: "722004660" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2147 +label: "PHARMACIE DERONNE" +value: "0000000024-622085579-62840" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1057 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DERONNE" -adresse1: "6 RUE DU GENERAL DE GAULLE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "62840" -ville: "LAVENTIE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 21 66 19 66" #email: "helene.deronne@free.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "622085579" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2148 +label: "PHARMACIE DES 6 CHEMINS" +value: "0000000024-072011208-07100" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1058 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES 6 CHEMINS" -adresse1: "RUE MATHIEU DURET" -adresse2: "CENTRE COMMERCIAL LES 6 CHEMINS" -codepostal: "07100" -ville: "ANNONAY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 75 33 51 02" #email: "pharma6chemins@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-ANNONAY.NET" #code: "072011208" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2149 +label: "PHARMACIE DES ALPILLES" +value: "0000000024-132046293-13160" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1059 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES ALPILLES" -adresse1: "50 AV DU DOCTEUR GEORGES PERRIER" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "13160" -ville: "CHATEAURENARD" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmaciealpilles13160@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "132046293" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2150 +label: "PHARMACIE DES ARCADES" +value: "0000000024-322002957-32810" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1060 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES ARCADES" -adresse1: "CENTRE COMMERCIAL" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "32810" -ville: "PREIGNAN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 62 65 50 66" #email: "pharmaciericau@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-PREIGNAN-RICAU.FR" #code: "322002957" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2151 +label: "PHARMACIE DES ARCADES" +value: "0000000024-442005088-44170" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1061 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES ARCADES" -adresse1: "1 PLACE DE BEURRERIE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "44170" -ville: "NOZAY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 40 79 44 18" #email: "phie.nozay44@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-NOZAY44.COM" #code: "442005088" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2152 +label: "PHARMACIE DES AROMES" +value: "0000000024-562008573-56230" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1062 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES AROMES" -adresse1: "1 PLACE DU MARCHIX" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "56230" -ville: "QUESTEMBERT" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0297261034" #email: "pharmaciedesaromes@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "562008573" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2153 +label: "PHARMACIE DES AYERS" +value: "0000000024-212003396-21800" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1063 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES AYERS" -adresse1: "RUE HENRI MARC" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "21800" -ville: "CHEVIGNY ST SAUVEUR" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "380461246" #email: "stephane.jouan2@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "212003396" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2154 +label: "PHARMACIE DES BORDS DE L'ORNE SELAR" +value: "0000000024-612000430-" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1064 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES BORDS DE L'ORNE SELAR" -adresse1: null -adresse2: null -codepostal: null -ville: null -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: null #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "612000430" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2155 +label: "PHARMACIE DES BORDS DE VIRE" +value: "0000000024-502000243-50420" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1065 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES BORDS DE VIRE" -adresse1: "66 RUE SAINT PIERRE ET MIQUELON" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "50420" -ville: "TESSY S/VIRE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 33 56 30 07" #email: "pharmaciedesbordsdevire@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "502000243" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2156 +label: "PHARMACIE DES CITES" +value: "0000000024-032005068-03100" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1066 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES CITES" -adresse1: "147 RUE ALBERT THOMAS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "03100" -ville: "MONTLUCON" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 70 02 24 00" #email: "aline.maure.pharmacie@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "032005068" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2157 +label: "PHARMACIE DES CRENEAUX" +value: "0000000024-922018031-92370" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1067 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES CRENEAUX" -adresse1: "1059 AVENUE ROGER SALENGRO " -adresse2: null -codepostal: "92370" -ville: "CHAVILLE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "01 47 50 50 38" #email: "phie.descreneaux92@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIEDESCRENEAUX-CHAVILLE.COM" #code: "922018031" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2158 +label: "PHARMACIE DES DEUX LIONS" +value: "0000000024-372006569-37200" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1068 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES DEUX LIONS" -adresse1: "41 ALLEE FERDINAND DE LESSEPS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "37200" -ville: "TOURS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "247386805" #email: "pharmaciedesdeuxlions@outlook.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-TOURS.FR" #code: "372006569" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2159 +label: "PHARMACIE DES FEUGRAIS" +value: "0000000024-762001774-76410" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1069 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES FEUGRAIS" -adresse1: "3 RUE DES FEUGRAIS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "76410" -ville: "ST AUBIN LES ELBEUF" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "235772198" #email: "pharmaciedesfeugrais@perso.dataconseil.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIEDESFEUGRAIS.COM" #code: "762001774" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2160 +label: "PHARMACIE DES FONTAINES" +value: "0000000024-832006308-83470" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1070 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES FONTAINES" -adresse1: "179 AVENUE GABRIEL PERI" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "83470" -ville: "ST MAXIMIN LA STE BAUME" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 94 59 73 57" #email: "pharmaciedesfontainesstmax@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "832006308" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2161 +label: "PHARMACIE DES GRANDES VIGNES" +value: "0000000024-332015692-33210" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1071 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES GRANDES VIGNES" -adresse1: "13, PLACE DE LA LIBERTE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "33210" -ville: "PREIGNAC" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 56 63 27 42" #email: "pharmaciedepreignac@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-PREIGNAC.COM" #code: "332015692" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2162 +label: "PHARMACIE DES HALLES" +value: "0000000024-162006084-16360" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1072 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES HALLES" -adresse1: "6 PLACE DES HALLES" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "16360" -ville: "BAIGNES STE RADEGONDE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 45 78 40 71" #email: "phie.deshalles@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "162006084" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2163 +label: "PHARMACIE DES HARAS DE GELOS" +value: "0000000024-642023964-64110" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1073 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES HARAS DE GELOS" -adresse1: "68 RUE LOUIS BARTHOU" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "64110" -ville: "GELOS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 59 06 56 40" #email: "pharmaciedesharas@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "642023964" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2164 +label: "PHARMACIE DES HAUTES ROCHES" +value: "0000000024-372006460-37230" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1074 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES HAUTES ROCHES" -adresse1: "114, AVENUE DU GAL DE GAULLE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "37230" -ville: "FONDETTES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "" #email: "carine.mandron@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "372006460" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2165 +label: "PHARMACIE DES HAUTS DE GIEN" +value: "0000000024-452007743-45500" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1075 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES HAUTS DE GIEN" -adresse1: "20 RUE JULES CESAR" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "45500" -ville: "GIEN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 38 67 22 40" #email: "pharmaciepret@aol.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-GIEN.COM" #code: "452007743" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2166 +label: "PHARMACIE DES JACOBINS" +value: "0000000024-402091375-40500" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1076 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES JACOBINS" -adresse1: "10 RUE DU BELLOCQ" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "40500" -ville: "ST SEVER" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmadesjacobins@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "402091375" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2167 +label: "PHARMACIE DES JASMINS" +value: "0000000024-472006543-47240" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1077 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES JASMINS" -adresse1: "322 AVENUE ALBERT CAMUS" -adresse2: "LOTISSEMENT JASMIN" -codepostal: "47240" -ville: "BON ENCONTRE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 53 96 07 12" #email: "pharmaciedesjasmins@outlook.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-BONENCONTRE.COM" #code: "472006543" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2168 +label: "PHARMACIE DES LACS" +value: "0000000024-392002424-39130" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1078 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES LACS" -adresse1: "60, GRANDE RUE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "39130" -ville: "CLAIRVAUX LES LACS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 84 25 81 93" #email: "pharmaciedeslacs39@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "392002424" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2169 +label: "PHARMACIE DES LAVAUX" +value: "0000000024-252013594-25300" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1079 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES LAVAUX" -adresse1: "2 RUE DES LAVAUX" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "25300" -ville: "PONTARLIER" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 81 39 05 48" #email: "phiedeslavaux@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-LAVAUX.COM" #code: "252013594" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2170 +label: "PHARMACIE DES LIONDARDS" +value: "0000000024-632012423-63000" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1080 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES LIONDARDS" -adresse1: "30 RUE DES LIONDARDS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "63000" -ville: "CLERMONT FERRAND" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 73 26 70 71" #email: "luis/brande@yahoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "632012423" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2171 +label: "PHARMACIE DES MAHONIAS" +value: "0000000024-722004017-72100" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1081 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES MAHONIAS" -adresse1: "12 RUE DE GRENOBLE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "72100" -ville: "LE MANS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmacie.geslin@perso.dataconseil.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "722004017" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2172 +label: "PHARMACIE DES MARDELLES" +value: "0000000024-582002713-58700" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1082 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES MARDELLES" -adresse1: "7 PLACE DE LA HALLE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "58700" -ville: "PREMERY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmaciedesmardelles@perso.alliadis.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "582002713" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2173 +label: "PHARMACIE DES MECHES" +value: "0000000024-942016882-94000" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1083 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES MECHES" -adresse1: "2 AVENUE PIERRE BROSSOLETTE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "94000" -ville: "CRETEIL" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0142072089" #email: "sig602@yahoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIECRETEIL.FR" #code: "942016882" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2174 +label: "PHARMACIE DES MENHIRS" +value: "0000000024-562008961-56410" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1084 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES MENHIRS" -adresse1: "14 RUE DES MENHIRS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "56410" -ville: "ERDEVEN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 97 55 63 49" #email: "pharmacie-des-menhirs@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "562008961" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2175 +label: "PHARMACIE DES MOLLES" +value: "0000000024-342029147-34190" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1085 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES MOLLES" -adresse1: "20 RUE BIRON" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "34190" -ville: "GANGES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "467738415" #email: "pharmaciedelolivette@outlook.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "342029147" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2176 +label: "PHARMACIE DES PRES" +value: "0000000024-602023277-60680" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1086 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES PRES" -adresse1: "14 RUE DES PRES" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "60680" -ville: "GRANDFRESNOY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 44 41 47 17" #email: "pharmaciedespres60680@outlook.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-GRANDFRESNOY.FR" #code: "602023277" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2177 +label: "PHARMACIE DES QUATRE ROUTES" +value: "0000000024-632010856-63400" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1087 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES QUATRE ROUTES" -adresse1: "121 T AVENUE JOSEPH CLAUSSAT" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "63400" -ville: "CHAMALIERES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "473376987" #email: "pharmaciedes4routes@hotmail.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "632010856" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2178 +label: "PHARMACIE DES REMPARTS" +value: "0000000024-352010730-35500" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1088 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES REMPARTS" -adresse1: "2 RUE DE LA BORDERIE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "35500" -ville: "VITRE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 23 55 11 60" #email: "pharmaciedesremparts.vitre@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "352010730" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2179 +label: "PHARMACIE DES THERMES" +value: "0000000024-642013866-64200" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1089 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES THERMES" -adresse1: "8 AVENUE DE LA REINE NATHALIE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "64200" -ville: "BIARRITZ" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 59 24 14 33" #email: "phdesthermes648@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "642013866" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2180 +label: "PHARMACIE DES TROIS GARES" +value: "0000000024-782712541-78220" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1090 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES TROIS GARES" -adresse1: "8 BOULEVARD DE LA LIBERATION" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "78220" -ville: "VIROFLAY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "01 30 24 40 20" #email: "pharmaciedes3gares@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-VIROFLAY.COM" #code: "782712541" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2181 +label: "PHARMACIE DES TROIS MOULINS" +value: "0000000024-442001640-44400" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1091 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES TROIS MOULINS" -adresse1: "92 RUE ARISTIDE BRIAND" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "44400" -ville: "REZE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0240756310" #email: "pharmacie3moulins@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-REZE.COM" #code: "442001640" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2182 +label: "PHARMACIE DES VALLEES" +value: "0000000024-652005208-65370" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1092 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES VALLEES" -adresse1: "1 B PLACE DU GENERAL VERDIER" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "65370" -ville: "LOURES BAROUSSE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0562992029" #email: "pharmacie-des-vallees@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "652005208" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2183 +label: "PHARMACIE DES VILLES MOISAN" +value: "0000000024-222007411-22440" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1093 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES VILLES MOISAN" -adresse1: "1 RUE DES VILLES MOISAN" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "22440" -ville: "PLOUFRAGAN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "phcievillesmoisan@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "222007411" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2184 +label: "PHARMACIE DES VOLONTAIRES" +value: "0000000024-152001673-15000" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1094 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DES VOLONTAIRES" -adresse1: "1 AVENUE DES VOLONTAIRES" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "15000" -ville: "AURILLAC" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "" #email: "cecile.ghyspharmacie@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "152001673" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2185 +label: "PHARMACIE DESBUISSON" +value: "0000000024-592057178-59134" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1095 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DESBUISSON" -adresse1: "5 B RUE CHOBOURDIN" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "59134" -ville: "HERLIES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmacie-desbuisson@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "592057178" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2186 +label: "PHARMACIE DESCARTES" +value: "0000000024-772006755-77420" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1096 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DESCARTES" -adresse1: "7 AVENUE ANDRE MARIE AMPERE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "77420" -ville: "CHAMPS SUR MARNE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "01 64 68 96 22" #email: "pharmacie-descartes@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-CHAMPS-SUR-MARNE.COM" #code: "772006755" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2187 +label: "PHARMACIE DESJOBERT" +value: "0000000024-532005535-53200" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1097 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DESJOBERT" -adresse1: "7-9 RUE THIERS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "53200" -ville: "CHATEAU GONTIER" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "243072183" #email: "pharmacie.desjobert@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIEDESJOBERT.COM" #code: "532005535" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2188 +label: "PHARMACIE DIONYSIENNE" +value: "0000000024-762031359-76310" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1098 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DIONYSIENNE" -adresse1: "1 PLACE DE LA BROCHE A ROTIR" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "76310" -ville: "SAINTE ADRESSE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 35 46 38 45" #email: "lapharmaciedionysienne@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "762031359" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2189 +label: "PHARMACIE DORVAL-SATRE" +value: "0000000024-292016870-29920" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1099 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DORVAL-SATRE" -adresse1: "4 RUE DE PORT MANECH" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "29920" -ville: "NEVEZ" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 98 06 81 02" #email: "pharmacie.nevez@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "292016870" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2190 +label: "PHARMACIE DRIGHES" +value: "0000000024-922010442-92600" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1100 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DRIGHES" -adresse1: "126, AV. D'ARGENTEUIL" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "92600" -ville: "ASNIERES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "147930168" #email: "catherinedrighes@voila.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "WWW.PHARMACIE-ASNIERES.COM" #code: "922010442" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2191 +label: "PHARMACIE DROUOT PABISIAK" +value: "0000000024-542026232-54460" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1101 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DROUOT PABISIAK" -adresse1: "4 RUE DES HAUTES ALPES" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "54460" -ville: "LIVERDUN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0383244850" #email: "ap.pharli@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "542026232" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2192 +label: "PHARMACIE DU 8EME" +value: "0000000024-692033848-69008" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1102 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU 8EME" -adresse1: "74, RUE MARIUS BERLIET" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "69008" -ville: "LYON" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 78 77 50 45" #email: "pharmaciesebag@perso.alliadis.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIELYON.FR" #code: "692033848" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2193 +label: "PHARMACIE DU BANLAY" +value: "0000000024-582002176-58000" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1103 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU BANLAY" -adresse1: "2 RUE BLAISE PASCAL" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "58000" -ville: "NEVERS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 86 57 41 05" #email: "pharmacie.dubanlay@perso.alliadis.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "582002176" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2194 +label: "PHARMACIE DU BEILLET" +value: "0000000024-402090633-40000" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1104 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU BEILLET" -adresse1: "11 RUE CHARLES BARTALOT" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "40000" -ville: "MONT DE MARSAN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 58 46 53 88" #email: "pharmacie-du-beillet@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "MONTDEMARSAN.PHARMACIEREFERENCE.COM" #code: "402090633" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2195 +label: "PHARMACIE DU BELINOIS" +value: "0000000024-722003522-72220" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1105 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU BELINOIS" -adresse1: "10 RUE DU 8 MAI" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "72220" -ville: "TELOCHE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "martin-do@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "722003522" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2196 +label: "PHARMACIE DU BOCAGE" +value: "0000000024-132020264-13190" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1106 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU BOCAGE" -adresse1: "1025 AV 7E RGT TIRAILLEURS ALGER" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "13190" -ville: "ALLAUCH" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0491053330" #email: "pharmaciebocage13@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "132020264" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2197 +label: "PHARMACIE DU BOIS D AMOUR" +value: "0000000024-292015518-29930" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1107 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU BOIS D AMOUR" -adresse1: "8 RUE EMILE BERNARD" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "29930" -ville: "PONT AVEN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmapontaven@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "292015518" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2198 +label: "PHARMACIE DU BOULEVARD" +value: "0000000024-322004052-32200" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1108 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU BOULEVARD" -adresse1: "BOULEVARD DU NORD" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "32200" -ville: "GIMONT" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 62 67 70 26" #email: "pharmacieduboulevard32@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-BOULEVARD.FR" #code: "322004052" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2199 +label: "PHARMACIE DU BOURG" +value: "0000000024-712007145-71370" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1109 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU BOURG" -adresse1: "31 RUE DU BOURGNEUF" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "71370" -ville: "OUROUX SUR SAONE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 85 96 02 94" #email: "herbaux.pharmacie@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "712007145" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2200 +label: "PHARMACIE DU BOURG" +value: "0000000024-732003033-73160" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1110 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU BOURG" -adresse1: "7 ROUTE DE LYON" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "73160" -ville: "COGNIN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0479694873" #email: "pharmaciedubourg-cognin@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "732003033" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2201 +label: "PHARMACIE DU CADRAN" +value: "0000000024-282002443-28200" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1111 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU CADRAN" -adresse1: "39 PLACE DU 18 OCTOBRE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "28200" -ville: "CHATEAUDUN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 37 45 93 00" #email: "phieducadran@perso.alliadis.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "282002443" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2202 +label: "PHARMACIE DU CAP DE GASCOGNE" +value: "0000000024-402091201-40500" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1112 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU CAP DE GASCOGNE" -adresse1: "LOUSTALOT" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "40500" -ville: "SAINT SEVER" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 58 76 01 29" #email: "pharmacieducap@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "402091201" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2203 +label: "PHARMACIE DU CENTRE" +value: "0000000024-622085264-62114" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1113 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU CENTRE" -adresse1: "43 RUE DU GENERAL LECLERC" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "62114" -ville: "SAINS EN GOHELLE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 21 29 16 56" #email: "pharmacie.du.centre-62@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-SAINSENGOHELLE.COM" #code: "622085264" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2204 +label: "PHARMACIE DU CENTRE" +value: "0000000024-622088755-62220" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1114 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU CENTRE" -adresse1: "26 RUE EDOUARD PLACHEZ" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "62220" -ville: "CARVIN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 21 37 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-codepostal: "62670" -ville: "MAZINGARBE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0321291416" #email: "pharmacie.grabarz@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIEDUCENTRE-MAZINGARBE.COM" #code: "622085454" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2207 +label: "PHARMACIE DU CENTRE BOURG" +value: "0000000024-402090948-40390" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1117 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU CENTRE BOURG" -adresse1: "1, PLACE JEAN RAMEAU" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "40390" -ville: "SAINT MARTIN DE SEIGNANX" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "559561901" #email: "kplumat@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "402090948" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2208 +label: "PHARMACIE DU CENTRE COMMERCIAL" +value: "0000000024-592090435-59540" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1118 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU CENTRE COMMERCIAL" -adresse1: "BOULEVARD DU 8 MAI 1945" -adresse2: "GALERIE MARCHANDE LECLERC" -codepostal: "59540" -ville: "CAUDRY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 27 85 26 76" #email: "pharmacieduccdecaudry@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIEDUCENTRECOMMERCIALDECAUDRY.FR" #code: "592090435" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2209 +label: "PHARMACIE DU CHAMPSAUR" +value: "0000000024-052702305-05500" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1119 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU CHAMPSAUR" -adresse1: "5 A AVENUE DU 11 NOVEMBRE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "05500" -ville: "ST BONNET EN CHAMPSAUR" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 92 50 53 53" #email: "phieduchampsaur@perso.alliadis.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "052702305" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2210 +label: "PHARMACIE DU CHATEAU" +value: "0000000024-502006216-50500" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1120 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU CHATEAU" -adresse1: "16 RUE DU CHATEAU" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "50500" -ville: "CARENTAN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0233420255" #email: "raultph2@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-CARENTAN-RAULT.FR" #code: "502006216" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2211 +label: "PHARMACIE DU CHATEAU D EAU" +value: "0000000024-312007842-31140" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1121 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU CHATEAU D EAU" -adresse1: "5 PLACE JOSEPH NOUGUIN" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "31140" -ville: "AUCAMVILLE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0562752635" #email: "pharmaciechateau31@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIEAUCAMVILLE.COM" #code: "312007842" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2212 +label: "PHARMACIE DU CHEMIN VERT" +value: "0000000024-492017058-49400" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1122 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU CHEMIN VERT" -adresse1: "935 RUE DU CHEMIN VERT" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "49400" -ville: "SAUMUR" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 41 50 11 02" #email: "p.cheminvert@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "492017058" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2213 +label: "PHARMACIE DU CLOCHER" +value: "0000000024-912014701-91300" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1123 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU CLOCHER" -adresse1: "99 RUE GABRIEL PERI" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "91300" -ville: "MASSY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0169200422" #email: "lapharmacieduclocher@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "912014701" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2214 +label: "PHARMACIE DU COUREAU" +value: "0000000024-172030579-17480" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1124 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU COUREAU" -adresse1: "10 RUE GEORGES CLEMENCEAU" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "17480" -ville: "LE CHATEAU D OLERON" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "coureau.phr@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "172030579" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2215 +label: "PHARMACIE DU DOLMEN" +value: "0000000024-492015615-49400" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1125 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU DOLMEN" -adresse1: "44 RUE DU VIEUX BAGNEUX" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "49400" -ville: "BAGNEUX" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmaciedudolmen@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "492015615" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2216 +label: "PHARMACIE DU DONJON" +value: "0000000024-412003436-41400" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1126 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU DONJON" -adresse1: "46 48 RUE NATIONALE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "41400" -ville: "MONTRICHARD" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 54 32 04 18" #email: "selarldudonjon@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "412003436" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2217 +label: "PHARMACIE DU GRAND STADE" +value: "0000000024-592056634-59260" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1127 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU GRAND STADE" -adresse1: "32 RUE GAMBETTA" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "59260" -ville: "LEZENNES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmaciedugrandstade@outlook.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "592056634" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2218 +label: "PHARMACIE DU IV SEPTEMBRE" +value: "0000000024-652005042-65000" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1128 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU IV SEPTEMBRE" -adresse1: "4 B RUE DU 4 SEPTEMBRE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "65000" -ville: "TARBES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmaciedu4septembre@outlook.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "652005042" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2219 +label: "PHARMACIE DU JOURDAIN" +value: "0000000024-812004307-81300" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1129 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU JOURDAIN" -adresse1: "52 PLACE DU JOURDAIN" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "81300" -ville: "GRAULHET" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 63 60 21 40" #email: "pharma-jourdain@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-GRAULHET.FR" #code: "812004307" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2220 +label: "PHARMACIE DU LIVRADOIS" +value: "0000000024-632013256-63600" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1130 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU LIVRADOIS" -adresse1: "28 RUE DE L INDUSTRIE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "63600" -ville: "AMBERT" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0473820021" #email: "pharmaciedulivradois63600@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "632013256" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2221 +label: "PHARMACIE DU LYCEE" +value: "0000000024-912010691-91300" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1131 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU LYCEE" -adresse1: "72 BIS RUE DE VERSAILLES" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "91300" -ville: "MASSY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "01 69 20 29 21" #email: "seta.hacin@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "912010691" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2222 +label: "PHARMACIE DU MARCHE" +value: "0000000024-262070956-26000" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1132 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU MARCHE" -adresse1: "2 RUE DU DOCTEUR KOHARIAN" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "26000" -ville: "VALENCE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 75 43 60 79" #email: "pharmaciedumarche26@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-VALENCE.NET" #code: "262070956" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2223 +label: "PHARMACIE DU MARCHE" +value: "0000000024-812004620-81200" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1133 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU MARCHE" -adresse1: "10 PLACE DU MARCHE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "81200" -ville: "AUSSILLON" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmacie.du.marche81200@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "812004620" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2224 +label: "PHARMACIE DU MONT CHARVIN" +value: "0000000024-732003512-73400" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1134 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU MONT CHARVIN" -adresse1: "387 AVENUE DE LA LIBERATION" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "73400" -ville: "UGINE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0479373245" #email: "pharmaciedumontcharvin@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "732003512" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2225 +label: "PHARMACIE DU MORTIER D'OR" +value: "0000000024-762000131-76320" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1135 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU MORTIER D'OR" -adresse1: "146 RUE DE LA REPUBLIQUE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "76320" -ville: "CAUDEBEC LES ELBEUF" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "235770357" #email: "philippe.nguyen4@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIEDUMORTIERDOR.COM" #code: "762000131" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2226 +label: "PHARMACIE DU MOULIN" +value: "0000000024-772011490-77515" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1136 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU MOULIN" -adresse1: "9 PLACE VION TRESMES" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "77515" -ville: "POMMEUSE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmaciedumoulin77515@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "772011490" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2227 +label: "PHARMACIE DU NOROIT" +value: "0000000024-142006584-14450" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1137 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU NOROIT" -adresse1: "72 AV A. BRIAND" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "14450" -ville: "GRANDCAMP MAISY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 31 22 60 50" #email: "pharmaciedunoroit@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "142006584" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2228 +label: "PHARMACIE DU PARC" +value: "0000000024-032004467-03200" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1138 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU PARC" -adresse1: "26 RUE DU PRESIDENT WILSON" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "03200" -ville: "VICHY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "470982176" #email: "bruno.barse@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "032004467" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2229 +label: "PHARMACIE DU PARC" +value: "0000000024-632009585-63540" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1139 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU PARC" -adresse1: "PLACE DU 8 MAI 1945" -adresse2: "CENTRE COMMERCIAL" -codepostal: "63540" -ville: "ROMAGNAT" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 73 62 66 37" #email: "pharmacie.du.parc63@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "632009585" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2230 +label: "PHARMACIE DU PARC" +value: "0000000024-632012837-63600" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1140 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU PARC" -adresse1: "54 BOULEVARD HENRI IV" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "63600" -ville: "AMBERT" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 73 82 04 96" #email: "pharmacieduparc63600@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "632012837" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2231 +label: "PHARMACIE DU PETIT VERSAILLES" +value: "0000000024-372006783-37110" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1141 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU PETIT VERSAILLES" -adresse1: "RUE DU PETIT VERSAILLES" -adresse2: "CENTRE COMMERCIAL INTERMARCHE" -codepostal: "37110" -ville: "CHATEAU RENAULT" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "247295358" #email: "phiepetitversailles@yahoo.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "372006783" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2232 +label: "PHARMACIE DU POLLET" +value: "0000000024-762001931-76200" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1142 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU POLLET" -adresse1: "34 GRANDE RUE DU POLLET" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "76200" -ville: "DIEPPE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 35 84 18 85" #email: "pharmaciedupollet@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "762001931" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2233 +label: "PHARMACIE DU PONANT" +value: "0000000024-172031304-17400" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1143 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU PONANT" -adresse1: "164 RUE ALEXANDRE DUMAS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "17400" -ville: "ST JEAN D ANGELY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 46 32 01 61" #email: "ponant.fc@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "172031304" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2234 +label: "PHARMACIE DU PONT CARDINAL" +value: "0000000024-192001329-19100" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1144 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU PONT CARDINAL" -adresse1: "75 AVENUE DE PARIS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "19100" -ville: "BRIVE LA GAILLARDE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 55 24 09 45" #email: "phiedupontcardinal@perso.alliadis.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIEDUPONTCARDINALBRIVE.FR" #code: "192001329" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2235 +label: "PHARMACIE DU PONT MICHELET" +value: "0000000024-592091334-59400" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1145 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU PONT MICHELET" -adresse1: "63 AVENUE MICHELET" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "59400" -ville: "CAMBRAI" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "327813752" #email: "pharmaciedupontmichelet@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "592091334" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2236 +label: "PHARMACIE DU PONT ROYAL" +value: "0000000024-922003983-92220" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1146 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU PONT ROYAL" -adresse1: "212 AVENUE ARISTIDE BRIAND" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "92220" -ville: "BAGNEUX" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "01 46 65 12 57" #email: "vavapharma@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "922003983" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2237 +label: "PHARMACIE DU PORT FLUVIAL" +value: "0000000024-592056337-59000" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1147 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU PORT FLUVIAL" -adresse1: "56 RUE BONTE POLLET" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "59000" -ville: "LILLE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 20 93 13 85" #email: "pharmacieduportfluvial@hotmail.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "592056337" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2238 +label: "PHARMACIE DU PORZAY" +value: "0000000024-292017720-29550" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1148 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU PORZAY" -adresse1: "1 ALLEE DU STADE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "29550" -ville: "PLONEVEZ PORZAY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 98 92 50 34" #email: "pharmacie.porzay@yahoo.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-PORZAY.COM" #code: "292017720" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2239 +label: "PHARMACIE DU PRIEURE" +value: "0000000024-372005454-37520" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1149 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU PRIEURE" -adresse1: "3 PLACE DE L'EUROPE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "37520" -ville: "LA RICHE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 47 39 09 42" #email: "pharmacieprieure@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "372005454" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2240 +label: "PHARMACIE DU ROND POINT" +value: "0000000024-062047204-06600" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1150 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU ROND POINT" -adresse1: "2 CHEMIN DES AUTRICHIENS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "06600" -ville: "ANTIBES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 93 34 13 40" #email: "phrrondpoint06@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIEDURONDPOINT-ANTIBES.COM" #code: "062047204" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2241 +label: "PHARMACIE DU STADE" +value: "0000000024-762039287-76600" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1151 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU STADE" -adresse1: "292 RUE DE VERDUN" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "76600" -ville: "LE HAVRE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 35 47 17 38" #email: "contact@pharmaciedustade.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-LEHAVRE.NET" #code: "762039287" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2242 +label: "PHARMACIE DU STADE" +value: "0000000024-812004216-81100" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1152 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU STADE" -adresse1: "10 RUE DE BISSEOUS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "81100" -ville: "CASTRES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "contact@pharmaciedustade81.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "812004216" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2243 +label: "PHARMACIE DU TEINCHURIER" +value: "0000000024-192003176-19100" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1153 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU TEINCHURIER" -adresse1: "RUE LOUIS TAURISSON" -adresse2: "CCIAL CARREFOUR ZI TEINCHURIER" -codepostal: "19100" -ville: "BRIVE LA GAILLARDE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 55 17 51 36" #email: "pharmacie.teinchurier@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "192003176" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2244 +label: "PHARMACIE DU TILLEUL" +value: "0000000024-592074728-59150" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1154 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU TILLEUL" -adresse1: "16 ALLEE LEONARD DE VINCI" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "59150" -ville: "WATTRELOS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0320265074" #email: "pharma.tilleul59150@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "592074728" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2245 +label: "PHARMACIE DU TREBUCHET" +value: "0000000024-822001889-82240" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1155 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU TREBUCHET" -adresse1: "1 AVENUE LOUIS BESSIERES" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "82240" -ville: "PUYLAROQUE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 63 64 90 53" #email: "georges.niek@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "822001889" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2246 +label: "PHARMACIE DU VAL FLEURI" +value: "0000000024-732000294-73490" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1156 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU VAL FLEURI" -adresse1: "63 RUE DE LA CONCORDE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "73490" -ville: "LA RAVOIRE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 79 72 52 22" #email: "pharmacie.valfleuri@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "732000294" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2247 +label: "PHARMACIE DU VALOIS" +value: "0000000024-602023699-60800" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1157 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU VALOIS" -adresse1: "56 AVENUE DU PRESIDENT KENNEDY" -adresse2: "CENTRE COMMERCIAL KENNEDY" -codepostal: "60800" -ville: "CREPY EN VALOIS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 44 87 04 69" #email: "pharmacie.duvalois@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIEDUVALOIS.COM" #code: "602023699" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2248 +label: "PHARMACIE DU VERDERET" +value: "0000000024-382023919-38320" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1158 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU VERDERET" -adresse1: "13 PLACE DU 11 NOVEMBRE 1918" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "38320" -ville: "EYBENS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 76 25 52 14" #email: "ph.verderet@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "382023919" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2249 +label: "PHARMACIE DU VERT BOIS" +value: "0000000024-522101062-52100" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1159 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU VERT BOIS" -adresse1: "49 AVENUE EDGAR PISANI" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "52100" -ville: "ST DIZIER" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0325050825" #email: "pharmacie.vert.bois@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "522101062" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2250 +label: "PHARMACIE DU VIGUIER" +value: "0000000024-112002746-11000" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1160 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU VIGUIER" -adresse1: "2 RUE ALAIN FOURNIER" -adresse2: "CENTRE COMMERCIAL LE VIGUIER" -codepostal: "11000" -ville: "CARCASSONNE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 68 25 05 58" #email: "pharmacieduviguier@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-CARCASSONNE.NET" #code: "112002746" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2251 +label: "PHARMACIE DU VILLAGE" +value: "0000000024-692021561-69480" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1161 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DU VILLAGE" -adresse1: "101 IMPASSE DE VERDUN" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "69480" -ville: "ANSE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 74 67 16 21" #email: "elisabeth.minget@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "692021561" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2252 +label: "PHARMACIE DUNOIS" +value: "0000000024-452002066-45000" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1162 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DUNOIS" -adresse1: "1 PLACE DUNOIS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "45000" -ville: "ORLEANS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 38 62 66 33" #email: "spdunois@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-DUNOIS.COM" #code: "452002066" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2253 +label: "PHARMACIE DURAND" +value: "0000000024-332022300-33620" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1163 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE DURAND" -adresse1: "33 AV DU MAL DE LATTRE DE TASSIGNY" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "33620" -ville: "CEZAC" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0557321964" #email: "pharmaciedecezac@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "332022300" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2254 +label: "PHARMACIE ELSY GAULTIER" +value: "0000000024-352010649-35420" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1164 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE ELSY GAULTIER" -adresse1: "21 PLACE CHARLES DE GAULLE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "35420" -ville: "LOUVIGNE DU DESERT" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 99 98 01 12" #email: "pharmagaultier@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "HTTP://WWW.PHARMACIE-LOUVIGNE-DU-DESERT.COM/" #code: "352010649" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2255 +label: "PHARMACIE ESCALE SANTE 77" +value: "0000000024-772012373-77181" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1165 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE ESCALE SANTE 77" -adresse1: "22 RUE DU GENERAL DE GAULLE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "77181" -ville: "COURTRY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "01 60 20 23 67" #email: "pharmaciedecourtry@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "772012373" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2256 +label: "PHARMACIE ESPACE BERAIRE" +value: "0000000024-452006299-45380" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1166 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE ESPACE BERAIRE" -adresse1: "22 RUE NATIONALE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "45380" -ville: "LA CHAPELLE ST MESMIN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 38 43 39 90" #email: "pharmacie-espace-beraire@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-ESPACEBERAIRE.COM" #code: "452006299" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2257 +label: "PHARMACIE EULOGE" +value: "0000000024-542024757-54000" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1167 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE EULOGE" -adresse1: "82 RUE DE LAXOU" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "54000" -ville: "NANCY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0383403148" #email: "pharmacie.euloge@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "542024757" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2258 +label: "PHARMACIE FAGES" +value: "0000000024-162007074-16310" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1168 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE FAGES" -adresse1: "7 ROUTE DES GLYCINES" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "16310" -ville: "MASSIGNAC" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 45 65 01 19" #email: "pharmacie.fage@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-MASSIGNAC.COM" #code: "162007074" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2259 +label: "PHARMACIE FLOREAL" +value: "0000000024-472004688-47000" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1169 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE FLOREAL" -adresse1: "131 AVENUE JEAN JAURES" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "47000" -ville: "AGEN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "contact@pharmaciedufloreal.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "472004688" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2260 +label: "PHARMACIE FLOURIOT" +value: "0000000024-212004063-21800" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1170 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE FLOURIOT" -adresse1: "4 RUE DE L EGLISE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "21800" -ville: "NEUILLY LES DIJON" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 80 47 35 03" #email: "pharmaneuilly@laposte.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "212004063" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2261 +label: "PHARMACIE GARDAN" +value: "0000000024-492017132-49123" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1171 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE GARDAN" -adresse1: "1 AVENUE DE L ETANG" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "49123" -ville: "INGRANDES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 41 39 20 12" #email: "pharmaciedesbateliers@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "492017132" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2262 +label: "PHARMACIE GAUTHERON BOCHARD" +value: "0000000024-112002134-11290" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1172 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE GAUTHERON BOCHARD" -adresse1: "22 AVENUE DU LAURAGUAIS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "11290" -ville: "MONTREAL" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 68 76 20 24" #email: "gautheron3@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "112002134" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2263 +label: "PHARMACIE GAUTIER" +value: "0000000024-862022217-86170" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1173 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE GAUTIER" -adresse1: "4 ROUTE DE POITIERS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "86170" -ville: "CISSE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 49 51 79 37" #email: "pharmaciegautier@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "862022217" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2264 +label: "PHARMACIE GENERALE" +value: "0000000024-132040593-13012" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1174 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE GENERALE" -adresse1: "188 AV DU 24 AVRIL 1915" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "13012" -ville: "MARSEILLE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 91 93 41 66" #email: "appaybandon@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIEGENERALE-MARSEILLE.COM" #code: "132040593" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2265 +label: "PHARMACIE GERARD" +value: "0000000024-542026604-54960" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1175 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE GERARD" -adresse1: "50 B ROUTE NATIONALE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "54960" -ville: "MERCY LE BAS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 82 89 62 76" #email: "clemence.gerard1@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "HTTP://PHARMACIE-MERCYLEBAS.COM/" #code: "542026604" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2266 +label: "PHARMACIE GOMES BUI" +value: "0000000024-952010312-95220" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1176 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE GOMES BUI" -adresse1: "54, ALLEE DES BOIS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "95220" -ville: "HERBLAY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "01 39 97 45 30" #email: "pharmaciegomes.bui@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-GOMES-BUI.FR" #code: "952010312" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2267 +label: "PHARMACIE GORE GOGER" +value: "0000000024-612006650-61700" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1177 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE GORE GOGER" -adresse1: "9 RUE SAINT JULIEN" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "61700" -ville: "DOMFRONT" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 33 30 83 51" #email: "pharmacie.gore@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-DOMFRONT.FR" #code: "612006650" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2268 +label: "PHARMACIE GRIFFON" +value: "0000000024-072021678-07200" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1178 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE GRIFFON" -adresse1: "16, RUE BAPTISTE MARCET VALFLEURY" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "07200" -ville: "AUBENAS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 75 93 64 04" #email: "pharmacie.griffon@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "072021678" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2269 +label: "PHARMACIE GUENIN" +value: "0000000024-562007088-56470" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1179 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE GUENIN" -adresse1: "21 COURS DES QUAIS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "56470" -ville: "LA TRINITE SUR MER" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 97 55 72 38" #email: "contact@pharmaciedelatrinitesurmer.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "562007088" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2270 +label: "PHARMACIE GUILHEN" +value: "0000000024-632013140-63390" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1180 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE GUILHEN" -adresse1: "3 RUE MERCIERE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "63390" -ville: "ST GERVAIS D’AUVERGNE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 73 85 70 77" #email: "laurence.guilhen@perso.alliadis.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "632013140" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2271 +label: "PHARMACIE GUINCHARD LEFEBVRE" +value: "0000000024-352010086-35330" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1181 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE GUINCHARD LEFEBVRE" -adresse1: "5 PLACE DE L EGLISE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "35330" -ville: "MAURE DE BRETAGNE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 99 34 89 15" #email: "aurelie.lefebvre@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-MAURE-DE-BRETAGNE.FR" #code: "352010086" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2272 +label: "PHARMACIE GUIOT" +value: "0000000024-952010700-95520" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1182 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE GUIOT" -adresse1: "37, RUE ARISTIDE BRIAND" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "95520" -ville: "OSNY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "01 30 30 15 48" #email: "philippe.guiot2@free.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-GUIOT.COM" #code: "952010700" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2273 +label: "PHARMACIE GUITTIN" +value: "0000000024-542011374-54800" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1183 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE GUITTIN" -adresse1: "2 RUE DE VERDUN" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "54800" -ville: "MARS LA TOUR" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "382339211" #email: "guittinb@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "542011374" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2274 +label: "PHARMACIE HARDEL" +value: "0000000024-502001407-50800" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1184 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE HARDEL" -adresse1: "4 RUE GAMBETTA" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "50800" -ville: "VILLEDIEU LES POELES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0233610051" #email: "pharmacie.hardel@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "502001407" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2275 +label: "PHARMACIE HAY MOIRE" +value: "0000000024-372005074-37210" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1185 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE HAY MOIRE" -adresse1: "23 RUE ANATOLE FRANCE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "37210" -ville: "VERNOU SUR BRENNE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 47 52 10 05" #email: "pharmaciehaymoire@perso.alliadis.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "372005074" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2276 +label: "PHARMACIE HEUZE" +value: "0000000024-722005279-72000" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1186 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE HEUZE" -adresse1: "182 AVENUE OLIVIER HEUZE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "72000" -ville: "LE MANS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 43 28 36 21" #email: "pharmacie.heuze@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "722005279" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2277 +label: "PHARMACIE HIBERT" +value: "0000000024-112003595-11170" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1187 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE HIBERT" -adresse1: "3 R DES ANCIENS COMBATTANTS AFN" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "11170" -ville: "MONTOLIEU" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0468248421" #email: "pharmacie.hibert@hotmail.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "112003595" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2278 +label: "PHARMACIE HUYGHE" +value: "0000000024-802003905-80131" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1188 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE HUYGHE" -adresse1: "22 RUE DE LIHONS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "80131" -ville: "HARBONNIERES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "322858020" #email: "pharmacie.huyghe@perso.alliadis.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "802003905" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2279 +label: "PHARMACIE JACQUES PREVERT" +value: "0000000024-132082744-13730" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1189 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE JACQUES PREVERT" -adresse1: "AVENUE JACQUES PREVERT" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "13730" -ville: "ST VICTORET" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmacieprevert@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "132082744" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2280 +label: "PHARMACIE JAMON" +value: "0000000024-432001352-43260" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1190 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE JAMON" -adresse1: "IMPASSE DES OLLIERES" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "43260" -ville: "LANTRIAC" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "471051893" #email: "pharmaciejamon@perso.alliadis.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "432001352" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2281 +label: "PHARMACIE JAN" +value: "0000000024-292024320-29120" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1191 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE JAN" -adresse1: "2 RUE HENT COZ" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "29120" -ville: "PONT L ABBE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 98 87 00 27" #email: "pharmaciejan@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-PONTLABBE.COM" #code: "292024320" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2282 +label: "PHARMACIE JAUTARD" +value: "0000000024-472004720-47180" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1192 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE JAUTARD" -adresse1: "RUE RAYMOND PEYDECASTAING" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "47180" -ville: "MEILHAN SUR GARONNE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 53 94 30 16" #email: "jautard.marc@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "472004720" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2283 +label: "PHARMACIE KENNEDY" +value: "0000000024-302004908-30900" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1193 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE KENNEDY" -adresse1: "5 PLACE ROGER BASTIDE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "30900" -ville: "NIMES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 66 28 84 40" #email: "pharmacie.kennedy@orange-business.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "302004908" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2284 +label: "PHARMACIE KERVEVAN" +value: "0000000024-662002260-66800" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1194 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE KERVEVAN" -adresse1: "19 AVENUE DES COMTES DE CERDAGNE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "66800" -ville: "SAILLAGOUSE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 68 04 72 80" #email: "pharmacie.kervevan@hotmail.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "662002260" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2285 +label: "PHARMACIE KETELS" +value: "0000000024-802004697-80200" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1195 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE KETELS" -adresse1: "9 AVENUE DE L EUROPE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "80200" -ville: "PERONNE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 22 84 03 11" #email: "pharmacieketels@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-KETELS.COM" #code: "802004697" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2286 +label: "PHARMACIE L OCEANE" +value: "0000000024-172031536-17220" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1196 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE L OCEANE" -adresse1: "LE PETIT BONNEVEAUX" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "17220" -ville: "SALLES SUR MER" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmacieloceane17@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "172031536" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2287 +label: "PHARMACIE LABARRE" +value: "0000000024-872002944-87800" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1197 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE LABARRE" -adresse1: "44 B ROUTE DE LA MEYZE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "87800" -ville: "NEXON" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 55 58 10 29" #email: "pharmacienexon@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIENEXON.COM" #code: "872002944" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2288 +label: "PHARMACIE LACAUSSE" +value: "0000000024-402090484-40100" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1198 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE LACAUSSE" -adresse1: "7 ROUTE DE TERCIS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "40100" -ville: "DAX" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "karine.lacausse@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "402090484" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2289 +label: "PHARMACIE LAGACHERIE" +value: "0000000024-472004746-47160" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1199 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE LAGACHERIE" -adresse1: "RUE THIERS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "47160" -ville: "DAMAZAN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "553794147" #email: "pharmacie.lagacherie@perso.dataconseil.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-DAMAZAN.COM" #code: "472004746" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2290 +label: "PHARMACIE LAMBERT" +value: "0000000024-132029968-13550" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1200 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE LAMBERT" -adresse1: "5 PLACE JEAN JAURES" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "13550" -ville: "NOVES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 90 92 97 23" #email: "alain.lambert603@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "132029968" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2291 +label: "PHARMACIE LANIC LACROUTS" +value: "0000000024-402015325-40420" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1201 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE LANIC LACROUTS" -adresse1: "89 ROUTE DE MONT DE MARSAN" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "40420" -ville: "LABRIT" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 58 51 01 79" #email: "andrelanic@hotmail.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "402015325" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2292 +label: "PHARMACIE LATROMPETTE" +value: "0000000024-082002213-08210" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1202 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE LATROMPETTE" -adresse1: "8 RUE CHARLES DE GAULLE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "08210" -ville: "MOUZON" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 24 26 10 92" #email: "pharmacie.mouzon@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-MOUZON.COM" #code: "082002213" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2293 +label: "PHARMACIE LE COENT" +value: "0000000024-222008187-22110" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1203 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE LE COENT" -adresse1: "ROUTE DE SAINT BRIEUX" -adresse2: "ROND POINT LANNOGE" -codepostal: "22110" -ville: "ROSTRENEN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 96 29 01 53" #email: "pharmacielecoent@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-LE-COENT-ROSTRENEN.FR" #code: "222008187" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2294 +label: "PHARMACIE LE POTIER" +value: "0000000024-222007155-22530" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1204 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE LE POTIER" -adresse1: "4 6 RUE MICHELLE LE BRUN" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "22530" -ville: "MUR DE BRETAGNE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 96 28 59 49" #email: "pharmacielepotier@hotmail.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-MURDEBRETAGNE.COM" #code: "222007155" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2295 +label: "PHARMACIE LEBRET" +value: "0000000024-502007370-50720" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1205 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE LEBRET" -adresse1: "51, RUE KENNEDY" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "50720" -ville: "BARENTON" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "233595471" #email: "pharmacielebret@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIELEBRET.COM" #code: "502007370" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2296 +label: "PHARMACIE LEDOYER" +value: "0000000024-222007627-22430" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1206 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE LEDOYER" -adresse1: "17 RUE CLEMENCEAU" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "22430" -ville: "ERQUY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "296723073" #email: "pharmacie.ledoyer@perso.smart-rx.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "222007627" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2297 +label: "PHARMACIE LEFEUVRE GARRIOT" +value: "0000000024-602023053-60800" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1207 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE LEFEUVRE GARRIOT" -adresse1: "34 AVENUE DE SENLIS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "60800" -ville: "CREPY EN VALOIS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 44 87 02 13" #email: "pharmacielefeuvre@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-CREPYENVALOIS.COM" #code: "602023053" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2298 +label: "PHARMACIE LEFEVRE MALASSAGNE" +value: "0000000024-132041054-13500" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1208 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE LEFEVRE MALASSAGNE" -adresse1: "14 PLACE GERARD TENQUE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "13500" -ville: "MARTIGUES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmacie.lefevre.malassagne@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "132041054" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2299 +label: "PHARMACIE LEFRANCOIS" +value: "0000000024-502000789-50700" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1209 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE LEFRANCOIS" -adresse1: "27 ROUTE DE SAINT JOUVIN" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "50700" -ville: "BRIX" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0233210923" #email: "pharmaciedebrix@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "HTTP://WWW.PHARMACIE-BRIX.FR" #code: "502000789" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2300 +label: "PHARMACIE LEMARE" +value: "0000000024-922020490-92370" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1210 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE LEMARE" -adresse1: "667 AVENUE ROGER SALENGRO" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "92370" -ville: "CHAVILLE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "01 47 50 48 98" #email: "pharmaciechaville@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "WWW.PHARMACIEDESECOLESCHAVILLE.COM" #code: "922020490" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2301 +label: "PHARMACIE LERICHE" +value: "0000000024-612017624-61000" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1211 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE LERICHE" -adresse1: "174 AVENUE DE QUAKENBRUCK" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "61000" -ville: "ALENCON" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmacieleriche@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "612017624" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2302 +label: "PHARMACIE LES LILAS" +value: "0000000024-932012040-93260" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1212 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE LES LILAS" -adresse1: "44 BOULEVARD DE LA LIBERTE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "93260" -ville: "LES LILAS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "143639139" #email: "pharmacieleslilas@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-LESLILAS.COM" #code: "932012040" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2303 +label: "PHARMACIE LOISEAU" +value: "0000000024-352007447-35530" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1213 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE LOISEAU" -adresse1: "4, RUE PIERRE MARCHAND" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "35530" -ville: "NOYAL SUR VILAINE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "299006690" #email: "pharmacie-loiseau@hotmail.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-NOYALSURVILAINE.COM" #code: "352007447" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2304 +label: "PHARMACIE LORRAINE" +value: "0000000024-552002073-55200" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1214 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE LORRAINE" -adresse1: "1 RUE DES CAPUCINS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "55200" -ville: "COMMERCY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 29 91 01 32" #email: "pharmacielorraine@hotmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "NAVEL.PHARMACIEREFERENCE.COM" #code: "552002073" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2305 +label: "PHARMACIE LOUBET" +value: "0000000024-402091136-40510" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1215 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE LOUBET" -adresse1: "7 PLACE DE CASTILLE" -adresse2: "LE PENON" -codepostal: "40510" -ville: "SEIGNOSSE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 58 43 31 77" #email: "pharmacieseignosseocean@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "HTTP://PHARMACIESEIGNOSSEOCEAN.COM/" #code: "402091136" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2306 +label: "PHARMACIE LOUEDEC" +value: "0000000024-292017068-29830" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1216 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE LOUEDEC" -adresse1: "12 PLACE EUGENE FOREST" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "29830" -ville: "PLOUGUIN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmacie.louedec@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "292017068" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2307 +label: "PHARMACIE MARCHAND" +value: "0000000024-252021738-25460" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1217 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE MARCHAND" -adresse1: "29 AV DU GENERAL CHARLES DE GAULLE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "25460" -ville: "ETUPES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 81 94 26 98" #email: "pharmacie-marchand.etupes@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "252021738" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2308 +label: "PHARMACIE MARCHANDISE" +value: "0000000024-622032415-62100" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1218 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE MARCHANDISE" -adresse1: "124 RUE LOUIS DAVID" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "62100" -ville: "CALAIS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 21 96 93 33" #email: "pharmacie.marchandise@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "622032415" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2309 +label: "PHARMACIE MARQUET" +value: "0000000024-562004531-56500" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1219 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE MARQUET" -adresse1: "ROND POINT DE LA METAIRIE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "56500" -ville: "NAIZIN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 97 27 42 49" #email: "pharma.marquet@perso.alliadis.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "562004531" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2310 +label: "PHARMACIE MASSILIA" +value: "0000000024-132042243-13003" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1220 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE MASSILIA" -adresse1: "11 AVENUE ROGER SALENGRO" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "13003" -ville: "MARSEILLE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharma.clary@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "132042243" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2311 +label: "PHARMACIE MONDIALE" +value: "0000000024-032004699-03200" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1221 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE MONDIALE" -adresse1: "4 PLACE PIERRE VICTOR LEGER" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "03200" -ville: "VICHY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "mondiale-pharma@hotmail.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "032004699" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2312 +label: "PHARMACIE MONIER LEBOUCHER" +value: "0000000024-532006178-53360" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1222 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE MONIER LEBOUCHER" -adresse1: "6 RUE DU GENERAL FOUCHER" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "53360" -ville: "QUELAINES ST GAULT" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 43 98 56 13" #email: "murielle.monier04@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "532006178" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2313 +label: "PHARMACIE MONTEBELLO" +value: "0000000024-592058424-59000" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1223 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE MONTEBELLO" -adresse1: "37 RUE D ESQUERMES" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "59000" -ville: "LILLE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 20 93 09 00" #email: "pharmaciemontebello@perso.alliadis.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "592058424" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2314 +label: "PHARMACIE MORAVSKA" +value: "0000000024-692038136-69004" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1224 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE MORAVSKA" -adresse1: "2 PLACE DES TAPIS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "69004" -ville: "LYON" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 78 28 03 12" #email: "pharmacie-marche@outlook.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "692038136" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2315 +label: "PHARMACIE MOREL" +value: "0000000024-592055412-59790" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1225 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE MOREL" -adresse1: "368 AVENUE JEAN JAURES" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "59790" -ville: "RONCHIN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "320532157" #email: "pharmaciemorel@yahoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-RONCHIN.COM" #code: "592055412" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2316 +label: "PHARMACIE MORRIS" +value: "0000000024-132062423-13002" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1226 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE MORRIS" -adresse1: "83 RUE DE LA REPUBLIQUE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "13002" -ville: "MARSEILLE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0491905952" #email: "morris.bruno@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-MARSEILLE.INFO" #code: "132062423" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2317 +label: "PHARMACIE MOUGIN" +value: "0000000024-012004586-01580" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1227 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE MOUGIN" -adresse1: "705 GRANDE RUE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "01580" -ville: "IZERNORE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 74 76 50 00" #email: "mougin.c@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "012004586" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2318 +label: "PHARMACIE NAVELOT" +value: "0000000024-602013161-60590" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1228 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE NAVELOT" -adresse1: "6 ALLEE DU TILLEUL" -adresse2: "ZAC DU FRIER" -codepostal: "60590" -ville: "SERIFONTAINE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 44 84 91 07" #email: "isabelle.navelot@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-SERIFONTAINE.COM" #code: "602013161" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2319 +label: "PHARMACIE NICOULAUD" +value: "0000000024-232001958-23230" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1229 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE NICOULAUD" -adresse1: "15 AVENUE DU BERRY" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "23230" -ville: "GOUZON" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 55 62 20 19" #email: "nicoulaud.pharm@perso.alliadis.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "GOUZON.NICOULAUD.PHARMACIEREFERENCE.COM" #code: "232001958" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2320 +label: "PHARMACIE NOUVELLE" +value: "0000000024-622087781-62970" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1230 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE NOUVELLE" -adresse1: "34 RUE EMILE ZOLA" -adresse2: "CENTRE COMMERCIAL INTERMARCHE" -codepostal: "62970" -ville: "COURCELLES LES LENS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 21 77 04 69" #email: "mpr@pharmacourcelles.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-COURCELLES.COM" #code: "622087781" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2321 +label: "PHARMACIE OCEANE (EAUL)" +value: "0000000024-292015682-29950" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1231 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE OCEANE (EAUL)" -adresse1: "1 RUE JEAN CHARCOT" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "29950" -ville: "BENODET" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 98 57 00 19" #email: "phar.oceane@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "292015682" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2322 +label: "PHARMACIE PAMPOUNEAU" +value: "0000000024-332018340-33240" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1232 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE PAMPOUNEAU" -adresse1: "31 RUE OLYMPE DE GOUGES" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "33240" -ville: "ST GERVAIS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "phiesaintgervais@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "332018340" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2323 +label: "PHARMACIE PAQUEREAU" +value: "0000000024-532006525-53240" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1233 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE PAQUEREAU" -adresse1: "62 RUE DE LAVAL" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "53240" -ville: "LA BACONNIERE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 43 02 63 10" #email: "phie.labaconniere@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "532006525" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2324 +label: "PHARMACIE PARMENTIER" +value: "0000000024-602012692-60200" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1234 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE PARMENTIER" -adresse1: "31 RUE SAINT CORNEILLE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "60200" -ville: "COMPIEGNE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 44 23 01 42" #email: "pharmacieparmentier@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "602012692" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2325 +label: "PHARMACIE PATTON" +value: "0000000024-492016290-49000" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1235 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE PATTON" -adresse1: "94 AVENUE DU GENERAL PATTON" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "49000" -ville: "ANGERS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "contact@pharmaciepattonangers.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "492016290" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2326 +label: "PHARMACIE PEYROUX" +value: "0000000024-362002008-36100" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1236 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE PEYROUX" -adresse1: "1 BOULEVARD MARX DORMOY" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "36100" -ville: "ISSOUDUN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 54 21 00 37" #email: "sabinepeyroux@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-ISSOUDUN.COM" #code: "362002008" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2327 +label: "PHARMACIE PHARMABLIS" +value: "0000000024-782713432-78660" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1237 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE PHARMABLIS" -adresse1: "2 PLACE DES FETES" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "78660" -ville: "ABLIS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "01 30 46 00 17" #email: "pharmablis@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "782713432" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2328 +label: "PHARMACIE PHARMAGE" +value: "0000000024-082003450-08200" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1238 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE PHARMAGE" -adresse1: "20 RUE CARNOT" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "08200" -ville: "SEDAN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 24 29 10 44" #email: "marinejeancentre@outlook.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "082003450" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2329 +label: "PHARMACIE PIGNON" +value: "0000000024-132027178-13790" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1239 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE PIGNON" -adresse1: "2 AVENUE MANEOU" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "13790" -ville: "ROUSSET" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 42 29 01 50" #email: "pharmaciepignon@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-PIGNON.COM" #code: "132027178" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2330 +label: "PHARMACIE PIRON" +value: "0000000024-372005660-37380" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1240 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE PIRON" -adresse1: "3 PLACE JB MOREAU" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "37380" -ville: "MONNAIE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 47 56 10 36" #email: "pharmacie.piron37@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-MONNAIE.FR" #code: "372005660" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2331 +label: "PHARMACIE POGET" +value: "0000000024-032002982-03100" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1241 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE POGET" -adresse1: "136 AVENUE DES GUINEBERTS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "03100" -ville: "MONTLUCON" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "470290336" #email: "pharmaciepoget@perso.alliadis.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "032002982" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2332 +label: "PHARMACIE PORTAIL SELARL" +value: "0000000024-762041424-76380" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1242 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE PORTAIL SELARL" -adresse1: "10 RUE ALEXANDRE DUMAS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "76380" -ville: "CANTELEU" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "235363060" #email: "pharmacie-portail@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "762041424" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2333 +label: "PHARMACIE PRIEUR" +value: "0000000024-162005433-16470" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1243 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE PRIEUR" -adresse1: "4T RUE JOSEPH CHAUMETTE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "16470" -ville: "ST MICHEL" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 45 91 46 02" #email: "beatrice.prieur@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-SAINT-MICHEL.NET" #code: "162005433" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2334 +label: "PHARMACIE PRISIAISE" +value: "0000000024-502001985-50190" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1244 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE PRISIAISE" -adresse1: "4 PLACE LECLERC" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "50190" -ville: "PERIERS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 33 76 58 58" #email: "pharmacie.prisiaise@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-PERIERS.COM" #code: "502001985" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2335 +label: "PHARMACIE PRUVOST PARISEL" +value: "0000000024-512005000-51490" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1245 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE PRUVOST PARISEL" -adresse1: "1 RUE JOURNE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "51490" -ville: "PONTFAVERGER MORONVILLIERS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 26 48 72 14" #email: "phparisel@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-PONTFAVERGER.FR" #code: "512005000" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2336 +label: "PHARMACIE REGINA" +value: "0000000024-372005629-37420" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1246 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE REGINA" -adresse1: "1 A, PLACE DE L’EGLISE " -adresse2: null -codepostal: "37420" -ville: "AVOINE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "247584035" #email: "pharmacie.avoine@perso.alliadis.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-AVOINE.COM" #code: "372005629" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2337 +label: "PHARMACIE REGIONALE" +value: "0000000024-212002737-21130" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1247 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE REGIONALE" -adresse1: "43 RUE ANTOINE MASSON" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "21130" -ville: "AUXONNE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 80 37 30 27" #email: "phvernizeau@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "212002737" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2338 +label: "PHARMACIE REPUBLIQUE" +value: "0000000024-422025668-42500" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1248 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE REPUBLIQUE" -adresse1: "3 RUE DE LA REPUBLIQUE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "42500" -ville: "LE CHAMBON FEUGEROLLES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0477610412" #email: "pharmacie.republique42@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "422025668" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2339 +label: "PHARMACIE RICCI" +value: "0000000024-202040226-20200" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1249 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE RICCI" -adresse1: "19 PLACE SAINT NICOLAS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "20200" -ville: "BASTIA" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 95 31 46 19" #email: "pharmaciericci@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "202040226" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2340 +label: "PHARMACIE ROLLIN" +value: "0000000024-352008767-35260" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1250 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE ROLLIN" -adresse1: "2 RUE DU GENERAL LECLERC" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "35260" -ville: "CANCALE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0299896154" #email: "pharmacierollin@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-CANCALE.FR" #code: "352008767" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2341 +label: "PHARMACIE ROUTIER DE LESTANG" +value: "0000000024-802006676-80480" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1251 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE ROUTIER DE LESTANG" -adresse1: "139 RUE JEAN CATELAS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "80480" -ville: "SALEUX" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmacieroutierdelestang@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "802006676" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2342 +label: "PHARMACIE RUCHE - SELARL" +value: "0000000024-502001787-50200" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1252 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE RUCHE - SELARL" -adresse1: "48 AVENUE DE LA REPUBLIQUE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "50200" -ville: "COUTANCES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 33 45 18 76" #email: "ma.lemoigne@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "RUCHE.PHARMACIEREFERENCE.COM" #code: "502001787" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2343 +label: "PHARMACIE RULLIER (RULLIER ERIC)" +value: "0000000024-142003789-14730" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1253 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE RULLIER (RULLIER ERIC)" -adresse1: "34 RUE DE LA LIBERTE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "14730" -ville: "GIBERVILLE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "231723739" #email: "e-rullier@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-GIBERVILLE.FR" #code: "142003789" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2344 +label: "PHARMACIE SAINT ARE" +value: "0000000024-582002739-58300" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1254 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE SAINT ARE" -adresse1: "12 ROUTE DE MOULINS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "58300" -ville: "DECIZE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0386771326" #email: "pharmacie.saintare@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "582002739" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2345 +label: "PHARMACIE SAINT CHRISTOL" +value: "0000000024-342026838-34400" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1255 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE SAINT CHRISTOL" -adresse1: "71 AVENUE BOUTONNET" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "34400" -ville: "ST CHRISTOL" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "467860149" #email: "damien.orazi@yahoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "342026838" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2346 +label: "PHARMACIE SAINT CHRISTOPHE" +value: "0000000024-662003540-66000" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1256 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE SAINT CHRISTOPHE" -adresse1: "21 AVENUE MARECHAL JOFFRE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "66000" -ville: "PERPIGNAN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0468611043" #email: "pharmaciestchristophe@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "662003540" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2347 +label: "PHARMACIE SAINT COME" +value: "0000000024-412004038-41110" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1257 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE SAINT COME" -adresse1: "8 PLACE DU PRESIDENT WILSON" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "41110" -ville: "ST AIGNAN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 54 75 22 64" #email: "phie.sefrioui@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "412004038" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2348 +label: "PHARMACIE SAINT JAUMES" +value: "0000000024-342023678-34000" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1258 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE SAINT JAUMES" -adresse1: "33 RUE DU FAUBOURG SAINT JAUMES" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "34000" -ville: "MONTPELLIER" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "" #email: "phar.stjaumes@perso.alliadis.net?" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "342023678" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2349 +label: "PHARMACIE SAINT JEAN" +value: "0000000024-762002467-76500" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1259 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE SAINT JEAN" -adresse1: "45 47 RUE GUYNEMER" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "76500" -ville: "ELBEUF" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 35 77 09 97" #email: "pharmacie.saintjean-elbeuf@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "762002467" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2350 +label: "PHARMACIE SAINT MARTIN" +value: "0000000024-282003185-28100" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1260 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE SAINT MARTIN" -adresse1: "29 RUE SAINT MARTIN" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "28100" -ville: "DREUX" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0237500059" #email: "stmartin.pharmacie@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-DREUX.COM" #code: "282003185" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2351 +label: "PHARMACIE SAINT MARTIN" +value: "0000000024-182003152-18100" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1261 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE SAINT MARTIN" -adresse1: "39 41 RUE LEO MERIGOT" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "18100" -ville: "VIERZON" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 48 75 37 07" #email: "pharmacie.saint.martin@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-VIERZON.NET" #code: "182003152" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2352 +label: "PHARMACIE SAINT PIERRE" +value: "0000000024-402090690-40100" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1262 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE SAINT PIERRE" -adresse1: "2 AV GEORGES CLEMENCEAU" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "40100" -ville: "DAX" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 58 74 05 88" #email: "pharmacie-saint-pierre@orange.fr " #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "402090690" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2353 +label: "PHARMACIE SAINT PIERRE" +value: "0000000024-352010920-35720" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1263 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE SAINT PIERRE" -adresse1: "58 RUE DE LA LIBERATION" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "35720" -ville: "ST PIERRE DE PLESGUEN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 99 73 90 27" #email: "pharmacie.stpierre@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "352010920" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2354 +label: "PHARMACIE SAINT SAUVEUR" +value: "0000000024-212004659-21800" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1264 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE SAINT SAUVEUR" -adresse1: "6 RUE BUFFON" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "21800" -ville: "CHEVIGNY ST SAUVEUR" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "ph.st.sauveur@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "212004659" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2355 +label: "PHARMACIE SAINT SAUVEUR D AUNIS" +value: "0000000024-172032237-17540" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1265 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE SAINT SAUVEUR D AUNIS" -adresse1: "1 RUE DE SAINTONGE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "17540" -ville: "ST SAUVEUR D AUNIS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0546019810" #email: "pharmacie.saintsauveur@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-SAINT-SAUVEUR-DAUNIS.FR" #code: "172032237" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2356 +label: "PHARMACIE SAINT-JUST" +value: "0000000024-340795418-34400" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1266 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE SAINT-JUST" -adresse1: "29 PLACE DE LA LIBERATION" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "34400" -ville: "SAINT-JUST" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "467832315" #email: "pharmacie-saint-just@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "340795418" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2357 +label: "PHARMACIE SANTE BIEN ETRE" +value: "0000000024-752041103-75018" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1267 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE SANTE BIEN ETRE" -adresse1: "40 RUE DU POTEAU" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "75018" -ville: "PARIS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "01 46 06 50 10" #email: "pharmacie.manaud@free.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "752041103" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2358 +label: "PHARMACIE SIMONIN" +value: "0000000024-602023681-60350" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1268 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE SIMONIN" -adresse1: "7 PLACE DE L HOTEL DE VILLE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "60350" -ville: "PIERREFONDS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 44 42 80 15" #email: "pharmaciedepierrefonds@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "602023681" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2359 +label: "PHARMACIE SYOEN" +value: "0000000024-602013021-60130" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1269 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE SYOEN" -adresse1: "10 GRANDE RUE NOTRE DAME" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "60130" -ville: "BULLES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 44 78 91 48" #email: "pharmacie.syoen@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "602013021" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2360 +label: "PHARMACIE TERRAIL" +value: "0000000024-262003015-26340" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1270 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE TERRAIL" -adresse1: "53 GRANDE RUE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "26340" -ville: "SAILLANS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "04 75 21 52 02" #email: "pharmaciedesaillans@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-SAILLANS.COM" #code: "262003015" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2361 +label: "PHARMACIE THAUMIAUX" +value: "0000000024-232002204-23100" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1271 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE THAUMIAUX" -adresse1: "1 AVENUE JULES TUFFERY" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "23100" -ville: "LA COURTINE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 55 66 76 41" #email: "pharmacie-thaumiau@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIELACOURTINE.COM" #code: "232002204" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2362 +label: "PHARMACIE THEVENOT" +value: "0000000024-892001371-89480" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1272 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE THEVENOT" -adresse1: "11 RUE D AUXERRE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "89480" -ville: "COULANGES SUR YONNE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0386817085" #email: "thevenot.michel@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "892001371" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2363 +label: "PHARMACIE THORIUM" +value: "0000000024-592032429-59870" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1273 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE THORIUM" -adresse1: "9 11 RUE PASTEUR" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "59870" -ville: "MARCHIENNES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 27 90 40 17" #email: "phcie.pasteur@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-MARCHIENNES.COM" #code: "592032429" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2364 +label: "PHARMACIE TRUONG" +value: "0000000024-502001829-50460" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1274 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE TRUONG" -adresse1: "167 RUE SAINT-LAURENT" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "50460" -ville: "LA HAGUE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 33 03 93 07" #email: "truongvivan@yahoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "502001829" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2365 +label: "PHARMACIE VALLEE DU SOR" +value: "0000000024-812004083-81570" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1275 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE VALLEE DU SOR" -adresse1: "67 RUE DU THERON" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "81570" -ville: "SEMALENS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 63 71 70 80" #email: "pharmacievalleedusor@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-SEMALENS.FR" #code: "812004083" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2366 +label: "PHARMACIE VALLET" +value: "0000000024-452009202-45300" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1276 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE VALLET" -adresse1: "2 B ROUTE DE PITHIVIERS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "45300" -ville: "ASCOUX" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 38 33 01 24" #email: "pharmacie.vallet@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-ASCOUX.COM" #code: "452009202" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2367 +label: "PHARMACIE VANDEPUTTE" +value: "0000000024-602011918-60400" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1277 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE VANDEPUTTE" -adresse1: "1 RUE DU GENERAL DE GAULLE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "60400" -ville: "NOYON" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 44 44 00 98" #email: "pharmacie.vandeputte@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-VANDEPUTTE.COM" #code: "602011918" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2368 +label: "PHARMACIE VANYSACKER" +value: "0000000024-802005462-80320" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1278 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE VANYSACKER" -adresse1: "16 B AVENUE ARISTIDE BRIAND" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "80320" -ville: "CHAULNES" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "03 22 85 40 32" #email: "framvany@hotmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-CHAULNES.COM" #code: "802005462" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2369 +label: "PHARMACIE VASSEUR (VASSEUR JUSTINE)" +value: "0000000024-402091284-40140" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1279 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE VASSEUR (VASSEUR JUSTINE)" -adresse1: "34 ROUTE DES LACS" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "40140" -ville: "PISSOS" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "558089001" #email: "lapharmaciedepissos@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "402091284" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2370 +label: "PHARMACIE VERLEY" +value: "0000000024-362002917-36300" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1280 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE VERLEY" -adresse1: "15 PLACE ANDRE GASNIER" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "36300" -ville: "LE BLANC" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "phieverley@perso.alliadis.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "362002917" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2371 +label: "PHARMACIE VIADYS" +value: "0000000024-282002468-28100" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1281 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE VIADYS" -adresse1: "3 B RUE DU LIEVRE D OR" -adresse2: "PLATEAU SUD" -codepostal: "28100" -ville: "DREUX" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0237422197" #email: "pharmacieplateausud@wanadoo.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIEDUPLATEAUSUD.COM" #code: "282002468" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2372 +label: "PHARMACIE VIDEMENT" +value: "0000000024-222006017-22000" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1282 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE VIDEMENT" -adresse1: "7 RUE CHAMPLAIN" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "22000" -ville: "ST BRIEUC" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0296330992" #email: "pharmacie-videment@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "222006017" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2373 +label: "PHARMACIE VIRTUELLE" +value: "0000000024-999999999-93587" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1283 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE VIRTUELLE" -adresse1: "2 RUE GALIEN" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "93587" -ville: "SAINT OUEN" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "j.lepaux-crochet@aquitem.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "999999999" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2374 +label: "PHARMACIE VITTU" +value: "0000000024-622086221-62420" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1284 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE VITTU" -adresse1: "21 25 RUE FLORENT EVRARD" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "62420" -ville: "BILLY MONTIGNY" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmacie.vittu@perso.alliadis.net" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "622086221" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2375 +label: "PHARMACIE ZENITH" +value: "0000000024-632012035-63800" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1285 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACIE ZENITH" -adresse1: "21 RUE DES SARLIEVE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "63800" -ville: "COURNON D AUVERGNE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "473698456" #email: "cg.pharma@orange.fr" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "632012035" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2376 +label: "PHARMACONFIANCE DU MARCHE" +value: "0000000024-242007342-24100" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1286 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMACONFIANCE DU MARCHE" -adresse1: "9 11 RUE SAINTE CATHERINE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "24100" -ville: "BERGERAC" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "05 53 57 04 13" #email: "ph.saintecatherine@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "242007342" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2377 +label: "PHARMAICE DU CENTRE" +value: "0000000024-372006429-37500" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1287 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHARMAICE DU CENTRE" -adresse1: "16 PLACE DU GENERAL DE GAULLE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "37500" -ville: "CHINON" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 47 93 02 14" #email: "pharmaciedechinon@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "372006429" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2378 +label: "PHIE CENTRALE DE L'UNION" +value: "0000000024-312009392-31240" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1288 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHIE CENTRALE DE L'UNION" -adresse1: "59 AVENUE DE TOULOUSE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "31240" -ville: "L UNION" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "0561743250" #email: "pharmaciecentrale31240@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "312009392" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2379 +label: "PHIE CENTRE COMMERCIAL COTENTIN" +value: "0000000024-502002207-50470" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1289 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "PHIE CENTRE COMMERCIAL COTENTIN" -adresse1: "RUE PIERRE ET MARIE CURIE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "50470" -ville: "LA GLACERIE" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: null #email: "pharmaciecccotentin@gmail.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: null #code: "502002207" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2380 +label: "SELARL PHARMACIE HOURMAN" +value: "0000000024-292016573-29600" +data: App\Entity\Magasin {#1290 -id: null -site: null -libelle: "SELARL PHARMACIE HOURMAN" -adresse1: "1 BELLEVUE DE LA MADELEINE" -adresse2: null -codepostal: "29600" -ville: "MORLAIX" -clientsTotal: null -clientsCreation: null #telephone: "02 98 88 46 77" #email: "phiedelamadelaine29600@offisecure.com" #site: "0000000024" #siteWebMag: "PHARMACIE-MORLAIX.COM" #code: "292016573" #longitude: null #latitude: null } +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } ] |
compound | false |
data | null |
disabled | false |
dontNeed2Points | false |
dontNeedAsterisque | false |
errors | Symfony\Component\Form\FormErrorIterator {#2001 -form: Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#1738 …} -errors: [] } |
expanded | false |
form | Symfony\Component\Form\FormView {#2002 …5} |
full_name | "client[magasin]" |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
id | "client_magasin" |
is_selected | Closure($choice, $value) {#2382 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\ChoiceType" this: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\ChoiceType {#1506 …} } |
label | "client.magasin" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
method | "POST" |
multipart | false |
multiple | false |
name | "magasin" |
placeholder | "global.selectYourAnswer" |
placeholder_in_choices | false |
preferred_choices | [] |
priority | 0 |
required | true |
row_attr | [] |
separator | "-------------------" |
size | null |
submitted | false |
translation_domain | null |
unique_block_prefix | "_client_magasin" |
valid | true |
value | "" |
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | null |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Submitted Data
This form was not submitted.
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
label | "client.cgv" |
same as passed value |
required | true |
same as passed value |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | false |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#1417 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#1418 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#1419 …} -namespace: Closure() {#1421 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
dontNeed2Points | false |
dontNeedAsterisque | false |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form, $viewData) {#1567 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\CheckboxType" this: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\CheckboxType {#1563 …} } |
error_bubbling | false |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
false_values | [
] |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "This value is not valid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | Closure($modelData): bool {#1569 returnType: "bool" class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\CheckboxType" } |
label | "client.cgv" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
legacy_error_messages | true |
mapped | true |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | true |
row_attr | [] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#1573 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" this: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension {#1423 …} use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#209 …} $translationDomain: "validators" $message: Closure() {#1571 …} } } |
validation_groups | null |
value | "1" |
View Variables
Variable | Value |
action | "" |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
block_prefixes | [ "form" "checkbox" "_client_cgv" ] |
cache_key | "_client_cgv_checkbox" |
checked | false |
compound | false |
data | null |
disabled | false |
dontNeed2Points | false |
dontNeedAsterisque | false |
errors | Symfony\Component\Form\FormErrorIterator {#2381 -form: Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#1741 …} -errors: [] } |
form | Symfony\Component\Form\FormView {#2383 …5} |
full_name | "client[cgv]" |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
id | "client_cgv" |
label | "client.cgv" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
method | "POST" |
multipart | false |
name | "cgv" |
priority | 0 |
required | true |
row_attr | [] |
size | null |
submitted | false |
translation_domain | null |
unique_block_prefix | "_client_cgv" |
valid | true |
value | "1" |
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | null |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Submitted Data
This form was not submitted.
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
label | "client.envoiSMSMail" |
same as passed value |
required | false |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | false |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#1417 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#1418 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#1419 …} -namespace: Closure() {#1421 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
dontNeed2Points | false |
dontNeedAsterisque | false |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form, $viewData) {#1567 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\CheckboxType" this: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\CheckboxType {#1563 …} } |
error_bubbling | false |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
false_values | [
] |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "This value is not valid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | Closure($modelData): bool {#1569 returnType: "bool" class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\CheckboxType" } |
label | "client.envoiSMSMail" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
legacy_error_messages | true |
mapped | true |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | false |
row_attr | [] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#1581 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" this: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension {#1423 …} use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#209 …} $translationDomain: "validators" $message: Closure() {#1580 …} } } |
validation_groups | null |
value | "1" |
View Variables
Variable | Value |
action | "" |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
block_prefixes | [ "form" "checkbox" "_client_envoieSmsInterne" ] |
cache_key | "_client_envoieSmsInterne_checkbox" |
checked | false |
compound | false |
data | null |
disabled | false |
dontNeed2Points | false |
dontNeedAsterisque | false |
errors | Symfony\Component\Form\FormErrorIterator {#2384 -form: Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#1744 …} -errors: [] } |
form | Symfony\Component\Form\FormView {#2385 …5} |
full_name | "client[envoieSmsInterne]" |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
id | "client_envoieSmsInterne" |
label | "client.envoiSMSMail" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
method | "POST" |
multipart | false |
name | "envoieSmsInterne" |
priority | 0 |
required | false |
row_attr | [] |
size | null |
submitted | false |
translation_domain | null |
unique_block_prefix | "_client_envoieSmsInterne" |
valid | true |
value | "1" |
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | null |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Submitted Data
This form was not submitted.
Passed Options
No options were passed when constructing this form.
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | false |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
disabled | false |
label | null |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
priority | 0 |
row_attr | [] |
translation_domain | null |
validate | true |
validation_groups | null |
View Variables
Variable | Value |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
block_prefixes | [ "button" "submit" "_client_submit" ] |
cache_key | "_client_submit_submit" |
clicked | false |
disabled | false |
form | Symfony\Component\Form\FormView {#2387 …5} |
full_name | "client[submit]" |
id | "client_submit" |
label | "client.submit" |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
multipart | false |
name | "submit" |
priority | 0 |
row_attr | [] |
translation_domain | null |
unique_block_prefix | "_client_submit" |
value | null |
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | null |
View Format |
"" |
Submitted Data
This form was not submitted.
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
attr | [ "maxlength" => 20 ] |
[ "maxlength" => 20 ] |
label | "client.adresseNumero" |
same as passed value |
required | false |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [ "maxlength" => 20 ] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | false |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#1417 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#1418 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#1419 …} -namespace: Closure() {#1421 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
dontNeed2Points | false |
dontNeedAsterisque | false |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form) {#1600 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" this: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType {#1302 …} } |
error_bubbling | false |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "This value is not valid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | "client.adresseNumero" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
legacy_error_messages | true |
mapped | true |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | false |
row_attr | [] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#1602 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" this: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension {#1423 …} use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#209 …} $translationDomain: "validators" $message: Closure() {#1601 …} } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Variables
Variable | Value |
action | "" |
attr | [ "maxlength" => 20 ] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
block_prefixes | [ "form" "text" "_client_numero" ] |
cache_key | "_client_numero_text" |
compound | false |
data | null |
disabled | false |
dontNeed2Points | false |
dontNeedAsterisque | false |
errors | Symfony\Component\Form\FormErrorIterator {#2388 -form: Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#1749 …} -errors: [] } |
form | Symfony\Component\Form\FormView {#2386 …5} |
full_name | "client[numero]" |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
id | "client_numero" |
label | "client.adresseNumero" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
method | "POST" |
multipart | false |
name | "numero" |
priority | 0 |
required | false |
row_attr | [] |
size | null |
submitted | false |
translation_domain | null |
unique_block_prefix | "_client_numero" |
valid | true |
value | "" |
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | null |
View Format |
"" |
Submitted Data
This form was not submitted.
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
attr | [ "maxlength" => 40 ] |
[ "maxlength" => 40 ] |
label | "client.ville" |
same as passed value |
required | true |
same as passed value |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [ "maxlength" => 40 ] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | false |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#1417 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#1418 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#1419 …} -namespace: Closure() {#1421 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
dontNeed2Points | false |
dontNeedAsterisque | false |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form) {#1609 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" this: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType {#1302 …} } |
error_bubbling | false |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "This value is not valid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | "client.ville" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
legacy_error_messages | true |
mapped | true |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | true |
row_attr | [] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#1611 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" this: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension {#1423 …} use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#209 …} $translationDomain: "validators" $message: Closure() {#1610 …} } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Variables
Variable | Value |
action | "" |
attr | [ "maxlength" => 40 ] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
block_prefixes | [ "form" "text" "_client_ville" ] |
cache_key | "_client_ville_text" |
compound | false |
data | null |
disabled | false |
dontNeed2Points | false |
dontNeedAsterisque | false |
errors | Symfony\Component\Form\FormErrorIterator {#2389 -form: Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#1752 …} -errors: [] } |
form | Symfony\Component\Form\FormView {#2390 …5} |
full_name | "client[ville]" |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
id | "client_ville" |
label | "client.ville" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
method | "POST" |
multipart | false |
name | "ville" |
priority | 0 |
required | true |
row_attr | [] |
size | null |
submitted | false |
translation_domain | null |
unique_block_prefix | "_client_ville" |
valid | true |
value | "" |
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | "FRA" |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Submitted Data
This form was not submitted.
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
attr | [ "class" => "codepays" ] |
[ "class" => "codepays" ] |
choice_translation_domain | false |
label | "client.pays" |
same as passed value |
placeholder | "-" |
same as passed value |
required | true |
same as passed value |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [ "class" => "codepays" ] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
choice_attr | null |
choice_filter | null |
choice_label | null |
choice_loader | null |
choice_name | null |
choice_translation_domain | false |
choice_translation_parameters | [] |
choice_value | null |
compound | false |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#1417 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#1418 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#1419 …} -namespace: Closure() {#1421 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
dontNeed2Points | false |
dontNeedAsterisque | false |
empty_data | "" |
error_bubbling | false |
error_mapping | [] |
expanded | false |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
group_by | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "This value is not valid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | "client.pays" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
legacy_error_messages | true |
mapped | true |
method | "POST" |
multiple | false |
placeholder | "-" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
preferred_choices | [] |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | true |
row_attr | [] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | null |
trim | false |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#1619 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" this: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension {#1423 …} use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#209 …} $translationDomain: "validators" $message: Closure() {#1618 …} } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Variables
Variable | Value |
action | "" |
attr | [ "class" => "codepays" ] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
block_prefixes | [ "form" "choice" "_client_codePaysClient" ] |
cache_key | "_client_codePaysClient_choice" |
choice_translation_domain | false |
choice_translation_parameters | [] |
choices | [ Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2393 +label: "ALAND" +value: "ALA" +data: "ALA" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2394 +label: "GUERNESEY" +value: "GGY" +data: "GGY" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2395 +label: "MAN ILES" +value: "IMN" +data: "IMN" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2396 +label: "JERSEY" +value: "JEY" +data: "JEY" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2397 +label: "MONTENEGRO" +value: "MNE" +data: "MNE" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2398 +label: "SAINT-BARTHELEMY" +value: "BLM" +data: "BLM" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2399 +label: "SAINT-MARTIN" +value: "MAF" +data: "MAF" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2400 +label: "SERBIE" +value: "SRB" +data: "SRB" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2401 +label: "TIMOR ORIENTAL" +value: "TLS" +data: "TLS" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2402 +label: "AFGHANISTAN" +value: "AFG" +data: "AFG" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2403 +label: "AFRIQUE DU SUD" +value: "ZAF" +data: "ZAF" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2404 +label: "ALBANIE" +value: "ALB" +data: "ALB" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2405 +label: "ALGERIE" +value: "DZA" +data: "DZA" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2406 +label: "ALLEMAGNE" +value: "DEU" +data: "DEU" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2407 +label: "ANDORRE" +value: "AND" +data: "AND" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2408 +label: "ANGOLA" +value: "AGO" +data: "AGO" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2409 +label: "ANGUILLA" +value: "AIA" +data: "AIA" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2410 +label: "ANTARCTIQUE" +value: "ATA" +data: "ATA" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2411 +label: "ANTIGUA-ET-BARBUDA" +value: "ATG" +data: "ATG" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2412 +label: "ANTILLES NEERLANDAISES" +value: "ANT" +data: "ANT" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2413 +label: "ARABIE SAOUDITE" +value: "SAU" +data: "SAU" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2414 +label: "ARGENTINE" +value: "ARG" +data: "ARG" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2415 +label: "ARMENIE" +value: "ARM" +data: "ARM" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2416 +label: "ARUBA" +value: "ABW" +data: "ABW" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2417 +label: "AUSTRALIE" +value: "AUS" +data: "AUS" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2418 +label: "AUTRICHE" +value: "AUT" +data: "AUT" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2419 +label: "AZERBAIDJAN" +value: "AZE" +data: "AZE" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2420 +label: "BAHAMAS" +value: "BHS" +data: "BHS" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2421 +label: "BAHREIN" +value: "BHR" +data: "BHR" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2422 +label: "BANGLADESH" +value: "BGD" +data: "BGD" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2423 +label: "BARBADE" +value: "BRB" +data: "BRB" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2424 +label: "BIELORUSSIE" +value: "BLR" +data: "BLR" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2425 +label: "BELGIQUE" +value: "BEL" +data: "BEL" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2426 +label: "BELIZE" +value: "BLZ" +data: "BLZ" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2427 +label: "BENIN" +value: "BEN" +data: "BEN" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2428 +label: "BERMUDES" +value: "BMU" +data: "BMU" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2429 +label: "BHOUTAN" +value: "BTN" +data: "BTN" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2430 +label: "BOLIVIE" +value: "BOL" +data: "BOL" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2431 +label: "BOSNIE-HERZEGOVINE" +value: "BIH" +data: "BIH" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2432 +label: "BOTSWANA" +value: "BWA" +data: "BWA" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2433 +label: "BOUVET ILE" +value: "BVT" +data: "BVT" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2434 +label: "BRESIL" +value: "BRA" +data: "BRA" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2435 +label: "BRUNEI DARUSSALAM" +value: "BRN" +data: "BRN" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2436 +label: "BULGARIE" +value: "BGR" +data: "BGR" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2437 +label: "BURKINA FASO" +value: "BFA" +data: "BFA" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2438 +label: "BURUNDI" +value: "BDI" +data: "BDI" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2439 +label: "CAIMANES ILE" +value: "CYM" +data: "CYM" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2440 +label: "CAMBODGE" +value: "KHM" +data: "KHM" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2441 +label: "CAMEROUN" +value: "CMR" +data: "CMR" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2442 +label: "CANADA" +value: "CAN" +data: "CAN" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2443 +label: "CAP-VERT" +value: "CPV" +data: "CPV" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2444 +label: "CENTRAFRICAINE REPUBLIQUE" +value: "CAF" +data: "CAF" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2445 +label: "CHILI" +value: "CHL" +data: "CHL" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2446 +label: "CHINE" +value: "CHN" +data: "CHN" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2447 +label: "CHRISTMAS ILE" +value: "CXR" +data: "CXR" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2448 +label: "CHYPRE" +value: "CYP" +data: "CYP" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2449 +label: "COCOS (KEELING) ILES" +value: "CCK" +data: "CCK" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2450 +label: "COLOMBIE" +value: "COL" +data: "COL" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2451 +label: "COMORES" +value: "COM" +data: "COM" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2452 +label: "CONGO" +value: "COG" +data: "COG" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2453 +label: "CONGO LA REPUBLIQUE DEMOCRATIQUE DU" +value: "COD" +data: "COD" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2454 +label: "COOK ILES" +value: "COK" +data: "COK" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2455 +label: "COREE SUD REPUBLIQUE DE" +value: "KOR" +data: "KOR" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2456 +label: "COREE DU NORD" +value: "PRK" +data: "PRK" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2457 +label: "COSTA RICA" +value: "CRI" +data: "CRI" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2458 +label: "COTE D'IVOIRE" +value: "CIV" +data: "CIV" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2459 +label: "CROATIE" +value: "HRV" +data: "HRV" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2460 +label: "CUBA" +value: "CUB" +data: "CUB" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2461 +label: "DANEMARK" +value: "DNK" +data: "DNK" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2462 +label: "DJIBOUTI" +value: "DJI" +data: "DJI" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2463 +label: "DOMINICAINE REPUBLIQUE" +value: "DOM" +data: "DOM" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2464 +label: "DOMINIQUE" +value: "DMA" +data: "DMA" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2465 +label: "EGYPTE" +value: "EGY" +data: "EGY" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2466 +label: "EL SALVADOR" +value: "SLV" +data: "SLV" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2467 +label: "EMIRATS ARABES UNIS" +value: "ARE" +data: "ARE" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2468 +label: "EQUATEUR" +value: "ECU" +data: "ECU" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2469 +label: "ERYTHREE" +value: "ERI" +data: "ERI" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2470 +label: "ESPAGNE" +value: "ESP" +data: "ESP" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2471 +label: "ESTONIE" +value: "EST" +data: "EST" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2472 +label: "ETATS UNIS" +value: "USA" +data: "USA" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2473 +label: "ETHIOPIE" +value: "ETH" +data: "ETH" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2474 +label: "FALKLAND ILES (MALVINAS)" +value: "FLK" +data: "FLK" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2475 +label: "FEROE ILES" +value: "FRO" +data: "FRO" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2476 +label: "FIDJI" +value: "FJI" +data: "FJI" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2477 +label: "FINLANDE" +value: "FIN" +data: "FIN" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2478 +label: "FRANCE" +value: "FRA" +data: "FRA" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2479 +label: "GABON" +value: "GAB" +data: "GAB" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2480 +label: "GAMBIE" +value: "GMB" +data: "GMB" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2481 +label: "GEORGIE" +value: "GEO" +data: "GEO" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2482 +label: "GEORGIE DU SUD ET LES ILES SANDWICH DU SUD" +value: "SGS" +data: "SGS" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2483 +label: "GHANA" +value: "GHA" +data: "GHA" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2484 +label: "GIBRALTAR" +value: "GIB" +data: "GIB" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2485 +label: "GRECE" +value: "GRC" +data: "GRC" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2486 +label: "GRENADE" +value: "GRD" +data: "GRD" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2487 +label: "GROENLAND" +value: "GRL" +data: "GRL" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2488 +label: "GUADELOUPE" +value: "GLP" +data: "GLP" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2489 +label: "GUAM" +value: "GUM" +data: "GUM" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2490 +label: "GUATEMALA" +value: "GTM" +data: "GTM" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2491 +label: "GUINEE" +value: "GIN" +data: "GIN" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2492 +label: "GUINEE-BISSAU" +value: "GNB" +data: "GNB" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2493 +label: "GUINEE EQUATORIALE" +value: "GNQ" +data: "GNQ" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2494 +label: "GUYANA" +value: "GUY" +data: "GUY" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2495 +label: "GUYANE FRANCAISE" +value: "GUF" +data: "GUF" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2496 +label: "HAITI" +value: "HTI" +data: "HTI" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2497 +label: "HEARD ILE ET MCDONALD ILES" +value: "HMD" +data: "HMD" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2498 +label: "HONDURAS" +value: "HND" +data: "HND" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2499 +label: "HONG-KONG" +value: "HKG" +data: "HKG" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2500 +label: "HONGRIE" +value: "HUN" +data: "HUN" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2501 +label: "ILES MINEURES ELOIGNEES DES ETATS-UNIS" +value: "UMI" +data: "UMI" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2502 +label: "ILES VIERGES BRITANNIQUES" +value: "VGB" +data: "VGB" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2503 +label: "ILES VIERGES DES ETATS-UNIS" +value: "VIR" +data: "VIR" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2504 +label: "INDE" +value: "IND" +data: "IND" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2505 +label: "INDONESIE" +value: "IDN" +data: "IDN" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2506 +label: "IRAN" +value: "IRN" +data: "IRN" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2507 +label: "IRAK" +value: "IRQ" +data: "IRQ" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2508 +label: "IRLANDE" +value: "IRL" +data: "IRL" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2509 +label: "ISLANDE" +value: "ISL" +data: "ISL" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2510 +label: "ISRAEL" +value: "ISR" +data: "ISR" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2511 +label: "ITALIE" +value: "ITA" +data: "ITA" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2512 +label: "JAMAIQUE" +value: "JAM" +data: "JAM" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2513 +label: "JAPON" +value: "JPN" +data: "JPN" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2514 +label: "JORDANIE" +value: "JOR" +data: "JOR" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2515 +label: "KAZAKSTAN" +value: "KAZ" +data: "KAZ" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2516 +label: "KENYA" +value: "KEN" +data: "KEN" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2517 +label: "KIRIBATI" +value: "KIR" +data: "KIR" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2518 +label: "KIRGHIZISTAN" +value: "KGZ" +data: "KGZ" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2519 +label: "KOWEIT" +value: "KWT" +data: "KWT" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2520 +label: "LAOS" +value: "LAO" +data: "LAO" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2521 +label: "LESOTHO" +value: "LSO" +data: "LSO" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2522 +label: "LETTONIE" +value: "LVA" +data: "LVA" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2523 +label: "LIBAN" +value: "LBN" +data: "LBN" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2524 +label: "LIBERIA" +value: "LBR" +data: "LBR" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2525 +label: "LIBYE" +value: "LBY" +data: "LBY" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2526 +label: "LIECHTENSTEIN" +value: "LIE" +data: "LIE" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2527 +label: "LITUANIE" +value: "LTU" +data: "LTU" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2528 +label: "LUXEMBOURG" +value: "LUX" +data: "LUX" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2529 +label: "MACAO" +value: "MAC" +data: "MAC" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2530 +label: "MACEDOINE" +value: "MKD" +data: "MKD" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2531 +label: "MADAGASCAR" +value: "MDG" +data: "MDG" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2532 +label: "MALAISIE" +value: "MYS" +data: "MYS" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2533 +label: "MALAWI" +value: "MWI" +data: "MWI" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2534 +label: "MALDIVES" +value: "MDV" +data: "MDV" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2535 +label: "MALI" +value: "MLI" +data: "MLI" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2536 +label: "MALTE" +value: "MLT" +data: "MLT" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2537 +label: "MARIANNES DU NORD ILES" +value: "MNP" +data: "MNP" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2538 +label: "MAROC" +value: "MAR" +data: "MAR" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2539 +label: "MARSHALL (PAYS)" +value: "MHL" +data: "MHL" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2540 +label: "MARTINIQUE" +value: "MTQ" +data: "MTQ" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2541 +label: "MAURICE" +value: "MUS" +data: "MUS" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2542 +label: "MAURITANIE" +value: "MRT" +data: "MRT" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2543 +label: "MAYOTTE" +value: "MYT" +data: "MYT" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2544 +label: "MEXIQUE" +value: "MEX" +data: "MEX" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2545 +label: "MICRONESIE ETATS FEDERES DE" +value: "FSM" +data: "FSM" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2546 +label: "MOLDOVA REPUBLIQUE DE" +value: "MDA" +data: "MDA" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2547 +label: "MONACO" +value: "MCO" +data: "MCO" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2548 +label: "MONGOLIE" +value: "MNG" +data: "MNG" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2549 +label: "MONTSERRAT" +value: "MSR" +data: "MSR" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2550 +label: "MOZAMBIQUE" +value: "MOZ" +data: "MOZ" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2551 +label: "BIRMANIE" +value: "MMR" +data: "MMR" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2552 +label: "NAMIBIE" +value: "NAM" +data: "NAM" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2553 +label: "NAURU" +value: "NRU" +data: "NRU" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2554 +label: "NEPAL" +value: "NPL" +data: "NPL" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2555 +label: "NICARAGUA" +value: "NIC" +data: "NIC" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2556 +label: "NIGER" +value: "NER" +data: "NER" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2557 +label: "NIGERIA" +value: "NGA" +data: "NGA" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2558 +label: "NIOUE" +value: "NIU" +data: "NIU" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2559 +label: "NORFOLK ILE" +value: "NFK" +data: "NFK" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2560 +label: "NORVEGE" +value: "NOR" +data: "NOR" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2561 +label: "NOUVELLE-CALEDONIE" +value: "NCL" +data: "NCL" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2562 +label: "NOUVELLE-ZELANDE" +value: "NZL" +data: "NZL" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2563 +label: "OCEAN INDIEN TERRITOIRE BRITANNIQUE DE L" +value: "IOT" +data: "IOT" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2564 +label: "OMAN" +value: "OMN" +data: "OMN" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2565 +label: "OUGANDA" +value: "UGA" +data: "UGA" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2566 +label: "OUZBEKISTAN" +value: "UZB" +data: "UZB" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2567 +label: "PAKISTAN" +value: "PAK" +data: "PAK" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2568 +label: "PALAOS" +value: "PLW" +data: "PLW" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2569 +label: "PALESTINE" +value: "PSE" +data: "PSE" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2570 +label: "PANAMA" +value: "PAN" +data: "PAN" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2571 +label: "PAPOUASIE-NOUVELLE-GUINEE" +value: "PNG" +data: "PNG" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2572 +label: "PARAGUAY" +value: "PRY" +data: "PRY" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2573 +label: "PAYS-BAS" +value: "NLD" +data: "NLD" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2574 +label: "PEROU" +value: "PER" +data: "PER" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2575 +label: "PHILIPPINES" +value: "PHL" +data: "PHL" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2576 +label: "PITCAIRN" +value: "PCN" +data: "PCN" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2577 +label: "POLOGNE" +value: "POL" +data: "POL" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2578 +label: "POLYNESIE FRANCAISE" +value: "PYF" +data: "PYF" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2579 +label: "PORTO RICO" +value: "PRI" +data: "PRI" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2580 +label: "PORTUGAL" +value: "PRT" +data: "PRT" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2581 +label: "QATAR" +value: "QAT" +data: "QAT" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2582 +label: "REUNION" +value: "REU" +data: "REU" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2583 +label: "ROUMANIE" +value: "ROM" +data: "ROM" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2584 +label: "ROYAUME-UNI" +value: "GBR" +data: "GBR" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2585 +label: "RUSSIE FEDERATION DE" +value: "RUS" +data: "RUS" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2586 +label: "RWANDA" +value: "RWA" +data: "RWA" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2587 +label: "SAHARA OCCIDENTALE" +value: "ESH" +data: "ESH" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2588 +label: "SAINTE-HELENE" +value: "SHN" +data: "SHN" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2589 +label: "SAINTE-LUCIE" +value: "LCA" +data: "LCA" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2590 +label: "SAINT-KITTS-ET-NEVIS" +value: "KNA" +data: "KNA" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2591 +label: "SAINT-MARIN" +value: "SMR" +data: "SMR" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2592 +label: "SAINT-PIERRE-ET-MIQUELON" +value: "SPM" +data: "SPM" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2593 +label: "SAINT-SIEGE (ETAT DE LA CITE DU VATICAN)" +value: "VAT" +data: "VAT" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2594 +label: "SAINT-VINCENT-ET-LES GRENADINES" +value: "VCT" +data: "VCT" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2595 +label: "SALOMON ILES" +value: "SLB" +data: "SLB" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2596 +label: "SAMOA" +value: "WSM" +data: "WSM" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2597 +label: "SAMOA AMERICAINES" +value: "ASM" +data: "ASM" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2598 +label: "SAO TOME-ET-PRINCIPE" +value: "STP" +data: "STP" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2599 +label: "SENEGAL" +value: "SEN" +data: "SEN" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2600 +label: "SEYCHELLES" +value: "SYC" +data: "SYC" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2601 +label: "SIERRA LEONE" +value: "SLE" +data: "SLE" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2602 +label: "SINGAPOUR" +value: "SGP" +data: "SGP" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2603 +label: "SLOVAQUIE" +value: "SVK" +data: "SVK" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2604 +label: "SLOVENIE" +value: "SVN" +data: "SVN" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2605 +label: "SOMALIE" +value: "SOM" +data: "SOM" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2606 +label: "SOUDAN" +value: "SDN" +data: "SDN" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2607 +label: "SRI LANKA" +value: "LKA" +data: "LKA" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2608 +label: "SUEDE" +value: "SWE" +data: "SWE" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2609 +label: "SUISSE" +value: "CHE" +data: "CHE" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2610 +label: "SURINAME" +value: "SUR" +data: "SUR" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2611 +label: "SVALBARD ET ILE JAN MAYEN" +value: "SJM" +data: "SJM" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2612 +label: "SWAZILAND" +value: "SWZ" +data: "SWZ" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2613 +label: "SYRIENNE REPUBLIQUE ARABE" +value: "SYR" +data: "SYR" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2614 +label: "TADJIKISTAN" +value: "TJK" +data: "TJK" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2615 +label: "TAIWAN PROVINCE DE CHINE" +value: "TWN" +data: "TWN" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2616 +label: "TANZANIE REPUBLIQUE-UNIE DE" +value: "TZA" +data: "TZA" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2617 +label: "TCHAD" +value: "TCD" +data: "TCD" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2618 +label: "TCHEQUE REPUBLIQUE" +value: "CZE" +data: "CZE" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2619 +label: "TERRES AUSTRALES FRANCAISES" +value: "ATF" +data: "ATF" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2620 +label: "THAILANDE" +value: "THA" +data: "THA" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2621 +label: "TOGO" +value: "TGO" +data: "TGO" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2622 +label: "TOKELAU" +value: "TKL" +data: "TKL" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2623 +label: "TONGA" +value: "TON" +data: "TON" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2624 +label: "TRINITE-ET-TOBAGO" +value: "TTO" +data: "TTO" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2625 +label: "TUNISIE" +value: "TUN" +data: "TUN" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2626 +label: "TURKMENISTAN" +value: "TKM" +data: "TKM" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2627 +label: "TURKS AND CAIQUES ILES" +value: "TCA" +data: "TCA" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2628 +label: "TURQUIE" +value: "TUR" +data: "TUR" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2629 +label: "TUVALU" +value: "TUV" +data: "TUV" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2630 +label: "UKRAINE" +value: "UKR" +data: "UKR" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2631 +label: "URUGUAY" +value: "URY" +data: "URY" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2632 +label: "VANUATU" +value: "VUT" +data: "VUT" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2633 +label: "VENEZUELA" +value: "VEN" +data: "VEN" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2634 +label: "VIET NAM" +value: "VNM" +data: "VNM" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2635 +label: "WALLIS ET FUTUNA" +value: "WLF" +data: "WLF" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2636 +label: "YEMEN" +value: "YEM" +data: "YEM" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2637 +label: "ZAMBIE" +value: "ZMB" +data: "ZMB" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\View\ChoiceView {#2638 +label: "ZIMBABWE" +value: "ZWE" +data: "ZWE" +attr: [] +labelTranslationParameters: [] } ] |
compound | false |
data | "FRA" |
disabled | false |
dontNeed2Points | false |
dontNeedAsterisque | false |
errors | Symfony\Component\Form\FormErrorIterator {#2391 -form: Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#1755 …} -errors: [] } |
expanded | false |
form | Symfony\Component\Form\FormView {#2392 …5} |
full_name | "client[codePaysClient]" |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
id | "client_codePaysClient" |
is_selected | Closure($choice, $value) {#2640 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\ChoiceType" this: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\ChoiceType {#1506 …} } |
label | "client.pays" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
method | "POST" |
multipart | false |
multiple | false |
name | "codePaysClient" |
placeholder | "-" |
placeholder_in_choices | false |
preferred_choices | [] |
priority | 0 |
required | true |
row_attr | [] |
separator | "-------------------" |
size | null |
submitted | false |
translation_domain | null |
unique_block_prefix | "_client_codePaysClient" |
valid | true |
value | "FRA" |
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | null |
View Format |
"" |
Submitted Data
This form was not submitted.
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
attr | [ "maxlength" => 40 ] |
[ "maxlength" => 40 ] |
label | "client.voie" |
same as passed value |
required | false |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [ "maxlength" => 40 ] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | false |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#1417 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#1418 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#1419 …} -namespace: Closure() {#1421 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
dontNeed2Points | false |
dontNeedAsterisque | false |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form) {#1629 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" this: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType {#1302 …} } |
error_bubbling | false |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "This value is not valid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | "client.voie" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
legacy_error_messages | true |
mapped | true |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | false |
row_attr | [] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#1631 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" this: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension {#1423 …} use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#209 …} $translationDomain: "validators" $message: Closure() {#1630 …} } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Variables
Variable | Value |
action | "" |
attr | [ "maxlength" => 40 ] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
block_prefixes | [ "form" "text" "_client_voie" ] |
cache_key | "_client_voie_text" |
compound | false |
data | null |
disabled | false |
dontNeed2Points | false |
dontNeedAsterisque | false |
errors | Symfony\Component\Form\FormErrorIterator {#2641 -form: Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#1758 …} -errors: [] } |
form | Symfony\Component\Form\FormView {#2642 …5} |
full_name | "client[voie]" |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
id | "client_voie" |
label | "client.voie" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
method | "POST" |
multipart | false |
name | "voie" |
priority | 0 |
required | false |
row_attr | [] |
size | null |
submitted | false |
translation_domain | null |
unique_block_prefix | "_client_voie" |
valid | true |
value | "" |
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | null |
View Format |
"" |
Submitted Data
This form was not submitted.
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
attr | [ "class" => "codepostal" "maxlength" => 5 ] |
[ "class" => "codepostal" "maxlength" => 5 ] |
label | "client.codepostal" |
same as passed value |
required | true |
same as passed value |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [ "class" => "codepostal" "maxlength" => 5 ] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | false |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#1417 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#1418 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#1419 …} -namespace: Closure() {#1421 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
dontNeed2Points | false |
dontNeedAsterisque | false |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form) {#1638 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" this: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType {#1302 …} } |
error_bubbling | false |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "This value is not valid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | "client.codepostal" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
legacy_error_messages | true |
mapped | true |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | true |
row_attr | [] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#1640 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" this: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension {#1423 …} use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#209 …} $translationDomain: "validators" $message: Closure() {#1639 …} } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Variables
Variable | Value |
action | "" |
attr | [ "class" => "codepostal" "maxlength" => 5 ] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
block_prefixes | [ "form" "text" "_client_codepostal" ] |
cache_key | "_client_codepostal_text" |
compound | false |
data | null |
disabled | false |
dontNeed2Points | false |
dontNeedAsterisque | false |
errors | Symfony\Component\Form\FormErrorIterator {#2643 -form: Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#1761 …} -errors: [] } |
form | Symfony\Component\Form\FormView {#2644 …5} |
full_name | "client[codepostal]" |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
id | "client_codepostal" |
label | "client.codepostal" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
method | "POST" |
multipart | false |
name | "codepostal" |
priority | 0 |
required | true |
row_attr | [] |
size | null |
submitted | false |
translation_domain | null |
unique_block_prefix | "_client_codepostal" |
valid | true |
value | "" |
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | "c4f7eeeb721dfe90dc.8QqMZyoAfGBAuLEWqC0F0oEcrAi8ENkTd_BZTiRnRiA.nW-6Lxg5SCct_P58_E5TpuRe4FzbfI4-H6csCXcCBUbEbtQEbmwrFCbw_A" |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Submitted Data
This form was not submitted.
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
block_prefix | "csrf_token" |
same as passed value |
data | "c4f7eeeb721dfe90dc.8QqMZyoAfGBAuLEWqC0F0oEcrAi8ENkTd_BZTiRnRiA.nW-6Lxg5SCct_P58_E5TpuRe4FzbfI4-H6csCXcCBUbEbtQEbmwrFCbw_A" |
same as passed value |
mapped | false |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | "csrf_token" |
by_reference | true |
compound | false |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#1417 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#1418 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#1419 …} -namespace: Closure() {#1421 …} } |
data | "c4f7eeeb721dfe90dc.8QqMZyoAfGBAuLEWqC0F0oEcrAi8ENkTd_BZTiRnRiA.nW-6Lxg5SCct_P58_E5TpuRe4FzbfI4-H6csCXcCBUbEbtQEbmwrFCbw_A" |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
dontNeed2Points | false |
dontNeedAsterisque | false |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form) {#2649 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" this: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType {#1302 …} } |
error_bubbling | true |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "This value is not valid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | null |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
legacy_error_messages | true |
mapped | false |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | false |
row_attr | [] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#2651 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" this: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension {#1423 …} use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#209 …} $translationDomain: "validators" $message: Closure() {#2648 …} } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Variables
Variable | Value |
action | "" |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
block_prefixes | [ "form" "hidden" "csrf_token" "_client__token" ] |
cache_key | "_client__token_hidden" |
compound | false |
data | "c4f7eeeb721dfe90dc.8QqMZyoAfGBAuLEWqC0F0oEcrAi8ENkTd_BZTiRnRiA.nW-6Lxg5SCct_P58_E5TpuRe4FzbfI4-H6csCXcCBUbEbtQEbmwrFCbw_A" |
disabled | false |
dontNeed2Points | false |
dontNeedAsterisque | false |
errors | Symfony\Component\Form\FormErrorIterator {#2661 -form: Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#2657 …} -errors: [] } |
form | Symfony\Component\Form\FormView {#2652 …5} |
full_name | "client[_token]" |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
id | "client__token" |
label | "client._token" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
method | "POST" |
multipart | false |
name | "_token" |
priority | 0 |
required | false |
row_attr | [] |
size | null |
submitted | false |
translation_domain | null |
unique_block_prefix | "_client__token" |
valid | true |
value | "c4f7eeeb721dfe90dc.8QqMZyoAfGBAuLEWqC0F0oEcrAi8ENkTd_BZTiRnRiA.nW-6Lxg5SCct_P58_E5TpuRe4FzbfI4-H6csCXcCBUbEbtQEbmwrFCbw_A" |